Welcome to The Official NeoGaf Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Thread!
This superb game is almost amongst us after all those years! The long wait is (almost) over! Yeah!!
Basic Information
Official Website
Playstation Portable Exclusive
US release date: 25th of March
PAL release date: 27th of June
Developer: Square-Enix
Publisher: Square-Enix
Genre: Action RPG
Boxart and
monkeylite said:

About the game From IGNs Preview:
From the Official Website:For those of you unfamiliar with the game, Crisis Core is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII, taking place approximately seven years before the events of the original title. Following the story of Zack Fair, Cloud's future friend, Crisis Core puts you in Zack's shoes as a member of SOLDIER, an elite military organization belonging to the Shinra Company. Unlike the original Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core is more of an episodic, mission-based action RPG where you'll only be controlling Zack as opposed to an entire party of characters. Although many fans may have wanted another taste of the classic PlayStation game, this prequel is obviously very different in terms of gameplay.
Seven years prior to the events of Final Fantasy VII
The Shinra Company is rapidly increasing its influence through its monopoly on mako energy and military might. With the burgeoning city of Midgar as its base and symbol of prosperity, Shinra is on the verge of establishing absolute dominance over the world.
SOLDIER is a group of skilled combat operatives within Shinra. The elite within the group -those strong enough to be deemed SOLDIER 1st Class- are respected and idolized by the citizenry.
Zack is a young SOLDIER 2nd Class who aspires to become a 1st. He spends his days carrying out assignments under the guidance of his 1st Class mentor, Angeal.
During an operation in Wutai, a large number of SOLDIER members, led by 1st Class operative Genesis, go missing. The severity of the situation prompts Shinra executives to deploy even more SOLDIER operatives in hopes of bringing an end to the war with Wutai -and conducting an investigation into the mass desertion. The ones assigned to the mission are Zack, Angeal, and the 1st Class hero who is known the world over as Sephiroth
Characters From IGNs Crisis Core Character Profiles and IGNs Crisis Core Character Profiles Revisited
Zack Fair
Age: 16 (first appearance) to 23
Hometown: Gongaga

The Cheerful Dreamer
Zack Fair is an aspiring member of Shinra's Soldier organization, ranking 2nd Class. Although somewhat reckless, his strength holds steadfast and he's more than willing to tackle any challenge before him. His dream is to enter the prestigious ranks of Soldier 1st Class, under the guidance of fellow Soldier and mentor Angeal Hewley. However, a mission in Wutai reveals Shinra's devious internal affairs and forces Zack to face a harsh reality.
Zack's "Hero"
Raised in Gongaga, a remote region nestled deeply within a jungle, Zack comes to Midgar wishing to walk the same path as his hero, the successful Soldier 1st Class, Sephiroth. But when Zack finally meets the icon that had given him such inspiration, his perception of Sephiroth begins to shift. Was this the kind of man Zack wanted to be?
Meeting Aerith
Zack has his fateful meeting with Aerith when he falls into the Sector 5 Slums church during a mission. A platonic relationship soon develops between the two of them, where they spend their time together simply and in peace. Such happiness seemed like it would last forever...
From Obscurity to Renown
The young Soldier matures greatly throughout his journey, and soon grows serious and more focused, though not by losing sight of his overarching dreams. In time, Zack becomes an ideal member of Soldier who receives a great deal of admiration from those around him.
Angeal Hewley
Age: Approximately 25
Hometown: Banora

Zack's Closest Friend and Revered Senior
Angeal Hewley is a respected Soldier 1st Class and is well known for his sense of responsibility and wisdom. Although Angeal is officially Zack's senior, he considers Zack to be a friend and equal, treating the young Soldier with kindness. Angeal's good nature is the reason that trust is sparked so easily between him and others -- even Sephiroth and Genesis are close to him, despite their usually distanced personas. Genesis is especially fond of Angeal, considering their shared hometown. Angeal's massive Buster Sword was a gift from his parents and now represents his sense of pride.
Pride and Poverty
Raised in a humble, countryside town, Angeal feels great pride in his upbringing. Despite the fact that his family was poor, Angeal found simple pleasures in life and was able to relate to his hard-working father. Though appearances are often times deceiving...
Tending to the Young Pup
Being the most caring and reasonable member of Soldier 1st Class, Angeal takes good care of his juniors. He was paired with Zack for an especially long time, providing a wealth of support for the stumbling dreamer. Due to Zack's wily and restless behavior, Angeal secretly refers to him as a "puppy."
Be Proud as Long as You Live
Angeal believes in pride above all else. His famous words have been deeply sewn into the hearts of eager young soldiers: "To live as a hero, to live as a soldier, to live as a man, you must never forget your pride."
Age: Approximately 25
Hometown: Nibelheim

