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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Wallach said:
Those two probably have the strongest zone/keep-away games out of anyone. Akuma in particular is actually very difficult to chase down if the other player is any good.

Who are you playing as?

currently im playing as sakura, ive been learning to dash under the air fireballs with akuma, but when they know to switch up to lp i take hadokens to the dome
haunts said:
The game hasent even been out a week, and the comments on SRK are just hilarious. People thinking they can just walk right in an master the game and have an opinion on it in under 7 days.. too funny..
what are the people saying?

the site can't stay working long enough for me to see anything for more than 2 clicks. :lol


Ferrio said:
You know. I think it's karma on my part. I BITCHED AND MOANED when Rose was announced. Though now she's one of my two characters, and I really enjoy her. She plays a really nice zoning game, and has a very nice crossup that leads into some good damage.

Yeah, Rose and Sakura both seem pretty solid as far as new characters go. If I play a shoto every now and then it'll probably be Sakura.

It feels like Fei and Gen got stomped on, though. Particularly Gen.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
TheCardPlayer said:
I don't care about them either. I sincerly think the game is the hottest thing since sliced bread and we can already tell it's a mainstream success. I just hate how the hardcore players seemingly won't be supporting the game and I hope it's doesn't have an early death because of their bullshit.

And haunts I thought you disliked the game? I remember reading your posts around the time it came out in the arcades in Japan and you seem to really not like it. I hope they come around like you did. Then again, you aren't an internet troll so maybe they won't.:lol

You may be thinking about Jared who used to be all sorts of displeased with it, gave us this gem, even

Mr Jared said:
Yeah. Don't listen to me. I only played it for like, six hours today :lol GAF just loves hype. Loves it.

I think he likes it now ;)
My biggest complaint is with the Ultras and the canned animations.

As has been said, many times I'll do a move and my character will hit them when they're doing an Ultra, but since the "ultra animation" has already launched, my hit goes right through them and they destroy me.

Another classic time was when I did Balrog's head butt as someone did their Ultra. I launched over them, completely above them. Next frame? The canned Ultra animation with me getting my face punched in ON THE GROUND RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY OPPONENT.

I'm surprised crap like that isn't being talked about more. Such bullshit and really a big screwup on Capcom's part. They HAVE to fix this for the next version or I ain't playing it.
I'm starting to get the hang of this game... still losing more than I'm winning, but at least the Kens aren't totally kicking my ass like Thursday night. Playing less aggressively has worked wonders in improving my paltry fight record.

And count me in on the Cammy/Sakura bandwagon, both are a lot of fun to play with.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
btw finally broke 1500 BP, getting close to Akachan, Teknopathetic and gutter trash, finally! (theyre hovering on the 2000 mark)
Dreams-Visions said:
what are the people saying?

the site can't stay working long enough for me to see anything for more than 2 clicks. :lol

Lol that's the truth.

Honestly people will hate on anything. When was the last game you read that has universal praise, that noone complained about?

Name me your favorite game and I will find someone who has a problem with it. Go ahead, any game will do. Fuck I think in this day and age people could find problems with Mario.

"Turtle shell 1-up in teh corner is soo broken!" "Mario 3: flying ruins the game." "Mario World, man Yoshi sucks so bad you can just keep jumping on him after getting hit, what a shit Mario game."

Don't even get me started on how bad Knuckles breaks Sonic 2.


CartridgeBlower said:
My biggest complaint is with the Ultras and the animations.

As has been said, many times I'll do a move and my character will hit them when they're doing an Ultra, but since the "ultra animation" has already launched, my hit goes right through them and they destroy me.

Another classic time was when I did Balrog's head butt as someone did their Ultra. I launched over them, completely above them. Next frame? The canned Ultra animation with me getting my face punched in ON THE GROUND RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY OPPONENT.

I'm surprised crap like that isn't being talked about more. Such bullshit and really a big screwup on Capcom's part. They HAVE to fix this for the next version or I ain't playing it.

Most Ultras have straight-up invincibility frames, doesn't matter if you're throwing a move or not. You either need to block or get out of the way (like jumping Ryu's s.hadouken). Also, some of them hit pretty high vertically, so if your feet are around their waist you'll get nailed. Abel's is like that, which is why it links from his two-hit c.FP, it'll connect while you're on the way down.


Teknopathetic said:
None of the hits of CoD are safe on block. Reversal, some jabs, etc.

I have no idea what the hell I was doing wrong then. I must have screwed up the timing the first few times and then just got it in my head that they were safe. Wish I knew this a few hours ago clearing against the CPU :|
Just noticed something and haven't heard anyone discuss this yet.

While fighting Ryu in my Rival match as Sagat instead of saying "Tiger Destruction" for his ultra, he actually says "Ryu Destruction!" Are there any other easter eggs like that?


