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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Im having some trouble with these character trials, can somebody link me to a few videos?
I can't find any myself


Super Johnson said:

First time he smacked me into the screen I laughed and thought it was cool. Not so much the second time. Capcom has really perfected cheap ass bosses.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I guess if all goes to plan, tomorrow gives up the DLC and costumes. I wish I could play the 360 version, but it'll have to wait until I can get an arcade stick.


Neo Member
this is crazy. all the ps3 copies (regular) are sold out at all the best buys and gamestops here in silicon valley.


Jirotrom said:
sagat is essentially a shoto... im so tired of that word and associating it with scrubs...
He is THE shoto king. He plays the best zoning game. Hence why you can see him so often in high end play. TIGER! TIGER! TIGER!


SapientWolf said:
The other question is how much it cuts the load times. I hear they are already pretty quick.

I heard the load times are quick no matter if its installed or not. It's just if u wanna hear the jet engine or not :lol
Tokubetsu said:
anyone know how big the SFIV 360 install is?


SapientWolf said:
The other question is how much it cuts the load times. I hear they are already pretty quick.

i haven't played without it installed, but basically right after the announcer is done talking in the pre battle screen the match starts. i played some online and the loads were 2-3 seconds longer (if i had to guess). not a huge difference.


I'm getting better with sagat. I'm hovering around 1k battle points.

Although I think this is what my opponents screen looks like just before we fight.



junkster said:
Picked up 2 controllers and the PS3 version tonight.

Been a hardcore SF player since SF2 so I gotta shoot from the hip here...

Graphics? Awesome!
Gameplay? Awesome!
Sound design? Terrible!
Voices? Are you serious? (announcer play by play, Ken's hurricane kick, etc etc etc)
Music? Horrendous!
No custom soundtracks? In this particular case.... uuuuugh...

I never would have imagined that any game's sound would totally ruin it for me, but there it is.

Granted, there are great tracks, but only in Rival Fights, which I can't choose in Vs. mode.

Capcom, what were you thinking?

I REALLY hope they add custom soundtracks in a patch.

Hell, I'd pay good money for it.

So in 24 hours, since finding out about custom soundtracks and voice changes... SF4 went from one of the biggest frustrations to one of my favorite games of all time.

The gameplay is perfect, the control options are phenomenal, the music is customizable, the online works really well, the roster is totally awesome, the characters seem really balanced...

The only thing that could make this fighting game more perfect is more content, and it's not going to be necessary for a long long time.

Make sure you get a great pad or stick... and it's worth every penny.
Vega isn't as bad as I originally thought. I'm doing quite well with him. His wall dives may not be as fast as ST but the matches are still very winnable. I love the EX version of w/e that move is called where he jumps off the wall and dashes across the screen with his claw. Goes right through fireballs :D. His super is pretty weak but it's FAST and it catches people off guard all the time.
Akim said:
I'm getting better with sagat. I'm hovering around 1k battle points.

Although I think this is what my opponents screen looks like just before we fight.


you and me both, I was around 800 or so then I ran into 1 Sagat and 2 Ken's. so now I'm around 600 now :(


slept with Malkin
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Vega isn't as bad as I originally thought. I'm doing quite well with him. His wall dives may not be as fast as ST but the matches are still very winnable. I love the EX version of w/e that move is called where he jumps off the wall and dashes across the screen with his claw. Goes right through fireballs :D. His super is pretty weak but it's FAST and it catches people off guard all the time.

I got rocked hard by turtlesnatcher and his vega :lol


The Everyman
anyone know where i can go for some super begginner tips. like for someone whos never really played street fighter and has almost about 30 matches in a row in unranked matches against kens?


Playing on the ps3. The net play is surprisingly extremely playable vs 3 bar opponents. :D

90% of the players I played online picked Ken. I can't say anything because I play him too. XD


What is the point of purposefully removing your claws and mask as vega? It currently makes no fucking sense whatsoever to me what the purpose of that is.
My first ranked win and before I'm back in the menu I have a message in my inbox:

"Throw button saved your life!"

Oh the tears are delicious! Thx for the points!


y2dvd said:
Playing on the ps3. The net play is surprisingly extremely playable vs 3 bar opponents. :D

90% of the players I played online picked Ken. I can't say anything because I play him too. XD

As long as you arent a spammer, its cool. Most people are just complaining about it not for variety sake, but for spammed attacks sake. Once you come to grips with the fighting system, they are no problem though.


So yeah, picked it up today and I'm having a blast so far. I don't have a lot of time to play with so much school work, but the challenge mode will keep me busy for a real long time.

I'm loving El Fuerte. I was having a lot of trouble with some of his links from jumps, especially j.hp to hk, but I eventually got it. I think maybe you can't do it in the corner or something. It was a couple hours ago and I forget already, but it was tough.


Trying to figure out the one trial objective (normal trial 3) where you do a heavy punch and a heavy special, canceling is involved somehow but I don't know :/

I need to stop playing as Rufus, but I caaaaaaaaaaaann't. :[


Odrion said:
Trying to figure out the one trial objective (normal trial 3) where you do a heavy punch and a heavy special, canceling is involved somehow but I don't know :/

I need to stop playing as Rufus, but I caaaaaaaaaaaann't. :[
His fat has you hypnotized.


y2dvd said:
Playing on the ps3. The net play is surprisingly extremely playable vs 3 bar opponents. :D

90% of the players I played online picked Ken. I can't say anything because I play him too. XD
ive yet to fight ken or ryu
I am so frustrated i want to throw my joystick out the window. I feel like im getting better with the stick when im in practice mode. I have that hori soul calibur pad for ps3. But when i go online or play on medium if i get a bit nervous I cant pull off any moves. I cant figure out if its the way i lay my hand on the buttons and how i sit or what. I really need to get pad, i never grew up using a joystick, I keep trying to give it a chance but its so damn frustrating.


vertopci said:
What is the point of purposefully removing your claws and mask as vega? It currently makes no fucking sense whatsoever to me what the purpose of that is.

It's a taunt. You do that, you're telling the dude on the other side that you don't need no claw to beat his scroto ass.


Teknoman said:
Seriously. He only says stuff at key moments, and it adds to the fight.
I want to fucking murder the announcer in this game. He's way beyond annoying. It's like he wanted to 1-up the Waverace 64 announcer in every conceivable way. The only way I could find to turn him off, also turned off character voices, so no "shoryuken" etc.

TrAcEr_x90 said:
I am so frustrated i want to throw my joystick out the window. I feel like im getting better with the stick when im in practice mode. I have that hori soul calibur pad for ps3. But when i go online or play on medium if i get a bit nervous I cant pull off any moves. I cant figure out if its the way i lay my hand on the buttons and how i sit or what. I really need to get pad, i never grew up using a joystick, I keep trying to give it a chance but its so damn frustrating.
Are you sure the problem is the joystick? You say you're getting good with it, but it's just performance anxiety. This is my first time using a stick, and I'm loving it. It has added so much to my experience. With less than 2 hours under my belt, I know that I execute every input far more accurately and quickly than I ever could with a pad.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
I am so frustrated i want to throw my joystick out the window. I feel like im getting better with the stick when im in practice mode. I have that hori soul calibur pad for ps3. But when i go online or play on medium if i get a bit nervous I cant pull off any moves. I cant figure out if its the way i lay my hand on the buttons and how i sit or what. I really need to get pad, i never grew up using a joystick, I keep trying to give it a chance but its so damn frustrating.
its hard at first... and you have to be willing to lose because of it but the benefits are great. dont give up.
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