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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


he's Virgin Tight™
@Wiseblade: I know, lag =(. Fun matches though, you got pissed a few times I noticed =P

@Threi: Fuck you :lol . Mostly close matches, you got me there a few lucky times asshole =P

@Gutabo: Got your FR. Will accept it as soon as I get to my Xbox later. We'll play later

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
CPS2 said:
Man, that was awesome. You should start making TACVs srsly.

I've been thinking about doing a video doing a bunch of crazy shit with ex seismo feint. Regular knuckle feint too, since it changes Viper's hitbox for that split second and you can do some pretty weird stuff with it.

I'll probably leave the combo videos to others though.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
MarkMan said:
The article made kotaku

there are some dumb fuckin pricks that post in the comments...

pissed me off verily this morning ;)

Fuck 'em, Markman. You're doing a great and very generous thing.

As sorry as I feel for Chris Hu and his family (and everyone else affected by that fire), it was not a smart decision for his family to keep all of their savings in their apartment. This is just one (horrible) reason why. He is lucky that so many people are reaching out to help him.


Being a Vega player, going up against another Vega player that's probably twice as better at me. Not good. Mirror matches. Really not good. Going up against AZ Greg? So damn fun. What kills me only makes me stronger.

Edit: And yes. Kotaku's community are a bunch of selfish assholes that don't know better. You're doing an awesome thing MarkMan! Don't let those jerkoffs get to ya.


Augemitbutter said:
people read kotaku comments? next up people will tell me that they also read youtube comments.
i read some youtube comments and will continue to do so, because I, unfortunately, lack the dogmatic belief that all comments by anonymous people on the interwebs are stupid.
Solune said:
GGs Rice-Eater, some good matches. I think it was just our connection and not the fightpad actually.
But that said you have a pretty solid air game with Ryu.
Kept guessing wrong and getting hit with those air tatsu, and when i think its a cross up i eat a j.FP.
And I think you are one of the few people who guessed right on all those Cammy FADCs haha.
But for someone who plays rushdown you sure were patient, fucking c.FP anti air.

Some things I wanted to mention about our matches

-Neither of us can SRK on reaction, free jump ins all day baby :lol
-Since I can't SRK on reaction, that's why I use crouching fierce so much
-It seemed like almost every time I jumped in after a knockdown, you always went for a SRK. So that's why I kept doing air tatsu, when I didn't got SRK'd.
-I wish I was more patient, but man I just want to get in there and do damage. When I'm not pursuing, I feel so out of my element. I just don't know how to zone worth a crap.
ntropy said:
i read some youtube comments and will continue to do so, because I, unfortunately, lack the dogmatic belief that all comments by anonymous people on the interwebs are stupid.


next you're gonna tell me you post there sometimes! ;)

it's a waste of time mostly, that's what i'm trying to say.

AZ Greg

CcrooK said:
Being a Vega player, going up against another Vega player that's probably twice as better at me. Not good. Mirror matches. Really not good. Going up against AZ Greg? So damn fun. What kills me only makes me stronger.


Just wanted to point out a couple of things I noticed that I think were hurting you. And ignore any of this if you were only doing the things I point out since it was a mirror match.

- Probably a few too many back flips. It's a problem I used to have since they tend to work so well against people who don't know how to really punish them. But when you use them too much and play someone who knows how to punish them then you just end up eating damage and backing yourself into the corner. Sometimes it's better to just eat the wake up pressure and try and work your way out from there. Once they're used to you doing that then you can sprinkle in some back flips to get away. Unless you're playing someone with an OS like Ryu. :(
- I think you were playing a bit too passive. I tend to play Vega probably a tad too aggressively. The reason I do that is to keep their pressure off of me and to avoid cornering myself. You were playing passively enough that I was able to walk you into corner after corner and pressure you from there.
- You didn't really have one go to BNB to score some good damage. You'd hit me with a lot of pokes and the occasional FBA, but that was mostly it. There were a couple of times you hit me with his df.HK and went into an EX FBA, but most of the time you'd just poke after the hit. You need to take advantage of every df.HK you hit with and tack on the EX FBA or a ST.
- Your poking game needs to have a little bit more purpose behind it. It seemed like you were relying on Vega having good pokes and just throwing them out there. That allowed me to hit you with cr.MPs during the windows you'd leave yourself open while poking and catch your whiffed cr.MPs with df.HK combos. That style of poking can also lead to bad things if you're going against characters with good reversals (SRKs) or characters with good FAs.
- Few Vega vs. Vega things: Don't jump back too much. It's pretty much a free EX FBA for the other Vega. Might as well stay off the wall. Sky High Claw just goes over a crouching Vega and FBA can easily be dodged by doing a back flip and depending on the location the Vega can punish you after he does the back flip. Vega can also easily air throw another Vega out of a FBA. Don't let a Vega player get up for free if you knock him down. And a blocked Vega ultra can be punished with Vega's ultra.

