duckroll said:Buy RE5 PS3 -> Put RE5 into into PS3 -> Start game -> Prompted for Patch 1.01 -> Http Error 400.
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Can't play without it?
duckroll said:Buy RE5 PS3 -> Put RE5 into into PS3 -> Start game -> Prompted for Patch 1.01 -> Http Error 400.
:lol :lol :lol :lol
ezekial45 said:Can't play without it?
duckroll said:Buy RE5 PS3 -> Put RE5 into into PS3 -> Start game -> Prompted for Patch 1.01 -> Http Error 400.
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Andrex said:Person from the livestream really, really sucks.
Metroidvania said:Wow, ditto on the livestream dude.
Any idea on how the 360 bundles are pre-ordering? I've been tempted between this and an arcade for my replacement 360, but 400 is pushing it a bit for my budget...
Oh, and I'm calling this end-game scenario right now...
Rise from the grave-Jill throws the rocket launcher
Andrex said:Person from the livestream really, really sucks.
S1kkZ said:about one unlockable:
looks like mercenaries will only have offline (splitscreen) co-op.
KeeSomething said:Oh my god... this guy is freakin' terrible. Come on! You're on the final boss! Stop being stupid, and let me watch the ending![/QUOTE]
stop sucking and show the ending dammit aaaargh i dont have all day
Ridley327 said:Although I certainly won't defend his skills or the lack thereof, thedoes appear to be vague as hell and really seems very slapped-together at the last minute. I can see why reviewers kept pegging this as a low fight with Wesker
At least some act of mercy has halted the stream; it was getting really embarrassing for all those involved.
rockman zx said:OMG, Order shipped, I love Play-Asia. They have the asian and the japanese game available now, but they didn't update the region compatibility yet.
Edit: Checked again and they shipped my game yesterday.
Nemesis556 said:Regarding unlockabls (and purely speculative, but spoilering just in case)
Is there more than mercs mode, costumes and weapons unlocked after the game?
A simple yes or no, please. =)
EDIT: Mine still hasn't shipped - have I missed out on first allocation? I ordered more than two months ago =(
duckroll said:Beat Chapter 1-1, S rank. Then I read the entire history of RE that's in the options menu. Will play more later. It's definitely better than the demo, but I'll still prefer to play this via co-op. It's a little hard since I can't even get online with it right now because of the patch "problem", but I'm sure that'll sort itself out once the game is officially out tomorrow. :lol
Anticipation increase x 1000000rumsey said:
Nemesis556 said:Anticipation increase x 1000000
Thanks for the vague answer, just what I wanted =D
cvxfreak said:"Entire History"?
Does it reference side stories like Outbreak and Gun Survivor?
Wait, what? :lolrumsey said:Wait, maybe I misinterpreted you. In which case, no.
duckroll said:Nope. It's a chronological history from the 60s up to the end of RE4. It includes years and months for most events, and covers the original of Umbrella up till Leon gets away with Ashley. Storywise it covers RE0-4, CV and UC.
Update: When I try starting the game with my US PSN account signed in, it detects a horrifying patch for version 0.00! :lol
I bet this is Capcom's way to locking down online in all regions until their actual release dates. I'll find out tomorrow!
Nemesis556 said:Wait, what? :lol
Ahh well, 2-3 days max now.
bigswords said:Just a quick question is the RE5 co-op region free?
Edit: Sorry I meant the PS3 version.
duckroll said:You can't get online with the game at all right now, so I don't think anyone can answer that. It should be though. Right now if you try to start the game while signed in, it detects a patch for version 1.01 but when it actually tries to download the patch there's a Http 400 error.
rumsey said:Yeah and from what I'm hearing there is still no sign of local co-op in the 360 version, though the source tells me they haven't completed the game yet so maybe its an unlock? sounds pretty f'ing retarded to me, enough to make me pick it up for my PS3 instead.
Defuser said:Why is Singapore MDA is able to approve Re5 so fast whereas it's taking more than a week to approve Demon Soul?Are they so weaksauce in gaming?
LaneDS said:Can someone explain this no local co-op statement?
Baloonatic said:It doesn't make any sense whatsoever for them to have removed it from the 360 version or make it so that you have to unlock it if you don't have to in the PS3 version.
john tv said:Yum!
2real4tv said:I never checked but didn't the 360 demo have local co-op?
john tv said: