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Sectus said:
Chapter 1 is the shortest chapter in the entire game. The game is shorter than RE4 overall, but not by much.
I would hope that's the case Chapter 1 is really short.
And the Island (RE4) has a rather action-filled start but once you get inside it's probably the scariest area in the game.
Eh it was ok as a whole outside of the beginning with the "army Ganados" and the music. I just felt it was a dropoff after all the crap you did with Ashley in the Castle.
So I finally managed to find a guy to co-op with (just bought it 2 weeks ago). We finished the very short Chapter 1, but it was an ordeal. He's up to Chapter 3 but he must have done 1 run-through, I knew alot of where the stuff was that he forgot about, not to mention he died 3 times... he gets in so much trouble I wound up with the A Friend In Need trophy. That and he ran through ammo like it was water since he feels you get a ton of it in the game.

So long story short we face the
DeChant/Ooze thing
at the end of 1-2. Instead of
using the incinerator, we decide to try and off it for the treasure drop. We use both canisters, then pour ammo into the weak areas and grenade/shotgun it down. However he gets bloodlust and forgets to space out incendiaries, using them all at once instead of when creature is weakened. As a result we run out of ammo around the 4th time he's weakened, and have to try and hit weak points with our knives. As we're slowly dying covered with the black ooze, boom cutscene, creature dies, and we've like "WTF no we didn't off it with our knives!" We both had mics so we were laughing our asses off, that Gold Ring was soooo worth it! We saved for the night and will pick if up later in the week.


I'm a little LTTP, but I finally finished this game yesterday.

The last two chapters felt much like a dumbed down MGS4 (without the stealth or weapon tweeking). Not to mention, it was an odd feeling
taking down Wesker.

It didn't feel at all like an RE game. No one throwing you a rocket launcher (you had to get it yourself). And after I finished, I really wanted to play REmake with the RE4 & 5 controls (with the added horror and suspense) because this one just didn't do it for me as a continuation of "survival horror" franchise. Decent action game though.
Epcott said:
I really wanted to play REmake with the RE4 & 5 controls (with the added horror and suspense) because this one just didn't do it for me as a continuation of "survival horror" franchise.

Oddly enough, I want the same exact thing, though instead of RE5, I'm playing through REmake. That game is amazing. I can only fault it for the controls and cumbersome gunplay.

C'mon, Capcom. Remake REmake with RE4 camera and aiming controls. Release it on the Wii. You know you want to...
So glad this thread is back, because while on holiday for the week I played my copy of RE5 (long overdue!)

At first when playing the game back when I brought it I was thrown off due to having a constant partner, in nearly every RE game I play I love to horde ammo, work out when and where to use it and keep power items until later in the game while slowly exploring the game, While having a partner I felt unconformable with it and shiva always shooting her gun and requesting ammo was a bit annoying, so the game was sat to one side after chater 1-2 for a while.

While on holiday however my cousin who brought himself a 2nd 360 (the RE5 red CE model) became my partner and we played through the game from the very start on vetran, I had a BLAST and loved every moment, it was just like RE4 to me and we would work out what ammo to split and who used what type of gun mostly through the game, I would stick to pistols, shotguns and the odd rifle and my cousin used MG, rifle and magnums etc.

I found the story very much as I expected, some mutations and wesker playing about is cool in my books. I still prefer the old games with slow zombies, lack of ammo and umbrella causing the fuss but after playing RE4 and loving it for what it was, RE5 is also in my good books.

We replayed the game on pro and completed that mode also, then we brought a lot of the bonus goodies like unlimited magnum, the unlockable guns in the shop and continued through mercs to unlock all stages and characters. Upon coming home from holiday one of the first things I did was buy the multiplayer DLC and so far been playing that online now and again, but there is one main thing which annoys me about versus...

FUCKING STARS WESKER, overpowered whore :lol I personally prefer stars Chris and becoming quite good with magnum control at long range, caught a few people off guard with that thing for some easy kills. I will continue to play versus for a long time as it's real fun when you join up with a friend and work on getting a good combo in team slayers.

So, the game is great but single player I think I will not touch the main story much, mercs is great but now that I own versus it's one of the only modes I will play unless with a friend for the story mode, saying that I still have a few more gems to find for that achievement as well as upgrading my weapons.


Well, I don't play at any specific hours but usually you will find me online in the evenings or late at night. From 6pm onwards (GMT), it would be a good time for me.

