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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


he's Virgin Tight™
AZ Greg must hate me right now :lol :lol

Fun matches. I slowly ramped up with Chun and since you got annoying with the hands I decided to get annoying with the Hazanshus :lol Nah really, it's a very hard match for Dhalsim. Don't rely too much on those arms, at least against her. I can EX SBK, Hazan, Ultra, etc =P.

AZ Greg

Relix said:
AZ Greg must hate me right now :lol :lol

Fun matches. I slowly ramped up with Chun and since you got annoying with the hands I decided to get annoying with the Hazanshus :lol Nah really, it's a very hard match for Dhalsim. Don't rely too much on those arms, at least against her. I can EX SBK, Hazan, Ultra, etc =P.


The hazanshu rushdown was getting me pretty good there in the end. It was good practice though. I really need to be in the air and teleport more. And the arms actually work pretty good against her. The only time you would really punish them is when I was getting predictable and always hitting fierce after I'd knock you back with Dhalsim's knee AA.

The one thing that was making me mad was that you were able to jump around as much much as you wanted almost for free. Does Chun's jumping HK always trade with Dhalsim's knee AA? Or was it just always trading due to our connection? Early on you had a pretty predictable pattern where you'd focus, dash forward, and then jump in. Even knowing it was coming at best I would get a trade. :(


he's Virgin Tight™
AZ Greg said:

The hazanshu rushdown was getting me pretty good there in the end. It was good practice though. I really need to be in the air and teleport more. And the arms actually work pretty good against her. The only time you would really punish them is when I was getting predictable and always hitting fierce after I'd knock you back with Dhalsim's knee AA.

The one thing that was making me mad was that you were able to jump around as much much as you wanted almost for free. Does Chun's jumping HK always trade with Dhalsim's knee AA? Or was it just always trading due to our connection? Early on you had a pretty predictable pattern where you'd focus, dash forward, and then jump in. Even knowing it was coming at best I would get a trade. :(

I am fairly sure Chun's HK has insane priority, hell it can beat Flash Kick and trade with Shoryuken and the Lariat, so it has pretty good priority. It's possible maybe with a timing change I would get hit, but I am fairly sure it mostly trades. It sucks we have a two bar connection though, we could test this later on... alas with lag that's hard :lol . Also whenever you got me with the arms was because I tried to dash forward and FA, but I am not sure if it was lag or Chun was too slow or something, really annoyed me a few times :lol I am a stubborn idiot so I am gonna keep trying it until it worked =P.


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, we're kinda new to the whole streaming thing, not pro like you yet T_T

edit - How do we get srk to post the stream?

When you guys start your stream, when you click "broadcast now" you will see a "start record" button. Just click that to archive all the streams.

As far as getting the stream on SRK, on the side bar click "add a stream". Submit the info and then like ina day or two they will approve it.


Axelhortsemchi said:
If you're confident enough in your ability to dodge fireballs (lariat and/or focus should cover that), slowly move the Akuma into the corner, building meter while you do so. When you get him to the corner, stay back for a bit. If you go in too much too fast, he'll just teleport on you. There are probably a bunch of ways to score good hits on him from there, but the 2 that come to mind for me are to either stay at max-range for an EX green hand and hit him when he lobs a fireball at you, or bait him into a teleport towards you, so that you can knock him down when he's coming out of it. Once he's down, that's where I can't help you as much. Akuma's teleport complicates Gief's mixup game, and unless you really mindfuck the guy, he'll probably just warp out. If you know he's warping out, you can close the gap with greenhands, but otherwise, just go for what you think will trip him up. The key to the matchup is to keep a lifelead whenever possible, and eventually sit on it, forcing him to come to you. Akuma vs. Gief is a really slow matchup, I don't know any easy tricks to make it short.

I figured as much there is one guy online I play against every other day or so who mains Akuma. First time I faced him I easily beat him because he never used teleport and he was dumb enough to let me bully him or get with in reach for a piledriver. After a few matches with me I guess he finally realized how important teleport is to Akuma.

I usually do well against Akuma but every few matches I face an Akuma player that is patient against Zangief, and is willing to resort to long range attacks to win.
Geesh I got accused of being a rage quitter again. Yesterday I play this guy, beat him, play him again and when he was close to finishing me the game DC. He accuses me of quitting, I say lets do it again and I'll give him a round head start(out of 3). We do it again today and I won. We run into each other later in rank and I won the 1st round, and I'm winning the 2nd with 13 seconds left. The game DC and he accuses me again of rage quitting.

Honestly WTF man? I did all that to gain his trust that I'm no rage quitter and then I get accused again while winning? Maybe I should just give up playing the nice guy and act like an asshole like most people online.
Rice-Eater said:
Geesh I got accused of being a rage quitter again. Yesterday I play this guy, beat him, play him again and when he was close to finishing me the game DC. He accuses me of quitting, I say lets do it again and I'll give him a round head start(out of 3). We do it again today and I won. We run into each other later in rank and I won the 1st round, and I'm winning the 2nd with 13 seconds left. The game DC and he accuses me again of rage quitting.

