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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

For those wondering about the DLC costumes...courtesy of Jiggsaw for translating from a recent Famitsu:

Costume DLC details from the latest issue of Famitsuu:

Costumes will be released 5 at a time, and each set will go for 400yen or 320MS points each. Later on there will also be an "All In" pack for 1200yen or 1000 MS points that contains all 25 costumes. The release schedule is as follows (for the Japanese version, obviously):
Feb 12 - Strong Arm Pack: Zangief, Honda, Rufus, Abel, El Fuerte
Feb 19 - Beauty Pack: Chun-Li, C. Viper, Sakura, Rose, Cammy
Feb 26 - Shoryuken Pack: Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Gouken, Dan
Mar 5 - Shadaloo Pack: Vega, Sagat, Balrog, Bison, Seth
Mar 12 - Classic Pack: Guile, Blanka, Dhalsim, Gen, Fei Long
Apr 30 - All In Pack

The OP should be updated to have the youtube challenge playlist, the DLC info and the unlocks from challenge mode...

Nose Master

-COOLIO- said:
i put down c viper for a bit to try out the almighty sagat. without knowing dick about the character except for tiger shot and heavy kick ive managed to start winning more ranked matches than im losing.

i feel kinda bad though : (

I stubbornly tried to use viper for the first 3 days... and gave up finally. Now I'm just another Ryu, but at least I can get through fucking medium.


Played this in liberal doses last night at a friends, and it's a blast.

I seem to be taking to Dan, Dhalism, C. Viper, shotos, and Guile.

Having a hard time with Guile's super. I'm too used to Alpha 3.

It will take me awhile to learn how the meters work and focus attacks.

I haven't had this much fun with a fighter since the early 2000s. I pretty much gave up on fighters in 2002, but this has me stoked to play again.

It's gonna be fucking torture waiting for my 360 to get repaired.

All my friends are on PS3. Are there any sticks that work on 360 and PS3?


Worships the porcelain goddess
As much as I'm enjoying El Fuerte, I'd like to pick up a second main...problem is I have NO clue who. :lol Maybe I should take up Gouken, Dictator or Boxer. =x


love on your sleeve
taku said:
I thought you had to do this with Ryu and only Ryu?
:lol I've seen about 25 different combinations of ultras/perfects/characters for unlocking Gouken. It's ridiculous.

I did it with Ryu. 2 perfects, 3 ultras.


Seems impossible to find people with a good connection when playing online over PSN... :/
Any other euros having lag in almost all fights?
I have never found anyone with green bars but suprisingly as long as its not a one red bar, it plays perfectly. Never had one ounce of lag yet.

Also whats so great about this game is that if you put the time in, you really do get better. I was so frustrated the first night I got this game but I have finally won some online matches and beat the game on medium. I have the fight pad but now im debating whether i should go back to the hori pad i have.
Dreams-Visions said:
I've noticed this too. lag in SF4 is actually kinda hard to spot because it rarely shows up as stuttering, as we're so used to in fighting games. it shows up as everything moving a few seconds after you press a button. something like Gears of War.

I learned this lesson after playing about 10 matches against a friend where I couldn't pull of Blanka's Ultra to save my life. I thought it was just fatigue or something. Nope, it was the connection. As soon as I joined another game, the problem disappeared.

Be on the lookout for input lag, boys. Never fun to lose matches when you're doing things right.
Yeah I was playing Live the past 2 nights and it has been sadly disappointing. Two nights ago, no one would ever join my lobby, searches took way too long and usually resulted in "Game is already full" or "unable to play" (WTF?) After 3 hours of total play, I got in 24 minutes of actual fighting.

Yesterday afternoon was better as far as getting some fights, but there was so much more lag than the night before. I've never seen anyone with a perfect green bar connections, so I always end up joining someone with a yellow connection. The way the game handles lag is such a tremendous turn off, I lost so many rounds due to it.

Also, the actual match making is pissing me off. I only have around 650 BP but I'm constantly fighting people with 1800+ BP. I guess the good thing is, despite being new to SF4, I know enough of the basics to upset these guys on occasion. One guy saw my puny title/icon combo and used random select, got Rose, I picked my main Gat and beat him using only normals. That gave me a huge BP boost and a big fat smile on my face. I'm getting better, I'm sticking with Gat despite that it's so hard to hit his ultra unless you FADC a Fierce Tiger Upper. Practice practice practice.

