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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


GriffD17 said:
I'm sick of giving Xbox Livers free wins.

If you want a dummy bag to spar with hit me up.

gamertag: griffd17

I wont be on tonight but if you see me on just send me a message and I'll play with you. Really determined to finish those damn trials, just Fuerte's 5 and Vipers 3-5 left :mad:
GG's tonight Lost Fragment. I can't remember if it was in this thread or the other thread, but Viper is most definitely the stun queen, Sakura can't compare :lol And when you hit that FFF on me, I was an extremely unhappy panda.

We gotta play again some time.
I was playing this dude in a Bison mirror, and he showed me a thing or two. Then he counter picked with Guile and I made the match-up seem 7-3 in Bison's favor. He then choose Seth and I Ryu, and he barely beat me. He just needed to chip me for the when, so he teleported behind me and luckily enough, I did a wake-up auto-correct ultra to get him down to one pixel of health. So all I needed was to Hadoken, but I Hadocouldn't because I kept doing Solar Plexes(?) instead of the plasma.

But this is what got me. He choose Bison again and I then choose Guile. I basically took him to school with the match-up. He would always cross me up when he had no health and I an Ultra. And apparently he didn't know that Guile's Ultra could hit behind so I got him with that for two rounds for the win. But then he rage-quitted before the final KO. People are funny sometimes.


I feel so dirty. I went into championship mode (Fuerte) and turtled against a Blanka. >_< He seemed to know the match-up well. He didn't do any full screen rolls and knew when I was in splash range.

The time ran out in the first round. I actually started running away during the final seconds. :lol

I won so it wasn't for nothing =p
XenoRaven said:
Good games Botox. I'll add dealing with cross-ups to the list of things I need to work on. =(
ggs xeno. We played a ton matches, it was fun . Yeah, i think u needed punish my jump ins more, but it can be a pain to do sometimes in an online environment with our connection.

I am not fond of chun mirrors though, it's always tricky for me

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
TheStringTheory said:
Alright, so I decided to buy this game today, and I'm getting my ass kicked in Arcade Mode on Medium difficulty. Could someone give me some tips on how to do well in this game ?

Go to training mode. The Normal/Hard Trials teach you a lot of foundational stuff. Although certain character combos aren't "useful" because they aren't practical in a given situation. But at least most Trials teach you how to link Ultras and stuff with your character.

Also it helps a lot to watch SFIV fight videos and take down notes. Just play the game more, if it's your first fighter like it was mine then it'll take a while.


dragonballjoseph said:
I was playing this dude in a Bison mirror, and he showed me a thing or two. Then he counter picked with Guile and I made the match-up seem 7-3 in Bison's favor. He then choose Seth and I Ryu, and he barely beat me. He just needed to chip me for the when, so he teleported behind me and luckily enough, I did a wake-up auto-correct ultra to get him down to one pixel of health. So all I needed was to Hadoken, but I Hadocouldn't because I kept doing Solar Plexes(?) instead of the plasma.

But this is what got me. He choose Bison again and I then choose Guile. I basically took him to school with the match-up. He would always cross me up when he had no health and I an Ultra. And apparently he didn't know that Guile's Ultra could hit behind so I got him with that for two rounds for the win. But then he rage-quitted before the final KO. People are funny sometimes.
Bison, Seth, and Guile?

What was the gamertag? I'm pretty sure you played one of the SRK Bison players.

Adam Prime said:
... What's an Option Select? I keep hearing this term a lot.
You kinda input the commands for two things at nearly the same time and the game chooses the best outcome based on the situation. The most basic option select for all characters is option select grab teching, where you hold back and hit lp+lk. You continue blocking and automatically tech if the opponent tries to grab you.

Some chars have numerous option selects (Ryu) while others don't have any at all. It can make matchups unfair when your opponent knows the option selects and you are pretty much screwed no matter what you do.
So i've not been able to play for awhile due to a broken 360, but i've just purchased another one and wondered if any gaffers wanted to throwdown, if anyone fancies a game just send me a friend request.

I'm on most nights from around 8pm, based in the UK.