Add me on PSN if you want -> DarkUsS88.
How fun is playing Professional with a clean inventory? I know that you barely get any ammo, but the gold you pick up is double (and there is lots of it), so...I guess every shot would count. D= (and the stun rod would get some use, if you wanted to even risk getting that close to an enemy =p)


Just started playing this last night. I'm not the biggest Resi fan (Played the first, didn't finish it, completed Resi 4 on the GameCube) so I'm not going to get into the no doubt already heavily discussed controls (I left it at default style D).

I'm only through to the end of chapter 1-2 (Not long after killing the...
thing in the furnace
). I'm really impressed with how this looks (Kind of wish I'd waited to start it now as I have a new Pioneer plasma due in the coming weeks) and I like the way the cut scenes are directed.

I'm a UK based PSN'er. Don't usually do co-op, but I can see this getting annoying at some point so feel free to add me - I have my game set to invite only (PSN: Number45).


After a long stop I played this online again recently. I was winning with quite a big margin in Slayers (about 3:1 to the #2 guy). About 5 seconds before the end of the match the host quit. I mean, come on, you even get points for coming in last. Is this a regular occurence now or what?

After that match I went back to playing Mercenaries, but I really want some new characters to play with.
You know i've always been surprised by the hate this game gets... i absolutely loved it from start to finish

it looks stunning throughout - MT Framework puts out beautiful images... plays well... sound good, has super-long legs if you try and unlock stuff.

Sure, i get the whole argument that it's resi 4.5... but that's a bit like saying the jump from SD to 1080p is 'just a few pixels'.

And whatever your persuasion, Chris and Sheva have you well covered for eye candy :D


NinjaFusion said:
And whatever your persuasion, Chris and Sheva have you well covered for eye candy :D
There was a cut scene last night where Chris' arms looked WAY too big, unfortunately I didn't have a camera handy. Sheva seems like a cool enough character so far though, although she's a bit eager with the barrel/box breaking! :lol

I'm letting her take all of the pistol ammo at the moment, I'm using the MG/SG combo.
No45 said:
There was a cut scene last night where Chris' arms looked WAY too big, unfortunately I didn't have a camera handy. Sheva seems like a cool enough character so far though, although she's a bit eager with the barrel/box breaking! :lol

I'm letting her take all of the pistol ammo at the moment, I'm using the MG/SG combo.

LOL... those arms are clearly one of the best things about resi 5. Buff > not Buff.


The best moment in RE5 for me was actually when I noticed that my HP laptop was featured in the game (early on in one of the cutsceenes you can see Irving checking the camera feed with a laptop that looks exactly like mine down to the smallest detail). I dont know why it amused me so much but it did.
Also its a great game which I didnt at all expect to enjoy as much as I did.
Jinjo said:
After a long stop I played this online again recently. I was winning with quite a big margin in Slayers (about 3:1 to the #2 guy). About 5 seconds before the end of the match the host quit. I mean, come on, you even get points for coming in last. Is this a regular occurence now or what?

After that match I went back to playing Mercenaries, but I really want some new characters to play with.
You can unlock Merc characters without playing or even owning versus, just score 40k on each map (or 80k if playing 2p)


Diablohead said:
You can unlock Merc characters without playing or even owning versus, just score 40k on each map (or 80k if playing 2p)

I know that, I meant I want totally new (DLC) characters.


I recently finished the game and I liked it a lot, but it was probably the LEAST scary game I've played. Even Resistance 2 felt more creepy than this game. Dead Space is a much better game overall.


-viper- said:
I recently finished the game and I liked it a lot, but it was probably the LEAST scary game I've played. Even Resistance 2 felt more creepy than this game. Dead Space is a much better game overall.

The game was more action then a horror game which is pretty lame, there really wasn't a single time I was startled or scared to advance.


-viper- said:
I recently finished the game and I liked it a lot, but it was probably the LEAST scary game I've played. Even Resistance 2 felt more creepy than this game. Dead Space is a much better game overall.

Yeah, I have recently finished it too.
I think RE5 it's a great game, fantastic action game (even with the control issues), but as a RE series game, I think it's the worst.
I've just completed it for the first time and I'm glad to say I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. After playing the demo and hearing a lot of the negative impressions I was put off until now, despite Resi 4 being one of my favourite games of all-time (and the only game in the series I've been able to tolerate, for the record).

