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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
qcf x2 said:
3. The way I use it most often is with cross up lk, a few standing jabs, lk, fierce srk. It's very hit confirmable. Does shit damage, not really that much stun but...it's very hit confirmable and it looks flashy, so I use it a lot.

Haha, I do the same usually with Sakura, but I'll usually do cross up lk into crouching jabs then light srk so I can link it into medium srk. Does less damage, but it looks flashy juggling from one srk to another.

I do actually sometimes spam srk to get up and away from a cross up attempt but yeah it gets punished bad if your opponent is any good.


qcf x2 said:
3. The way I use it most often is with cross up lk, a few standing jabs, lk, fierce srk. It's very hit confirmable. Does shit damage, not really that much stun but...it's very hit confirmable and it looks flashy, so I use it a lot.

I am using the standing jabs -> c.mk -> fierce DP a lot more lately. I really need to get a stick here soon because having fp on a trigger is pretty lame.

One other question, is it actually easier link wise to use c.lk rather than c.fp in the c.mk -> light tatsu -> c.lk/c.fp -> EX tatsu combo? It seems a little easier to link for me but I can't tell if it's just because lk is on a much easier to hit button on this 360 pad. :lol

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
UC1 said:
MediaCoder is pretty good for that. Check youtube's recommended settings tho or it can come out a bit blurry.

Nice, thanks for the recommendation. Compressing videos one-by-one with Visualdub got pretty old pretty fast.

haunts said:
Woop woop! just got new internet...expect haunts vs the world part 2 very soon.


Neato. I'll be there with bells on. Whatever having bells on when going somewhere implies.

qcf x2

Wallach said:
I am using the standing jabs -> c.mk -> fierce DP a lot more lately. I really need to get a stick here soon because having fp on a trigger is pretty lame.

One other question, is it actually easier link wise to use c.lk rather than c.fp in the c.mk -> light tatsu -> c.lk/c.fp -> EX tatsu combo? It seems a little easier to link for me but I can't tell if it's just because lk is on a much easier to hit button on this 360 pad. :lol

Does cr.Fp even link directly after the light tatsu? I would think it's too slow... I always use standing lk --> EX tatsu, which I usually fuck up anyway. Not that I care that much, the damage difference isn't much.


qcf x2 said:
Does cr.Fp even link directly after the light tatsu? I would think it's too slow... I always use standing lk --> EX tatsu, which I usually fuck up anyway. Not that I care that much, the damage difference isn't much.

Yeah, it definitely does, but it's gotta be something like a 1 or 2 frame because it sucks ass online, especially since there's not much plinking when fp is a stupid trigger. I've been using c.lk in the meantime just because it's gotta be like 20% for me to hit that c.fp online (and probably only 40-50% offline).


Mrs. Harvey
Nose Master said:
Ugh, been getting so many rage quitters in the semi's lately. Driving me nuts cause I've actually been playing decently against generic shotos :lol

And yeah, Blanka players are all the same. And 90% of them (online) are fucking terrible, it's just hard to punish them with a lot of characters if you don't know exactly what to do and when. They all wake up ball, random ultra, spam balls fullscreen all day, shitty crossup to short electricity, river run randomly, etc. And despite them playing like it's their first day, I lose to them half the time.

It's funny how timely this is mentioned. I recently came across one of these Blankas. All he did was basically turtle and tried to time grabs mixed with river runs and balls.

First game I beat him really bad. He probably only took off 10% of my health in both rounds.
Second game, I decided to just use him as training mode for combos not really taking it serious at this point. He got me down to little health in the final round. I decided to rush him down and I got him down lower than me in health. There was something like 11 secs left so I gave him a taste of his own medicine running away doing stupid stuff. He tries to be slick and does an EX ball between my dozens of air tatsus I was doing. I killed him by doing a psychic MK jump kick. He ragequit and proceeded to blame it on lag and insult me at the same time. :D



Everything is moe to me
qcf x2 said:
2. After dizzy/crumple in a combo if you aren't comfortable with doing a cr.Fp into lk tatsu, followed by lk and something else. Or if you don't have EX meter.

3. The way I use it most often is with cross up lk, a few standing jabs, lk, fierce srk. It's very hit confirmable. Does shit damage, not really that much stun but...it's very hit confirmable and it looks flashy, so I use it a lot.
no, no, no, no, NO.

bad knockdown is bad!
Ugh, I can't win with some XBL players. In 9/10 lobbies, if I start out not sandbagging, they kick after one round. If I sandbag hard, they kick after one round. Every now and then though I get someone who actually doesn't mind win or lose. And G3 is empty, I can't even attempt to grind :lol I guess I missed the boat by a lot. Been having to turn to PSN for matches sometimes but there's not as large a player base as there used to be, it seems.