GT - Smokingunz1981



~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Kadey said:
This gets me angry when hit with.

humiliating just lookin at it


Adam Prime said:
... What's an Option Select? I keep hearing this term a lot.
It means that you do one input and depending on the opponet's action, your character will perform different actions.

Easiest example is crouching lp+lk. If the opponent is trying to throw you, you will tech the throw. If the opponent is attacking you, you will block, and if the opponent does nothing(or walks towards you) the crouching low kick will come out. It's great if your character has a fast crouching light kick. Can be frame trapped tho.

Now here's another question: if ryu tries to throw balrog and balrog does a crouching light punch(both pressing their buttons at the exact same time), which one has more priority?

EDIT: Dang threi... at least the lag team will get you! :p



I see a lot of videos of ryu players who do a jump-in dragon kick crossup after securing a knockdown... how do they do it? Where do I stand and does it matter which (LK, MK, HK) I use?

thanks :D


he's Virgin Tight™
Diablohead said:
Does anyone know how different, skill wise, the online is between the PC and the xbox 360? I ask because when super comes out I will probably go with the 360 version this time, depends how SF hungry I am. But on the PC the players seem rather good and I have a hard time winning :lol
PC skill level is very low compared to console players. Like... I never lost a match after 100 or so and I faced a few gaffers =p.


Threi said:
if you weren't so laggy maybe you would have posted quicker :D
LOL, actually I was reading the news on the other thread about honda's headbutt(any) going through low tiger shots in ssf4 <3 <3 <3


Adam Prime said:
... What's an Option Select? I keep hearing this term a lot.

It means you do something, and depending on what your opponent does, one of two (good) things will happen. My Chun example (j.hp, j.hp+d+hk) goes like this: you jump in, if the opponent blocks, Chun will do her target combo (j.hpx2). If the opponent backdashes, you will land on the ground and immediately do cr.hk which will hit the opponent as they come out of the backdash. This works because of the way the game interprets and prioritizes inputs.

edit: wow beaten hard


Decided to tackle some of the Hard Challenge trials, since I'm rusty as hell.

Good God, Cammy's last one nearly broke me. I want to think these are more friendly to an arcade pad, because now I've got very little hair left, and a severely sore finger. :s
So I just bought this game really cheap so I could get some practice before Super hits. But MY GOD I'm having a hard time with those trials. Most moves and combos seem straight up impossible to me...
I have the Hori EX2 stick, and I've never used an arcade Stick to play a Fighter before, which is probably my problem.

I really want to get back into this, haven't played SF since the snes days, but MAN, I feel like this is gonna be a lot of work.


BotoxAgent said:
ggs xeno. We played a ton matches, it was fun . Yeah, i think u needed punish my jump ins more, but it can be a pain to do sometimes in an online environment with our connection.

I am not fond of chun mirrors though, it's always tricky for me
Yeah I already have kinda slow reactions as it is. I know cr. mp works well against jumping Ken/Ryu. Not sure what works against Cammy and Chun. Even if I knew though, I was so bad at both reacting and guessing that it wouldn't have mattered. When you got in close like that and just started jumping over me, I had no idea what to do, and for some reason I just froze instead of dashing or blocking the opposite direction. Oh well.

I have a hard time with Chun mirrors too. But I like them because it helps show me what I should be doing.
Littleberu said:
What's a good controller/cheap game stick I could get before Super?

I'm on 360.

If you prefer a controller your best for 360 is one of the Madcatz fightpads imo. You can usually find them for around $40 or so.
Capt'n Farrell said:
So I just bought this game really cheap so I could get some practice before Super hits. But MY GOD I'm having a hard time with those trials. Most moves and combos seem straight up impossible to me...
I have the Hori EX2 stick, and I've never used an arcade Stick to play a Fighter before, which is probably my problem.

I really want to get back into this, haven't played SF since the snes days, but MAN, I feel like this is gonna be a lot of work.

Oh yes, it has been mentioned that the trials are a pain and take alot of dedication when trying to complete them. As for myself, it took 2 good months(not everyday, but at least 4 hour sessions doing trials) to complete them all.

