I'm closing into to the 500 XBOX Live Match achievement.
purg3 said:
I got rocked hard by turtlesnatcher and his vega :lol
Good games tonight Purg3. Vega is my best.
Earlier today I hit about 1970 in BP.. but since then I have been dropping.. Its been horrible. Not sure what happened but its like I forgot how to do an EX Wall Dive on my stick when I'm on the right side (2p) position. Its annoying me to all hell.
I really want to start learning another character but I'm afraid too. I'd love to learn El Fuerte but I can't do shoto type skills (ie: Fuertes dashrun) worth shit on an arcade stick.
So far.. I hate the following characters..
1) Ken - Because everyone uses him yet they are easy punish in regards to DP whores. Though the good ones are most def good)
2) Ryu - Because he is the 2nd most used characters and its annoying but also funny to flip over their ultra/super fireballs
3) Sagat - Annoying and so strong.. its kind of ridiculous. For every 5 hits I get on him.. he only needs to get 1 on me.
4) Blanka - Annoying
5) Guile - His fierce kick sweep is annoying with the 2 attacks.. Though I can watch when they are doing flash kicks etc but that 1 normal attack drives me crazy
6) Zangief - This is always a long battle for me.. And I have to back flip CONSTANTLY. I can't even normally walk in this game.. whenever im on the ground I'm back flipping so he can miss his grabs. Lots of pokes and slowly take out his humongus stamina.
DigitalA1chemy said:
I wish I could compare all my stats to my friends and not just the leaderboard stuff.
You can.. just hit the buttons to change the categories..