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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


AgentOtaku said:
Okay is it just me or has anyone else NOT seen online players actually using FADC? ...I mean, I as with others, will throw a FA in from time to time to mix it up, but I've yet to see someone go all out with the higher tier technical wizardry.
You guys think it's because it hasn't been out long enough yet stateside or maybe people would rather have their Parries back?

i use it with ryu and abel... but honestly... the competition isnt that great online yet so people stick to basic 3-4 hit strings and openings for ultra's

BitchTits said:
There should be an achievement for getting the challenges done with a regular 360 pad - Sagat's Fake Kick took me 15 minutes! :lol

i tried... can't do it.

is there any point to this fake kick?


BitchTits said:
There should be an achievement for getting the challenges done with a regular 360 pad - Sagat's Fake Kick took me 15 minutes! :lol

That's amazing. I can't even do a med punch w/ fireball on sakura and I tried all weekend(360 pad too). I think a parade is in order.


BitchTits said:
There should be an achievement for getting the challenges done with a regular 360 pad - Sagat's Fake Kick took me 15 minutes! :lol

o gawd, stop torturing yourselves and get a stick :D


BitchTits said:
There should be an achievement for getting the challenges done with a regular 360 pad - Sagat's Fake Kick took me 15 minutes! :lol

Yeah that one was a bit of a pain in the arse, until someone told me to do it at the end of a jump, then I got it first try. God bless message boards.


So, Gamestop is getting another replenishment of sticks in March; but do you guys know if the TE sticks are going to be part of the replenishment?


Bacon of Hope
arstal said:
Using crappy-ass Honda. He has tools, but he definitely needs a buff to me right now.

You can kill most players on live with Honda if you get his basics down. S. RH is your friend! Learn his knock down mix ups too..


Strap on your hooker ...
Kintaro said:
Ugh, I thought Honda was good?
Works well enough for me. :)

Jumping splash (MK) to Oicho Throw works extremely well against most opponents, whether or not the splash is blocked.


Biff Hardbody said:

The stuff he does against Ryu here made me want to main Dhalsim.

Haunts, good info, thanks. I'm trying to get the timing right on my anti airs. If I don't, I can get rushed down by button mashers and its no fun. That strat seems sound against the comp thats out there, I'm going to work on it.

2:05-2:12...exactly what a guy playing Dhalsim did to me. :lol

Too bad it wasn't enough to kill me :D


Worships the porcelain goddess
Dartastic said:
So, Gamestop is getting another replenishment of sticks in March; but do you guys know if the TE sticks are going to be part of the replenishment?

Where did you see or hear this at?


So for fun I asked Madcatz when they may be restocking the fightpads...this was the response:
Thank you for your interest in the Mad Catz Street Fighter IV
licensed products. At this time, we are experiencing a high volume of
calls and e-mails regarding our Street Fighter IV licensed products. We
will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Most questions
we receive have been answered already on our Street Fighter IV FAQ
section located HERE: http://www.madcatz.com/SFIVFAQ. Please visit our
FAQ section to see if your question(s) have already been answered. If
the answer(s) to your question(s) cannot be located within our FAQ
section, please reply back to this e-mail and we will get back to you as
soon as possible with an answer. Thank you for your time and patience!

The question was not answered, but I don't feel like I would get one on the reply :(


I don't think I've played against any GAFers yet. I get off work at 5PM PST and will be on around 6PM. Add me if you want to play.

PSN: Realaride

I'm a Cammy player and haven't lost to another Cammy yet.
CalamityDaunt said:
I wanna make Cammy my main but i suck ass with here, i really need a stick cause i cant time shit with my DS3

Really? I feel like I gravitated to Cammy because she's easy to play with an anlog stick. Other than her ridiculous hooligan combo (which isn't necessary i feel unless you're doing high level play) everything else with her is really easy to pull off. Well that's not true...I feel like my canon spikes are always done out of luck more than anything else...


ShinAmano said:
So for fun I asked Madcatz when they may be restocking the fightpads...this was the response:

The question was not answered, but I don't feel like I would get one on the reply :(

funny, i got a personal response from CSR before the TE stick release's date where they said they will try to restock more in the future. i guess they got so many emails that they set up a copy/paste message to deal with it. :)
myDingling said:
Really? I feel like I gravitated to Cammy because she's easy to play with an anlog stick. Other than her ridiculous hooligan combo (which isn't necessary i feel unless you're doing high level play) everything else with her is really easy to pull off. Well that's not true...I feel like my canon spikes are always done out of luck more than anything else...

