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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Monkeylord said:

Thanks, done it now. It didn't look like it should work, but I just barely scraped it before he hit the floor.


No problem, just let me know when you get the Target combo, MP, Kikoken, Super combo.

I think I was just too tired to get it last night.


Kaibutsu said:
lol, i keep getting beat playing on live. It's because I refuse to play as Ken/Ryu even though I know I can win playing them. I pretty much only play as Rose and Dhalsim since I want to get good using them. It makes me feel bad though knowing I'm losing to people that really aren't that good :lol

edit: my highest character usage is at like 17%. I swear that in all the matches I play 98% of them are ken/ryu/akuma

nah, there're ppl drop out even after 1st round of 3 after I beat them with Dhalsim :p
they take the unrank match too seriously?
haunts (or any other good Sagat player): Do you actually use the fake roundhouse for anything?

Anyone: how do I set my title and icon? I couldn't find it and figure it is an easy trophy to pick up.
Man.. Haunts start recording your matches so I can learn your moves :(

I need to stop using Vega.. I keep getting schooled by random crap that will erase like 4 of my previous wins ..

I'm staggering around 1500 bp right now :(
Spiderjericho said:
So I was listening to the soundtrack in my car...

And I was thinking it may be one of the worst SF soundtracks. Keep in mind, most SF soundtracks are very good (except A3), so that's not taking anything away from the quality.

Songs go like this...electronica tempo, throw in some Aaah, Aaah or Ooh, Oohs...and then there is a breakdown of pianos (Guile, Ryu, etc). It also sometimes tries to sound epic like Seth...

I'd rate it 7/10. TS was a 8/10. Super Turbo was a 9/10 (not HD Remix but original version). A2 was a 9/10 (the original OST).

I understand where you coming from. With that, I think SFIV's soundtrack is pretty good with the Africa stage having the best track next to Seth's final.

Street Fighter Alpha is still my favorite soundtrack overall with Ken's and Rose's stages being my favs


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
haunts (or any other good Sagat player): Do you actually use the fake roundhouse for anything?

Anyone: how do I set my title and icon? I couldn't find it and figure it is an easy trophy to pick up.

Never really.. when I win a match I'll do it as my uhh... signature win taunt... just kinda like ooh i was going to kick you but you're dead now.. X_x


prodystopian said:
haunts (or any other good Sagat player): Do you actually use the fake roundhouse for anything?

Anyone: how do I set my title and icon? I couldn't find it and figure it is an easy trophy to pick up.

In the main menu, hit RB or one of the right triggers on PS3. I'm not sure about PS3 since I don't have it. You should be in another menu. Top two options are set title and icon.


prodystopian said:
Anyone: how do I set my title and icon? I couldn't find it and figure it is an easy trophy to pick up.

R1 on PS3. It's called Edit Profile or something and it's listed on the bottom of the screen.
prodystopian said:
haunts (or any other good Sagat player): Do you actually use the fake roundhouse for anything?

Anyone: how do I set my title and icon? I couldn't find it and figure it is an easy trophy to pick up.
On 360 it's RB on the main menu to edit your player details, so I guess R1 on PS3?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Wish me luck, i have a 50% of probabilities of getting SF IV this wednesday!!! :D
Woooooo !!


I got an odd question...since there are multiple taunts...is there a way to quickly see which one does what...like in training just switch on the fly?

If not is there a youtube link that shows them? I would like to be able to know which I wanted to use without picking/checking it out/resetting and starting over 250 times to find the perfect taunt.
AgentOtaku said:

I try so hard not to default to Ryu and lose alot because I wanna main Viper.
HA! Yeah... kind of the same here.
Was playing against a ken online with viper. He kicked my ass a couple of times. I switched over to ken, for ultimate fighting playboy duel, and kicked his ass hard. He promptly withdrew.

I still kinda have trouble handling fireball spam with viper. Tried to practice offline with vs cpu very hard. Cpu ken and ryu are not so bad, but they don't spam fireballs enough to be adequate sparring partners. I switched over to sagat, and... well... he certainly does do it enough. And i... certainly dont know how to handle it too well.
I can FA-block it, but if i dash forward out of it, i eat the next one. I can back dash but it's not helping much, can't take the hurt to him. I dont have the time to pull an earthquake punch. Rather, i do have the time, but then i'm getting hit before the animation is over. Tit for tat, and i'm sure there's a better solution than that.
Jumping over it sorta works, takes longer for him to be able to throw another one. In fact, that's the only thing i've had any success with. Jump over, then thunder knuckles when close enough.
Anyone got any tips?