My main concern, Sheva, turned out to be much less of a hassle than I had experienced within the demo. She blew through far too much ammo, healed us too often and got herself killed when there was an easy escape nearby, but over the nine or so hours it took me to complete the game it only truly annoyed me a handful of times. Having her there to revive me at the times I was caught off-guard was certainly a nice way to balance out the hassle she caused, and ultimately she was no worse than babysitting Ashley was. I realise this was partly my fault by relying on the A.I., but I'm the kinda guy who likes to go through a game solo before I experience it with a friend of a randomer on Live.

I also found it difficult to get to grips with the control scheme after so long in the demo, but by the end of the first hour I was doing 180 turns and nailing headshots with ease once again. I only wish there were less cover mechanics in the later moments of the game, as they seemed out of place and not very responsive. The fact you couldn't even move across a wall you were taking cover on really annoyed me. It seems like a stupid thing to do in a post-Gears world and drew attention to how little the gameplay had evolved.

The first two chapters are the best of the game, I feel, as after that it really loses the Africa vibe. I know every Resident Evil game eventually reaches a high-tech underground lab, but I was really enjoying the shanty town and barbaric tribes. My favourite moment was probably in the first minute when I was walking among the citizens and had them stop and stare at me as I go by; there was a tremendous atmosphere.

The one thing that bored me were the boss fights. Running around a confined space, looking for weak spots and memorising a pattern is so antiquated in this day and age. I'm not fond of the way QTEs were intergrated into many of them, either. When I was battling the
huge mutant in chapter 5 on the lift,
I kept trying to manually throw the grenades, before I accidently ran by one time and saw the prompt to hit 'X' come up. There was no indication whatsoever that I had to do that and it wasted a good five minutes and countless bullets.

Overall, it was really just taking what made 4 so amazing and replicating it. There were no real 'holy shit' moments as there were all too familiar, but they still got my blood pumping and lead to some insanely tense moments.

I'm glad that the game has so many unlockables as the idea of running through the game with a magnum that has infinite ammo is extremely appealing to me now. :D
Finally getting round to playing through this and it's a lot better than I'd anticipated.

Quick question:

I'm playing the XBox 360 version at 1080i on a 1080p TV and I'm getting an unbelievable amount of screen tearing. Moreso than I think I've ever experienced in a current gen game.

Is this just me or is it a known issue? Any solutions?


LabouredSubterfuge said:
Finally getting round to playing through this and it's a lot better than I'd anticipated.

Quick question:

I'm playing the XBox 360 version at 1080i on a 1080p TV and I'm getting an unbelievable amount of screen tearing. Moreso than I think I've ever experienced in a current gen game.

Is this just me or is it a known issue? Any solutions?

It's a know issue. Setting the resolution on your 360 to 720p should resolve the screen-tearing.
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Finally getting round to playing through this and it's a lot better than I'd anticipated.

Quick question:

I'm playing the XBox 360 version at 1080i on a 1080p TV and I'm getting an unbelievable amount of screen tearing. More so than I think I've ever experienced in a current gen game.

Is this just me or is it a known issue? Any solutions?
I don't own the 360 version, but I hear it works better if you put it in 720p mode. See how that goes :x

Also, it's really cool that the PC version will have 3 times as many enemies. I mean, remember the 2007 trailer and how big the hordes of enemies were? Hopefully this will give the game a better sense of oppression and panic.

What we were promised:

What we got:

What we're getting(unless if they're just screwing with us again):

Unfortunately, I don't have a very good gaming PC and don't plan buying one just to play RE5 again =(


This game WAS developed on the PC first, so that kinda explains the larger amount of enemies in the early trailers. >_>
Nemesis556 said:
This game WAS developed on the PC first, so that kinda explains the larger amount of enemies in the early trailers. >_>
Developed on a PC, but not necessarily developed for PC :p

Either way they lied =(
How About No said:
I don't own the 360 version, but I hear it works better if you put it in 720p mode. See how that goes :x

Also, it's really cool that the PC version will have 3 times as many enemies. I mean, remember the 2007 trailer and how big the hordes of enemies were? Hopefully this will give the game a better sense of oppression and panic.

What we were promised:

Unfortunately, I don't have a very good gaming PC and don't plan buying one just to play RE5 again =(
I believe this was before Capcom decided to add co-op.
The screens in this thread have reminded me that RE5 is basically one of the best looking games yet this generation.