A "Hero" Struggling Between Soldier and Friendships
Sephiroth is the mightiest soldier that Shinra Company has ever introduced to the world. Considered to be the best amidst the elite ranks of Soldier 1st Class, Sephiroth is hailed as a "hero," performing commendable exploits since boyhood. His status as a hero was widely recognized during the Wutai War. With an impeccable appearance and ability, many find him unapproachable.
The Only Companions
The emotional Genesis and serene Angeal -- these are the only true friends that Sephiroth has. The three soldiers are not only close but share a number of secrets surrounding their birth, secrets that even they do not know.
Respected and Adored
Sephiroth is known by all. Young soldiers look up to him for his strength while adults give him respect and trust. Shinra has always held him close, as he represents the power and prestige of the company. But when he parts ways with his best friends and discovers the truth of his origins, doubt begins to stir in his heart -- perhaps enough to make him strike against the company that fostered him.
The Secret of His Birth
Growing up in Shinra's Science Department, Sephiroth has no recollection of his parents or hometown. Jenova, his mother, passed away soon after she gave birth to him -- that is all he was ever told. Considering his lack of family, Sephiroth kept his focus trained on fighting, a focus that shook his feelings of isolation from him. Unfortunately, the knowledge he comes across may very well break his sanity.
Age: Approximately 25
Hometown: Banora

The Young Man Revolting Against the World
A Soldier 1st Class with his own philosophy of aesthetics, Genesis possesses powers on par with Sephiroth. Although he is tremendously popular due to his physical charm and opulent fighting style, Genesis dislikes the company of others and only opens up to fellow soldiers Angeal Hewley and Sephiroth. But one day, Genesis vanishes -- along with a squad of 2nd and 3rd Class Soldiers -- and has been opposing Shinra ever since.
Conflicting Sentiments
Initially, Genesis was inspired by Sephiroth, who had become an acclaimed hero through his great strength and skill. However, after Genesis' defection, he claims that he should have received the praise and admiration that was given to his former peer. Perhaps a quarrel began between the two long before their time with Soldier?
A Devotee of Loveless
Genesis' second visage is a scholar of the epic poem Loveless. Within the poem, three young men search for the "Gift of the Goddess," and Genesis wishes to uncover the truth behind this "gift." He hopes to not only decipher the meaning behind the verse but to answer his own life questions through comprehension of the poetry.
The Feigned Household
Angeal and Genesis grew up together in the village of Banora. While Angeal was raised by a poor family, Genesis was the son of the affluent landlord. Yet Genesis would later make a comment that those parents were not his own. What truth did he discover regarding the origin of his birth?
Cloud Strife
Age: 15 (first appearance) to 21
Hometown: Nibelheim

A Young Shinra Guard Aiming for SOLDIER
Cloud is a shy boy hailing from Nibelheim, where the first Mako reactor was constructed. Being a low-ranking guard, Cloud struggles with feelings of inferiority. His original intent was to join the prestigious ranks of SOLDIER, but he hasn't yet been qualified as a prospective candidate. While on a mission in the remote Modeohaim, Cloud crosses paths with Zack and the pair's mutually rural upbringing brings them close together. Cloud opens up to Zack's kindness and learns a great deal from him.
Promise With a Childhood Friend
Before leaving his hometown of Nibelheim to venture off to Midgar, Cloud promised his good friend Tifa that he would become a member of SOLDIER and protect her. Yet when he returns to Nibelheim during a mission, he hides his identity -- ashamed of his failure to achieve a higher rank.
Sephiroth: the Ideal Soldier
Cloud was one of the many boys to admire SOLDIER 1st Class Sephiroth. Feeling isolated in his remote home, Cloud considered himself a unique individual -- like his hero. Cloud aspired to be a similarly unique soldier, only to find that he wasn't qualified for the position. Now, he meets Zack...
Age: 16 (first appearance) to 22
Hometown: Icicle Inn

