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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps



Screw the haters, but i'm having fun with abel, bison, e.honda


Akim said:
As sagat am I suppose to have an easy time with guile? I usually turtle and he seems to be better at it than me.. Any tips?

Yes you are :lol

Your fireball is better, so use that a lot. Just make sure you block his EX sonic boom because it's damn fast. If you get in close and have 2 bars, dragon punch>FADC, if it's blocked, throw, if it hits, ultra (if you have it, otherwise use heavy tiger knee). Don't jump, unless you're jumping over a sonic boom and outside of his low fierce range. Also remember that light tiger knee is pretty damn safe.
YakiSOBA said:
who's everyones main so far??


I have a question about Blanka. I just fought one that would leave his electricity on for like 10-15 seconds at a time. What move can I use to knock him out of it without getting hit? I'm playing Rufus and the only thing I could find was his EX Galactic Tornado, but what if I don't have any bar? I ended up just interrupting it with a falcon kick, but of course then I get hit too.


riskVSreward said:
You're supposed to be dashing, it is a "dash cancel." You may be dashing twice (mashing forward instead of just hitting it twice) so just try buffering in the dash before the focus move hits.

Should I be holding the focus attack down when I use it to cancel or just press tap it? It seems like I should hold it and dash while holding it because if I tap it, he always does the attack and I dont have the opportunity to dash.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Wait, I thought Championship Mode patch was due out this week. IIRC, they said it would be "day one".

btw, main is THE GIGA BUSTAH!
Ravager61 said:
Should I be holding the focus attack down when I use it to cancel or just press tap it? It seems like I should hold it and dash while holding it because if I tap it, he always does the attack and I dont have the opportunity to dash.
Well, you can dash cancel after it either way, but it sounds like the combo you're going for needs you to do a full charge.

Try charging it all the way, when your char. switches from charge to attack, let go of the MP+MK and double tap f. After the move hits, you will dash.


Kintaro said:
Wait, I thought Championship Mode patch was due out this week. IIRC, they said it would be "day one".

btw, main is THE GIGA BUSTAH!
that was a translation error, apparently they only started working on it after the game got submitted in January


needs to show more effort.
DigitalA1chemy said:

I have a question about Blanka. I just fought one that would leave his electricity on for like 10-15 seconds at a time. What move can I use to knock him out of it without getting hit? I'm playing Rufus and the only thing I could find was his EX Galactic Tornado, but what if I don't have any bar? I ended up just interrupting it with a falcon kick, but of course then I get hit too.
I don't know rufus, but generally any good poke. Most likely something that isn't fierce. Try just like a crouching medium or weak kick or something?
I really hope the PC sku does well =(

I know I will defintely double dipping (especially considering Capcom's current PC record) and any self-respecting PC player should pick it up....and these motherbitches better not complain about "mmegehhh, I can't play it with a keyboard, it sux0rs"
Pretty much every decent stick/pad/etc. is USB based assholes...fucking pick one!


Ferrio said:
Trick? Heh not sure myself. He plays a lot differently than in turbo. So far I've just been mixing up a lot of EX rushes and trying to keep pressure with low lp/lk's, headbutts and throws.

I have yet to find a use for the TAP, which feels really odd since it was such a main component of my turbo game.
He's much different from Dudley who I'm used to for a boxer type. What's the meaning of "charge" when dialling in his moves on the d-pad? That's where I'm struggling, probably a dumb question though


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Still working on maining Fei Long. I'm fairly decent with him, but some people have really put me in my place showing me that I've got a lot to learn.

...what's a good tactic to people that turtle up?

I'm talking constantly blocking and waiting to counter instead of initiating?


I'm picking this up from Gamefly this week. I made the right decision to go with the PS3 version for the better controller, right?
AgentOtaku said:
I really hope the PC sku does well =(

I know I will defintely double dipping (especially considering Capcom's current PC record) and any self-respecting PC player should pick it up....and these motherbitches better not complain about "mmegehhh, I can't play it with a keyboard, it sux0rs"
Pretty much every decent stick/pad/etc. is USB based assholes...fucking pick one!
Yep, you can get drivers for 360 wired pad/joysticks from Microsoft.com
RubxQub said:
Still working on maining Fei Long. I'm fairly decent with him, but some people have really put me in my place showing me that I've got a lot to learn.