BTW, does GAF have any awesome Rufus's on either console? I need to learn how to fight against that bastard.


BotoxAgent said:
man, he sucks

and he just confirmed my belief that an online blanka, no matter how crappy, can get pretty far in the charts

Agree....i saw that video and im no amazing Chun-Li player but im no slouch either and he looks predictable as hell.

It also seems the PC lobbies are dead.....cant wait for SSF4 so there is a huge pool of players again.

qcf x2

Wallach said:
Yeah, it definitely does, but it's gotta be something like a 1 or 2 frame because it sucks ass online, especially since there's not much plinking when fp is a stupid trigger. I've been using c.lk in the meantime just because it's gotta be like 20% for me to hit that c.fp online (and probably only 40-50% offline).

I just did it in practice mode, cr MK-->lk tatsu, cr FP --> EX tatsu into Ultra. That actually does less damage (by a measly 5 pts) than cr.Lp, cr.Fp -->lk tatsu, lk -->EX tatsu into Ultra, which is probably a little safer. That said, the first option actually is an easier link IMO. I think I'm gonna go ahead and incorporate that. :D

bad knockdown is bad!

Actually, I don't really fear knockdowns with her. I'm pretty confident in my crossup lk range. But that said, I don't go the entire match looking for chances to use her SRK... I was basically just pointing out what I find to be the safest time to use it.


Bacon of Hope
AZ Greg said:
GGs Haunts.

i hate you. HAHA.

i got new internet today, we will have to play again!! if i end up winning this time ill blame my old DSL for getting owned. :lol

black_vegeta said:
Is it like the GodLike connection your friend has?

Not that gdlk but i think it will work... only one way to find out!

It may turn into haunts vs certain parts of the west coast depends on the speed.. :lol


Everything is moe to me
qcf x2 said:
Actually, I don't really fear knockdowns with her. I'm pretty confident in my crossup lk range. But that said, I don't go the entire match looking for chances to use her SRK... I was basically just pointing out what I find to be the safest time to use it.
it has little to do with being afraid of em, its hard to fear something that's safe by definition. its just that you're shortchanging yourself on potential damage and depending on how the mixup goes: potential stun.

the correct answer is: c.mk>h.srk or when an opponent is being a little too cocky with his or her footsies. otherwise don't do it! >_>;


Uhf, the game has been locking up on me while requesting matches in arcade mode on PSN tonight, is anyone else having this problem or should I be worried?

I was having no issues with it last night or at all previously. :\


Just made it to SG. Should I celebrate? So far it seems like a ghost town, I waited for 30 min. and couldn't get a single match...
I decided to stop playing as flowchart Bison / Jabbing Balrog and started my painful journey of learning a mixup Abel (just saw Rico Suave and Shiro).

Any tips on Abel for getting standing HP to Change of Direction or forward Mk to standing HP? I just can't get it to combo.

In terms of game clock, I think I have logged more hours in this forum reading SF4 than playing the game. This is my first fighting game and I want to get better.


Decided to give Sakura a go today and she's really fun to play.

I think I like playing with her more than with Rufus, and who doesn't love playing with girls.

Her ultra feels pretty weak, but at least it's easy to pull off. Also, I haven't found a safe way to land the Sakura Otoshi yet. 90% of the time I'll get punished for doing it. I suppose, I should combo to it somehow.
Sakura's hadokens felt really weak so I didn't use them much, her EX Shouoken on the other hand felt pretty darn powerful.

Other than that, I'll keep playing with her and see how it goes.

Oh yeah, I'm still looking for an European practice partner on PSN. :)

Leunam, want to play some games during the weekend? Time zone differences tend to be pretty sucky during the work week.


Drame said:
Leunam, want to play some games during the weekend? Time zone differences tend to be pretty sucky during the work week.

Yeah we can give it a shot. Add me to PSN when you get a chance.


Drame said:
Decided to give Sakura a go today and she's really fun to play.

I think I like playing with her more than with Rufus, and who doesn't love playing with girls.

Her ultra feels pretty weak, but at least it's easy to pull off. Also, I haven't found a safe way to land the Sakura Otoshi yet. 90% of the time I'll get punished for doing it. I suppose, I should combo to it somehow.
Sakura's hadokens felt really weak so I didn't use them much, her EX Shouoken on the other hand felt pretty darn powerful.