The Flower That Blossoms in Zack's Heart
A dainty girl who lives in the Fifth Avenue slums with her foster mother, Aerith appears pure and innocent. Yet underneath her calm, insightful air is a turbulent and emotional past. Being the last member of the sacred race of Ancients, Aerith has found herself at the center of negative attention. She loses her father to Shinra and is held captive at a mere twenty days old. At age seven, Aerith loses her biological mother. Aerith's positive attitude shows no sign of this tragic history nestled behind her pristine face. But destined to meet, Aerith and Zack become close companions.
First Love
After Zack falls through the church's ceiling, Aerith falls for him immediately and they start dating. Although they can only see each other periodically, their thoughts keep them close in spirit. Aerith, however, never e-mails Zack because she doesn't own a cell phone.
The Last Ancient in the World
Originally, Jenova was considered to be a member of the Ancients, but it is later discovered that it is a strange life form from space. Aerith's father, Dr. Gast, is an ordinary human, making Aerith only half-Ancient, but still the final descendent of the race. Although she doesn't posses the full blood of her people, she still holds great power: Aerith can listen to the stars and see the truth in things. These attributes make her a prime target for Shinra, which seeks the Promised Land.
Wealth in Flowers
Aerith is extremely fond of flowers, but rarely gets to see them bloom due to the upper plate blocking the sky. Zack recommends that they should grow and sell flowers together, so they can not only fill the slums with flowers but all of Midgar. This simple idea opens a door to an unexpected future for Aerith.
Age: 9 (first appearance)
Hometown: Wutai

A Daughter of Wutai
Yuffie is the daughter of Wutai's leader and an extremely charismatic young girl. She studies a regional type of martial arts known as "Ninjyutu," which adds to her bustling personality. With a strong sense of patriotism for a child, Yuffie often attempts to undermine Shinra after their invasion of her home. After "beating" Zack in combat, she continuously sends him emails hoping to acquire his help for treasure hunts.
The Turks

The Suited Shadows
While the majority of Shinra's military force is exerted through its security detail and the exploits of its elite SOLDIER members, covert operations and "special" assignments are carried out by the Turks: the vaporous tendrils of Shinra's executive branch. Highly skilled and professional in mission execution, the Turks are a mysterious force to be reckoned with.
Known Operatives
While the exact number of Turks operatives is unclear, Zack comes across Tseng, Reno and Rude during his missions with SOLDIER. Tseng, level-headed and cold, lets nothing interfere with his objectives. Reno's fiery temperament fails to betray his dedication and precise abilities, while Rude's collected stoicism balances out the team. The Turks accept only the best into their ranks.
A New Face

At the tender age of 16, Cissnei is the youngest member of the Turks currently recorded. She has no family but sported immense potential and was drafted into the organization at an early age. Despite her eager youth, she won't leave anyone in danger, but her training dictates that she must consider everyone around her a possible enemy. However, when she meets Zack during a mission, her exterior begins to soften and she slowly understands the importance of friendships.
Battle System From IGNs Preview:
The combat mechanics may feel very similar to Kingdom Hearts for those of you familiar with Square Enix's other renowned franchise. Moving Zack around is just a matter of using either the d-pad or the analog nub, but primary actions are activated via a small menu on the bottom right corner of the screen. Using the L and R triggers, you can scroll through attacks, spells and items and execute them with a press of the X button. You can also perform an evasive roll with Square and block with Triangle, and hitting Circle will reset the menu cursor to attack, making it easier to keep track of your commands.
This interface is simple and straightforward and it's worked for us well. What really separates this scheme from Kingdom Hearts is the amount of customization you can do to your command menu. Although Attack and Items will always be listed, you can set what materia you have equipped which subsequently show up on your screen. For example, give Zack Fire materia and "Fire" will show up on your menu, giving you the ability to toss a ball of flame towards your opponents.
Few RPGs are without a "catch," and that catch here is the DMW, or Digital Mind Wave. This aspect of the battle system definitely adds not only a sense of depth but also an element of chance to your fights. The DMW is like a three-reeled slot machine in the corner of your HUD, with each reel containing a set of pictures and numbers 1 through 7. The reels are constantly spinning during battle, and each spin costs a small amount of SP (which is gained from defeating enemies). The pictures -- usually a character's portrait -- are independent of the numbers and they do different things.
Throughout the battle, scoring particular combinations of "7" in the three reels will result in Zack getting a temporary boost of power. These boosts include free spell casting, invulnerability to either physical or magical attacks and even plain invincibility. Technically speaking, you have no control over what number combination you get, so while the DMW can never hurt you, it makes battles more exciting and can often squeeze you out of a pinch.
That, however, is just in regards to the numbers. The images on the reels are perhaps even more important. Throughout Crisis Core, you'll collect the portrait of important characters you meet along the way, like Angeal and Sephiroth. If the left and right image reels match during a battle, you'll enter a Limit Verge, which resets and then enlarges the DMW to prominence on the screen. This next spin is crucial, because if you match all three character portraits on this second spin, Zack will perform the corresponding Limit Break which can cause devastating damage and status effects. At the same time, matching up the numbers will cause Zack or his equipment to level up. Getting all 7s will cause Zack to rise in level, whereas getting at least two of any other number will level up the materia equipped to that slot. It's an entertaining system and it works well.
Summons From IGNs The Returning Summons