Those things are all about timing and good execution. I recommend doing Abel, Viper, Fuerte's, and Gen's last since in my opiion are the most difficult. Don't give up and once you finish them, you'll feel a HUGE sense of accomplishment.
XenoRaven said:
I know cr. mp works well against jumping Ken/Ryu. Not sure what works against Cammy and Chun.

For Chun Anti-air's, the cr. mp works against enemies landing in at a diagonal. If they're right on top of you when jumping in, close st. fierce (the double palm thing) will stuff anything and everything.


Oh yeah! I forgot to ask. What do I do against Cammy crazy Cannon Strike pressure? I feel like there's a window where I should be able to fit a jab or cr. short or something in there, and then I always just end up getting hit. Do I just have to backdash?

EDIT: Cr. mp works against Honda and Rog too? Maybe I've got my spacing/timing wrong. I always get nailed with a jumping rh when I try to use it against those two. I'll keep that close fierce thing in mind. I've seen Nemo use close mk for people trying to cross him up too. Thanks.
Hitokage said:
But only for attacks with a horizontal hitbox.

For real? I've gotten hit out of Rog's j. rh and fierce so many times with that thing :/

XenoRaven said:
Oh yeah! I forgot to ask. What do I do against Cammy crazy Cannon Strike pressure? I feel like there's a window where I should be able to fit a jab or cr. short or something in there, and then I always just end up getting hit. Do I just have to backdash?

You can definitely fit a cr. jab in there, but NOT a cr. short, that'll just get you killed. Backdash works to, and so do reversal ex moves.
And I think you had the right idea FAing my cannon strikes. And if u sneak in a jab, try following it with the cl. st hk frame trap. I think this matchup is in Chun's favor.

also jump back airthrow works against crossups if you can anticipate it :)

st. fp is the anti air of choice against rog. Honda not too sure. I played a lot of good honda players who can beat all my anti air normals clean when they know the timing and angle T_T


BotoxAgent said:
And I think you had the right idea FAing my cannon strikes. And if u sneak in a jab, try following it with the cl. st hk frame trap. I think this matchup is in Chun's favor.

also jump back airthrow works against crossups if you can anticipate it :)

st. fp is the anti air of choice against rog. Honda not too sure. I played a lot of good honda players who can beat all my anti air normals clean when they know the timing and angle T_T
I'm assuming cl is shorthand for cancel, but what is a frame trap? >_>
BotoxAgent said:
And I think you had the right idea FAing my cannon strikes. And if u sneak in a jab, try following it with the cl. st hk frame trap. I think this matchup is in Chun's favor.

Be REALLY careful FA'ing a cammy jumping in, because if shes it, i.e. hasn't already committed to doing a cannon spike, you're eating jump in RH into Cannon spike, and if she has bar or ultra, well yeah.... minimum 250 damage.

I think the matchup is in Cammy's favor, since all of Chun Li's reversal options after a spike either require bar, or force her to back dash into the corner, or are just straight up unsafe. Also Cammy is a bit harder to anti air for chun, since she has to commit to a normal move, and if cammy delays a jump in with ex spike, then she eats it hard. If the chun starts looking for the delayed jump, then cammy just gets a free jump in, and if chun tries to FA, then yeah fat combo from Cammy. Cammy jump in on chun dedicated to anti-airing is pretty much a 3-way mixup where chun has to guess right or get sucked into pressure.

Also make sure you remember that ex SBK is punishable with both cr. mk xx spiral arrow (or super) and empty ultra.

Chun will outpoke cammy like balrog and bison do, but she doesn't have the same tools to escape that they do, just a sick back dash that puts her in the corner for cammy.

Anyways, that's my take from the cammy/chun matches I've, I'm sure Hito has his own view as well.

XenoRaven said:
I'm assuming cl is shorthand for cancel, but what is a frame trap? >_>

Cl stands for close. So the trap is crouch jab, standing close hard kick.

A frame trap is designed to hit someone mashing buttons (as long as it's not an invincible reversal like a dp) in between your attacks. So for example if you do a close crouch jab, that leaves you at +3 on block. A close standing hard kick is 4 frame startup. So depending on your timing, there's usually around 2 frames between those two attacks. Now for the most part, the fastest attacks in the game take 3 frames to do, meaning there'll be 2 frames of start up where you're vulnerable, and you're attack will be active on the 3rd. If someone's mashing jab between those two attacks, they'll be hit out of it.

