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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

BotoxAgent said:
And Daigo doesn't seem to be attending because of the World Champ Tourney in france.

Man I didn't know how big that tourney was going to be. Very international with plenty of big names so Europe can show case there talent and skill against the best of the US and Japan. Also I see that the combined number of registered and pre-registered players is well above the 256 cap they originally intended. I don't think they'll allow more then 256 so that's too bad.

Anyways with 3840 Euros on the line, that's a cash prize a little over 5200 US dollars. Pretty good and probably could have rivaled the total pot for SF4 at Evo last year if they allowed everybody to enter regardless of how late they may be.

Nose Master

What does the kanji on the front of Blanka's Gi read? I hope they release a full body shot / the back soon :(. It looked like he had a ponytail in another pic, too :lol

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
haunts said:
okay so I tried REAAAALLLY hard to get some hatemail tonight by playing like tarzan and the best I got is "he is so cheap".

WTF does it take to get some legit hate mail?

Play Tekken instead!

What seems to set off people in SF is lots of taunting and throwing...forget doing specials and just poke n' throw all day!
So a funny thing just happened to me.
I fought a dude in Championship who liked my Bison and he invited me to his party. And apparently, they play with some of the Empire folks. So after learning new combos and match-up strategies with my Bison, I played with one of the guys who play Vega for about 20 matches or so (I won like 5) and he surprised the crap out of me when he super canceled his Rolling Crystal flash. But he did fall for my slide in to Ultra quite a few times (he said he fell for the same thing playing Rico's Bison).

Playing them has also made my stick skills leagues better (even though I'm still having some focus troubles. =( )


TheExodu5 said:
I'm not understanding this game at all. Finally having someone to play against, I'm playing again. I'm maining Cammy.

Okay, now my friend uses Balrog, and I use Cammy. All of his regular punches beat out my kicks (in both range and priority). When he specials and I'm about to land, I hold back and it doesn't block it. When I special and he's in the air, he holds back and it blocks it just fine. What's up with that? Other than that, he plays fairly defensively and I have no good initiating moves from what I can tell. If I go at him from the air he'll do the headbutt. If I go at him from the ground his punches beat out my kicks. How do I beat him?

Other than that, are there any decent videos showing me the basics of what I need to know? I have a TE stick so pulling off moves isn't that much of a problem (though I can't get the timing right on most combos).
In real life I know someone who plays Boxer so I've pretty much sharpened my Cammy to be able to beat any Boxer, so it's definitely not "free" for Boxer. Unfortunately my notebook isn't good enough to handle both SF4 and recording and I currently have no recent replay wins against Boxers (I would say my old-style Cammy is a bad way to fight against Boxer, like this in video), but I can type out some of the important things to remember as a Cammy player:

1. Outside the HK headbutt range, Boxer doesn't have any fast moves to approach you. Don't confuse this with the cr.HK range (headbutt goes pretty far). This actually means you can build pressure (!) by just FA'ing around and jumping straight up. You're basically trying to lure out a charge and punish it with an EX cannon strike, st.HP, cannon spike.

2. Use st.MK to build up pressure. It's used to counter charges but also to prevent Boxer from moving. I usually throw it around randomly (mixed with st.LP's, which also counter charges) and when I just walk towards Boxer and use st.MK to hit a low blocking Boxer, sometimes several times, just to build up pressure).

3. Backdash. Poke (even if Boxer is blocking) and backdash. Combine this with FA and more pokes to create pressure moments. The reason for this is because Boxer can't do much if not close. And that's when point 4 comes.

4. Boxers don't walk. If you see them walk around, it means they have nothing! Remember that a Boxer can never walk forward. If he's close and walking forward? Tech that grab! Walking forward on a distance? Jump in with a cannon strike!

5. You can't win the poke game. So make sure you do a full poke chain (cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK) and then either: block, backdash or FA. Don't try to pause and add something, or walk and grab. You'll eat a headbutt combo.