Other than that, I'll keep playing with her and see how it goes.

Oh yeah, I'm still looking for an European practice partner on PSN. :)

Leunam, want to play some games during the weekend? Time zone differences tend to be pretty sucky during the work week.
Too bad I'm a PC gamer but Sakura is one of my mains so here are some tips:

- EX Shouoken has startup invincibility frames, so use that to your advantage.
- Combo your pokes to EX Tatsu. After EX Tatsu you can:
--> Dash forward (or walk forward if in corner) and use Ultra
--> Otoshi
--> LP Shouoken, HP Shouoken (good for full charge Hadoken pressuring after that (combined with overhead))
--> LP Shouoken, Otoshi (only possible at a specific distance from the corner)
- cr.HP is a pretty nice anti-air.
- Use your LK Tatsu's to damage and pressure, like cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, LK Tatsu
- Use LK Tatsu in combination with HK/EX Tatsu for faints to throw.
- Make the opponent fear your pokes! cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK, EX Tatsu (then Otoshi)!
- j.LK for (wake up) cross ups.
- Make your opponent realize your LK Tatsu and EX Tatsu are really safe: cr.LK after each one.
- After implanting all different kind of fears: mix in f.MK (overhead) to more pokes, poke to throw and then to add more hell: faint throws by jumping straight up and add a full combo with j.HK, cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu, Otoshi/Ultra.

Fun stuff:
st.LP, st.LP, st.LP, cr.MK, HP Shouoken, Super
FA, dash forward, LK Tatsu, st.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu, then whatever.
if you're really bored: that "whatever" can be: MP Shouoken, FADC, Otoshi.

Sakura has a mix up game after EX Tatsu. Instead of going for full damage, you can also just jump forward with j.HK and then when you land, walk forward or dash forward. If you dash forward, you'll end up on the other side and you can quickly setup a second juggle with cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu and do the same mind game. (for corner: just walk forward to get to the other side).
Soneet said:
Sakura has a mix up game after EX Tatsu. Instead of going for full damage, you can also just jump forward with j.HK and then when you land, walk forward or dash forward. If you dash forward, you'll end up on the other side and you can quickly setup a second juggle with cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu and do the same mind game. (for corner: just walk forward to get to the other side).

One of the more useful inputs you can do after an EX tatsu is do the j.HK right away, then when you land you can dash forward to cross under them or hit b,ff to actually time just right to NOT cross under them once you've gotten them used to the idea that you're going to be crossing under them. It gives you just enough time and spacing from the tiny step back to make it look like you will cross but don't.

I would probably follow this up with a c.lp, c.HP (which isn't TOO hard to hit confirm from the c.LP) lk.tatsu or EX shouoken since the c.LP will be at least somewhat safer if they block correctly, leaving you less open than a regular c.HP, helps prevent any SRK mashers from tagging you should you or online lag mess up the timing and keeps you from thinking to FADC backwards and wasting an EX stock just so you can be safe. If it's blocked, in fact, you'll have time to crouch tech a potential incoming throw attempt.
So to do Standing HP to COD I do:
A: HP, HP+MP, qcf HP + MP or
B: HP, HP+MP, qcf HP
C: HP+MP qcf HP+MP

And for Forward MP to Standing HP I do:
A: F-MK, Forward, HP+MP or
B: F-MK, Forward, HP, HP+MP

Is this stuff relevant to charge characters as well?


MiniBossBattle said:
So to do Standing HP to COD I do:
A: HP, HP+MP, qcf HP + MP or
B: HP, HP+MP, qcf HP
C: HP+MP qcf HP+MP

Nah, with st.HP to CoD you don't need to plink. Just input the CoD motion while Abel is in his HP animation. If you do it right, you only get one hit from HP before he does CoD.

Practice crouching MP to LP CoD. It'll be easier to buffer the QCF motion since you're crouching.

MiniBossBattle said:
And for Forward MP to Standing HP I do:
A: F-MK, Forward, HP+MP or
B: F-MK, Forward, HP, HP+MP

Well if you have training mode set to show your input, it'll look like B, but you do the actual input like A. Remember, you're actually hitting HP a fraction of a second early. You're hitting both buttons almost at the same time to where it sounds like one press, but HP should be triggered earlier. Either stagger your fingers or press the buttons at an angle. Just find a comfortable method.

MiniBossBattle said:
Is this stuff relevant to charge characters as well?