Ridli said:
I have no idea what the hell I was doing wrong then. I must have screwed up the timing the first few times and then just got it in my head that they were safe. Wish I knew this a few hours ago clearing against the CPU :|

I think it depends on the range. If he's tipping you on the first hit I think it's pretty safe on block. The successive hits definitely are not though, but most Abel players won't throw the 2/3 if you block the opener.


TheCardPlayer said:
Anyway it's see that there's quite a little coalition of Shoryuken members here. I just know I shouldn't have hated on that board.

I think I am starting to hate GAF with all these fucking bullshit cliques and the fact that you can't post anything anymore without a bunch of motherfuckers ganging up on you, cause they got nothing better to do when they are not comparing their fucking e-peens. Get you head out of your goddamn ass people.

I am fucking out of here.

...you're doing it wrong? No one here can be that serious about GAF.

On topic, Rufus' gravitational pull has saved my ass so many times. Oh yeah, you think I'm gonna walk all the way over there so you can take away the last sliver of my life when you get up? No way dude GET OVER HERE.

Lovin' it.
I had 4 people disconnect early on me today, when it was all but over and it was clear they weren't coming back. Extremely frustrating and immature. One guy yanked the plug while the final fireball was like 3 frames from hitting, which was actually pretty impressive.

Anyway, I think I hate the BP system. I started the day with over 1900 and was down to around 1750 because I actually saw my losses through and ended up wishing that I hadn't even played at all today.
I know why the Ultra animations react the way they do, but that doesn't make it right. Especially when the moment before an Ultra attack I'm behind the character, but then when it strikes I'm in front getting hammered. It's very, very off.


prodystopian said:
Just noticed something and haven't heard anyone discuss this yet.

While fighting Ryu in my Rival match as Sagat instead of saying "Tiger Destruction" for his ultra, he actually says "Ryu Destruction!" Are there any other easter eggs like that?
In many of the 'rival' matches, there are some sound bytes said during the fight that fit with the 'plot' of the fight.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
TheCardPlayer said:
Anyway it's see that there's quite a little coalition of Shoryuken members here. I just know I shouldn't have hated on that board.

I think I am starting to hate GAF with all these fucking bullshit cliques and the fact that you can't post anything anymore without a bunch of motherfuckers ganging up on you, cause they got nothing better to do when they are not comparing their fucking e-peens. Get you head out of your goddamn ass people.

I am fucking out of here.

Stop crying, you baby.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
CartridgeBlower said:
My biggest complaint is with the Ultras and the canned animations.

As has been said, many times I'll do a move and my character will hit them when they're doing an Ultra, but since the "ultra animation" has already launched, my hit goes right through them and they destroy me.

Another classic time was when I did Balrog's head butt as someone did their Ultra. I launched over them, completely above them. Next frame? The canned Ultra animation with me getting my face punched in ON THE GROUND RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY OPPONENT.

I'm surprised crap like that isn't being talked about more. Such bullshit and really a big screwup on Capcom's part. They HAVE to fix this for the next version or I ain't playing it.
who's ultra did you in then? I've been able to headbutt over Akuma, Rose and Abel just like you described there.


A Twisty Fluken said:
Anyway, I think I hate the BP system. I started the day with over 1900 and was down to around 1750 because I actually saw my losses through and ended up wishing that I hadn't even played at all today.

So disconnects aren't punished? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE DEVELOPERS???


CartridgeBlower said:
I know why the Ultra animations react the way they do, but that doesn't make it right. Especially when the moment before an Ultra attack I"m behind the character, but then when it strikes I'm in front getting hammered. It's very, very off.

I've never seen that. I dodge a lot of wild-thrown Ultras, it's never just moved my character.


Second-rate Anihawk
A Twisty Fluken said:
I had 4 people disconnect early on me today, when it was all over. Extremely frustrating and immature. One guy yanked the plug while the final fireball was like 3 frames from hitting, which was actually pretty impressive.

Anyway, I think I hate the BP system. I started the day with over 1900 and was down to around 1750 because I actually saw my losses through and ended up wishing that I hadn't even played at all today.
I'm down to like 700 BP (from 1400) because I spent all day trying to learn Boxer, lol.


What's the highest priority move Abel can pull off getting up from a knockdown?

Was just playing against a Ken who kept throwing me as I got up, there must be some way to out-prioritize this shit.

I have a feeling it's the tornado throw and I can't pull it off 100% on a stick yet :lol
Spike Spiegel said:
I'm starting to get the hang of this game... still losing more than I'm winning, but at least the Kens aren't totally kicking my ass like Thursday night. Playing less aggressively has worked wonders in improving my paltry fight record.

And count me in on the Cammy/Sakura bandwagon, both are a lot of fun to play with.

The same thing for me. I mean, for me personally, I had to overcome the urge early on to be flashy just because I finally grasped the mechanics. Now i'm working on my defense game as well as patience.


-PXG- said:
New avatar :D

Cammy love!

I think I may stop playing for the rest of tonight, my fightpad is acting all kinds of wonky. It worked fine for hours earlier, and I changed the batteries and everything. :/
It doesn't happen often. Hell, probably 3% of the time. But when you play online all day and do a hundred matches, 3 out of 100 times still isn't cool, especially when it costs you a match.