6. After a Boxer is fallen, time a cross-over EX cannon strike on wake up, adding the standard combo after it: cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK. If it's hitting, link it to HK cannon drill, if not, use FA. The only type of charge Boxer can have is a headbutt and it will only hit if it's a reversal (small chance due to pressure and poke game). If you get nothing, release charge at lv2 and dash in. 3 options from there: grab, spike, or instant EX cannon strike [qcb and a little more to jump + KK]. Don't poke if close (you lose that game)! If FA did absorb something, you could either release, backdash or in case of a headbutt, dash forward (since Boxer is probably behind you now).

7. Distance is key. Once you show that you keep getting out of the Boxer's range, one will start to walk around and jump in. Make sure every single jump in is punished with a cannon spike. Those are your main meat since it's the easiest way to make a Boxer fall and start your pressure game. But if you hang around that perfect distance too long, some Boxer's might actually think they're smart by just hiding in a turtle shell. That's perfectly fine too. Aside from the st.MK pressure you can build up, you also have one of the fastest dash ins. Dash in and grab! So a Boxer can't do nothing in a ducked position, can't throw random jabs (st.MK beats it) and can't jump in (cannon spike). So the only option for a Boxer is to go basic (walking and use footsies, or handies in Boxer's case), which you can easily counter because you're Cammy and Boxer has no charge, or a Boxer can use a charge move, which you're preparing for thanks to your random st.MKs (counters), st.LPs (counters), FA (limiting the options for Boxer) and random straight jumps (make the charges whiff).

Hope this is enough to absorb. Most of the tips are standard, usually you just judge by the game. Is the Boxer still pretty defensive after you do all your stuff? Just increase the pressure from time to time (replacing FA's with EX drills to pokes). Is the Boxer never resting? Use the distance to bait, use cannon spike after Boxer's poke chains. If the Boxer starting to do random headbutts? Bait it and punish!

I play the PC version but I think you're not, so I can't show how I play. If someone else has a good PC to record and plays the PC version and wants to help show this and plays Boxer, them my Live username is Soneet.

PS. If you look for Cammy videos you'll stumble upon Sanford. Don't learn from that Cammy! That Cammy has some awful habits. Instead try to look for Aulord's Cammy. But I just watched a video of him vs Boxer and it seems he didn't have that match up often.

Edit: It seems I already started using some of the st.MK stuff and EX overheads in that linked video, so maybe it's worth a watch after all. Fortunately it also shows in the first 2 rounds why it's not a good idea to have a poke fight with Boxer. Please note that my connection with RopeDrink isn't that good so there were some fatal missed links by both parties.
I've had the urge to play this for month's. Having now beaten Bioshock 2, if anyone wants to play right NOW add me. gt=HTOWNP1AYA

Sucky Players only :D


Still...no...SC2 beta key..

eva01 said:
MarkMan check your pm



Question: are jump arc shorter in SF4 than other Street Fighters, or do different characters have unique arcs?


Nvm, found the answer.

AZ Greg

GGs as always Botox.

Sorry about so much Dhalsim over our last 3 sessions but I really want to get some things down with him so they become second nature. I know how tiresome it can be fighting Dhalsim so much but the only way for me to really get over some of those early hurdles is to just put in the time. These matches have really helped though, so thanks for that.
AZ Greg said:
Anyone want some matches on XBL?

GGs earlier Black_V.
GG's as always Greg.

Yo, shortly after our matches I ran into a beastly ass Sim. Probably the best Sim I have played online besides Filipinochamp. He made it hard as hell to get inside with his epic zoning and strategic teleporting. I had to focus attack my ass off just to get in to do some damage. I went 10-2 against him. It was good meeting a beastly Sim out there online.

I would recommend that you play against him Greg, since you're trying to level up your Sim. He's been a lurking for years on GAF and he finally registered for his account... now awaiting his activation.

His XBL GT: Satyamdas

Bigshout out to Satyamdas!!I know you'll see this since you're on dat lurking status. I'll see you around live.

