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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


FootNinja said:
I will make him a force to be reckoned with (or at least be able to hold my own.) It isn't all about winning instantly, Its about skill/style. ;)
Vegas not that bad. People just need to stop trying to use him like ST. You cant abuse wall dive and have to play a good ground game and abuse his foot speed and throw a lot. His Ultra is great at punishing pretty much anything on reaction as well.
Kintaro said:
People actually fell for the "accessable for new players" or whatever BS Capcom spewed out during the announcement for this title?

No one to blame but yourself if you fall for the marketing speak.
Wishful thinking, hoping the game might be open enough that i could bring in some casual friends to play against.
I did not know capcom had advertised it as such. I only read that in reviews.
so how the hell are there people with over 400000 points in the ps3 ladder? are they playing the damn game for 72 hours with no breaks? :lol will they reset the ladder from time to time?


FootNinja said:
I will make him a force to be reckoned with (or at least be able to hold my own.) It isn't all about winning instantly, Its about skill/style. ;)
You're just going to get angry because they nerfed him so bad. He's so slow with all of his moves except EX scarlet terror. His super and ultra are both impossible or damn near impossible to combo into. Rolling crystal flash has really slow startup. UGH why did they make him so bad.


Haha awesome. Had the usual ken vs ryu fight with me being ken. I had only one bar of health left when my opponent used his ultra. I jumped over it landing right infront of him and used ken's ultra which killed him on the very last hit. I was literally jumping in my room yelling fuckk yeah bitch! :D

It's been a long that since I've played a game that gets me so caught up in it. I'll probably be bashing my knee with my fist out of frustration on the next match. :p

I gotta say again, this game is kicking my ass. I mean, I can finish normal arcade and beat most people on normal matches, but I'm getting slaughtered on most ranked matches. Can't even finish the trial challenges either. :(


Wow, I'm exauhsted after my first day of playing SF4.

Too tired to go into deeper impressions but the game is awesome. Way better then I thought, even if I watched million videos prior playing.

Couple things thou:

Anyone else noticed some rare wierd pauses, stuttering or slowdown in offline mode?

I had this and I worry my console is dying :(.

I play on logitech precision pad for ps2 through conventer, because it's the only pad out of 50+ that has decent d-pad, but the shoulder buttons suck and it really shows it's not enough for SFIV. Must get something better but it's almost impossible for me to get fightpad or saturn pad.

Little sad that getting the match going online takes ages. Most end up with message "Unable to play". But when it goes through, wow, what a net code. I played fighters where netcode run a lot poorer on 4 bars then here on 0 or 1 bar! Fucking incredible, but why so many with 1 bar and so few with 2, 3?

99% of people I played with didn't have SFIV installed. Install the game people!
But that's more of Capcom fault that they "hid" the option way back in system settings.

Guile rocks online! :D My impression is that he's still a beast despite nerfing.
There are many idiots online. I don't mean noobs that don't know how to play yet, I mean regular idiots like that one Ken player that goes on and does short shoryu all day long and I just shoot him with 20 sonic booms or guys that kept jumping on my flash kick.

I hate 3 button imput requirement for ultras. Can't hit them on my shitty pad and can't use the L1, L2 due to my dissability. I lost like 4, 5 fights online because I tried to do the ultras and didn't focus on fighting. :(

Shit! Focus attack is lot harder to use then I thought. I mostly forgot about it when fighting online.

Allright I'm going to rest now. I don't know how I will sleep tonight. I'll be thinking about the game all night! :D


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Threi said:
it's so awesome...and all i did was input my name!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Fistwell said:
Wishful thinking, hoping the game might be open enough that i could bring in some casual friends to play against.
I did not know capcom had advertised it as such. I only read that in reviews.

I fail to see why you can't right now. It's no harder than it was when SF2 came out which everyone could play.
Knux-Future said:
WHERE DO YOU LIVE!?! Amazon says exstimnated delivery is 2/25......I got two day shipping.....I hate myself for ordering from them. I was thinkiing that I could wait plus I have some school work to get done...but noooooo I can't wait anymore...damn you amazon
Louisiana, by 2nd day air. Left Delaware on Wednesday night, went to Maryland then Kentucky then Texas then Louisiana. Online package tracking, btw, is both wonderful and cruel.


GrayFoxPL said:
I hate 3 button imput requirement for ultras. Can't hit them on my shitty pad and can't use the L1, L2 due to my dissability. I lost like 4, 5 fights online because I tried to do the ultras and didn't focus on fighting. :(

Use the button config to put L, M & H (punch and/or kick) on one button


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Phthisis said:
Master the down-forward + fierce kick into EX wall dive combo. That is no joke. Three of those and your opponent will be dead or almost dead.

you can combo off his slide? Wow.

And yeah, hardcores have a lot more experience now, which means any fighting game is going to have that massive gap- unless it's something completely alien, like Smash, GG when it first came out, or VF.

That said, I do think all that fancy combo video stuff isn't needed to become a solid player. It helps, but with damage scaling it isn't really necessary. That said for tourney play I'm going with Honda since he has large single-hit damage. It's so hard to keep spaz chars like Fei Long off of you now. Is jab headbutt safe against rekkas on block? I know strong isn't now.


dralla said:
Hows the lag on the PS3 version? I played about 50 games online with the 360, only saw 2 instances of lag, is it as smooth on the PS3? I can't take playing with the 360 controller so I'm considering exchanging it
I played online like 20 or 30 times in PS3, mainly versus people with "poor" connection (half or less "ping" meter) and never noticed lag.

I only had an issue. Sometimes I try to fight against a guy and I can't, and should pick up another user. I think it should heard this happens because some things like this and the scoreboards info in the PSN servers are updated every 30 secs or so.

