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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


First impressions:

Wow, I knew I suck at Street Fighter but now I know I really suck! I've always been a sort of casual SF player who doesn't really take too much time to learn a lot of it, but that's not gonna pay off here it seems! Is it just me or is the arcade mode in this one even harder than the one in 3rd Strike? I haven't even beaten it on easiest yet! ;_; At least in 3S I could beat arcade in one sitting with just a couple continues needed at the end, here.

I'm not even going near the online mode yet (had it on accept invites at first, but couldn't even start the first CPU round without people constantly butting in so that soon went off), been mainly playing the survival/time attack modes which don't spike up in difficulty so suddenly. I do like the focus attack stuff, the revenge stuff though seems to only happen by accident so far for me. :lol

- Chun Li doesn't feel right to me, I preferred how she played in 3, personally.
- Sagat is crazy awesome, he clicked for me straight away this this one.
- Rufus is AWESOME. Possibly my favorite character out of those I've played so far (not many).
- I wanna play Sakura =(


This game is so good that I might take it back and swap it for the LE along with a copy of the strategy guide for toilet reading (I never by guides).

I'm using the 360 hori ex2 stick but gonna get the pad for a mate just for Street Fighter 4 nights as he prefers the pad. Where is the best place to get them in the UK?
Gagaman said:
Wow, I knew I suck at Street Fighter but now I know I really suck! I've always been a sort of casual SF player who doesn't really take too much time to learn a lot of it, but that's not gonna pay off here it seems! Is it just me or is the arcade mode in this one even harder than the one in 3rd Strike?
I'm right there with you. And i can't believe reviews were gushing over how accessible the game is to casuals.
Fistwell said:
I'm right there with you. And i can't believe reviews were gushing over how accessible the game is to casuals.

It is though. Input commands do seem a bit more forgiving to me. There are just a bunch of people that are fucking serious about this game.


Everytime I play a 5 round match, it always disconnects after I win 2 rounds in a row. Btw, do disconnects affect your winning streak?
PhatSaqs said:
As the pic shows the tournament mode does seem to have some sort of "lobby like" system but I doubt its what everyone is asking for (HDR like with spectating). Just getting a lobby with players waiting to play while the other players fight would be.....

Ok, how do you set that up? Far as I could tell all I could do was set private slots to 1?
MrDenny said:
Everytime I play a 5 round match, it always disconnects after I win 2 rounds in a row. Btw, do disconnects affect your winning streak?
No. The quitter gets a loss, but no BP penalty.
If someone quits on you, it does not count as a win and there is no BP reward.


Fistwell said:
I'm right there with you. And i can't believe reviews were gushing over how accessible the game is to casuals.
I'm getting better as I play it but yeah, it's not any more casual then any of the previous ones were. Never understood why people thought SF3 wasn't as accessible as SF2 (except the parrying system of course, which I still can't pull off unless by accident).

As I was playing through the time attack as Rufus it was awesome because I was kicking arse, so I decided to go back to arcade, got up to his rival ken and BOOM. There's that brick wall again. The spilt second the CPU gets enough revenge he uses it as if just flicking a switch. UGH.
Jamesfrom818 said:
It is though. Input commands do seem a bit more forgiving to me. There are just a bunch of people that are fucking serious about this game.
The game is accessible to casuals?? ...
Had never realized how much of an uber-casualcore i was. :)


Fistwell said:
I'm right there with you. And i can't believe reviews were gushing over how accessible the game is to casuals.
I feel for you if you are having difficulty on easiest. Seth can be a slight pain if you have no clue on what is going on, but the path to him I could beat blindfolded using one hand. Hell Viper can beat the game on easiest with just fierce kick.
Xater said:
Tournament matchmaking...

Why is there no spectator support in SFIV?

Sven: I'll better be able to address this in a few weeks... can't say more than that right now.

For now, the team is focused on the PC SKU and the Championship update. Beyond that, I can't comment. I will say Spectator modes/lobbies are not part of either of those pieces of content.
My roommate hadn't played street fighter since Championship Edition on Genesis. He didn't even like the game because he thought the movements were too hard.

Now he likes SF4 and enjoys it and is pretty good and can pull off Ultras etc fairly decently. He can also get through Easiest pretty well.

I think its pretty good for casuals. Difficult at first but with a little guidance its easy to pick up.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Dreams-Visions said:
oh yea. i forgot about the metaspace thing. but yea, DoA2:U was...perfect.


some 6 years later, and devs still can't even do EQUAL....much less better than.

That goes to show you how far ahead of the curve Team Ninja was - I've been saying this myself as well - no other online lobby has ever come close - hell, DOA4 had 16-player lobbies with full screen or on a TV in a room spectation... and it was a LAUNCH game...