Can someone tell me the GAF SF4 360 Friends acct?

Any Gaffers wanna play some casuals tonight, so I can dick around with the rest of the cast?


riskVSreward said:
Yeah I was playing Live the past 2 nights and it has been sadly disappointing. Two nights ago, no one would ever join my lobby, searches took way too long and usually resulted in "Game is already full" or "unable to play" (WTF?) After 3 hours of total play, I got in 24 minutes of actual fighting.

Yesterday afternoon was better as far as getting some fights, but there was so much more lag than the night before. I've never seen anyone with a perfect green bar connections, so I always end up joining someone with a yellow connection. The way the game handles lag is such a tremendous turn off, I lost so many rounds due to it.

Also, the actual match making is pissing me off. I only have around 650 BP but I'm constantly fighting people with 1800+ BP. I guess the good thing is, despite being new to SF4, I know enough of the basics to upset these guys on occasion. One guy saw my puny title/icon combo and used random select, got Rose, I picked my main Gat and beat him using only normals. That gave me a huge BP boost and a big fat smile on my face. I'm getting better, I'm sticking with Gat despite that it's so hard to hit his ultra unless you FADC a Fierce Tiger Upper. Practice practice practice.

Can someone tell me the GAF SF4 360 Friends acct?

Any Gaffers wanna play some casuals tonight, so I can dick around with the rest of the cast?

I'll play with you, I like to experiment around with a lot of people so it could be fun. My gamertag is Xevren11 so just send me a friend request.
riskVSreward said:
Yeah I was playing Live the past 2 nights and it has been sadly disappointing. Two nights ago, no one would ever join my lobby, searches took way too long and usually resulted in "Game is already full" or "unable to play" (WTF?) After 3 hours of total play, I got in 24 minutes of actual fighting.

Yesterday afternoon was better as far as getting some fights, but there was so much more lag than the night before. I've never seen anyone with a perfect green bar connections, so I always end up joining someone with a yellow connection. The way the game handles lag is such a tremendous turn off, I lost so many rounds due to it.

Also, the actual match making is pissing me off. I only have around 650 BP but I'm constantly fighting people with 1800+ BP. I guess the good thing is, despite being new to SF4, I know enough of the basics to upset these guys on occasion. One guy saw my puny title/icon combo and used random select, got Rose, I picked my main Gat and beat him using only normals. That gave me a huge BP boost and a big fat smile on my face. I'm getting better, I'm sticking with Gat despite that it's so hard to hit his ultra unless you FADC a Fierce Tiger Upper. Practice practice practice.

Can someone tell me the GAF SF4 360 Friends acct?

Any Gaffers wanna play some casuals tonight, so I can dick around with the rest of the cast?

Yea man, lots of issues.

My only recommendation for matchmaking is to always do a custom search and go with anything with 3 bars or better. I find 3 bars to be the bare minimum for a hopefully lag-less (or minimal) encounter. even then, lots of waiting around with those connection errors/full issues. not to mention if you get kicked after trying so hard to find a match.

Lastly, that puny icon strategy is a must for good players with lots of titles unlocked. Unfortunately, as you get better and decide you want to use some of those cool icons/titles, you'll find that people will kick you from their room out of fear that you might be good enough to beat them easily. when I put on my preferred icon + title, I get booted 50% of the time. and you already know how hard it is to find a match. but with my baby sprout and "Bottom Feeder" title? I never get kicked. :lol

Sad that even titles became a mind game, but it is what it is.


Did not ask for this tag
NeoUltima said:
Unlock everyone but Seth, Akuma, and Gouken(duh)...Then play on easiest /w 1 round matches. Get two perfects and 2 ultra finishes and lose no rounds. This should get you Akuma. Then beat the game with Akuma. Start another new game(does not have to be /w Akuma), and get 2-3 perfects and 2-3 ultra finishes and lose no rounds. This should get you Gouken.

I just did this except with 3 ultra finishes and 3 perfects. Akuma didn't show up. Am I supposed to not skip the credits or something stupid like that? This is so fucked up.
Osaka said:
I just did this except with 3 ultra finishes and 3 perfects. Did not fight Akuma. Am I supposed to not skip the credits or something stupid like that? This is so fucked up.
it shouldn't matter. you should not have to watch the credits. in fact, I never watched the credits once.


