So now there's more American players online. Had a few more decent-good matches (finally lost some BP!), but it's still 98% shotoscrub, only now with guys on mics going either "HELLO? HELLO! HELLO?! CAN U HEAR ME HELLO?!?!" or just endless cursing like "WHAT THE FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT WHAT HOW'D YOU DO DAT BULLSHIT FUCK," etc.
I was thinking about making this my XBL Profile. What do you think, guys?
Some free advice for new players.
-PLEASE try someone OTHER than Ryu, Ken, or Akuma.
-PLEASE try do SPECIAL MOVES. Endless sweeps and jumpkicks are not going to get you very far.
-LEARN to BLOCK. You just hold back!
-NO, I'm not cheating when I use focus attacks.
-YES, I'm going to throw your ass every chance I get, especially if you never counter and just let me keep doing it to you OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
-YES, I CAN hear you, but I am not using a mic.
-MAYBE you should go back to CoD4, Madden, or whatever if this upsets you.
I mean damn, it wasn't think bad in HD Remix, and going back it wasn't this bad with other Capcom online games either. Maybe it's just that more popular than the others were?