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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Threi said:
Seth is easy as hell on easiest...HE DOESN'T BLOCK FFS

you can pretty much win using nothing other than sweeps. :lol

that's the the problem. sometimes on Easiest, he'll end up being insanely hard outta no where. the regular foot sweeps tactic doesn't work. i had a match on Easiest where he Focus attacked EVERY single attack. that was frustrating.


Threi said:
:O wait really? I didn't know that its only your score you see.

Everytime I lose I always see C, E, B, and when win its usually A, E, C.

What determines the scores? They were in older SFs but im not sure what they are being calculated by.

OFFENSE: I guess it's how much life remain for your opponent. if you lose but the opponent is nearly dead as well = C? if you'd be K.Oed = E

DEFENSE: how much you block? and if you win = how much life remain on you.

SKILL/Tech: use of combo/ultra/super, use of priority I guess.


I bought both versions of sf4 for both platforms.......I have been playing the shit outta the 360 version for a week now and loving it.

I jumped on the PS3 version to play some old friends back home....HOLY CRAP!

The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

The 360 version shits hot diarrhea all over the PS3 version in these departments (my opinion).

How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol


Struct09 said:
This happened to me a few times (360 version). If he started to block shit like crazy and do ultras, I would quit out and restart. When I'd make it to him again his AI would act like you would expect on easiest. I'm convinced it's some sort of bug.

Yeah there's definitely some kind of bug.

I beat the game first on Medium just to get a feel of it. I had to continue on Seth maybe 5-8 times before I figured him out.

I proceeded to go through on Easiest with a bunch of characters just to unlock stuff. On my Guile playthrough, I faced Abel (his rival) and was thrown into this insane countering game where I had to continue at least 10 times to beat him. When I faced Seth, his AI was definitely borked to Hardest and I continued around 30 times before my buddy was like "why don't you just quit and start over?" The thought never even crossed my mind, hehe.


Gold Member
I was playing as Viper to unlock Cammy, and the first day I must have tried to beat Seth like 20 or 30 times on Easiest with no luck. The next day, I got him in the 2nd try. I do not think I magically got 10X better with Viper in one day. It might be a bug.

DIRTY-D said:
The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

Man I wish Capcom would've put an upfront message in the startup screen about installing, because it makes a huge difference on the Triple yet few people seem to have figured this out... I deal with load times disproportionately with Ken players online, just saying.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DIRTY-D said:
I bought both versions of sf4 for both platforms.......I have been playing the shit outta the 360 version for a week now and loving it.

I jumped on the PS3 version to play some old friends back home....HOLY CRAP!

The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

The 360 version shits hot diarrhea all over the PS3 version in these departments (my opinion).

How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol

did you install the PS3 version?


DIRTY-D said:
I bought both versions of sf4 for both platforms.......I have been playing the shit outta the 360 version for a week now and loving it.

I jumped on the PS3 version to play some old friends back home....HOLY CRAP!

The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

The 360 version shits hot diarrhea all over the PS3 version in these departments (my opinion).

How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol

No load times with the PS3 install and the arcade version didn't have AA. That's my guess.


Baker said:
Yeah there's definitely some kind of bug.

I beat the game first on Medium just to get a feel of it. I had to continue on Seth maybe 5-8 times before I figured him out.

I proceeded to go through on Easiest with a bunch of characters just to unlock stuff. On my Guile playthrough, I faced Abel (his rival) and was thrown into this insane countering game where I had to continue at least 10 times to beat him. When I faced Seth, his AI was definitely borked to Hardest and I continued around 30 times before my buddy was like "why don't you just quit and start over?" The thought never even crossed my mind, hehe.

good, looks like other guys have had this problem. i assume it's a bug or Capcom included this random crazy AI to fuck with us who are going for the achievements/trophies :lol

DIRTY-D said:
I bought both versions of sf4 for both platforms.......I have been playing the shit outta the 360 version for a week now and loving it.

I jumped on the PS3 version to play some old friends back home....HOLY CRAP!

The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

The 360 version shits hot diarrhea all over the PS3 version in these departments (my opinion).

How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol

actually, i installed both 360 and PS3 to their respective HDDs and loading was pretty much the same.
DIRTY-D said:
I bought both versions of sf4 for both platforms.......I have been playing the shit outta the 360 version for a week now and loving it.

I jumped on the PS3 version to play some old friends back home....HOLY CRAP!