Play enough and you'll see it eventually. Trust me.


Bacon of Hope
Teknopathetic said:
"Teknopathic, are you on PSN or XBL?"

PSN, are you only on XBL or did you get the PS3 version too?

Havent gotten ps3 version yet but id like to get some games in w/ you at some point so ill let you know.

Spike Spiegel said:
I'm starting to get the hang of this game... still losing more than I'm winning, but at least the Kens aren't totally kicking my ass like Thursday night. Playing less aggressively has worked wonders in improving my paltry fight record.

And count me in on the Cammy/Sakura bandwagon, both are a lot of fun to play with.

Yeah thats just playing smart though, feel out your opponent, let them destroy themselves and just capitalize on their mistakes. GJ!

Sometimes it is good to switch it up when they least expect it though. Sometimes I'll throw the 2nd round intentionally by playing too turtlely and 3rd round just unleash all hell on them. I feel if they havent even seen my offense till the 3rd round they will have less of a chance to counter it, while at the same time ive already seen everything they have to offer and know exactly what they are capable.. Of course good, top players, will only dish out a little at a time ina similar manner and only use whats necessary to kill you.


lupin23rd said:
What's the highest priority move Abel can pull off getting up from a knockdown?

Was just playing against a Ken who kept throwing me as I got up, there must be some way to out-prioritize this shit.

I have a feeling it's the tornado throw and I can't pull it off 100% on a stick yet :lol

EX command throw.

Captain N

Junior Member
Does pretty much everyone use Ken when they play online? I haven't run into too many people playing as Ken so I thought I'd check with GAF.
A Twisty Fluken said:
I had 4 people disconnect early on me today, when it was all but over and it was clear they weren't coming back. Extremely frustrating and immature. One guy yanked the plug while the final fireball was like 3 frames from hitting, which was actually pretty impressive.

Anyway, I think I hate the BP system. I started the day with over 1900 and was down to around 1750 because I actually saw my losses through and ended up wishing that I hadn't even played at all today.
welcome to our pain.

i saw this coming the first day I played ranked.

they need to fix it sooner rather than later. I assume Capcom will reset all the BP's when they patch this.


Raw64life said:
I like this game a lot so far, but not as much as HD Remix or Third Strike. I feel like a total scrub playing this game. I still don't have a main, but I'll always pick one of Ken, Akuma, Gouken, Sagat, Bison, Zangief or Honda.

I'm still having trouble timing stuff whereas I had it basically perfect in HD Remix. Sometimes I'll knock someone down and then they'll get up and do an ultra, and while they're winding up the ultra and the camera is zooming in, I'll see that my character's foot is through their body. That kind of annoys me. I also have some questions...

- Is there any way to remove the menu music? Through custom soundtracks possibly? So painful to my ears every single time I hear it.

- Any place to figure out what specifically you need to do to get certain titles/icons?

- Any way to figure out you're win/loss record just for ranked matches?

Anybody. Wow this thread moves fast.

Captain N said:
Does pretty much everyone use Ken when they play online? I haven't run into too many people playing as Ken so I thought I'd check with GAF.

Seems so. Darksydephils youtube videos of him playing SFIV are hilarious because of everyone picking Ken.
"Havent gotten ps3 version yet but id like to get some games in w/ you at some point so ill let you know."

Yeah, me too. I'd like to see how people who've been playing for months do things. Even the people who beat me handily don't seem to be abusing the new stuff yet.
It's really that absurd. Probably 80-90% ken players, all of them shitty, all of them aggro.

I usually send them hate mail because I hate them.

"what the hell is wrong with you"

They never block! Just Fierce DP and Jump in RH!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
OMG I am having a ball abusing Zangief's LARIAT!! move.

First I cleared Time Attack using pretty much nothing but that move and his ultra. Then I went online to see how it would fare against the seemingly endless onslaught of Ken, Ryu, and Akuma players. The results were hilarious.

They jump in.... LARIAT!!!!!
They throw a fireball... LARIAT!!!!
Raging Demon.... LARIAT!!!!

I was laughing my ass off at how ridiculous that move is. It beats like everything if timed right. I even went through Ryu's ultra with it.


lupin23rd said:
What's the highest priority move Abel can pull off getting up from a knockdown?

Was just playing against a Ken who kept throwing me as I got up, there must be some way to out-prioritize this shit.

I have a feeling it's the tornado throw and I can't pull it off 100% on a stick yet :lol

If anyone is ever standing over you when you get up, you can always EX command throw them (HCB + PP). They will either learn to get off you on wake-up or eat a lot of free damage, win/win.

What will happen though is people will learn to jump-in on your wake-up, because Abel doesn't have a ton of options to deal with AA on it. For instance, they'll neutral air something as you're getting up. Your best bet once they start to figure this out is to roll on wake-up or use c.MK, it's more reliable than it looks.
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