_dementia said:
On 360 it's RB on the main menu to edit your player details, so I guess R1 on PS3?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Wow...just perfected a Gief using the lamest tactics ever (but it's all justified in my mind, as I totally hate grab players.

With Fei Long, you chicken wing in and then immediately jump out with HK. You'll dodge any grabs he attempts to do 100% of the time and more often than not hit him when he tries to do something else.

The guy's playstyle was total turtle and grab, so I'm actually 100% guilt free. Was a hilarious discovery, though.

I can only imagine what was going through his head as I just did the same moves over and over and there was nothing he could do with his playstyle.

...for what it's worth Chicken Wing's priority is pretty poor, so I imagine he could have just jump attacked me and that would have messed up everything.


Bacon of Hope
Biff Hardbody said:
After watching this video of Dhalsim, I really think I'm going to put my Abel on the side and work on him. The teleport shit he pulls off is just awesome.


Oh dude, SIM IS AWESOME. Im trying to play him more now as well he is so dope.. his Back and RH and back and MP stop all jump ins, you can focus attack him with a yoga fire ont he screen, teleporting, jumping FP.. so many dope tools... i still suck with him but he is fun to play..


haunts said:
Oh dude, SIM IS AWESOME. Im trying to play him more now as well he is so dope.. his Back and RH and back and MP stop all jump ins, you can focus attack him with a yoga fire ont he screen, teleporting, jumping FP.. so many dope tools... i still suck with him but he is fun to play..
Man I got beat by some dude just doing teleport Fierce over and over. I wasnt expecting him to keep doing it and I was lmao at the same time.
prodystopian said:
No problem, just let me know when you get the Target combo, MP, Kikoken, Super combo.

I think I was just too tired to get it last night.

Dunno about that, but the "focus attack>crouch HP>M SBK" is kicking my arse now, lol.
haunts said:
Oh dude, SIM IS AWESOME. Im trying to play him more now as well he is so dope.. his Back and RH and back and MP stop all jump ins, you can focus attack him with a yoga fire ont he screen, teleporting, jumping FP.. so many dope tools... i still suck with him but he is fun to play..

Thats good to hear encouragement for him as a character. I think he would work well for me online right now, just because he seems to have such a good game against shotos, and like you said he just seems awesome with some of the ridiculous shit he can do (the teleport combos on Ryu at the end of their match, amazing) He seems like a real mindgames character, damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Capcom: Let me turn the announcer off separate from the character voices... actually, let me turn any of the sounds/music off. I can still hear the music and sound effects even when they are at the 0 volume level. It's actually kind of funny we've come so far along with everything, yet things like this are actually pretty common in games.
haunts said:
Never really.. when I win a match I'll do it as my uhh... signature win taunt... just kinda like ooh i was going to kick you but you're dead now.. X_x

Haha, nice.

From what I've seen from 'Sim he seems like he will be hard to play against if someone knows what they are doing.

So I guess I hit R1 at the title screen? Thanks, everyone.


haunts said:
Yo, dont have any "tips" except to work on c.mk into Ultra... Thats one of the best, most practical ways to land Blankas Ultra in a real match..

Ya, I've got that one down, just trying to complete the damn challenge. That and the range on the c.hp is pretty freaking long so it would be nice to get it down to a science as well. If anyone has tips on the timing they'd be appreciated.
Fistwell said:
Anyone got any tips?

Doesn't LP Thunder Knuckle go under normal projectiles? Not sure what the recovery time is, but doing that my be helpful. If so maybe you can try to stay in range where if they throw a fireball you can LP Thunder Knuckle and actually hit them. EX Seismo should help knock them down so you can get in range. Also shotos I've played online have an issue blocking when they wake up, especially if you're across the screen, so spamming regular Seismos might be helpful there as well.


Bacon of Hope
Biff Hardbody said:
Thats good to hear encouragement for him as a character. I think he would work well for me online right now, just because he seems to have such a good game against shotos, and like you said he just seems awesome with some of the ridiculous shit he can do (the teleport combos on Ryu at the end of their match, amazing) He seems like a real mindgames character, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I get pretty far just by throwing out Yoga Fire's, walking forward and standing FP all day. Against low to avg players I can take off over 50% or more with this tactic alone. :lol

If they jump in, back + RH or back + MP. Jump FP here and there for extra damage and call it a day.