No one else has even come close...


Trucker Sexologist
Fistwell said:
I'm right there with you. And i can't believe reviews were gushing over how accessible the game is to casuals.
The game is still very accessible to casuals. Compare the move lists in SFIV to the ones in Tekken or Virtua Fighter. The default difficulty is just hard as balls. People are going to have to take the hit to their pride and take it down a notch or two. Remember, this is the company that made Devil May Cry.


shooting blanks
SapientWolf said:
The game is still very accessible to casuals. Compare the move lists in SFIV to the ones in Tekken or Virtua Fighter. The default difficulty is just hard as balls. People are going to have to take the hit to their pride and take it down a notch or two. Remember, this is the company that made Devil May Cry.

Yeah. Capcom has always made hard games.

I think on easiest it's pretty acessible...that's how I'm unlocking folks.

I wont lie I had a couple of times that Zangief was owning my ass on easiest, when I was using Viper


So I had a close match and beat some guy using a Focus Attack that saved me from his killing blow. He sent me a voice message along the lines of

"Fuck you kid you know you got lucky. Fucking stupid game robbed me out of two ultra combos. So fuck you you fucking prick."

I messaged him back, saying

"sorry that i beat you mister... /molly"

I was playing against a Zangief, and every time I would wake he'd nail me with a fully charged Focus Attack. What are my options? With Blanka (or Honda, I forget which) I was able to dash out of it, but not once was I able to get Vega out. Spam lariat -> focus attack -> focus attack -> focus attack -> match over.


Foob said:
god dammit how do i beat seth with abel holy shit this is infuriating

play defensive, use his command roll and his command throw, look for openings to punish with his ultra and also when he jumps toward you grab him out of the air.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Wow. I went home for lunch and tried Tekno's tip. Holy shiat does that make things a whole lot easier. Craziness.
SapientWolf said:
The game is still very accessible to casuals. Compare the move lists in SFIV to the ones in Tekken or Virtua Fighter. The default difficulty is just hard as balls. People are going to have to take the hit to their pride and take it down a notch or two. Remember, this is the company that made Devil May Cry.
My ass.

DoA is accessible to casuals. This game is not.

Although I will say that this game is more accessible than any Street Fighter since whatever version of 2 you want to choose.

And input command is forgiving to a fault. Never in my life have I tried to throw a fireball and done fucking dragon punch before this game.
SapientWolf said:
The game is still very accessible to casuals. Compare the move lists in SFIV to the ones in Tekken or Virtua Fighter. The default difficulty is just hard as balls. People are going to have to take the hit to their pride and take it down a notch or two. Remember, this is the company that made Devil May Cry.

Speaking of which, anyone else notice Ken's voice? I hadn't heard a bout who it was, but the first time I heard him talk I knew.


RamzaIsCool said:
I am doing trial mode and I have no clue how to perform an EX focus attack. :(

they're pretty simple... use them in links... for example... do a heavy punch and when it connects press medium punch + medium kick together... at that point you should do a quick focus attack that makes you glow gold.

a great way to string combos together.
ShinAmano said:
I feel for you if you are having difficulty on easiest. Seth can be a slight pain if you have no clue on what is going on, but the path to him I could beat blindfolded using one hand. Hell Viper can beat the game on easiest with just fierce kick.
Nah, once i got over the perceived stiffness of motion (which was just me re-adapting to a fighting game in 2D as opposed to 3D), easiest wasn't much of a challenge. I can also wrap my head around the FADC cancelling to chain stuff up (altho i cant quite wrap my fingers around it consistently yet).
What's more difficult is just figuring out plain old stupid combos. Checked out the challenge section for some pointers, but it's not super encouraging. I seriously wish they'd just give you a list. E.g., how was i supposed to know that i could combo viper's crouching medium kick into one of em electric dash fist moves?

It's stuff i'd like to know. Other games give it to you, in the character's move list (as opposed to only listing specials). Feels like obscurity for obscurity's sake.
Aeris130 said:
Holy shit, all you shoto haters weren't kidding.

Total matches: 43
Dahlsim: 3
Zangief: 1
Abel: 1
Blanka: 2

Akuma: 3

Ryu/Ken: Rest
PS3 or 360? Most of the folks I'm running into on 360 are changing things up a lot.

I have noticed that those that default to Ryu/Ken tend to leave after losing right away.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Son of Godzilla said:
And input command is forgiving to a fault. Never in my life have I tried to throw a fireball and done fucking dragon punch before this game.

did you mean the opposite?