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Dreams-Visions said:
it shouldn't matter. you should not have to watch the credits. in fact, I never watched the credits once.

Well I don't know what is wrong then because I have every other character unlocked than Akuma Gouken and Seth, and I still can't fight Akuma for some reason. This is so absurd. Every site/chatroom/person is giving me different advice. And I've tried em all.


darkjedi187 said:
I must be missing something.
What we call M. Bison, Balrog and Vega in English are called (and correct me if I'm wrong) Vega, M. Bison and Balrog in Japan. Due to the name switches, it's easier to simply call the characters Dictator, Boxer and Claw, since then English and Japanese players alike know who's being discussed.

Kinda like how we call Mario's enemy Bowser and the Japanese call him Koopa. We could start calling him Big Bad Turtle Dragon and both sides would know him. :lol

Also, I've played people with NO bar whatsoever, and it was smooth as silk. I don't know what alchemy Capcom's using, but their netcode is tops.

(The matchmaking, on the other hand...)


Osaka said:
I just did this except with 3 ultra finishes and 3 perfects. Did not fight Akuma. Am I supposed to not skip the credits or something stupid like that? This is so fucked up.
Maybe you lost a match?

To get Gouki/Akuma,

* You must have Sakura, Dan, Gen, Cammy, Rose, and Fei-Long unlocked.
* Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using any character.
* Must have at least 2 Perfect Rounds before defeating Seth.
* Cannot lose any matches and use a continue.
* Defeat Akuma.

(This worked for me)


Also, To get Gouken,

* You must have Akuma unlocked.
* You must have beaten Arcade Mode with Akuma.
* Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using any character.
* Must have at least 2 Perfect Rounds before defeating Seth.
* Must have performed at least 3 Ultra Combo Finishes before defeating Seth.
* Cannot lose any matches and use a continue.
* Defeat Gouken.
Dreams-Visions said:
Yea man, lots of issues.

My only recommendation for matchmaking is to always do a custom search and go with anything with 3 bars or better. I find 3 bars to be the bare minimum for a hopefully lag-less (or minimal) encounter. even then, lots of waiting around with those connection errors/full issues. not to mention if you get kicked after trying so hard to find a match.

Lastly, that puny icon strategy is a must for good players with lots of titles unlocked. Unfortunately, as you get better and decide you want to use some of those cool icons/titles, you'll find that people will kick you from their room out of fear that you might be good enough to beat them easily. when I put on my preferred icon + title, I get booted 50% of the time. and you already know how hard it is to find a match. but with my baby sprout and "Bottom Feeder" title? I never get kicked. :lol

Sad that even titles became a mind game, but it is what it is.
I've considered that and played someone with something along the lines of "Timid Fighter" and the little sprout icon, I knew it was a trap. I'd never boot someone for being better personally, I like the challenge. One guy owned my Gat with Akuma then joined my next game, I picked Rog after he chose Akuma again and TAP'd through his stupid air balls and smoked him, got some nice BP in the process...

That's another thing, your character choice should be hidden ala HD Remix, I hate playing stupid games on the select screen every single time. Most noobs are gonna pick Ken anyway, but they always try to get me to pick first. If it weren't for the few people who actually know how to counter-pick, I would just choose my guy immediately.


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taku said:
Maybe you lost a match?

To get Akuma,

* You must have Sakura, Dan, Gen, Cammy, Rose, and Fei-Long unlocked.
* Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using any character.
* Must have at least 2 Perfect Rounds before defeating Seth.
* Cannot lose any matches and use a continue.
* Defeat Akuma.

(This worked for me)

Nope, just did the same thing except I also had 3 ultra finishes before Seth. Then I perfected Seth, too. Never lost a match either.


Osaka said:
Nope, just did the same thing except I also had 3 ultra finishes before Seth. Then I perfected Seth, too. Never lost a match either.
You talking about unlocking Akuma or Gouken? :)


love on your sleeve
Osaka said:
Nope, just did the same thing except I also had 3 ultra finishes before Seth. Then I perfected Seth, too. Never lost a match either.
I've heard you can actually have too many ultras and perfects.

When I unlocked Akuma, I did 1 perfect and no ultras.
Progress Update:

Last time I posted in this thread, I was complaining about how I couldn't even beat the first fight on easiest. Well, now after a weekend of training in the practice dojo, I finally managed to beat the easiest mode on arcade.