The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

The 360 version shits hot diarrhea all over the PS3 version in these departments (my opinion).

How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol
EVO simply has more PS3s than 360s. Ease of controller conversion is also a plus.

It they were awesome they'd use the PC version once it's out, so everyone could use their stick of choice.


DIRTY-D said:
I bought both versions of sf4 for both platforms.......I have been playing the shit outta the 360 version for a week now and loving it.

I jumped on the PS3 version to play some old friends back home....HOLY CRAP!

The lack of AA and the load times are just bad.

The 360 version shits hot diarrhea all over the PS3 version in these departments (my opinion).

How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
DIRTY-D said:
How is the PS3 version the choice for all major Tournaments again? Is it because fans have more PS sticks that will work? Help me understand this logic.:lol
Controllers is my guess. I bought the 360 version to play locally with my friends and the fact that I am too used to the 360 controller for games now.


I didn't notice any AA issues on the PS3 version, i've played both versions and they look the same to me, loading is not an issue if you install the game.
After 5 days of having my arse promptly handed to me, I finally am now able to hold my own against Ken/Ryu/Akuma using Abel. I really am trying to avoid playing with a 'Shoto' character.. but I decided to pick up Sakura. I really I want to learn how to utilize C. Viper effectively in battle, but dude.. she takes way too much damage for my liking.

Eh.. Still working on a strat for Sagat. He always wins D:


Lost all credibility.
lawblob said:
Can someone explain what anti-aliasing is? Its one of those terms I don't think I really know what it means.
If a game has anti aliasing, you shouldn't see jaggies.

Look at the edges of the 2 models, one is smoother than the other.
I beat Blanka's arcade campaign (medium difficulty) just by holding down his heavy electrocution move. (I had it on turbo, because I don't like him - and I really couldn't be arsed.)

Also, I've always used Ryu in Street Fighting games. He's always been my favorite. I hope no one hates me for it.


Don't you love it when you fight a player who clearly used one single tactic to get all the BP they have? I played this Zangief who jumped in EVERY time. Of course, every single time I saw him go for a jump, I nailed him with a wheel kick(Abel). After I mopped the floor with him (3-0), I saw he had over 1500 BP.


LiK said:
good, looks like other guys have had this problem. i assume it's a bug or Capcom included this random crazy AI to fuck with us who are going for the achievements/trophies :lol
So it wasn't just me! The difficulty seems to ramp up and down however it feels like in the last two stages no matter what setting your on. Weird.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
lawblob said:
Can someone explain what anti-aliasing is? Its one of those terms I don't think I really know what it means.
It smooths out lines so they appear straighter than they actually are. AA will reduce or remove "jaggies" as they are often called the higher you set it. The higher you set it, the more processing power it takes, however, which is why not all games do it.
Sandman42 said:
Don't you love it when you fight a player who clearly used one single tactic to get all the BP they have? I played this Zangief who jumped in EVERY time. Of course, every single time I saw him go for a jump, I nailed him with a wheel kick(Abel). After I mopped the floor with him (3-0), I saw he had over 1500 BP.
Yeah. This happens all the fucking time for me. I try to actually, you know -- FIGHT in this game, but everyone else turtles and uses the same fucking strategy.


TheCardPlayer said:
Dammit, why is it that everyone is maining Viper and Rose? MINE DAMMIT! MINE! :lol

Let me train a little bit (got the game yesterday) and I'd gladly play mirror matches with you. It'll be great to see the different strategies and maybe we can learn something.
Sandman42 said:
Don't you love it when you fight a player who clearly used one single tactic to get all the BP they have? I played this Zangief who jumped in EVERY time. Of course, every single time I saw him go for a jump, I nailed him with a wheel kick(Abel). After I mopped the floor with him (3-0), I saw he had over 1500 BP.

With Abel, Zangief matches are CAKE. Seriously.. it almost feels like stealing.


More SF4 complaining from a noob.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?! Haha, I know I know. Practice. But I've spent over 13 hours in the game, and half of that (at least) has been in training, getting moves down and learning combos.

I go in the arcade mode and I get spammed to death by the computer, using the same move over and over again beating me into the corner. Go online and the same thing happens.

I know it's my fault that I can't counter things like that, but it's annoying as fucking hell. There is a small amount of progress that I've made due to the fact that I started out not even being able to beat easiest on arcade, and now I can beat medium, but I feel like I'm stuck.

