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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Dreams-Visions said:
speed, sir. must do it faster.

press forward and push the heavy punch.

let that forward movement for the first part be the start of your hadoken motion.



Edit: and as one other already said, if you don't have a stick, might want to invest in one. it is a difference-maker.

I would not stress about the Hard level trial challenges, though. that shyt is for the birds.

thanks is heavy kick thogh


Unlimited Capacity
Sectus said:
Well, I finally beat Seth using Zangief while spamming his 3P move. I don't think I'll ever touch arcade mode again besides unlocking rest of the characters on easiest difficulty.

To be honest, right now I feel the game is vastly over praised. Sure, the game can be fun when playing against friends and the netcode is better than most fighters, but almost everything else in the game is very poor:
-Singleplayer is a joke. AI is either way too easy, or so freaking hard you have to start using exploits to stand a chance. It doesn't help you at all to fight well against human players.
-Besides arcade mode, you only have the challenges as a singleplayer options, which have extremely limited appeal.
-The game does nothing to help newbies learn the game. The only "learning" component part of the game are the trials, which teaches no gameplay elements besides combos which are stupidly difficult to pull off (and has no usage unless you've a very high level player).
-The online portion of the game is too limited as well. Only 1vs1 lobbies, no spectactor option. The arcade/matchmaking is a rather stupid addition, does anyone seriously enjoy randomly switching between the AI and human players?
-DLC ripoffs doesn't exactly make the game more appealing.
-The narrator and main menu music... is driving me fucking nuts. I'm warning you all, Capcom added this to the game because they hate gamers and they want us all to go mad. In 2 weeks the entire gaming population will take suicide because they can't get that song out of their heads, and they keep hearing the narrator in their nightmares.

Who gets fighting games to play single player? That just doesnt make any sense. The AI will almost always be too hard or too easy. I'm not so happy about no spectating but thats a price to pay for pretty much flawless online matches.
Just beat normal trail mode with Ryu, I wanted to throw my stick through the screen when I tried to pull off the jumping h.k -> standing h.p -> shoryuken -> Shinkuu Hadoken. Finally did it after a million tries. This one give anyone else trouble or am I just special.

Also, after beating the game on hardest with Ryu I noticed something. The difficulty isn't really much worse than normal. I had a few annoying fights, but that happened on normal as well, and Seth's AI routine is IDENTICAL. There was absolutely no diff in fighting him on Normal or Hardest. Same patterns, same ungodly reaction time, same weakness to sweeps. Beat him my first try.


Dreams-Visions said:
Abel - unlocks Fei Long


C. Viper - unlocks Cammy
Ryu - unlocks Sakura
Sakura - unlocks Dan
Chun Li - unlocks Gen
M. Bison - unlocks Rose

This is amazing, dude I'm gonna add you on PSN....tommorow :p


hyperbolically metafictive
i never even have a super with guile -- his ex boom and flashkick are essential. cancelling a flashkick into super is cool, but i don't think it's often worth the meter
braimuge said:
This is amazing, dude I'm gonna add you on PSN....tommorow :p

Chamber said:
Does anyone have tips on getting past fireball spammers, especially Akuma players and that fucking air fireball?

really depends on who you're using. you can always dash under Akuma's fireball and go into an uppercut if you're Ken/Ryu or some such.



Guile not requiring a charge for a super???? Wow. I thought I kinda understood the franchise. :lol


I might have to give up on ranked matches, and it's a shame cos I want some BP =[ It's just too laggy. I can play overseas matches with tonnes of people, but it has to be under 200ms ping. Setting up lobbies and doing interrupt mode in arcade isn't cutting it, and when I search for lobbies there's nothing over 1 bar. Looks like this is going to be a friends only game for me. They should just implement GGPO's system, show you every single person playing the game, whether they're playing, waiting or away, and show what country they're in and what the ping is.


hyperbolically metafictive
afaik the easiest way to cancel flashkick into super is just, charge db, uf+k, (then very quickly) db, uf+k -- pretty sure someone told me about it here, or i wouldn't have thought that would work


_tetsuo_ said:
Who gets fighting games to play single player? That just doesnt make any sense. The AI will almost always be too hard or too easy. I'm not so happy about no spectating but thats a price to pay for pretty much flawless online matches.

And even then they might release a patch adding that to player matches...hopefully in the champ patch.


Dreams-Visions said:

really depends on who you're using. you can always dash under Akuma's fireball and go into an uppercut if you're Ken/Ryu or some such.