Anyone want some matches on XBL? Hit me up!


Neo Member
GGs as always AZ Greg. I tried to mix up on wakeup & close quarter situations more but playing against really Sim shuts down my midrange options. I liked your slide to jump back fierce setups (you nailed me with the jumping fierce quite a few times b/c you made me respect your ground pokes and teleport game) and as always I had to guess on those Ultras.

Really makes me appreciate playing against someone with a gameplan that I need to find a counter for. I still think I am relying on reaction too much and not initiating a clear gameplan of my own - Basically I had to kikoken and build meter until I found an opening or was able to catch you on a teleport to get my damage in. GG's and hope to play you again soon.

ACE 1991

All right guys, I just received my fightstick (standard edition) and my copy of SFIV. I'm having a hell of a time adjusting to an arcade stick. At this point in time it feels stiff and unnatural, and I find myself unable to pull of the simplest combos as well as getting my ass beat by the AI even of the easiest settings. Any tips?
ACE 1991 said:
All right guys, I just received my fightstick (standard edition) and my copy of SFIV. I'm having a hell of a time adjusting to an arcade stick. At this point in time it feels stiff and unnatural, and I find myself unable to pull of the simplest combos as well as getting my ass beat by the AI even of the easiest settings. Any tips?

Other than practice, practice, and practice...that's all you can do. It takes people awhile to get used to the stick, especially if they're coming from the fightpad setup.

You can go into Training mode and practice your motions over, over, and over again just so you can get the muscle memory down. That's all I have to offer.

I'm glad I'm over the getting used the fight stick hump.
1. pick ryu or guile in training mode
2. practice their special attacks on each side until you can pull them off consistently

But if remember correctly, the AI on the easiest setting is pretty lax. You can just press buttons most of the time and beat them. (Turbo settings and a coffee cup helped me unlock seth)


learning the motions for specials is the easy part of learning a stick IMO.

the hard part is your movement and dashes. I say practice moving around first.
I got my stick a little more than a month and a half ago, I did exactly what Dryeye said. Just messed around with Ryu and Guile and practiced combos until I got them down. I also went back and did most of the trials all over again, and that helped me a bunch as well. I'm still learning a bit though. I map my black buttons to focus attack because I still haven't gotten a hang of mp+mk for focusing.

And a couple of days ago, I told myself that I would reach G1-C before Super came out. I stopped doing Championship mode a lot around early February after reaching G1-D. Had about 21,000 GP three days ago, and now I'm at around 23,600. And apparently, over these few days, I put about 20 hours in the game, putting me at around 504 hours. :lol


AZ Greg said:

-wall of information-

Yeah. The flip thing I need to tone down on. It may have been because of the mirror match but I use it at times to get away from pressure combo's of other characters. I just need to be more aware of how I'm using it and when.

More aggressive. Perhaps I need to do more of his df.HK which I noticed you did a lot of which turned into throws and EX Wall Dives.

As with the df.HK into poke, I was trying to do a sort of reset. Try something different overall with it. Perhaps you're the wrong person to try that on. Never again. I think I'm going to change that up though into a sort of hit and run strategy and see if I can get a bait out of it with the pokes. But still retrain being more aggressive.

As for the Vega vs Vega. Bad bad habits of mine cause I'm so used to trying to get the Izuna drops on other characters. That was pretty much my fault entirely.

I learned what I could out of those matches. Gives me a couple...er wait. Super will be out by then. Eh. Give me a couple weeks anyway and we should play again. See if I've improved.

AZ Greg

CcrooK said:
As with the df.HK into poke, I was trying to do a sort of reset.

I thought that's what you might have been doing. I do that too. I'll hit with the df.HK then do a cr.MP. I'll then walk forward and throw or walk forward like I'm going to throw but just step back. This will bait out the throw from your opponent or some other reversal. You can then punish from there. I only do that when I don't have meter though. If I have meter and I hit with the df.HK then I take the guaranteed damage. Vega needs all he can get.

And you're definitely improving. You were much more solid than the last time we played.

GGs to everyone from GAF I played today. And sorry about missing you gutabo. I ended up having to run an errand and when I got back you were in a match then I ended up getting in a match. Next time though! And sorry about only playing a few matches Kiun. Had to go take care of something. We'll play more next time.