Honestly WTF man? I did all that to gain his trust that I'm no rage quitter and then I get accused again while winning? Maybe I should just give up playing the nice guy and act like an asshole like most people online.

Doesn't really make sense accusing you of being rage quitter when you're winning.


you wanna fight a good gief play a dude named colondivider on gfw. Best gief i've ever played :lol

playing vs a really good gief tests how good your basic footsies are.
Pandaman said:
GG's hikarutilmitt.

nice to see another sakura, i dont run into GAF saks as often as i'd like. :(

you didnt seem to do many resets so i figured i'd give you this link:

I wish I could have been a better match. I've been away from sfiv too long, I get rusty a lot faster in it than other SF games for some unknown reason.

And yeah, I could do the resets, but the few times I DID hit ex tatsu... well, you saw what happened. What bugged me was getting thrown out of EX tatus a few times, which really shouldn't be happening on the opening frames, lol.

I need to seriously sit down and get used to how online ends up, because it seriously plays different with a perfect connection or offline versus 3 or 2 bars. :\

Either way, losses are losses. And here you thought YOU were the worst online Sakura. ;)


Threi said:
you wanna fight a good gief play a dude named colondivider on gfw. Best gief i've ever played :lol

playing vs a really good gief tests how good your basic footsies are.
I just played that guy about an hour ago.

I just felt inadequate against him, I main Geif and he owned me hard.

_dementia said:
Gief vs Abel is so unfair
Very true I purposely don't block his Wheel Kick, so I can punish him with a piledriver very funny owning Abel fighters with that.

And being able to piledrive him after blocking his Quick Combo Grapple before he can defend is lol worthy
Threi said:
playing vs a really good gief tests how good your basic footsies are.
Yeah, unless I'm playing with a lariat spammer or a green hand happy Gief, my Bison just can't handle him at all. So I typically just bring out my Chun and play keep away with my c.lp, kikouken, and occasional hp. Works most of the time, until I get in a corner. :(


dragonballjoseph said:
Yeah, unless I'm playing with a lariat spammer or a green hand happy Gief, my Bison just can't handle him at all. So I typically just bring out my Chun and play keep away with my c.lp , kikouken, and occasional hp. Works most of the time, until I get in a corner. :(
like i said before, i've noticed that using c.hp as well as st.mk and hk are very effective against him. You stay just out of SPD range and use it as a poke, follow up with LK scissors.


Everything is moe to me
hikarutilmitt said:
I wish I could have been a better match. I've been away from sfiv too long, I get rusty a lot faster in it than other SF games for some unknown reason.

And yeah, I could do the resets, but the few times I DID hit ex tatsu... well, you saw what happened. What bugged me was getting thrown out of EX tatus a few times, which really shouldn't be happening on the opening frames, lol.
oh man, she'll throw through anything, it's really quite lovely.
my personal favourite is throwing through ryu's super.

I need to seriously sit down and get used to how online ends up, because it seriously plays different with a perfect connection or offline versus 3 or 2 bars. :\
yea, i was amazed i managed to midscreen j.hk cross up on you, that rarely works online.

Either way, losses are losses. And here you thought YOU were the worst online Sakura. ;)
harsh man.
Threi said:
like i said before, i've noticed that using c.hp as well as st.mk and hk are very effective against him. You stay just out of SPD range and use it as a poke, follow up with LK scissors.
Yeah, I use the roundhouse and st.mk all the time with the match. But after playing a while, he wises up to it. And I find that the lk scissors is unsafe when he blocks. Because even if I do it from match range, he can use the SPD on me before I recover. I actually do use the c.hp from time to time as well to change the pace of the battle, but sometimes I feel the risk isn't worth the reward. Especially against Gief.


dragonballjoseph said:
Yeah, I use the roundhouse and st.mk all the time with the match. But after playing a while, he wises up to it. And I find that the lk scissors is unsafe when he blocks. Because even if I do it from match range, he can use the SPD on me before I recover. I actually do use the c.hp from time to time as well to change the pace of the battle, but sometimes I feel the risk isn't worth the reward. Especially against Gief.
unless you're REALLY close (close enough that you would get spd'd anyways) lk scissors should always be safe on block. I say backdash after a scissors and then throw out st.hk.

For cr.HP I don't mean use it as an anti-air (very very risky and hard to land) but as a ground poke.


I played a Ryu that played EXACTLY like the CPU on the hardest difficulty. It was really bizarre. I beat him a few times but it didn't even feel like I was playing an actual person.
GGs Galactic
I am stuck in Honda purgatory... everytime I selected a different character... I lose.

I can't wait for Super so I can select a different character to main... I suck with the rest in Vanilla



Everything is moe to me
hikarutilmitt said:
Unless it was someone else, I DID see your post in that thread on SRK. :p
what thread on SRK? what was this person doing? :p i do have a srk account, so its not impossible.


_dementia said:
and that lk link after tortilla... wow, i had no idea that was possible!

I think Oichi linked that combo from nico-video a while back, I remember seeing it before. Great execution and use of ideas tho, one of my favourite SF4 videos.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
GGs Galactic
I am stuck in Honda purgatory... everytime I selected a different character... I lose.