Fistwell said:
HA! Yeah... kind of the same here.
Was playing against a ken online with viper. He kicked my ass a couple of times. I switched over to ken, for ultimate fighting playboy duel, and kicked his ass hard. He promptly withdrew.

I still kinda have trouble handling fireball spam with viper. Tried to practice offline with vs cpu very hard. Cpu ken and ryu are not so bad, but they don't spam fireballs enough to be adequate sparring partners. I switched over to sagat, and... well... he certainly does do it enough. And i... certainly dont know how to handle it too well.
I can FA-block it, but if i dash forward out of it, i eat the next one. I can back dash but it's not helping much, can't take the hurt to him. I dont have the time to pull an earthquake punch. Rather, i do have the time, but then i'm getting hit before the animation is over. Tit for tat, and i'm sure there's a better solution than that.
Jumping over it sorta works, takes longer for him to be able to throw another one. In fact, that's the only thing i've had any success with. Jump over, then thunder knuckles when close enough.
Anyone got any tips?



Kunai from SRK said:
How to Deal with Fireballs

These are your options against people who try to play a fireball-trap game with you:

WP Thunder Knuckle (not good as an instant counter due to the 10-frame startup before invincibility, but good to use when anticipated and/or you are at a far distance)
Grounded MK or FK Burning Kick (If timed correctly, the Burning Kick will hop over the projectile. Not recommended against fast fireballs. Occasionally, the Burning Kick flames may absorb the fireball, but the instance of that happening is difficult, so
it's not something to rely on.)
Seismo or EX Seismo (Against characters with slow fireballs, like Chun-Li, Dhalsim or Guile, it's possible to hit them from a distance as they are throwing the fireball, HJC and hit them with Burning Kick for a solid knockdown. Against people with fast fireballs, you will trade hits... but this isn't a bad option when the opponent is near death.)
Instant HJCed MK or FK Burning Kick (If timed right, you will hit characters even if they throw an EX Fireball.)
Viper's F + MP Overhead Attack (Advances you slightly as well)

These options are great to use because it will either hit the opponent or let you pass through the fireball without blocking it. Of course, you want to avoid blocking a fireball because it gives the opponent the ability to throw another fireball much sooner.
DigitalA1chemy said:
Doesn't LP Thunder Knuckle go under normal projectiles? Not sure what the recovery time is, but doing that my be helpful. If so maybe you can try to stay in range where if they throw a fireball you can LP Thunder Knuckle and actually hit them. EX Seismo should help knock them down so you can get in range. Also shotos I've played online have an issue blocking when they wake up, especially if you're across the screen, so spamming regular Seismos might be helpful there as well.
The toward+MK overhead also travels over fireballs. Burning kick nullifies fireballs if timed correctly.

commish said:
What's so great about the collector's edition?
It's scarce and you can sell it for a profit.


Dhalsim's challenges are a little confusing since the prompts on screen don't tell you which version of his normals to use. Example when it says 'Hard Punch', it means <-HP (headbutt) - At least that's how I did it, I didn't think -> HP could combo into anything.

I'm stuck on the 5th trial, and it's a combo of crouching MP into crouching LP, again is this holding back so the short versions come out, I can't seem to get the timing right.

(The Focus attack -> Super -> Ultra combo challenge was tons of fun I will try and make that a part of my game :D )
Spiderjericho said:
So I was listening to the soundtrack in my car...

And I was thinking it may be one of the worst SF soundtracks. Keep in mind, most SF soundtracks are very good (except A3), so that's not taking anything away from the quality.

Songs go like this...electronica tempo, throw in some Aaah, Aaah or Ooh, Oohs...and then there is a breakdown of pianos (Guile, Ryu, etc). It also sometimes tries to sound epic like Seth...

I'd rate it 7/10. TS was a 8/10. Super Turbo was a 9/10 (not HD Remix but original version). A2 was a 9/10 (the original OST).

Also listened to Playeronepodcast this morning...and I heard CJ Johnston (or Johnson) say he wish the challenge mode showed you how to do the commands or combos. That has been brought up many times in this thread. For a SF novice, they may not quite understand the commands or terminology. I want to say VF 4, VF 5, Tekken and MK vs. DC all show you a demonstration if you need it. Before anyone says weak sauce...or it's called challenge... The player shouldn't be confused. The challenge is in actually completing the trial.