Ghaa fuck it, I'm gonna add you now. Are you online? It doesn't matter anyway, my psn connection is shit, since I went wireless. Gonna plug it in tommorow.

Man, SFIV is awesome, I've so far unlocked 2 Trophies,without knowing a single one.:lol


MIMIC said:

If I can pull this off, my Guile just got 10x better. I had no idea that Guile's super could be pulled off in such a fashion that it didn't require charging. Is this true for other SF games that he is in (like Alpha 3)?

Hmm. Thanks.

Well in essence you are charging, you just dont have to charge if you're going for a 2 in 1, since the charge for the original flash will work for the super. It worked in other SF games too.


Wow so firts off i love the game, played about 2 hours last night online very little lag, but WTF why are the AI so fuckin cheap, Ehonda spams the fucking grabs so much.
UC1 said:
I might have to give up on ranked matches, and it's a shame cos I want some BP =[ It's just too laggy. I can play overseas matches with tonnes of people, but it has to be under 200ms ping. Setting up lobbies and doing interrupt mode in arcade isn't cutting it, and when I search for lobbies there's nothing over 1 bar. Looks like this is going to be a friends only game for me. They should just implement GGPO's system, show you every single person playing the game, whether they're playing, waiting or away, and show what country they're in and what the ping is.
Protip: do NOT do quick match searchs. They never seem to find good connections. Instead, ALWAYS do custom or host your own.

then, always go for any match with 3 bars or better. Even many of the 2-bar matches won't be laggy and should be considered. in the event of lag, just power down your system or otherwise quit the game. there is no battle point penalty for quitting at this date. this is, IMO, the only good reason to quit.
braimuge said:
Ghaa fuck it, I'm gonna add you now. Are you online? It doesn't matter anyway, my psn connection is shit, since I went wireless. Gonna plug it in tommorow.

Man, SFIV is awesome, I've so far unlocked 2 Trophies,without knowing a single one.:lol
Heavenly_Hammer on PS3. and no, I'm about to step out to eat. will be back soon, though. :D


Xevren said:
Well in essence you are charging, you just dont have to charge if you're going for a 2 in 1, since the charge for the original flash will work for the super. It worked in other SF games too.

I now have to rethink the way I use charge characters. :lol This is incredible :D I can do the 2 in 1 flash/super pretty easily now :)

But why is it up+back (instead of up+forward)? I'll accept "just because" :)


_tetsuo_ said:
Who gets fighting games to play single player? That just doesnt make any sense. The AI will almost always be too hard or too easy. I'm not so happy about no spectating but thats a price to pay for pretty much flawless online matches.
Singleplayer can be good for teaching a player how to play the game. Which very very few fighting games has done unfortunately (Soul Calibur 3 being one of the most rare examples). Also, having fun singleplayer modes is a very nice bonus (again, Soul Calibur series is a pretty good example of that).

After developing fighting games for over 15 years with very minor changes in core gameplay they should have been able to add fun singleplayer gameplay as well. They seem to be fully aware of that considering they're put quite a deal of effort into the arcade and challenge modes which are pure singleplayer modes. Really bad singleplayer modes, that is.

No spectating is the price to pay for flawless online matches? As long as the host has enough bandwidth (which shouldn't be a major issue, a 2 player fighting game has to deal with a lot less data than a 32 player shooter) performance shouldn't be affected at all.


he's Virgin Tight™
Fuck this. I can't beat Ken's with Chun Li, and taking into consideration 90% of the ranked players are scrotos its hard for me to win. Tips?


MIMIC said:
I now have to rethink the way I use charge characters. :lol This is incredible :D I can do the 2 in 1 flash/super pretty easily now :)

But why is it up+back (instead of up+forward)? I'll accept "just because" :)

Well you have to go from uf to db, its easier to go to ub then it is to uf. God just looking at that sentence it looks weird. You could try going to uf, but I never had much luck with it, and I can do the ub roll much easier.