All characters can plink. It's useful but only really necessary for tough links/cancels between normals.


hikarutilmitt said:
One of the more useful inputs you can do after an EX tatsu is do the j.HK right away, then when you land you can dash forward to cross under them or hit b,ff to actually time just right to NOT cross under them once you've gotten them used to the idea that you're going to be crossing under them. It gives you just enough time and spacing from the tiny step back to make it look like you will cross but don't.

I would probably follow this up with a c.lp, c.HP (which isn't TOO hard to hit confirm from the c.LP) lk.tatsu or EX shouoken since the c.LP will be at least somewhat safer if they block correctly, leaving you less open than a regular c.HP, helps prevent any SRK mashers from tagging you should you or online lag mess up the timing and keeps you from thinking to FADC backwards and wasting an EX stock just so you can be safe. If it's blocked, in fact, you'll have time to crouch tech a potential incoming throw attempt.
I don't think cr.HP, LK Tatsu can be punished though. cr.LP, cr.HP, LK Tatsu will make the opponent go too far to link anything more after that.


Soneet said:
Too bad I'm a PC gamer but Sakura is one of my mains so here are some tips: *Awesome tips!*
Thanks, Soneet!

I'm writing down some notes here. :D

I really didn't use tatsu at all today! >.< The more you know...

Well, seems that I'll keep playing with Sakura. Seems like a pretty wicked girl afterall. :D

Sakura squad unite!

hikarutilmitt said:
One of the more useful inputs you can do after an EX tatsu is do the j.HK right away, then when you land you can dash forward to cross under them or hit b,ff to actually time just right to NOT cross under them once you've gotten them used to the idea that you're going to be crossing under them. It gives you just enough time and spacing from the tiny step back to make it look like you will cross but don't.

I would probably follow this up with a c.lp, c.HP (which isn't TOO hard to hit confirm from the c.LP) lk.tatsu or EX shouoken since the c.LP will be at least somewhat safer if they block correctly, leaving you less open than a regular c.HP, helps prevent any SRK mashers from tagging you should you or online lag mess up the timing and keeps you from thinking to FADC backwards and wasting an EX stock just so you can be safe. If it's blocked, in fact, you'll have time to crouch tech a potential incoming throw attempt.
Cheers, hikarutilmitt!

I'll definitely train some tatsu combos tomorrow, big thanks to you two. :)
Soneet said:
I don't think cr.HP, LK Tatsu can be punished though. cr.LP, cr.HP, LK Tatsu will make the opponent go too far to link anything more after that.

lk Tatsu leaves you even when blocked, true, but I'm looking ahead of that. You can keep up a better pressure game, IMO, if you use c.LP and hit confirm that into a c.HP, lk tatsu. Iif you get a blocked c.LP you're left at +3 so you've got time to throw, backdash and try something else or go for the c.HP anyway, but c.LP comes out a frame faster than c.HP and, in this situation, you're less likely to suffer from lag online messing up an input AND it can help avoid mashed reversals.

I'm thinking more of a moderate level of safety here, especially for someone somewhat new to Sakura or the game in general. If you KNOW you're not going to mess up the input, by all means go for it, but when playing online I'd rather be safe when the stability of the frames could be in question.


hikarutilmitt said:
lk Tatsu leaves you even when blocked, true, but I'm looking ahead of that. You can keep up a better pressure game, IMO, if you use c.LP and hit confirm that into a c.HP, lk tatsu. Iif you get a blocked c.LP you're left at +3 so you've got time to throw, backdash and try something else or go for the c.HP anyway, but c.LP comes out a frame faster than c.HP and, in this situation, you're less likely to suffer from lag online messing up an input AND it can help avoid mashed reversals.

I'm thinking more of a moderate level of safety here, especially for someone somewhat new to Sakura or the game in general. If you KNOW you're not going to mess up the input, by all means go for it, but when playing online I'd rather be safe when the stability of the frames could be in question.
The problem with Sakura is if you don't pour out maximum damage you end up looking not so dangerous and reducing pressure. For example, an opponent makes a mistake and you choose to do cr.HP, EX Tatsu instead of cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu out of fear of lagging then you're missing out on a lot of damage. Damage = pressure. The same with the mix up: your link can't combo into another cr.HP, EX Tatsu. Sakura's best game is up close when her Tatsu engine is running, so it's not a good thing to waste that chance. It's her only way to pour pressure.

You might think that anyone starting on Sakura doesn't need this but I think otherwise, because if you do a basic Sakura you end up looking like a weaker Ryu. I know I wouldn't be playing Sakura if her Tatsu game wasn't as good as it was.