...what's a good tactic to people that turtle up?

I'm talking constantly blocking and waiting to counter instead of initiating?


Guled said:
thats Capcom V.P. Christian Svensson from the Capcom Unity boards
Thanks. Got a link to the thread? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to show it to my friend who is adamant that the Championship patch will contain lobbies.


Is anyone else having problems with doing Supers when going for an Ultra? I'm playing with a MadCatz SE stick, and it works perfectly so I don't think the stick is the problem. I don't know, but I do the motion and press the three buttons, and a super comes out more often than not. I'm doing this in training mode with infinite meters. Is the the time window you have between each of the three button presses so that they register as being pressed at the same time really, really small or do I just suck?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
riskVSreward said:
How do you get in close without them poking at you?

I guess I could jump at them and throw? But some folks wait for you to jump and they DP. If you walk in you get a sweep.

Very frustrating playstyle.


RubxQub said:
Still working on maining Fei Long. I'm fairly decent with him, but some people have really put me in my place showing me that I've got a lot to learn.

...what's a good tactic to people that turtle up?

I'm talking constantly blocking and waiting to counter instead of initiating?
Any luck with FA and then dash cancelling forward or doing a lvl 2 FA, have them block it, and then throw or do crouching LP or LK on them?

I haven't had too much time with Fei yet, just curious about using his FA and dash as part of his rushdown strat.


needs to show more effort.
RubxQub said:
How do you get in close without them poking at you?

I guess I could jump at them and throw? But some folks wait for you to jump and they DP. If you walk in you get a sweep.

Very frustrating playstyle.
walk forward until you are just in their sweep range, then fo a focus attack, eat the sweep, and then smack them in the face from the FA?


walk forward until you are just in their sweep range, then take a step back. They sweep, whiff, and you smack them.

doesn't Fei Long have one of the best FA's?
RubxQub said:
How do you get in close without them poking at you?

I guess I could jump at them and throw? But some folks wait for you to jump and they DP. If you walk in you get a sweep.

Very frustrating playstyle.
It really depends on how the other person is playing, you need to figure out exactly how they are turtling you and trick them. Practice delaying your QCF+P punches. After they're used to you delaying each hit, you can stop after the first or second hit and throw. Once you've thrown them enough they should snap out of their shell and try being more aggressive. Just be patient and keep practicing.
Akim said:
Is it worth it to do the time trials!? There are 20 of them on normal with some up to 12 rounds! Wtf!?
YES! They aren't hard at all and you unlock taunts + colors. Then do Survival as those aren't hard either, more colors + taunts. Then you could do the trials for combo practice etc...


slayn said:
walk forward until you are just in their sweep range, then fo a focus attack, eat the sweep, and then smack them in the face from the FA?


walk forward until you are just in their sweep range, then take a step back. They sweep, whiff, and you smack them.
Is backdashing and then doing rekka fast enough to punish whiffed sweeps?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
DMPrince said:
I don't think it'll let you do it. i'm stuck on the same one for rufus too. unless i'm doing something wrong too.

Yes, it'll let you do it. I've finished all of Rufus' normal trial and half of his hard trials, so if it says Heavy Punch -> Galactic Tornado, then it's doable. Although I went back and noticed I goofed on my explanation. :lol

Just do Heavy Punch (hold), down, down/forward, forward+Release Heavy Punch and continue to hold forward.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Arde5643 said:
Any luck with FA and then dash cancelling forward or doing a lvl 2 FA, have them block it, and then throw or do crouching LP or LK on them?

I haven't had too much time with Fei yet, just curious about using his FA and dash as part of his rushdown strat.
His FA has insane reach, so this is probably the method I should start using. Fei's Rekkas come out pretty fast and the LP version of it is pretty safe to poke with.

I find a lot of people have a hard time figuring out the chicken wing. They're not quite sure when it's coming out and when it does they don't quite seem to estimate it's range properly.

I'm sticking with him, though!


riskVSreward said:
YES! They aren't hard at all and you unlock taunts + colors. Then do Survival as those aren't hard either, more colors + taunts. Then you could do the trials for combo practice etc...