I can't wait for Super so I can select a different character to main... I suck with the rest in Vanilla


Honda's skillset is so different then most of the cast, that it's hard to use Honda and someone else.

Try Rose maybe, or Gouken?

Or just wait for Super like I am. HDR is more fun to me right now anyways- barring running into Honda with my Hawk, the Akumas, and the ragequitters.

AZ Greg

I need your help GAF Honda players. As a Vega player, I'm trying to figure out if I'm approaching this match wrong or if it is just a horrible matchup for Vega. What, if anything, do Vega players do to give you trouble?

I'm getting owned by Hondas who just spam headbutt and then spam that rising butt smash move once they are in close. I can punish the Honda headbutt with standing MK on block, but the chip damage from the headbutt almost does the same damage as my punish. I can also punish a non-ex headbutt with ex barcelona attack but the damage isn't much against Honda and because I have to be careful approaching him I don't build meter like I do against most other characters. I'm even more lost against the rising butt smash move. Does anyone know the frame numbers for Honda when that move is blocked both on the way up and the way down? It feels like I can't punish it at all as they'll immediately do another one or an ex version once they land. There's probably a general way to approach dealing with this move but I don't know it. :(

This matchup makes me love the Shoto/Sagat players as they seem to keep the Honda population in check. :D
sorry for responding so late, i forgot the Gief's player name, it was on PSN though. Not much combos, just green hand and lariat spamming during a laggy match in championship mode...i wasn't using my main but it was still super annoying.

on another note i met this great Rose player last night on PSN gamer tag " Princess_Luvenia" i think, awesome awesome player. met up 4 times in championship mode games in the final, i went 2-2.


AZ Greg said:
I'm even more lost against the rising butt smash move. Does anyone know the frame numbers for Honda when that move is blocked both on the way up and the way down?

It's -2 for all version except HK which is -3. Generally you can't punish it, you have to interrupt it with an anti-air, or FA absorb it (only on the way down! EX is 2 hit, block the first hit, watch out for reversals). Claw has good dashes, so if you FA, absorb, dash cancel, then throw or some other high priority attack, you should hit him. Otherwise you might be able to let the FA go and hit or crumple. Maybe FA backdash and MK as the safest option? Or try flipping the last hit, that might work...


AZ Greg said:
I need your help GAF Honda players. As a Vega player, I'm trying to figure out if I'm approaching this match wrong or if it is just a horrible matchup for Vega. What, if anything, do Vega players do to give you trouble?

I'm getting owned by Hondas who just spam headbutt and then spam that rising butt smash move once they are in close. I can punish the Honda headbutt with standing MK on block, but the chip damage from the headbutt almost does the same damage as my punish. I can also punish a non-ex headbutt with ex barcelona attack but the damage isn't much against Honda and because I have to be careful approaching him I don't build meter like I do against most other characters. I'm even more lost against the rising butt smash move. Does anyone know the frame numbers for Honda when that move is blocked both on the way up and the way down? It feels like I can't punish it at all as they'll immediately do another one or an ex version once they land. There's probably a general way to approach dealing with this move but I don't know it. :(

This matchup makes me love the Shoto/Sagat players as they seem to keep the Honda population in check. :D

I ran into this one Vega player that used the back flip move to avoid a headbutt attempt and then would throw immediately afterwards. I could never tech the throw and it worked everytime. It drove me crazy. I couldn't beat him during the half dozen matches we did.


GG's to Pandaman. Had alot of fun with when we started picking random although the game hates me for some reason and gave me nothing but charge characters for like 10 matches straight I swear. Also, we now have a new challenger for worst Sakura. Me! It's like I know her links and offense, but when I get caught in that ex tatsu mixup stuff, I just freeze and don't know what to do. Least I got some experience in that matchup for future use. :D
gutter_trash said:
GGs Galactic
I am stuck in Honda purgatory... everytime I selected a different character... I lose.

I can't wait for Super so I can select a different character to main... I suck with the rest in Vanilla


Your savior Dudley will return soon enough. GGs.

Joekage, let's try to play again soon. Just tell your roomate to pause the prno torrentz. I usually have to remind Adnan to pause his.

Your soul is mine. /shang tsung


GalacticAE said:
Your savior Dudley will return soon enough. GGs.

Joekage, let's try to play again soon. Just tell your roomate to pause the prno torrentz. I usually have to remind Adnan to pause his.

Your soul is mine. /shang tsung

Haha, yeah man anytime. I'll make sure my Rufus comes prepared. And yeah, my college internet sucks major balls so hopefully when I do play you, I can try to bum off my brother's FiOS connection :lol


loves Arcade Sticks
SnowWolf said:
Hopefully you'll throw a stick at Madcatz customer service for not answering my request to get a TE keychain. They sent me a fightpad with no keychain, won't answer the phone, and failed to respond to my emails.

When did you try contacting em?

They're on PST and are open from 8 AM - 4 PM weekdays only.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
_dementia said:
one-frame links are gonna be a breeze on that thing
Hey if it's possible on console pads...
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