Has anyone looked at their character win rate info lately? Some interesting stuff. Top 4 characters I've faced are:
- Ryu 1,958 times
- Balrog 1,252 times
- Chun-Li 1,053 times
- Ken 1,030 times

Crazy thing is that I only have 2 people on my friends list who main Ryu. So most of those are randoms O_O. Sorta surprised to see Chun ahead of Ken. Then again, there are a lot of people from GAF who play Chun so it makes sense. Least fought against character is Dan, of course (128 times). Least fought arcade character is Dhalsim (245 times). And I'm sure most of those are MicVlad from way back around launch. :lol Also sorta interesting is that I've only faced Rufus 252 times despite how good he is. And for all the hate Sagat gets and all the people who claim they always run into him online, I've only faced him 547 times. And a good 100-150 of those are probably vs. haunts. I have a winning record against every character except Honda. 46.63% win rate :(. And it was a lot lower before I started using Sim! :lol


Imm0rt4l said:
you've seriously never heard the term before? It trips me out when people ask stuff like what's this "salty" slang in fighting games, it's not from fighting games. This is like decade old slang.

putting someone on blast means to embarrass them in front of a lot of people.

English isn't my native language, that's why :)
AZ Greg said:
Sorta surprised to see Chun ahead of Ken. Then again, there are a lot of people from GAF who play Chun so it makes sense.

Chun-Li is the most comfortable middle-of-the-road character in this game. She's not strong where players feel like they're barking up the tier list, but not weak where the abilities available are totally undercutting.

And guys like playing girls who can kick ass.
Some stats from my Data:
Total 7006 matches (wins 75%), 531 hours and 64k GP
1080 Ryus
540 Sagats
478 Akumas
456 M. Bisons
436 Kens

Winning % against
El Fuerte 91%
Gief 58%
Seth 55%

Used Balrog for 92% of the matches.

Threi said:
learning the motions for specials is the easy part of learning a stick IMO.

the hard part is your movement and dashes. I say practice moving around first.

Hardest part for me is moving + supers and ultras. If I dash or move, I'll always get an ex-shoryuken instead of an ultra.


Man I'm so depressed. I can't even land Cammy's BnB once in a match even offline when I used to be able to do it almost 100% consistently. So many opportunities for damage just slip away.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Ysiadmihi said:
Man I'm so depressed. I can't even land Cammy's BnB once in a match even offline when I used to be able to do it almost 100% consistently. So many opportunities for damage just slip away.

At least you used to be able to do it. Lol, I never hit her BnB's more than 15% of the time, and she's been my main since the game came out :lol


TurtleSnatcher said:
Just had an epic session online with some local guys.


Who with? :D

Well after losing in Dallas Bar Fights to Yuuki due to me being too quick on my ultra after a well placed SRK FADC, I've been training continuously to better teach myself the aspects of being a good Ryu player. Though the advice of Buktooth and other local guys here, I can safely say that after 2 months of using stick, my Ryu is pretty damn legit. I still have a shitload of work to do, in terms of zoning, anti-air controlling and knowing exactly when and where to throw fireballs, but the majority of Ryu's links and setups come naturally to me now.

Now if I could only gain the useful technique of being able to tech throws...

Getting my stick dual modded tomorrow and purchasing a 360 next week so I can double dip on Super. Anyone who wants to get some games in, hit me up on PSN (PSN: TostitoSalsa) for either Ryu or Rufus experience in Vanilla.
Joekage said:
Who with? :D

Well after losing in Dallas Bar Fights to Yuuki due to me being too quick on my ultra after a well placed SRK FADC, I've been training continuously to better teach myself the aspects of being a good Ryu player. Though the advice of Buktooth and other local guys here, I can safely say that after 2 months of using stick, my Ryu is pretty damn legit. I still have a shitload of work to do, in terms of zoning, anti-air controlling and knowing exactly when and where to throw fireballs, but the majority of Ryu's links and setups come naturally to me now.

Now if I could only gain the useful technique of being able to tech throws...

Getting my stick dual modded tomorrow and purchasing a 360 next week so I can double dip on Super. Anyone who wants to get some games in, hit me up on PSN (PSN: TostitoSalsa) for either Ryu or Rufus experience in Vanilla.
Ohh this is your username on GAF.

Yea well you can be happy that I got your redemption and eliminated Yuuki and Jon from Barfights :p

I had a 30+ game session with Ian.. and then i went 7-7 vs dj. I'm pretty happy about that.


Stats are messed. Arcade Mode is taken into account, thus making them quite worthless. I use to play arcade mode when I want to play online, but it's not the same beating Sagat controlled by a computer (one of the easiest rivals) than controlled by a guy. The same can be said about Ryu.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Ohh this is your username on GAF.