The intro music has to be the worst ever by far.
I haven't really played in the past few days. I'm pissed off at my girlfriend right now and I've been using The Lost and Damned as catharsis. I suppose I could play SF IV but I'm fairly certain that losing in this game would push me over the edge.
Hi, I got a Standard SF4 Stick but I have become worse :(. I have 40 hours of gameplay time on SF4 so far so I guess I'll have to get used to it. Any tips on getting used to a stick faster? Also will swapping the parts for Sanwa make much of a difference because if it does I will :D. On a controller I can pull off Hadouken 100% of the time and Shoryuken 95% of the time, now its like 75% and 60%.


_dementia said:
It's scarce and you can sell it for a profit.
Not anymore it's back in stock. What's so special about it is it has an anime movie made specifically for the CE.

Edit: PS3 CE is sold out again at Amazon.com. It was available for a few hours this morning. Wow these really are flying off the shelves like hotcakes.
neight said:
Not anymore it's back in stock. What's so special about it is it has an anime movie made specifically for the CE.
Oh right, the anime, 17 selected music tracks, download voucher for the Grappler costume pack, and lego-sized figurine.

anything else?

I didn't feel like it was worth an additional $20 so I passed on it.


Jamesfrom818 said:
I haven't really played in the past few days. I'm pissed off at my girlfriend right now and I've been using The Lost and Damned as catharsis. I suppose I could play SF IV but I'm fairly certain that losing in this game would push me over the edge.

That is a tough part about fighting games, its difficult to just mindlessly play, or play while something else is on your mind. I tried squeezing in a few rounds as soon as I woke up this morning, but the stiffness in my hands and drowsiness was enough to frustrate me pretty quickly. I imagine its the same when you have other things going through your mind.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
commish said:
What's so great about the collector's edition?

The PS3 one is nothing but shitty ass shovelware, skip it



_dementia said:
Oh right, the anime, 17 selected music tracks, download voucher for the Grappler costume pack, and lego-sized figurine.

anything else?

I didn't feel like it was worth an additional $20 so I passed on it.
If you're going to get the CE get it only for the BD. The rest is standard CE fluff. $20 extra is reasonable when you considering the average price of a standalone BD is slightly above $20. Especially considering the anime was made specifically for the CE. Here's my Amazon.com review of the CE. http://www.amazon.com/review/R2S7UMSZDX4G08/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm
neight said:
If you're going to get the CE get it only for the BD. The rest is standard CE fluff. $20 extra is reasonable when you considering the average price of a standalone BD is slightly above $20. Especially considering the anime was made specifically for the CE.
Isn't the film terrible though?
A Twisty Fluken said:
On that scale, A2PSX has to be a perfect 10, right? ;)

No, I didn't like the arranged soundtracks for Alpha 1 and 2. The music was too soft. They were geared more toward listening than hyping. Though I do love Guy's A1 theme.

A2 Arranged 8/10. A1 arranged 8/10. SF EX+A 8/10. SF EX+A arranged 8.5/10 (the only example where the arranged is better). Looking back...I'd say the SF IV soundtrack is 7.5/10.

And I was thinking about copping the 360 Collector's Edition...but nah... I already have a copy and none of the swag is worth it. I'd rather buy the real action figures and the two disc soundtrack.


I didn't really care for any CE. Just standard was on my list. That extra $20 will be going towards the extra costumes each week. Now that's worth my extra $20. None of this movie, figure garbage.



After playing and loving Chun-Li, Cammy and Sakura, I wanted a guy in my team. The decision was really not that hard --Zangief is a beast. Yeah, old news, but I never played him serious before because I thought linking his combos is difficult since he's heavy and such. Well, it's true, but lord does his throws rule or what. I love his attacks, like, A LOT.

He's currently my new main player.

The Chicks Cyclone: Zangief, Chun-Li, Cammy, Sakura. :D
neight said:
It's okay it does a good job of expanding what they're talking about in the videogame.
I personally hate the Dark-Hado story line just as much as the Devil-Gene storyline,
I prefer simpler SF2ish story lines before AKuma was ever created


prodystopian said:
No problem, just let me know when you get the Target combo, MP, Kikoken, Super combo.

I think I was just too tired to get it last night.

When you do Kikoken, just complete the SC motion < > K it should chain.


I can't believe how easy the trial mode (Normal) was for Cammy. I'm going to try to complete it on hard when I get off work. Cammy is awesome.
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