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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Trucker Sexologist
Captain N said:
Well I think my wife might be going to the hospital in a few hours and have my first son. Anyone want to get some games in before we go?!?

What the hell? Where are your priorities man? Tell her to take a cab and then play SFIV all night.


needs to show more effort.
Jonsoncao said:
sorry guys need help here
in Ryu challenge level 4 the fourth one
how to press the button to get
"cancels shoryuken into shin hadouken" effect?
I don't have the game in front of me, but are you sure its supposed to be a cancel and not a juggle? If you are trying to do shoryuken->shin hadoken, usually the easiest way to do that is with a weak shoryuken so you land before them, and then hit them with the shin hadoken after you land and catch them on the way down.


Alright, I guess I don't understand how to cancel. I'm on Sakura's third challenge(normal) and no matter how much i s.MP to QCF+P I cannot seem to pass the challenge. What the hell am I supposed to do here? Reading about cancelling, it seems that the goal is to start the motion for the next move before the current move's animation has completed, but I think that's what I'm doing. =/

Darkman M

I rarely see Akuma's online and the few i do just try to raging demon me the whole round, tapping the sequence to no avail, until last night when i was suddenly challenged by a mean akuma player... to make it short it ended with him Kara Ultra Raging Demoing me good times.


Wraith said:
Alright, I guess I don't understand how to cancel. I'm on Sakura's third challenge(normal) and no matter how much i s.MP to QCF+P I cannot seem to pass the challenge. What the hell am I supposed to do here? Reading about cancelling, it seems that the goal is to start the motion for the next move before the current move's animation has completed, but I think that's what I'm doing. =/
from what I read after you press mp hold it then do QCF and let go of mp.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I didn't realize doing the trial challenges unlocked titles. I am now using Dan's third trial title. Soo good. :lol
Fuck you!!!! Fuck you very much mad catz!!!!

both my 360 sticks are fucked up!!!! ARGH!!!!!

on one, the bottom right black button doesn't work, and my other one has that sticking problem!!!!! PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!

at least my PS3 stick is working fine

impressions on the game: it's a great game, looks beautiful but i'm still not used to the rhythm of it, all of my timing is just off, jumps are a little too floaty. but thats just because i'm used to SF3 and SF2T. in time i'll be back to my normal ass kicking self!!!


slayn said:
I don't have the game in front of me, but are you sure its supposed to be a cancel and not a juggle? If you are trying to do shoryuken->shin hadoken, usually the easiest way to do that is with a weak shoryuken so you land before them, and then hit them with the shin hadoken after you land and catch them on the way down.
yah thats easier and surely works

but this challenge is like this
Jump+heavy kick -> Heavy punch -> Shoryuken -> Shin Hadouken

and its kinda hard to get light shoryuken after a heavy punch

also the jap guy in his vid is cancelling


EraldoCoil said:
Fuck you!!!! Fuck you very much mad catz!!!!

both my 360 sticks are fucked up!!!! ARGH!!!!!

on one, the bottom right black button doesn't work, and my other one has that sticking problem!!!!! PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!

at least my PS3 stick is working fine

impressions on the game: it's a great game, looks beautiful but i'm still not used to the rhythm of it, all of my timing is just off, jumps are a little too floaty. but thats just because i'm used to SF3 and SF2T. in time i'll be back to my normal ass kicking self!!!

How long did it take for that to happen? 360 SE stick here and no problems yet...even though i'm told it's ALL initial shipments that have that problem. Is it something that you should notice day one, or is there no telling when it'll strike?

Oh and I think i've finally learned how to attack Ken spammers with dynamic cooking power.

EDIT: Huh. Did Ryu's jumping MP always do 2 hits? Thats pretty nice.
Teknoman said:
How long did it take for that to happen? 360 SE stick here and no problems yet...even though i'm told it's ALL initial shipments that have that problem. Is it something that you should notice day one, or is there no telling when it'll strike?

Oh and I think i've finally learned how to attack Ken spammers with dynamic cooking power.

it happened after bout a week i suppose for the sticky stick, right outta the package the LT didnt work on the other stick, i'm sure it's an easy fix, but i'm just too frustrated to try and fix it right now : (
To all my pugilist buddies...

I suck in this game. Don't expect much competition...