Yea well you can be happy that I got your redemption and eliminated Yuuki and Jon from Barfights :p

I had a 30+ game session with Ian.. and then i went 7-7 vs dj. I'm pretty happy about that.

Haha nice, that pad fuerte is a force to be reckoned with. When I get my 360 I'll be sure to hit you up for some Fuerte matchup experience so maybe I can finally pose a small challenge to Campbell's Fuerte, and yeah DJ's Cammy is pretty legit, so definitely gonna play him as well.

Hoping for some good matchup training at Goons so next month's tournament won't be as frustrating.

ACE 1991

any tips (new player here) on executing Ryu's super/ultra? I'm playing on a standard edition fightstick, and so far I've be able to get his hadoken down but I can't for the life of me execute either his super or ultra.
ACE 1991 said:
Meaning? (I'm very new to the world of SF :lol )
You can activate the directional microswitch of the stick without moving the lever all the way to it's limit. This is the difference between engage (moving the stick far enough to activate the microswitch) and throw (ride the lever all the way to the gate).

Some people swap the standard square gate for an octagonal one and just ride it all day, but that didn't work out well for me, especially when it came to dashing or using charge characters.


Unconfirmed Member
ACE 1991 said:
any tips (new player here) on executing Ryu's super/ultra? I'm playing on a standard edition fightstick, and so far I've be able to get his hadoken down but I can't for the life of me execute either his super or ultra.
Double QCF is one of the most problematic motions for people learning stick. If you're getting (EX) SRKs instead of Super or Ultra, perhaps you're hitting the punches early (when you're only on down-forward and not forward) - some people find it helpful to exaggerate the second QCF motion and end on up-forward.

So try 2362369+P(PP).


Dashes screw me over too. I've taken level 3 focus attacks because I was certain I was backdashing and then would stand there dumbfounded when it didn't come out.
Ysiadmihi said:
Dashes screw me over too. I've taken level 3 focus attacks because I was certain I was backdashing and then would stand there dumbfounded when it didn't come out.

Guys like Az Greg gets free focus crumples from me whenever that happens T_T
GG's Wiseblade. Apologies again for those lag stutters. Wish I knew what causes it (seemingly at random), because one day it's fine and the next time it's not.

That said: wish I could land Dhalsim's Yoga Flame bread 'n butter combo more often against you (along with the slide into Super), but you kept moving around so much! And AA Super / Ultra were mostly out of the question as well, since you rarely jumped in when I wasn't knocked down... Still had fun though with those frequent guessing games.

Killa Sasa said:
GG's AZ Greg. As you can see, I sometimes have trouble playing characters who have to commit to their jump unlike Cammy. I need to become more tactical in my moving, that's for sure. That Sim of yours is getting scarier, ate up my Guile really quick and was just irritating enough to get me to make mistakes, most notably too much dashing when I finally scored a knockdown :lol Awesome patience there.

I still think Cammy is a bullshit match for Sim. Even if I whiff ultra, unless you have bar, I don't eat a big enough punish to discourage me. Good use of the standing mk (I think?) when I was spamming dive kicks on top of you, it's so hard for Sim to get her off of him.
AZ Greg said:

Yeah, Cammy is a pain. But it evens out with the Guile match-up. IIRC that's Sim's best match-up. So we both get to put each other through a tough match. :lol

I am starting to feel more comfortable with the Cammy match though. I feel like I can keep her out or focus her on all her approaches except the hooligan. Like I was telling Botox, that thing is damn hard to punish online. And I have to take the risk of punishing it with a standing normal that pushes you back a good distance as opposed to just crouch blocking and poking it because if I do that you'll be inside and the trade off for you will be well worth it.

I also need to work on my punishes when I block an unsafe spiral arrow. I tend to just react with a throw when Sim's b.MK xx lp yoga flame or b.HP xx ex yoga flame would do at least a little more damage.
Unless you meant completely whiffing her Ultra (as in: Dhalsim moving out of the way), her Ultra can be punished by his Super and / or Ultra. If Dhalsim crouches, the last hit of Cammy's Ultra makes her go over him instead of the both of you being pushed back, which gives Dhalsim enough time to return the favor with a decent counter attack as she lands right next to him. Any other close-range combo such as light kick -> Yoga Flame might work too, but those type of punishments admittedly aren't that damaging.

And Greg, regarding her Hooligan: just crouch or Yoga Tower if you want to be fancy. Shouldn't be too taxing to pull off on reaction. Just watch out for follow-up Cannon Spikes if going for the latter approach.