Think its a case of me getting used to her. My timeing is off but its getting better


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I finally got around the playing it. Had a bit of a tournament with some friends, and then I stayed over at their house and played for like 8 hours straight. I'm not exactly an expert, but here's my thoughts.

First thing I notice is that the game is and it isn't Street Fighter II. Almost every SFII character has the same moveset but because the game has different mechanics and proportions the feel is different. Honestly, that's why I think Ken is basically tons more popular than Ryu. Gireballs are not as effective as they used to be, so with Ken's better Hurricane Kick and Shoryuken he's a better pick than Ryu. So even though every character attacks similarly to their SFII counterpart, not every move makes the transition equally.

Honestly, the only SFII character that has a fundamentally different feel is Zangief. His throws are totally different and the ability to do a punishing throw (like a pile driver) right after an unblockable focus attack connects really changes how he plays. I kinda of like the new Zangief.

Also, Seth is total bullshit. It's pretty ridiculous that I blow through the computer in normal rounds and then Seth just runs me over after he powers up. It's also kind of stupid that the only way I've ever been able to beat him is finding a move that works and just spamming it. For example, I tried tons of crazy shit with Rufus to try and beat him, but eventually it all came down to spamming jump kicks.


CalamityDaunt said:
ffs i wish i could play some alternate characters. KEN KEN KEN KEN RYU KEN KEN KEN GUILE

1. Play with friends
2. when doing such don't take the games seriously and just fool around. Extreme shit talking brings out the shotoscrub in everyone :p


What is the best online guide at the moment? Or should I buy the retail one?

I would love to have a list of all moves and some basics.


ZealousD said:
Also, Seth is total bullshit. It's pretty ridiculous that I blow through the computer in normal rounds and then Seth just runs me over after he powers up. It's also kind of stupid that the only way I've ever been able to beat him is finding a move that works and just spamming it. For example, I tried tons of crazy shit with Rufus to try and beat him, but eventually it all came down to spamming jump kicks.

Yeah, with Rufus, I settled with backing off and spamming Snake Strike whenever he tried to jump in. Then we'd have gravity wars, which I'd win because Rufus guarantees a hit whenever he finishes pulling somebody in.


I am a multi-console owner so i felt bad a minute ago when a coworker came by asking if I got SF4...then he told me he went out looking only to find out and be disappointed it was not on the Wii...

Granted I know it would be a graphical downgrade, but I am surprised Capcom did not release a Wii version...and hope they do soon as there is a market for it.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
levious said:
:lol the dog tags, is that visible on the inside cover too?

Sure is :)

Dreams-Visions said:
fantastic work. simply fantastic.

I'd get your autograph if I had a CE version. :D

lol, if anybody wants to Im game, nerdy to teh extreme though. Flattering though, thanks :)

btw if anybody is hating on Chun, go give her Challenge mode a try, she has a bunch iof really awesome combos that I didnt even think about till I saw them


ShinAmano said:
So for fun I asked Madcatz when they may be restocking the fightpads...this was the response:

The question was not answered, but I don't feel like I would get one on the reply :(

You must have missed this in that link that they gave you ;-)

Q: How many units were produced? Will I be able to purchase the Arcade FightStick or Tournament Edition FightStick from a retailer?

A: Mad Catz does not disclose exact production amounts. However, there are rumors that only 3000 units were produced. We have made more than 3000 units of the Xbox 360 and more than 3000 units of the PS3 version of the Tournament Editions. Mad Catz continues to produce both Arcade and Tournament Editions. We expect more inventories in late March 2009. It is not necessary to go and pay auction/ebay prices for these products. Speak with your local retailer or watch GameStop, Amazon, Best Buy, and Game Crazy (Hollywood Video) web sites for availability.

Date Created: 2/18/2009 Last Updated: 2/18/2009


Followed these instructions, no Gouken :(

"Gouken After unlocking Akuma, Sakura, Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen and Rose, complete the game with Akuma. Then get at least 2 perfects and 3 Ultra Finishes and don't use any continues."

Now, I was on Easiest, one round only per match (for the purpose of doing this fast, and it worked for all the other characters)...do I need to be on a higher difficulty for Gouken and Seth?