It's very important to at least get the cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu combo down. Neglecting it now would only result in neglecting it later.

And if the 2nd cr.HP is too hard, it can be replaced with cr.LK (to EX Tatsu, throw, anything). No real excuse to miss 1 Tatsu.
Soneet said:
The problem with Sakura is if you don't pour out maximum damage you end up looking not so dangerous and reducing pressure. For example, an opponent makes a mistake and you choose to do cr.HP, EX Tatsu instead of cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu out of fear of lagging then you're missing out on a lot of damage. Damage = pressure. The same with the mix up: your link can't combo into another cr.HP, EX Tatsu. Sakura's best game is up close when her Tatsu engine is running, so it's not a good thing to waste that chance. It's her only way to pour pressure.

You might think that anyone starting on Sakura doesn't need this but I think otherwise, because if you do a basic Sakura you end up looking like a weaker Ryu. I know I wouldn't be playing Sakura if her Tatsu game wasn't as good as it was.

It's very important to at least get the cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu combo down. Neglecting it now would only result in neglecting it later.

And if the 2nd cr.HP is too hard, it can be replaced with cr.LK (to EX Tatsu, throw, anything). No real excuse to miss 1 Tatsu.

Thansk guys for the crazy Sakura tips..

I guess Ive always had issues with anything other then cr. HP into EX Tatsu.. btu you guys are making it sound like cr. LP into LK tatsu then cr. HP into EX Tatsu seem pretty easy..

I'm confused though on your last line

"And if the 2nd cr.HP is too hard, it can be replaced with cr.LK (to EX Tatsu, throw, anything). No real excuse to miss 1 Tatsu"

If you did cr. HP is too hard and you replace it with a cr. LK.. into EX Tatsu.. won't they not be lifted into the air and still be in a crouch stance.. as cr. HP lifts their body up to be hit by the EX Tatsu.. so in other words you'd be waisting an EX and go right over their body for them to punish?


TurtleSnatcher said:
If you did cr. HP is too hard and you replace it with a cr. LK.. into EX Tatsu.. won't they not be lifted into the air and still be in a crouch stance.. as cr. HP lifts their body up to be hit by the EX Tatsu.. so in other words you'd be waisting an EX and go right over their body for them to punish?

No. I believe the lk Tatsu puts them into standing so when you link c.lk after that they are still standing, except in the case of Blanka and maybe Akuma I think.

For example, c.mk -> lk Tatsu -> c.lk -> EX Tatsu (try this in training mode).
Soneet said:
The problem with Sakura is if you don't pour out maximum damage you end up looking not so dangerous and reducing pressure. For example, an opponent makes a mistake and you choose to do cr.HP, EX Tatsu instead of cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu out of fear of lagging then you're missing out on a lot of damage. Damage = pressure. The same with the mix up: your link can't combo into another cr.HP, EX Tatsu. Sakura's best game is up close when her Tatsu engine is running, so it's not a good thing to waste that chance. It's her only way to pour pressure.

You might think that anyone starting on Sakura doesn't need this but I think otherwise, because if you do a basic Sakura you end up looking like a weaker Ryu. I know I wouldn't be playing Sakura if her Tatsu game wasn't as good as it was.

It's very important to at least get the cr.HP, LK Tatsu, cr.HP, EX Tatsu combo down. Neglecting it now would only result in neglecting it later.

And if the 2nd cr.HP is too hard, it can be replaced with cr.LK (to EX Tatsu, throw, anything). No real excuse to miss 1 Tatsu.

IMO pressure with mixups does more psychological pressure than an extra 100 damage. Flipping them around to where they don't know which way to block and showing that you're still keeping somewhat safe and don't want to be mash reversed can force more mistakes than the opponent possibly getting desperate.

TurtleSnatcher said:
If you did cr. HP is too hard and you replace it with a cr. LK.. into EX Tatsu.. won't they not be lifted into the air and still be in a crouch stance.. as cr. HP lifts their body up to be hit by the EX Tatsu.. so in other words you'd be waisting an EX and go right over their body for them to punish?

No, once they've been forced to stand by the first c.HP they'll stay that way for the combo. If you want to test it go into training and force crouching and auto block and use the c.HP,lk tatsu, c.lk, EX tatsu. They'll stay standing for it.

Another thing you can do in case you don't have EX (which you SHOULD, but still...) is do a c.lk, HP shouoken. 80 less damage than the combo above, doesn't need EX and it gives a knockdown.
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