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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

there is no battle point penalty for quitting at this date.

Oh yea, and fuck this. I've had the same person disconnect on me three times in a row. The first time he bailed with a sliver of health left, the second and third upon getting thrown into a game with me. Friggin lame, I woulda been at 10 wins too.


I am Homie
for claw, the Izuna drop says (-> punch, after flying Barcelona attack) but pressing over and a punch just does the claw slash.

I know I'm missing something obvious so anyone care to oblige?

edit: nvm I wasn't taking into consideration the (near opponent)
ThirstyFly said:
I got something too. Can't remember what it was and I was too lazy to load up Home to check. Might have been Dan's shirt.

lol i think that's the only thing they put in SFIV to unlock in HOME. Haven't heard anything more other than that :lol I got the shirt as well too. I hear it's crap anyways. blue i think.


Son of Godzilla said:
One thing though is ever since switching to my fightpad, I can't pull off bdf moves. Like, at all. It doesn't make since because I can pull fireballs with ease, from either direction. Anyone else have problems like that?
Seems like a good amount of the fightpads are kinda messed up based on impressions...which is why I have held back on getting one. I'll probably just get a saturn controller...This DS3 dpad is starting to do a number on my thumb :/ .
GGs to Teknoman. Lots of laughs there! :lol

I played some ranked matches with about 3 people so far. One of the guys I faced had 0 BP, even though I asked for a more skilled opponent. WTF Capcom?! Also, it takes forever to get a ranked match going for me. Maybe I'll try again later.


Anyone on xbl want to play? I want to try out some new characters and tired of seeing Ken all the time. I'm alright but nothing special I think, send me a FR, my gt is Xevren11
Good games, Slayn. You kicked my butt bigtime. I really enjoyed it though, such a nice change from the constant dragon punches, jumping roundhouses I've been playing. I lost connection after the 11th match, and would have played longer, but I have to go out now.

My Abel has a long way to go, but I'll get there.

All your characters were pretty vicious, but your blanka and especially your Akuma. You destroyed me with Gouken that one round too.

Street Fighter is going to make me purchase a router. I keep having to disconnect my modem back and forth between my pc/ps3.
:-/ Not sure how many times I tried to beat Crimson V (playing as Chun-Li in Arcade on Medium) but I just couldn't beat the bitch.

Tad depressing really. Certainly quite frustrating.


Second-rate Anihawk
Xevren said:
Anyone on xbl want to play? I want to try out some new characters and tired of seeing Ken all the time. I'm alright but nothing special I think, send me a FR, my gt is Xevren11
I'll play ya. Rock Band thread regulars ftw. D:


Who would be a good character for a ken/ryu only player to start learning? Dont think much of guile or zangief style of fighting. Any recomendations? Fei Long seems interesting.


Got slaughtered by FrenchMovieTheme (name?), but it was great all around. First time I was able to fight a variety of characters besides Ken/Ryu. Good game!


i think i know what my problem is: i keep trying (and failing) to replicate shit i see on youtube by top-level players, instead of making more obvious combos.

Focus into ultra. So obvious, yet i never do it. I always try to FADC and do stupid shit.

I need a hell of a lot of practice though.

*edit* Cammy players are really intimidating for some reason.


Sagat owns all... got my 10 wins in a row ranked achievement...

BTW - beat the game with Akuma and with a lot of perfects/ultra finishes... how come I wasnt able to fight Gouken?


Second-rate Anihawk
I've played the game for 6 hours and have only unlocked Sakura and Rose, lol. Thank god Honda was unlocked from the start!


Just started to play the game 4 hours ago (non-stop), and almost have up to 1000 Battle Points (SF4 = My New Addiction).


Second-rate Anihawk
Xevren said:
I really wanted to play around with some newer characters and not fight the same person over and over and over again :p
Sorry. Honda is just that damn awesome...and the only character I'm half decent with.