Also, I did this all on a first playthrough with Akuma right after unlocking him. Do I have to beat it once with him...then on a 2nd time through with him do the 2 perfects/3 ultras clear?
Magnus said:
Followed these instructions, no Gouken :(

"Gouken After unlocking Akuma, Sakura, Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen and Rose, complete the game with Akuma. Then get at least 2 perfects and 3 Ultra Finishes and don't use any continues."

Now, I was on Easiest, one round only per match (for the purpose of doing this fast, and it worked for all the other characters)...do I need to be on a higher difficulty for Gouken and Seth?

Also, I did this all on a first playthrough with Akuma right after unlocking him. Do I have to beat it once with him...then on a 2nd time through with him do the 2 perfects/3 ultras clear?

I got Gouken on Easiest 1 round. after i did the whole perfect and ultra i made sure that it worked so i just ultra'd my Rival and Seth to make sure I got it. and then Gouken came out.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Magnus said:
Followed these instructions, no Gouken :(

"Gouken After unlocking Akuma, Sakura, Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen and Rose, complete the game with Akuma. Then get at least 2 perfects and 3 Ultra Finishes and don't use any continues."

Now, I was on Easiest, one round only per match (for the purpose of doing this fast, and it worked for all the other characters)...do I need to be on a higher difficulty for Gouken and Seth?

Also, I did this all on a first playthrough with Akuma right after unlocking him. Do I have to beat it once with him...then on a 2nd time through with him do the 2 perfects/3 ultras clear?

Yeah, you misread the instructions. They said to beat the game with Akuma, THEN beat the game again (with a character youve already beaten the game with) with those same requirements (ultras and perfects)

I'm not gonna make fun of your reading comprehension, but a lot of people seem to be missing this point, its a little bizarre to remind people of this on every other page ;)


The instructions posted there are vague as to whether the ultras/perfects have to be on a second clear or not. (Thanks GameFAQs) Thanks for clearing that up. :)


I just started playing some player matches with C. Viper and holy shit you can play some serious mindgames with people with that fake ground pound move she has. I can't tell you how many people automatically jump straight into into a combo/air throw whenver I do it. Viper will definitely be my new main, I can't wait to get to the point where I can take her into ranked matches and mow through the Ken/Ryu/Sagat players.


ShinAmano said:
I am a multi-console owner so i felt bad a minute ago when a coworker came by asking if I got SF4...then he told me he went out looking only to find out and be disappointed it was not on the Wii...

Granted I know it would be a graphical downgrade, but I am surprised Capcom did not release a Wii version...and hope they do soon as there is a market for it.
honestly if it was on the Wii I would have bought that instead due to the superior dpad on the CC and the fact that TvC is already on it. It could have been my fighting console.

here's to hoping the TvC engine sees more uses in the future (a.k.a. MvC3)


junkster said:
You must have missed this in that link that they gave you ;-)
No totally saw that one, but it did not apply to my question...I was concerned with the fightpads not the sticks. Already got a stick and a pad for myself, but a couple of friends and relatives want some pads STAT!


ShinAmano said:
No totally saw that one, but it did not apply to my question...I was concerned with the fightpads not the sticks. Already got a stick and a pad for myself, but a couple of friends and relatives want some pads STAT!

Whoops, missed that!

Yea I'd love to pickup another one but they're out of stock in my area.



Good games, Xintin. The last few matches were particularly good. Lets do em again sometime soon.

I'm loving Dhalsim. You can really mix people up with his teleports. I'm still trying to get used to the timing of his anti airs. Back-Medium Punch seems the best to me, but I really need to get better against the endless amount of jumping RH shotos.


So I have everyone in the game unlocked except Akuma, Gouken and Seth. I just went for unlocking Akuma, so I picked Ken and ran through the game on easiest difficulty and 1 round matches. I got 2 perfects and finished 4 fights with Ultra combos and then after I beat Seth I fought Gouken and not Akuma. I was a little surprised because I thought you fought Akuma first and unlocked him. So I beat Gouken and then nothing happened. I didn't unlock anyone. What did I do wrong?
MrOctober said:
So I have everyone in the game unlocked except Akuma, Gouken and Seth. I just went for unlocking Akuma, so I picked Ken and ran through the game on easiest difficulty and 1 round matches. I got 2 perfects and finished 4 fights with Ultra combos and then after I beat Seth I fought Gouken and not Akuma. I was a little surprised because I thought you fought Akuma first and unlocked him. So I beat Gouken and then nothing happened. I didn't unlock anyone. What did I do wrong?

Don't do any Ultra finishes. Just get the perfects.
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