For now I'll just blame it on the fact that I'm not 100% with my stick. :D
the best way to beat to Seth is to ALWAYS remain at medium range, outside of throw range, outside of Shoryuken range, watch him, block then counter.

from Medium Range, you can judge his off the wall jump and score an anti-air,
from Medium Range, you can block his Leg Special, then counter with a normal cancel into special
from Medium Range, you can block is stomach vacumen, wait until the block stunn is over, then quick counter with an EX Move with rapid started up.

if you get shoved into FAR Range, he will Sonic Boom and his Off The Wall Jump will be harder to anti-air. so close in back to Medium Range.

if you get shoved in his face at Close Range, back off back to Medium.. you do not want to get Knocked Down against
Raging Spaniard said:
Gist of the article:



lol thats kinda what I felt about it to after I read it. Seems some of the real hardcore fans are loathe to admit SFIV is actually pretty damn fun. Obviously there are issues, but the fundamental gameplay is solid and IMO will stand the test of time as well as any of the SF's.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Raging Spaniard said:
Gist of the article:



Actually I think it reads



I played the PS3 version for about an hour with my friend the other day, and a few things stood out:

1. Load times were really long. Is there some sort of install that fixes this?
2. Some characters (like Zangief) felt really slow compared to HD Remix. Are they really, or do I need to just get used to them?
3. My friend tells me easy is incredibly difficult for him, which surprises me. Is the computer crazy hard this time around?
Kandrick said:
Yeah i dont know, sometimes he is easy, sometimes, he is just impossible like he will not let you do anything at all.

I finished in highest difficulty, and i found seth being as hard in easiest :lol

I haven't read the whole thread (seeing as it is 300+ pages); however, the problem you described seems to be something I have encountered in other fighters throughout the years (The orginial mortal kombat comes to mind). Anyways, I don't know if there is any validity to this, but I used to be convinced that the CPU responds to players when they are too good for a set difficulty. I'm not saying it is truely dynamic, but if certain conditions are met (example: beating three matches without taking damage), the difficulty is ramped up excessively.

In my experience with MK for the SNES, I would sometimes set it to the easiest settings and just fly through the arcade mode; however after multiple matches of wiping the floor with the CPU, it would all of the sudden ramp up the difficulty to the point where I couldn't win. I noticed if I did less well in the earlier rounds, I did not have this problem.


Sandman42 said:
Don't you love it when you fight a player who clearly used one single tactic to get all the BP they have? I played this Zangief who jumped in EVERY time. Of course, every single time I saw him go for a jump, I nailed him with a wheel kick(Abel). After I mopped the floor with him (3-0), I saw he had over 1500 BP.

Yeah, I've played many a Ken with 1500+ BP that just do shoryukens. :|
Arthrus said:
I played the PS3 version for about an hour with my friend the other day, and a few things stood out:

1. Load times were really long. Is there some sort of install that fixes this?

Assembly Required said:
With Abel, Zangief matches are CAKE. Seriously.. it almost feels like stealing.

Really? In every Gief match I'm had it feels like the only easy thing was punishing flats, lariats still had a habit of totally fucking me up and it feels like really hard work whoever I take him down with thanks to his huge amount of health and scrub friendly SPDs which will still take off a quarter of your health.

That said the only other really hard matches I've had with Abel would be those against Blanka. I really wish there was a way to punish the roles easily without a super/ultra.
Spirit of Jazz said:
That said the only other really hard matches I've had with Abel would be those against Blanka. I really wish there was a way to punish the roles easily without a super/ultra.

I forget if it armor breaks or not. If not, then just FA and build meter for Ultra. No problem punishing in one big swoop rather than a bunch of smaller hits :)


Came across a Gief user earlier who did nothing bit jump > that cheap twirly move that ignores every fucking move you throw at it.

After losing the first round i just spammed Sagat's fireballs and tiger knee whenever he tried to jump. Got a perfect for the last round and clocked him with an ultra.


haunts said:
You guys know you can throw zangief if you block a green fist right?

Reminds me of this zangief player I played last night. You know those scrubby giefs that just jam lariat over and over no matter how many times you punish it? I played against this gief player that literally did pretty much nothing but green hand over and over in rapid succession. It was hilarious to hear gief do "hmf! hmf! hmf!" or whatever he says during it in rapid succession.
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