I've been trying to play the trial with Ryu and Ken (for starters) and gah...I tried on a stick and pad...no go...but I'll be persistent...that's how I was able to overcome EX1 and EX2...

I haven't played any online battles yet.

I was able to finish the game on the hardest difficulty with Ken but I lost a round to Seth and another to another character. I'd like to complete it without losing a round.

Also got my strategy guide today. And should get the "CE" edition on Friday.

I see a thread on SRK about how the game sold out in one day...I don't see how when we are getting reports of people going into stores and picking them up.

Must be Sony or Capcom sleeper agents...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Man, I'm like a punching bag against the shotos w/ Fuerte. Doesn't help that my defense sucks anyway, but man you have to work hard with this guy to get close to winning. Then bam, an EX SRK ruins whatever I can do to finish them off.


he's Virgin Tight™
-Zangief is overpowered. Button smashing and EX gets people FAR.
-Ken's are everywhere. It's... Ken, Ken, Ken, Ryu, Ken, Ken, Ken, Akuma, Ken, Ken, Ken, Blanka, Ken..... same cycle.
-I still haven't gotten used to it, but I have 580Battle points in one night and got up the 5-row win achievements.
-I really, REALLY want a lobby and a tournament system. Will Capcom be doing this?
-Lag is tolerable.
-Graphics are good.
-The Music is quite good as well.
-360 Pad has been performing relatively well.
-Chun Li was nerfed to nothingness.
-Vega even more.
-Honda feels slower.
-Guile... huh... pfft.
-El Fuerte is horrible.
-Japanese voices FTW. SHO-U-RIUKEEEN <- Ken in english.
-Loooooooots of unlockables. Nice.
-AI is hard as hell. Seth is unfair.
-I am still thrown off by the rythm and changes in priorities and stuff.
-Getting better at grabbing :lol
-anime cut-scenes are low budget.

So far.... I like it a lot :D Hope I get much better soon.
I don't think the game is hard per say...it's just getting familiar with the character's moves and the computer AI.

And that sucks that both of your sticks EraldoCoil...

I'm sure there have been product lines with quality control issues (RROD or Nvidia's 8 series mobility chips)...but not immediately after launching a product.
Relix, I'm sure they'll patch the game with the lobby and tournament feature later on (hopefully). This is a game that can have long legs for them depending on how they play it.

And I'm surprised by the reports of Kens... You'd think with all of the videos floating around, peeps would be using Zangief, Rufus, Sagat, Ryu, Dictator and Viper.


to get people to not use Ken:

1. Get Diago to do a crazy comeback vid with a diff char
2. Put on internet
3. Use superlatives and hyperbole to describe vid
4. Wait for it to spread
5. ???
6. Profit
Hey guys, I'm a new Guile user and I'm having a ahrd time with a challenge.

I jump in with a heavy, do a crouching medium --> to a flash kick, and then I'm supposed to bust out a super immediately afterwards?

what the shit? I can do that shit with Ken's dragon punch cancel to a super, but how am I supposed to go (hold down then up) = flashkick and then (hold down, go down right, go back down left, and go up right) and connect the super flashkcik?

PS: And my SE is fine, those having problems with the fightstick should just notify madcatz, they are aware of hte problem and have mentioned that it was a factory error on the earlier units.


The Everyman
Threi said:
to get people to not use Ken:

1. Get Diago to do a crazy comeback vid with a diff char
2. Put on internet
3. Use superlatives and hyperbole to describe vid
4. Wait for it to spread
5. ???
6. Profit
as awesome as the moment is, thats not why people are picking ken
I'm shocked that more people online haven't unlocked the characters yet. I've played one Sakura and I just played my first (I'm sure of many) Akuma. Those are the only "hidden" characters I've encountered.

I guess you don't need to unlock them if you only plan on using ken...


Spiderjericho said:
Relix, I'm sure they'll patch the game with the lobby and tournament feature later on (hopefully). This is a game that can have long legs for them depending on how they play it.

And I'm surprised by the reports of Kens... You'd think with all of the videos floating around, peeps would be using Zangief, Rufus, Sagat, Ryu, Dictator and Viper.
I was too. But scrubs get online and just do simple combos with him but if you have a lick of advanced training you should be able to destroy them. Sounds like people are just being shoto and simple dp spammers nothing a ultra won't show them.