Also anyone esle who wants to run some rounds, hit 'em up. I know I will, I need dat Sim matchup practice.


good credit (by proxy)
Yeah, Satyamdas is real nice. I ran into him randomly and he recognized me from GAF. We play every once in awhile and he usually beasts on me hard with dat sim.


Playing against Fuerte as another player and you really see how much his wake-up game sucks. What's he gonna do? Either EX leg throw (to escape), tech a throw, or nothing. I was Zangief and just poked at him on wake-up fishing for a SPD. He was very Ultra happy but not once did I fall for it. EX leg throw and you can get him on the way down. Nothing = SPD.

Personally, I'd risk the EX Leg throw just to get out of the corner.
AZ Greg said:
GGs as always Botox.

Sorry about so much Dhalsim over our last 3 sessions but I really want to get some things down with him so they become second nature. I know how tiresome it can be fighting Dhalsim so much but the only way for me to really get over some of those early hurdles is to just put in the time. These matches have really helped though, so thanks for that.


nah man, no need to apologize. I enjoy all of the matches we fought :D Your sim is getting better and better each time. My "getting in" game I think has improved a bit after playing those marathon matches with you. Hit me anytime if you want to play.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ken vs Zangief is the most unbalanced piece of shit match up I've ever encountered in my whole fighting game life.

WHATEVER I do, he fucking 360s me. My MAIN bnb ends with ex tatsu and after it he can just 360 me without me being able to do SHIT.

What the FUCK is going on man? What the fuck? My combos also takes 15% of his health or something. And I can't stun him.


Yoshichan said:
Ken vs Zangief is the most unbalanced piece of shit match up I've ever encountered in my whole fighting game life.

WHATEVER I do, he fucking 360s me. My MAIN bnb ends with ex tatsu and after it he can just 360 me without me being able to do SHIT.

What the FUCK is going on man? What the fuck? My combos also takes 15% of his health or something. And I can't stun him.
I think you're doing it wrong if you tatsu a Gief.

You know that hand thingy Gief does? Keep the distance just enough so it doesn't hit you. Keep holding that distance if the Gief walks around (forward & backward). Have that SRK motion ready...

That's all the Gief plan you need. Whiffed hand thingy = SRK. Jump in = SRK. Walk in = cr.MK (and don't combo it into tatsu! just poke it and keep the distance)
I just looked at my player data last night...I have 964 wins with a 56% win rate...dear gawd, I didnt know i played that many online matches


I'm having issues finding another way to pay for XBL so in th emeantime I'm in GFW: Gutabo3 . Add me you guys with SF4 for PC! It's only for a couple of months tho.

Also some help with those whacky PC skins would be great. Thanks in advance!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Soneet said:
I think you're doing it wrong if you tatsu a Gief.

You know that hand thingy Gief does? Keep the distance just enough so it doesn't hit you. Keep holding that distance if the Gief walks around (forward & backward). Have that SRK motion ready...

That's all the Gief plan you need. Whiffed hand thingy = SRK. Jump in = SRK. Walk in = cr.MK (and don't combo it into tatsu! just poke it and keep the distance)
Leunam said:
Beasting him 4-0 now :lol Thanks guys!
Yoshichan said:
Ken vs Zangief is the most unbalanced piece of shit match up I've ever encountered in my whole fighting game life.

WHATEVER I do, he fucking 360s me. My MAIN bnb ends with ex tatsu and after it he can just 360 me without me being able to do SHIT.

What the FUCK is going on man? What the fuck? My combos also takes 15% of his health or something. And I can't stun him.

Yeah, I rarely do long combo's against a Gief. I'm sure while I'm doing my combo's, the Gief player is just spinning their joystick in a constant 360 motion and tapping punch buttons hoping to break my combo string with a SPD.

Also, jump back fierce is your friend against a lame Gief.
Yoshichan said:
WHATEVER I do, he fucking 360s me. My MAIN bnb ends with ex tatsu and after it he can just 360 me without me being able to do SHIT.