Back from my arbitrary banning. I wanna play some GAF peeps? Is there a typical playtime for everyone, or you guys just play whenever you see each other?

My tag synikal2k4, if anyone wants to add me.


I have to say that dashes are much easier after wrapping some electrical tape around the top part of the actuator (I just call it the spring cover thingy) like in this video that _dementia linked awhile back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QytcbzZmXaI

I wrapped the wider part once and the other part four times and to me it feels great. Could probably add a little more but I don't want accidental jumps coming out.


Setec Astronomer
ExMachina said:
Double QCF is one of the most problematic motions for people learning stick. If you're getting (EX) SRKs instead of Super or Ultra, perhaps you're hitting the punches early (when you're only on down-forward and not forward) - some people find it helpful to exaggerate the second QCF motion and end on up-forward.
Once you do manage to figure out the necessary motion, here's a good way to practice it:

- Go into training mode as Gen
- Give yourself infinite super meter
- Super...
- ...into Super...
- ...into Super...
- Try to keep that combo going for as long as possible.


AZ Greg said:
I thought that's what you might have been doing. I do that too. I'll hit with the df.HK then do a cr.MP. I'll then walk forward and throw or walk forward like I'm going to throw but just step back. This will bait out the throw from your opponent or some other reversal. You can then punish from there. I only do that when I don't have meter though. If I have meter and I hit with the df.HK then I take the guaranteed damage. Vega needs all he can get.

And you're definitely improving. You were much more solid than the last time we played.

GGs to everyone from GAF I played today. And sorry about missing you gutabo. I ended up having to run an errand and when I got back you were in a match then I ended up getting in a match. Next time though! And sorry about only playing a few matches Kiun. Had to go take care of something. We'll play more next time.

GGs AZ, I definitely need to learn the Dhalsim matchup more. Couldn't even get close to you. :lol
Rocky_Balboa said:
Some stats from my Data:
Total 7006 matches (wins 75%), 531 hours and 64k GP
1080 Ryus
540 Sagats
478 Akumas
456 M. Bisons
436 Kens

Winning % against
El Fuerte 91%
Gief 58%
Seth 55%

Used Balrog for 92% of the matches.

Hardest part for me is moving + supers and ultras. If I dash or move, I'll always get an ex-shoryuken instead of an ultra.

Oh shit this is gunna be fun. Everyone should post their final SF4 stats.

I'll get the real stats and a picture, but I'm something like 72% win, 6000 matches, 500+ hours, 95% win rate against Dan and Sakura :lol

But I'm like you. 50% against Seth! I have 70% or more against the entire cast, then low percents against Zangief <70% Sagat <60% Seth <50%

Definitely played Ryus the most, followed by Sagats. Kens died off slowly after the game was released, I don't think he'll be as high as the others but we'll see.

Oh and of 6000 matches I'm at least 95% Rufus usage. I think I picked Gen once or twice :lol
Ysiadmihi said:
Man I'm so depressed. I can't even land Cammy's BnB once in a match even offline when I used to be able to do it almost 100% consistently. So many opportunities for damage just slip away.

GG Kak(how the hell do you pronounce your GAF name? :lol ), and I noticed that to. You were raping me with Cammy BnB combos just a few months ago. You only played her twice against me I think but I still immediately noticed that difference. Oh well, I'm sure you'll get it back.

As for me I need to seriously work on Ryu's BnB, especially the jab, jab, SRK which I use to do so often. Even after 2 weeks of practice, arcade stick still feels awkward to me, like trying to throw with my left hand. Right now when I land a jump in I'm just mashing instead of timing the button presses. I think I need to do what you said and stop using pad because I've been going back and forth between the two.


I'm gonna be on later tonight to play some. Gonna play the game a final time before it gets shelved. So if anyone wants to play against my janky Zangief or Honda and whatever else hit me up on XBL. Gamertag = Ronabo. I'm in Ohio so keep that in mind west coasters.


Setec Astronomer
Rice-Eater said:
As for me I need to seriously work on Ryu's BnB, especially the jab, jab, SRK which I use to do so often. Even after 2 weeks of practice, arcade stick still feels awkward to me, like trying to throw with my left hand. Right now when I land a jump in I'm just mashing instead of timing the button presses. I think I need to do what you said and stop using pad because I've been going back and forth between the two.
You're not going to progress much if you keep half-assing it. I've been there. Getting comfortable with the stick means using it all the time, when you're relaxed, when you're tense, and when you're going "oh shit!" and trying to mash out a move on reaction. Most importantly, this also means when you're losing.

Immersion isn't just for learning languages.

Oh yeah, and if you're completely uncoordinated with your left arm, you might want to work on that too.
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