So when you're doing the frame trap, say rog is mashing cr. jab, since you're +3 after the jab, ASSUMING timing being perfect, when rog presses his jab, he'll be on the first frame of start up and you're st. rh will be on it's first active frame (since it's a 4 frame start up) and you'll hit rog.
"I'm assuming cl is shorthand for cancel, but what is a frame trap? >_>"

cl is shorthand for close (as in you are close to your opponent). A frame trap is when you use the frame advantage you get on block from one move to get a counterhit on your opponent if they try attacking afterwards. You recover before they do so if you both do a move that is the same speed, you will counterhit them since you are starting your move first.


I could usually tell based on the angle of his jump and at the point he threw out an attack whether or not I could FA the jump in. I'm not sure if that's universal for all Cammy players, or if Botox just has a tell or something. But I didn't find that FAing to be all that unsafe. FAing is also one thing in this game I feel like I'm getting somewhat decent at, so maybe that's part of it too.

Thanks Tekno. "Close" does make more sense than "cancel". I probably should have been able to work that one out.

By the way, you guys are awesome. Just so you know. I've gotten a lot of information and good advice from this thread, and I appreciate it.
FindMyFarms said:
For Chun Anti-air's, the cr. mp works against enemies landing in at a diagonal. If they're right on top of you when jumping in, close st. fierce (the double palm thing) will stuff anything and everything.
Bah. I'm a fan of her standing forward. It looks dumb, but it's fast and gets the job done.


XenoRaven said:
I could usually tell based on the angle of his jump and at the point he threw out an attack whether or not I could FA the jump in. I'm not sure if that's universal for all Cammy players, or if Botox just has a tell or something. But I didn't find that FAing to be all that unsafe. FAing is also one thing in this game I feel like I'm getting somewhat decent at, so maybe that's part of it too.

If you can get away with that risky FA, then go for it, but in generally, FAing jump-ins are a bad gamble.


Setec Astronomer
When facing Cammy you need to avoid two situations at all costs: letting her get in throw range and getting cornered. As long as Cammy is attempting to create those situations, Chun has the advantage, but when Cammy succeeds she's mostly won the round.

Hooligan and Backfist are both easily stuffed, and backfist isn't THAT great at getting around fireballs so don't be afraid to throw them when she doesn't have meter provided you get the spacing right. Dealing with spiral arrow online is a bitch, though.

Far standing HP can stuff a cannon strike even when Chun's fist is a foot or two away from Cammy's boot, but if Cammy jumped close enough to hit on top of you or cross up, then you need to use something like standing MK, which doesn't have nearly as much stopping power. Airthrow also works but she can do it too.

Cannon spike beats anything Chun can do, and even if you block it Cammy bounces out either just inside or just outside sweep range so it's not easy to punish and improve the situation. Along with the frame advantage after cannon strike, this is why getting cornered is so dangerous. If the Cammy player knows you're going to attempt something, they can just stuff it. It is possible to get out but you need to be careful and react the exact time an opportunity presents itself.
Farm's destroys my Cammy, so listen to him :D

There were times when you were FAing too much and I was able to just do empty jump throw. So mix it up a lot :)


Thanks, Hito. I'll try to incorporate some of that stuff. It's going to be nice when Super comes out and I'll be able to learn the new character matchups with everyone else instead of six months after everyone else.

And yeah, because I sometimes hold the stick like a retarded monkey, I mess up dashing out of my FAs. That sounds stupid, but it happens. So when I notice you haven't thrown out an attack in time to hit me I try to backdash and mess it up and just get thrown. I'm sure there were plenty of times I just froze up though too. I guess the problem with mixing it up is when I don't know any other way to handle the situation. I do now, so I'll be trying those other things. I also need to remember that you can't block a Hooligan. There were times where I was like "He's going to throw an EX Hooligan here" and you did it, and I just stood there like an idiot. :lol
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