BTW I have DSL 20Mb Wifi. I usually download stuff from the PSN Store @ 1MB/s. I never noticed lag in games like Wipeout HD, but sometimes I experienced lag in Super Street Fighter IITurbo HD Remix (depending on the ping of the other user I think).


GrayFoxPL said:
I hate 3 button imput requirement for ultras. Can't hit them on my shitty pad and can't use the L1, L2 due to my dissability. I lost like 4, 5 fights online because I tried to do the ultras and didn't focus on fighting. :(

I thought you could just hit two buttons like in the VS series.
KittenMaster said:
I'm going to predict that SF4 will have a large gap between the hardcore aspect of the game and the casual.
I don't know...can someone that only has very fundamentally sound SF2 skills be able to hold their own against an opponent that uses focus attacks? Or will they have to dive into focus attacks as well just to keep up?
Weird you guys haven't gotten your CEs from amazon yet or are just getting them today. My CE came yesterday from amazon.com and I just preordered like 2 weeks ago.


Junior Member
Can any 360 players tell me if they are having any luck with the d pad or analogue stick? I can pull of many moves on both but they are too random and frustrating to use for long periods. Are there any other pads i could try, i don't really want to fork out for a stick atm so thats a no no.


Arhal_Katarn said:
Can any 360 players tell me if they are having any luck with the d pad or analogue stick? I can pull of many moves on both but they are too random and frustrating to use for long periods. Are there any other pads i could try, i don't really want to fork out for a stick atm so there a no no.

SF4 Fightpad?


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
I just got my 10 wins in a row achievement :D Time of day definitely makes a difference. Everybody was so easy from 3pm - 4pm EST.


shooting blanks
Arhal_Katarn said:
Can any 360 players tell me if they are having any luck with the d pad or analogue stick? I can pull of many moves on both but they are too random and frustrating to use for long periods. Are there any other pads i could try, i don't really want to fork out for a stick atm so thats a no no.


wow these are going for 100 bucks on amazon...damn I might sell mine

It's $39.99 used at best buy

worth every penny


Son of Godzilla said:
Really? I thought the counter system was really intuitive, outside a few character's inability to advertise high/low correctly and some lame sit-on-your-ass-waiting-for-the-animations-to-finish combos.

If it counts for anything, I've never gotten closer to throwing my 360 controller out the fucking window before this game.

Although there seems to be growing concern that online PS3 is nothing but a ryu/ken fest. I think the idea is insane, but truthfully Ryu/Ken has been sub-10% of the games I've played on the 360. Then again, you probably don't even care.
i have to agree.... rarely any Ryu or Kens on the 360


BTW it's fucking bizarre, but I have screen tearing both in videos (intro and anime sequences) and in-game pre-match cutscenes playing the final PS3 version (European CE). I have a SD 60Hz TV btw.

I remember the PS3 preview build (I played it in a HDTV), and the game didn't have screen tearing. Maybe this happens because now I use a SDTV?


yurinka said:
BTW it's fucking bizarre, but I have screen tearing both in videos (intro and anime sequences) and in-game pre-match cutscenes playing the final PS3 version (European CE). I have a SD 60Hz TV btw.

I remember the PS3 preview build (I played it in a HDTV), and the game didn't have screen tearing. Maybe this happens because now I use a SDTV?

Probably, because I have no tearing.


keep your strippers out of my American football
KittenMaster said:
I'm going to predict that SF4 will have a large gap between the hardcore aspect of the game and the casual.

I don't know. I wonder if casual gamers are even buying this game. I was tempted, but one look at this thread made me change my mind. I am a casual fighting game player at best and all the talk from these harcore players about difficulty made me save my cash for Killzone 2.


shooting blanks
Arhal_Katarn said:
Sorry i said in an earlier post i tried to get one but they are all sold out everywhere i look,i have heard that theres no new stock of them till April in the UK

The black halo 360 controller has a pretty decent dpad


Neo Member
yurinka said:
BTW it's fucking bizarre, but I have screen tearing both in videos (intro and anime sequences) and in-game pre-match cutscenes playing the final PS3 version (European CE). I have a SD 60Hz TV btw.

I remember the PS3 preview build (I played it in a HDTV), and the game didn't have screen tearing. Maybe this happens because now I use a SDTV?

Yeah I'm on a Standard Definition TV right now... a lot of tearing. Also The life bar seems less accurate since its smooshed.


Finally went online.....looks like I'm the only person on this end of the galaxy that can't use ultras. :(

Only 2 wins so far. Already lost all my points again . :lol

Now to find a character that I can actual play.

Also only one Ken and I think 2 Ryus. I expected something different after reading this thread. Hell I fought more Cammys and Giefs than "shotos".
DRock said:
I just got my 10 wins in a row achievement :D Time of day definitely makes a difference. Everybody was so easy from 3pm - 4pm EST.
congrats on beating up elementary school kids J/K

I got that achievement last night at about 10 or 11 PM EST and comp wasn't especially fierce. A trillion terrible Kens and Ryus. One good Zangief, and one very good Abel (who ended my 16-win streak as Balrog).


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
_dementia said:
congrats on beating up elementary school kids J/K

I got that achievement last night at about 10 or 11 PM EST and comp wasn't especially fierce. A trillion terrible Kens and Ryus. One good Zangief, and one very good Abel (who ended my 16-win streak as Balrog).
:lol I tried last night and fought 5 akumas in a row. They were pretty good too, but it's frustrating fighting the same character over and over.

I'm just happy I don't have that achievement looming over my head and now I can mess around online choosing other characters besides my main (ryu).
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