I don't see how this game could be considered un-friendly to casuals. There are few moves to learn and very few button presses. Especially compared to Tekken or DOA where you feel like you are deciphering the freaking Rosetta Stone when you pull up the command list. I carried around a 3x5 card for a month just trying to memorize the damn button sequences for Yasumi's basic moves!


ConsumerSquare said:
PS3 or 360? Most of the folks I'm running into on 360 are changing things up a lot.

I have noticed that those that default to Ryu/Ken tend to leave after losing right away.

Ps3. But still.


Gold Member
lawblob said:
I don't see how this game could be considered un-friendly to casuals. There are few moves to learn and very few button presses. Especially compared to Tekken or DOA where you feel like you are deciphering the freaking Rosetta Stone when you pull up the command list. I carried around a 3x5 card with enough button sequences to make a man go blind just to learn Yasumi's basic move set!

If you just want to fuck around with friends, yea, the game's better than SF2 in that regard since your buddy can wiggle around the buttons and some more moves might come out... but the same guy that destroyed him with parries in SF3 is gonna destroy him with focus attacks.

And SF2 had a short move list too.


Fistwell said:
Nah, once i got over the perceived stiffness of motion (which was just me re-adapting to a fighting game in 2D as opposed to 3D), easiest wasn't much of a challenge. I can also wrap my head around the FADC cancelling to chain stuff up (altho i cant quite wrap my fingers around it consistently yet).
What's more difficult is just figuring out plain old stupid combos. Checked out the challenge section for some pointers, but it's not super encouraging. I seriously wish they'd just give you a list. E.g., how was i supposed to know that i could combo viper's crouching medium kick into one of em electric dash fist moves?

It's stuff i'd like to know. Other games give it to you, in the character's move list (as opposed to only listing specials). Feels like obscurity for obscurity's sake.

The reason they don't put all that stuff in the moves list is because they want to keep it as short and simple as possible for newcomers, since they'd be immediately discouraged upon seeing a large moves list (especially one riddled with combos).

It's basically there if you want to dig deeper. That's the beauty of SFIV. A group of friends can have tons of fun playing each other without even knowing what a focus attack is, while a simple command like that adds tons of depth to the game for those looking for it.


prodystopian said:
Speaking of which, anyone else notice Ken's voice? I hadn't heard a bout who it was, but the first time I heard him talk I knew.

Reuben Langdon. Voice of Ken and Dante. Capcom also based the character models of Dante and Wesker (and probably Ken) off of him. He also did mocap work for DMC 3 and 4.


ConsumerSquare said:

I was playing against a Zangief, and every time I would wake he'd nail me with a fully charged Focus Attack. What are my options? With Blanka (or Honda, I forget which) I was able to dash out of it, but not once was I able to get Vega out. Spam lariat -> focus attack -> focus attack -> focus attack -> match over.
Jump. Or use an armor breaking move or grab to get out of the loop.
Zeliard said:
The reason they don't put all that stuff in the moves list is because they want to keep it as short and simple as possible for newcomers, since they'd be immediately discouraged upon seeing a large moves list (especially one riddled with combos).

It's basically there if you want to dig deeper. That's the beauty of SFIV. A group of friends can have tons of fun playing each other without even knowing what a focus attack is, while a simple command like that adds tons of depth to the game for those looking for it.
You act like it would be the world's greatest miracle to add a second page of combos without keeping everything as is. And hell, it might just be my ghetto controller but timing on some cancels are *absurd*.

levious said:
did you mean the opposite?
Yea, I edited it. Or maybe I double edited it. I'd have to play the game to remember which, but I've never hated my controller more. It's definitely too loose for my taste.

What's shoto?
A shoto is someone you already know the moveset of. ie for noobs only.
decon said:
What's shoto?

It's a reference to shotokan karate and people say it when referring to Ryu/Ken players mostly, but any character with a QCF fireball and a dragon punch pretty much falls into the category as well.


I'm trying to do a shinryuken and Ken only do a Shoryureppa, what am I doing wrong? Too slow punching PPP? Trial mode so the gauge is filled. Thanks a lot in advance, I can't figure it out.

(Sorry if this has been asked before, couldn't find it)


Son of Godzilla said:
You act like it would be the world's greatest miracle to add a second page of combos without keeping everything as is. And hell, it might just be my ghetto controller but timing on some cancels are *absurd*.

It's not just your controller. I'm using a really good stick and some of the cancels are nuts. I've basically chalked it up to being part of the game. You have to commit to the big combos almost before you know if they're even going to hit, which in a way is a method of adding balance.

I wouldn't call Gouken a Shoto. He's very different from Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Dan/Sakura, unless just throwing a fireball is all that it takes to qualify as a Shoto these days.
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