The Everyman
Otrebor Nightmarecoat said:
Oh mah god, how the fuck can someone beat that piece of cheap shit called Seth. Im threw my fucking controller across the room. Fuck him FUck him FUCk HIm. Im only on medium
focus attacks


ggs everyone i played (nice to play someone other than shotos even though i can't really do much myself)

my thumb freaking HURTS.

there has got to be one non-shoto character i can stick with. I always keep going back and I really don't want to.


Sorry Haunts, I want to fight you, but gotta help some people with legendary co-op in Halo 3... offered to earlier...though i'm really into world warrior mode. Damn :lol

Will be accepting player matches after this the rest of the night


I'm trying to complete Sakura's Trial Mode, currently in the 4th one.

Having trouble doing the Jump Heavy Kick -> Heavy Punch -> Shouoken -> Super

How exactly do you cancel the Shouoken to go into the Super? Is that what you call a "kara" cancel?


Akira said:
I'm trying to complete Sakura's Trial Mode, currently in the 4th one.

Having trouble doing the Jump Heavy Kick -> Heavy Punch -> Shouoken -> Super

How exactly do you cancel the Shouoken to go into the Super? Is that what you call a "kara" cancel?

I would imagine it's a focus attack dash cancel.

Uncle AJ

So for combos in the Trial mode that ask you to immediately follow up a one-button attack with a charge maneuver (Bison's crouching LP to a Scissor Kick, specifically), is there some magic trick that allows you to pull off charge moves instantly? It's expecting those two moves to happen one after the other.


Man viper is so tough to use. Gotta be in complete control of the match or you're fucked.

I'm trying to complete Sakura's Trial Mode, currently in the 4th one.

Having trouble doing the Jump Heavy Kick -> Heavy Punch -> Shouoken -> Super

How exactly do you cancel the Shouoken to go into the Super? Is that what you call a "kara" cancel?

It's called a super cancel. Just do the Super move as the shouken is hitting.


Good games haunting but did you have to be broken ass Sagat EVERY time I picked zangief. For god sakes I only have the 360 controller I can't do his palm shit, sigh.


Just hit 1500 bp's. I've gone from being okay using shotos to worthless. Been playing nothing but charge characters. Boxer is looking more and more as my main each time I play. Guile I need to pick up and try since he's the only projectile charge character. Other than that, good times! I'll have to challenge some Gaffers here very soon. I want to have a good decent game to toss out.


Anyone else having trouble finding games today? I've been hosting ranked 3 rounds (best of) since i got the game and usually matches have been fast (1-2 minutes max). But today I've gone 10 minutes with no connects. My 360 stuff is all open too.


CcrooK said:
Just hit 1500 bp's. I've gone from being okay using shotos to worthless. Been playing nothing but charge characters. Boxer is looking more and more as my main each time I play. Guile I need to pick up and try since he's the only projectile charge character. Other than that, good times! I'll have to challenge some Gaffers here very soon. I want to have a good decent game to toss out.

?? Chun-li's fireball doesn't count as a projectile?


Well Seth is pretty easy with Cammy (medium difficulty)

Fight the first round as usual, then on the second round hold back and let him jump at you; immediately counter with her dragon punch motion (forget the name of it). He'll do it a couple more times, just keep countering with DP motion. He'll throw sonic booms for a bit, which is good since it builds up your bar, and he'll eventually try to jump in at you again (counter with DP motion).

Sooner or later, he'll either die from the attacks, time will run out, or he'll try to walk at you, whereupon you just unleash your revenge meter against him.

C.Viper, on the other hand... I have no fucking clue how to work her.


needs to show more effort.
Ferrio said:
Doesn't feel like it at all. I want to play him like I do in ST... just doesn't work.
he seems to be more defensive in 4. I had loads of trouble getting in and past the jab. And you were starting to get the hang of headbutt->ultra the more games we got into it. Which is extra scary because the range on headbutt is really deceptive.
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