Yeah, they aren't hard but it sure is time consuming


hyperbolically metafictive
-Mikey- said:
For those with the japanese version of the game, the US DLC isn't compatible. Waste of money..

ps3 or 360? i've got the japanese 360 version, and i'm assuming it's the same multiregion disc as the us version...
RubxQub said:
His FA has insane reach, so this is probably the method I should start using. Fei's Rekkas come out pretty fast and the LP version of it is pretty safe to poke with.

I find a lot of people have a hard time figuring out the chicken wing. They're not quite sure when it's coming come and when it does they don't quite seem to estimate it's range properly.

I'm sticking with him, though!
Fei's awesome but he can be turtled pretty effectively. You're just going to have to come up with a gameplay to condition your opponent. You want them to think they can't block forever because you'll throw, and they can't come out of block prematurely because they'll eat a rekka etc... Try to get into their head, mixup your rekkas, play footsies, etc...
Akim said:
Yeah, they aren't hard but it sure is time consuming
For sure. I'm doing them all at work today so I can spend tonight on Live. Seriously 360-GAF, you better watch the fuck out tonight. I'mma commin'!


Yoboman said:
He's much different from Dudley who I'm used to for a boxer type. What's the meaning of "charge" when dialling in his moves on the d-pad? That's where I'm struggling, probably a dumb question though

Er what? He's a charge character... you know... like guile etc.. Hold that direction 2 seconds then next direction + button
I haven't played around with Fei much but I'd try to get good at cancelling your rekkas so you can dash away if its blocked or cancel into something else so you're not a sitting duck when you're done


riskVSreward said:
Fei's awesome but he can be turtled pretty effectively. You're just going to have to come up with a gameplay to condition your opponent. You want them to think they can't block forever because you'll throw, and they can't come out of block prematurely because they'll eat a rekka etc... Try to get into their head, mixup your rekkas, play footsies, etc...

For sure. I'm doing them all at work today so I can spend tonight on Live. Seriously 360-GAF, you better watch the fuck out tonight. I'mma commin'!

add me!

gt: biackula

I'll show you what i got!


riskVSreward said:
Fei's awesome but he can be turtled pretty effectively. You're just going to have to come up with a gameplay to condition your opponent. You want them to think they can't block forever because you'll throw, and they can't come out of block prematurely because they'll eat a rekka etc... Try to get into their head, mixup your rekkas, play footsies, etc...

For sure. I'm doing them all at work today so I can spend tonight on Live. Seriously 360-GAF, you better watch the fuck out tonight. I'mma commin'!
Anyone have any luck cheesing out Fei's FA since it's almost as far as his medium or fierce rekka?
In theory, Fei's FA seems to be really safe since you cannot throw or do fast pokes at him from the optimal FA range.
And even if you try to trade with him at that range, you get the danger of getting a crumple if it's a lvl 2 FA.
Akim said:
add me!

gt: biackula

I'll show you what i got!
FR sent, I'll be out of work in 3 hours (10pm eastern) then I just gotta do a few things before I start gaming.
dralla said:
I just lost 9 games in a row using Viper.

beat that.

I feel so crippled using this piece of shit controller though.
Good christ. I'm trying to go through Chun-Li's trial challenge 3 and it asks to me do a Heavy K into a Hyakuretsukyaku, but the window after the Heavy K isn't enough to get in the Kyakuretsukyaku. Any tips on how to get this to work?
cann3dheat said:
Good christ. I'm trying to go through Chun-Li's trial challenge 3 and it asks to me do a Heavy K into a Hyakuretsukyaku, but the window after the Heavy K isn't enough to get in the Kyakuretsukyaku. Any tips on how to get this to work?
As soon as you hit HK start mashing all 3 kicks.
Why is there no spectator support in SFIV?

Sven: I'll better be able to address this in a few weeks... can't say more than that right now.

For now, the team is focused on the PC SKU and the Championship update. Beyond that, I can't comment. I will say Spectator modes/lobbies not part of either of those pieces of content.

"Address" why it isn't in... not rectify. Not to be all doom-and-gloom, but that sounds like it'll be something to the effect of "we couldn't hit the release date so we just left that sumbitch out."
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