Fuck I checked three EB games, all sold out of the PS3 SF4's while I see a bunch of 360 SF4s lying around the store. Did Capcom ship a but load of extra 360 copies?
Anyhow I got tired of searching around and just rented the game, will have to buy it next month now.
Fuck this game is hard, my thumb is already sore and I don't think I have even made it past half the arcade mode. I finished up to challenge 4 with Ryu but on Arcade mode on the default medium difficulty the fuck AI shoots up in difficulty in the 4th round. I'm doing fine and dandy then boom I can't fucken beat them. So far I faced Zangeif and Abel in the 4th round, could not beat either of them. Will have to try again later, I refuse to beat it on easy the first time so.
Relix said:
Fuck this. I can't beat Ken's with Chun Li, and taking into consideration 90% of the ranked players are scrotos its hard for me to win. Tips?
yes, the hell you can.

lure Ken's into doing uppercuts. usually done easily by jumping around near them, as the cool look of that flaming uppercut is too tempting for most Ken users to not try to pull of a lot. as soon as they do it, *throw* (or combo if you prefer). eventually, you'll discourage them enough that you can jump in with a regular kick and catch them unprepared.

I destroy Ken fighters through my bait-and-switch-luring techniques. Develop your own techniques and best practices and profit! :D


Xevren said:
Well you have to go from uf to db, its easier to go to ub then it is to uf. God just looking at that sentence it looks weird. You could try going to uf, but I never had much luck with it, and I can do the ub roll much easier.

Oh. I thought UF was the required way.

EDIT: I mean, UB
I've fought only 1 Cammy online. She beat me pretty good (2-1). I don't know if it was because Cammy is good, or if it's because my lack of experience in dealing with her kept me from formulating a good strategy to handle her.

maybe a little of both.

seems 90% of the Ranked gamers playing above 1,000 use either Ken, Ryu, Sagat or Akuma. the rest use Gief. the others are pretty minimal in their presence.

Threi said:
9 game losing streak > 7 game losing streak.

what the hell was i doing when i was playing SF
I had a 30 game winning streak yesterday. it's gone now. :'-(

I do find some comfort in hitting 2,000 battle points. that shyt is hard work.


Dreams-Visions said:
I had a 30 game winning streak yesterday. it's gone now. :'-(

I do find some comfort in hitting 2,000 battle points. that shyt is hard work.

I wanted to play this game so badly, I didn't even download the obligatory update yet.:lol

Is that gonna be bad for me ? :(


Chamber said:
Let's compete to see who can have longest losing streak.
im hoping this has something to do with the dpad, as i am getting beat by people who use normals.

all the matches wind up the same. I dominate first round, i get them to about 30% bar second round and can never finish it, and then they dominate me second round.

I am trying to learn a character like rufus to try to catch people off guard but i get pounded by players smart enough to apply pressure.
PSN ID: GalacticAE

Add me or invite me if you're good or just learning. I usually let people play all my characters if they're just learning since a lot of people don't like when I keep using my main. I cycle through Bison, Boxer, Dhalsim, El Fuerte, Rufus, Akuma, Vega and Sagat. Those are the characters I'm learning. So add me! :D

I just want to play people who won't quit on me after the 2nd match.


needs to show more effort.
Scerw hosting my own room, I actually just had a ton of luck simply searchign for 'same skill' and 'more skilled.' Now, granted, sometimes it lies, but it worked more often than not. Rose to 2200BP pretty quickly. Also met a really good cammy user that a player a couple times. First person I've come across online to beat my blanka.

I have no idea how people on the top list get their BP so high. They must never, ever stop playing.

I also get really bored of using the same character over and over. Drives me crazy. I want to switch it up to akuma but I know my BP would tank if I did that =(


Relix said:
Fuck this. I can't beat Ken's with Chun Li, and taking into consideration 90% of the ranked players are scrotos its hard for me to win. Tips?

It seems really unsafe to jump at Ken, so I mainly rely on blocked strings and mixups like cr.LPx2, cr.MKxxhadou, HCB+K. I think her only decent anti-air is EX bird, not sure about that one. Otherwise I jump back and do double fierce or jump straight up and roundhouse.
If they get stunned I usually do level 3 FA, upkicks, then EX bird or ultra if they're in the corner. That's all I've got for now, but it seems hadou>HCB+kick or hadou>low roundhouse is a pretty safe mixup that's good for spamming.


love on your sleeve
Threi said:
im hoping this has something to do with the dpad, as i am getting beat by people who use normals.

all the matches wind up the same. I dominate first round, i get them to about 30% bar second round and can never finish it, and then they dominate me second round.

I am trying to learn a character like rufus to try to catch people off guard but i get pounded by players smart enough to apply pressure.

Win the first round
Lose by just a smidgen in the second round (usually comes down to the last hit)
Get dominated in the third.

I'm a better player with Ken or Ryu but I notice using C. Viper tends to catch people off guard.
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