The brave little dancer Moogle calls upon his incredible Moogle Power and raises the level of Zack's materia permanently, which can be quite handy for players focusing on magic.

As for Chocobo, he'll be using an attack called Chocobo Stomp, which has him and Zack leap up and slam down on the enemy. These attacks aren't as vicious as some of the other summons, but Moogle and Chocobo aren't overly vicious themselves

This horned demon has been bending the power of fire to his will for years, and he'll make a blistering return in Crisis Core. Ferocious and strong, Ifrit will assist Zack by executing a fiery attack on his enemies. Using his now iconic Hellfire technique, Ifrit will send a smoldering wave of flames over the battlefield with devastating results.

Named after the chief, one-eyed God in Norse mythology, Odin appears in the Final Fantasy series as a mysterious armored knight mounted on a many-legged horse. Wielding a powerful sword and tremendous, almost poetic strength, Odin often dispatches his opponents in a single strike. This still holds true for his embodiment in Crisis Core -- when Zack calls upon Odin, his Zantetsuken attack will instantly defeat his foes and turn the battle in Zack's favor.

Clearly a fan favorite in the Final Fantasy series, Bahamut is another summon named after a creature in Arabian mythology, but is typically represented in the franchise as the veritable king of dragons. In Crisis Core, Bahamut makes a mighty return and makes use of his cataclysmic Megaflare attack. Taking to the sky and gathering massive amounts of energy through his wings, Bahamut unleashes a blast of explosive proportions and demolishes Zack's enemies below.
Gametrailers Preview
Gametrailers Episode 1: Zack & Angeal
Gametrailers Episode 2: Genesis & Sephiroth
Gametrailers Battle System Gameplay
Gametrailers Battle System Gameplay 2
Gametrailers Battle System Gameplay 3
Gametrailers Battle System Gameplay 4
Screenshots From RPGamer

IGN Review 8.5
Gaming Age Review A-And that's that. Issues aside, Crisis Core is a great PSP game -- no question. It honors Final Fantasy VII's legacy. Even the game's music, while not composed by Nobuo Uematsu, is charming and fits the overall style of the world (though some of Uematsu's pieces do make a return and to absolutely stunning effect). I was sincerely moved by certain portions of the title and I suspect many others will feel the same. I wouldn't dream of spoiling anything for eager players, but I will say that Crisis Core's ending moments are a must see. I'd go so far as to call them brilliant.
The power and emotion of the game is heightened by the raw inevitability of Zack's fate, which is fully explored in the original. I really enjoyed my time with this title, despite the gameplay problems, and I think this is yet another fantastic reason to own a PSP. Enjoy it.
Gamespy Review 4/5So outside of my issues with the DMW system, and some minor things like the unskippable animations for limit breaks, Crisis Core stands out as not only a fantastic Final Fantasy title, but one of the best games on the PSP to date. That's saying something in light in the pretty stellar year the system saw in '07, so hopefully you system owners out there will take my word for it and pick this one up. Great action in small bursts, and a fairly level headed storyline that won't leave you scratching your head. Even if your memory of Final Fantasy VII isn't as fond as others, Crisis Core still manages to be a fantastic game worthy of your attention
SourcesFinal Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is well worth playing for series fans and newcomers alike. It succeeds on its own merits while also serving as a powerful tribute to one of modern gaming's most beloved adventures
Crisis Core Official Website
Sephiroth kicks ass