Zangief can't do that. If you're holding up after hitting with ex tatsu, it doesn't matter what command throw he does it will whiff since it's +1 on hit. Now if he BLOCKS it, that's a different story. Roundhouse hurricane kick is -1 on hit, so the only thing he can punish that with is ultra if you connect with it.

Something you have to keep in mind is that every time you're near and zangief goes for a command throw, he's taking a risk, because if you're neutral jumping you get to punish with a fat combo.
Timedog said:
Yeah, Satyamdas is real nice. I ran into him randomly and he recognized me from GAF. We play every once in awhile and he usually beasts on me hard with dat sim.

His Sim is bauce, real talk.

Yeah, he sent me a message after our rounds asking "are you"dat rawg" from gaf? black_vegeta?" :lol

The whole time I felt like I was dash in and out against him. I had nightmares of stretchy limbs hitting me. :/


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
FindMyFarms said:
Zangief can't do that. If you're holding up after hitting with ex tatsu, it doesn't matter what command throw he does it will whiff since it's +1 on hit. Now if he BLOCKS it, that's a different story. Roundhouse hurricane kick is -1 on hit, so the only thing he can punish that with is ultra if you connect with it.

Something you have to keep in mind is that every time you're near and zangief goes for a command throw, he's taking a risk, because if you're neutral jumping you get to punish with a fat combo.
Yeah but thing is, I was fucking SPAMMING SRK after my Ex Tatsu but his 360 still got me. Now I know I can just jump or backdash (not even his reversal 360 works) so I'm glad, thus:
Yoshichan said:
Beasting him 4-0 now :lol Thanks guys!

AZ Greg

black_vegeta said:
GG's as always Greg.

Yo, shortly after our matches I ran into a beastly ass Sim. Probably the best Sim I have played online besides Filipinochamp. He made it hard as hell to get inside with his epic zoning and strategic teleporting. I had to focus attack my ass off just to get in to do some damage. I went 10-2 against him. It was good meeting a beastly Sim out there online.

I would recommend that you play against him Greg, since you're trying to level up your Sim. He's been a lurking for years on GAF and he finally registered for his account... now awaiting his activation.

His XBL GT: Satyamdas

Bigshout out to Satyamdas!!I know you'll see this since you're on dat lurking status. I'll see you around live.

Also anyone esle who wants to run some rounds, hit 'em up. I know I will, I need dat Sim matchup practice.

Damn, that dude sent me a message a week or two ago when I mentioned I was going to start playing Sim more seriously and said he lurked GAF. I was meaning to add/invite him but kept forgetting. Really wish XBL messages had a mark as unread option. Gonna have to hit him up. Should be a good way to get some Sim mirror and Sim vs. Vega experience.
AZ Greg said:
Damn, that dude sent me a message a week or two ago when I mentioned I was going to start playing Sim more seriously and said he lurked GAF. I was meaning to add/invite him but kept forgetting. Really wish XBL messages had a mark as unread option. Gonna have to hit him up. Should be a good way to get some Sim mirror and Sim vs. Vega experience.

He mentioned that he sent you an invite, but you never replied.

Yeah mang, hit him up.

Satyamdas, you can hit me up via the XBL messaging if you need to say something to GAF. I can check the messages with my IPhone.


MIMIC said:
Playing against Fuerte as another player and you really see how much his wake-up game sucks. What's he gonna do? Either EX leg throw (to escape), tech a throw, or nothing. I was Zangief and just poked at him on wake-up fishing for a SPD. He was very Ultra happy but not once did I fall for it. EX leg throw and you can get him on the way down. Nothing = SPD.

Personally, I'd risk the EX Leg throw just to get out of the corner.
EX Run messes up meaty attempts.


Yoshichan said:
Yeah but thing is, I was fucking SPAMMING SRK after my Ex Tatsu but his 360 still got me.

There's no Reversal window when you're coming out of your own move. That means you have to time the Shoryuken right as you come out of EX Tatsu's recovery frames, or you won't get anything.
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