A question - to get the S rank unlocks, do you have to get an S all on te same difficulty... i.e. all S on normal? I currently have a few levels with S on normal, a few with S on veteran and a couple with 'just' A's... do i need to go back and get an S all on the same mode... or can i spam the missing levels on easy?


NinjaFusion said:
The screens in this thread have reminded me that RE5 is basically one of the best looking games yet this generation.


A question - to get the S rank unlocks, do you have to get an S all on te same difficulty... i.e. all S on normal? I currently have a few levels with S on normal, a few with S on veteran and a couple with 'just' A's... do i need to go back and get an S all on the same mode... or can i spam the missing levels on easy?
It doesn't matter which mode, you can just play the other missions on easy.
I really wonder how the original idea of RE 5 would have worked out. I remember early previews of the game stated that sunlight would make Chris "Trip out" and cool stuff like that. Seemed more RE 4 and less Gears of War.

Good game, I enjoyed it alot but RE 4 is better in every way besides the Mercs mode which is the best part about this game.

Also I was kinda disapointed with the lame villians in the game. I felt like they were just "There" and had zero meaning to the story and they were way undeveloped which is strange coming off RE4. I like how in RE4 you couldnt wait to fight Mendez, Salazzar, Krauser etc.


Just finished the game on PS3. I hate what they did with Wesker's character. I guess I just hate the fact that
He Died, ad as a Grotesque monster at that

Oh well....here's hoping for like a directors cut or something
Sorry if this was brought before, but earlier today I saw this Paz Vega picture from an Elton John gala in February 2008. Excella was revealed in Famitsu at the end of 2008. I have to wonder whether the Capcom artists were inspired by her for Excella's appearance:


That very same night she was also wearing a similar purse to Excella's as well. Slightly NSFW pic here.

Is this "videogame facts that blow your mind" thread worthy? :p


I suck at games. Beat the
bat/bug boss in chapter 2-2. I was finding it a real struggle, until I realised that the mines in the huts were items I could use rather than traps the game had laid for me. :lol It got a lot easier once I realised that. :p

A few questions though:
  1. Is it not possible to continue from a checkpoint? I saved the night before last at the run up to one-eyed chainsaw man, but when I started the game last night I had to restart from the beginning of that chapter?
  2. Is there any way you can combine items between yours and Shevas inventory? Would be great to be able to combine herbs from both (And I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, as long as we're close) when clearing space. Does discard drop an item or does it effectively trash it? I love managing inventory (How sad), so this isn't a problem, just want to make sure I'm doing it to maximum effect.
  3. I'm sure I've heard loads of comments saying that ammo is plentiful in this game, yet I'm often finding myself very low (I'm not complaining) - do I just suck at this game? I don't currently carry a handgun (Sheva has one and gets all the ammo for that), I carry an upgraded Ithaca SG, stock H&K MP5 (Waiting for a better MG) and the S75 rifle (Which is awesome, currently upgrading this). Should I be using melee more, I tend to work from range where I can?

I'm really enjoying it though. The section in the mine was quite intense with Sheva holding the lantern and me trying to conserve ammo.


No45 said:
I suck at games. Beat the
bat/bug boss in chapter 2-2. I was finding it a real struggle, until I realised that the mines in the huts were items I could use rather than traps the game had laid for me. :lol It got a lot easier once I realised that. :p

A few questions though:
  1. Is it not possible to continue from a checkpoint? I saved the night before last at the run up to one-eyed chainsaw man, but when I started the game last night I had to restart from the beginning of that chapter?
  2. Is there any way you can combine items between yours and Shevas inventory? Would be great to be able to combine herbs from both (And I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, as long as we're close) when clearing space. Does discard drop an item or does it effectively trash it? I love managing inventory (How sad), so this isn't a problem, just want to make sure I'm doing it to maximum effect.
  3. I'm sure I've heard loads of comments saying that ammo is plentiful in this game, yet I'm often finding myself very low (I'm not complaining) - do I just suck at this game? I don't currently carry a handgun (Sheva has one and gets all the ammo for that), I carry an upgraded Ithaca SG, stock H&K MP5 (Waiting for a better MG) and the S75 rifle (Which is awesome, currently upgrading this). Should I be using melee more, I tend to work from range where I can?

I'm really enjoying it though. The section in the mine was quite intense with Sheva holding the lantern and me trying to conserve ammo.