I know, I know, I'm a scrub, but still to know that I am finally making some progress is a good feeling.

I have started to get my head around the Focus Attacks and their ability to absorb incoming attacks, as well as quick recovery and blocking techniques. I know how to perform FADCs but I am not really sure of the application for it.

It feels great to finally be making some progress.


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Chamber said:
I've heard you can actually have too many ultras and perfects.

When I unlocked Akuma, I did 1 perfect and no ultras.

I'll report back when this advice fails as well, be right back.
Osaka said:
I just did this except with 3 ultra finishes and 3 perfects. Akuma didn't show up. Am I supposed to not skip the credits or something stupid like that? This is so fucked up.
I think it's some kinda glitch where you completed the requirements to unlock Gouken, but didn't already have Akuma unlocked.
snack said:
Progress Update:

Last time I posted in this thread, I was complaining about how I couldn't even beat the first fight on easiest. Well, now after a weekend of training in the practice dojo, I finally managed to beat the easiest mode on arcade.

I know, I know, I'm a scrub, but still to know that I am finally making some progress is a good feeling.

I have started to get my head around the Focus Attacks and their ability to absorb incoming attacks, as well as quick recovery and blocking techniques. I know how to perform FADCs but I am not really sure of the application for it.

It feels great to finally be making some progress.
If you're getting stuck on easiest, don't even worry about FADCs, that's about as advanced as the engine gets. Work on the SF basics; spacing, poking, safe jumps etc...
Neiteio said:
What we call M. Bison, Balrog and Vega in English are called (and correct me if I'm wrong) Vega, M. Bison and Balrog in Japan. Due to the name switches, it's easier to simply call the characters Dictator, Boxer and Claw, since then English and Japanese players alike know who's being discussed.

Kinda like how we call Mario's enemy Bowser and the Japanese call him Koopa. We could start calling him Big Bad Turtle Dragon and both sides would know him. :lol

Also, I've played people with NO bar whatsoever, and it was smooth as silk. I don't know what alchemy Capcom's using, but their netcode is tops.

(The matchmaking, on the other hand...)

I was aware of the name differences, I just didn't get why anyone would say it that way. I thought that was well known. oh well


I got Akuma with rounds set to 1, 1 perfect and 2 ultra wins.

Than I got to fight Gouken when I did 1 round, 2 perfects and 1 ultra win... but I didn't get him.

But when I did 1 round, 2 perfects and 3 ultra wins I got Gouken.


Osaka said:
Okay. So, once you have unlocked all the required characters (Sakura, Dan, Gen, Cammy, Rose, and Fei-Long), beat the game with any character.

THEN, start another game, and all you have to do is get 2 perfect rounds before Seth (also, you can't lose any match).

This worked for me. I used Ryu, just to be sure, but I don't think you have too...


taku said:

:lol I really need to send in my xbox for repair! I've encountered this issue in most of my games. It looks hilarious when you're playing since they're stuck in that pose even when you're jumping / attacking.

Edit: Added video for laughs.

:lol Great vid!


I'm about to start a new save on a different gamertag, and document every single god damn thing I do before getting gouken, because the fact that we still don't know exactly what is going on is crazy.
I did one round wins and got 3 perfects and 3 ultras then Gouken showed up. So I know that works at least. No continues as well obviously and you must complete arcade mode with every character except Gouken and Seth.
Baloonatic said:
I did one round wins and got 3 perfects and 3 ultras then Gouken showed up. So I know that works at least. No continues as well obviously and you must complete arcade mode with every character except Gouken and Seth.
That's not true. You just need to beat it with Akuma after you get him, then you can get Gouken with anyone by getting perfects + ultras.


Did not ask for this tag
Osaka said:
I'll report back when this advice fails as well, be right back.

1 round fight, easiest, no continues, ryu, 1 perfect, no ultra finishes

Unlocked Akuma

Thank you Chambers<3
haunts said:
MicVlad! Good games dude, you're def one of the better ppl ive played from GAF. Your Sim is super crazy, never played a sim like that before. :lol
Yes! I played MicVlad last night. He has a solid Dhalsim.

I really want to try my Vega against you Haunts :(


Osaka said:
I'll report back when this advice fails as well, be right back.
Check your movies for endings. Are you sure you didn't miss beating the game with a chracter? (note I haven't gotten to unlocking Akuma yet)

EDIT - oop, problem solved.
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