Also Akuma has been nerfed so I doubt he will give you much trouble.
I still can't find the game. The store i work at has no copies and everyone at work has called around looking for a copy of their own to no avail. I'm stuck with K-mart becuase I have a 25 dollar gift card from them and they seem to get stuff last.

Is there a shortage or something? I hope Capcom properly gauged demand.


Gold Member
PS3 owners please install the game to the HD. It cuts down on load times significantly and helps out the other guy waiting to play you on the other end. Plus, you get to hear a totally awesome song a few times.
C- Warrior said:
Hey guys, I'm a new Guile user and I'm having a ahrd time with a challenge.

I jump in with a heavy, do a crouching medium --> to a flash kick, and then I'm supposed to bust out a super immediately afterwards?

what the shit? I can do that shit with Ken's dragon punch cancel to a super, but how am I supposed to go (hold down then up) = flashkick and then (hold down, go down right, go back down left, and go up right) and connect the super flashkcik?

super cancel :lol


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
C- Warrior said:
Hey guys, I'm a new Guile user and I'm having a ahrd time with a challenge.

I jump in with a heavy, do a crouching medium --> to a flash kick, and then I'm supposed to bust out a super immediately afterwards?

what the shit? I can do that shit with Ken's dragon punch cancel to a super, but how am I supposed to go (hold down then up) = flashkick and then (hold down, go down right, go back down left, and go up right) and connect the super flashkcik?

PS: And my SE is fine, those having problems with the fightstick should just notify madcatz, they are aware of hte problem and have mentioned that it was a factory error on the earlier units.

Guile's c.MP -> Flash Kick XX Super

c.MP -> Flash Kick (d/b, u/f+K), Super (d/b, u/f+K)

That's how you super cancel with supers ending with u/f. Same concept as b,f supers.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
EraldoCoil said:
my girl Chun is definitely nerfed to hell!!! jeeze

it's like they almost want you to exclusively use ryu, ken, sagat and akuma


Chun isnt as strong as in 3s, but still pretty damn good. Good damage, good priority and her crouching fierce punch (and aerial) is FANTASTIC.

Keep practicing son :p

Ill be adding more guys on PSN tonight, once I unlock all the characters Ill be online a lot more.
Oichi said:
Guile's c.MP -> Flash Kick XX Super

c.MP -> Flash Kick (d/b, u/f+K), Super (d/b, u/f+K)

That's how you super cancel with supers ending with u/f. Same concept as b,f supers.

Thanks, but it's going to take me 10 years to decipher all the upk gj ad b,f fft, akd c.MP, QHCHCB jj d/b's


Okay, deciphered. So you're basically saying I don't have to complete the entire motion of the super -- basically I should do the same motion as a regular flashkick but there is no need to hold?

What's the timing? Do I do it when Guile lands back down? Or immediately after the normal flashkick connects?
Raging Spaniard said:

Chun isnt as strong as in 3s, but still pretty damn good. Good damage, good priority and her crouching fierce punch (and aerial) is FANTASTIC.

Keep practicing son :p

Ill be adding more guys on PSN tonight, once I unlock all the characters Ill be online a lot more.

be sure to hit me up on psn!
I really suck at pulling off Fei Long's cancel into his flying kick. I passed the challenge where it's strong punch cancelled into the flying kick on luck.

Any tips for it? I really like the kick to keep people on their toes and would like to be able to cancel into it consistently.
EraldoCoil said:
my girl Chun is definitely nerfed to hell!!! jeeze

it's like they almost want you to exclusively use ryu, ken, sagat and akuma

Anything resembling a more balanced Chun Li would seem 'nerfed' after Third Strike's Chun Li.


im ashamed for asking something like this:

I got Error 74 on my 360, I repaired it and modded it in the process...I bought an Arcade 360 (Jasper) so I hope it never breaks. Street Fighter arrives here (Ecuador) in TWO more weeks and this is an eternity for me. So I ask you, can I use my hard drive in the modded console to play SF4 without my current jasper 360 being in danger of being banned when I put the HDD back in it?

Im not connecting to Xbox Live on the modded console....I will play Sf4 online when I get the original game. I absolutely love this game....I hate Zangief
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