1- No, you can only continue from the points where the game saves (appears "Saving" in the upper west corner). The check points only allow you to continue when you die playing.
2- No, you have to ask Sheva for this items you wanna combine. Yeah, Sheva is very estupid to think that for herself...
3- Don't worry about the ammo, the game it's plenty of this. If you have a short amount of ammo (no matter the type) you will find in the boxes, barrels and corpses. The same for the herbs, if you have lower vitality, you'll find sooner one green herb in one corpse.
You can use the melee attack, but seriously, it's far for being necesary.

One thing more... I you are planning to kill Sheva and keep going for yourself, it's useless. Sheva acts like a possessive girlfriend, always following you and doing not so much for you... :lol
Philanthropist said:
Sorry if this was brought before, but earlier today I saw this Paz Vega picture from an Elton John gala in February 2008. Excella was revealed in Famitsu at the end of 2008. I have to wonder whether the Capcom artists were inspired by her for Excella's appearance:


That very same night she was also wearing a similar purse to Excella's as well. Slightly NSFW pic here.

Is this "videogame facts that blow your mind" thread worthy? :p
Of course! Because, you know, the Japanese always draw their inspiration from unknown Western actresses.


Hydrargyrus said:
One thing more... I you are planning to kill Sheva and keep going for yourself, it's useless. Sheva acts like a possessive girlfriend, always following you and doing not so much for you... :lol
If nothing else I find her voice strangely alluring, so I'm happy for her to stick around. =D

I also love the little sound bytes when you swap items. Every time Chris says, "Gimme an 'erb" I chuckle - I don't know what it is about pronouncing herb without the "H" that gets me (I'm British).
Prime Blue said:
Of course! Because, you know, the Japanese always draw their inspiration from unknown Western actresses.

Wow, what a great comment. I'm sure you also know that Vamp from MGS series was inspired by Spanish gypsy dancer Joaquín Cortés, who I'm sure is a lot more known than her! It's totally impossible that Japanese artists ever pay attention to less known faces, they always model their characters after the Oscars stars, right? Or they most likely never, ever inspire themselves from real people, it's all from scratch, right? :-|
No45 said:
If nothing else I find her voice strangely alluring, so I'm happy for her to stick around. =D

I also love the little sound bytes when you swap items. Every time Chris says, "Gimme an 'erb" I chuckle - I don't know what it is about pronouncing herb without the "H" that gets me (I'm British).

And I laugh every time Sheva pronounces the "h" (I'm American).


I'm sure this has been answered somewhere in the thread, but if I host a professional game and have a friend join who has only beaten it on normal, will he a.) be able to join and b.) get credit for beating it on professional?
Frester said:
I'm sure this has been answered somewhere in the thread, but if I host a professional game and have a friend join who has only beaten it on normal, will he a.) be able to join and b.) get credit for beating it on professional?

IIRC you can only get the ranking if you beat the chapter from start to finish. You can't skip any portion. You can save and quit but you must continue from where you left off.
Philanthropist said:
Wow, what a great comment. I'm sure you also know that Vamp from MGS series was inspired by Spanish gypsy dancer Joaquín Cortés, who I'm sure is a lot more known than her! It's totally impossible that Japanese artists ever pay attention to less known faces, they always model their characters after the Oscars stars, right? Or they most likely never, ever inspire themselves from real people, it's all from scratch, right? :-|
You read sarcasm into my post where there was none intended. I mean: Look at the pictures you posted! It's basically the same appearance, right down to the dress and the similar purses you noted earlier! Seeing how Paz Vega was the first woman on earth to have an updo and a dress with a deep neckline, I can definitely see Excella being modeled after her. Send it to IGN, I'm sure they'll make it a frontpage story.


Davey Cakes

Jeff Stephen said:
I believe this was before Capcom decided to add co-op.
And, in my opinion, that was one of the worst decisions they could've made.

I can only begin to imagine the things that had to be sacrificed in order for Capcom to make the game co-op friendly.


Philanthropist said:
Sorry if this was brought before, but earlier today I saw this Paz Vega picture from an Elton John gala in February 2008. Excella was revealed in Famitsu at the end of 2008. I have to wonder whether the Capcom artists were inspired by her for Excella's appearance:


That very same night she was also wearing a similar purse to Excella's as well. Slightly NSFW pic here.

Is this "videogame facts that blow your mind" thread worthy? :p

whoa, nice find. now we know who can play her in the RE5 movie, lol.

thanks for letting me know, i googled some pics of her and she's hawt :D
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