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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Did not ask for this tag
CartridgeBlower said:
Dan's Ultra is another example. I jump above him when he does it with a dragon punch. Next moment I'm getting smacked in the face. NOTHING MATCHES UP IN THIS GAME SOMETIMES. They really really really really need to fix this in the next game. I'm seeing more and more of it as I cross 300 games played online.

Well, now you know that you know you can't jump over Dan's ultra.

People play Dan online?
But it's not that I can't jump over it, it's that the game then moves my character back down to the ground so he can sock me in the face. I just hate that it doesn't match up because they game forces you to be in a certain spot, no matter where you really were, just so the game can do it's canned animations with the ultras.

And yes, I've met quite a few Dans online.

More Ryus though then Kens, which is weird. By a 3 to 1 margin, too. I think the scrubs are starting to find out Ryu is better than Ken in this iteration.


Bacon of Hope
CartridgeBlower said:
Abel is broken when the computer uses him.

He's killing the Survival Mode for me. His command throw beats everything.

I was Balrog, smashed right through him like he was invisibe, then he grabs me. Some of the animations/moves in this game are more broken than any fighting game I've ever played.

Dan's Ultra is another example. I jump above him when he does it with a dragon punch. Next moment I'm getting smacked in the face. NOTHING MATCHES UP IN THIS GAME SOMETIMES. They really really really really need to fix this in the next game. I'm seeing more and more of it as I cross 300 games played online.

Or maybe it was his EX Tornado Throw with specific invincibility properties?
My mistake -- I meant his Tornado Throw.

I guess it's part of the game though, learning which moves beat what.

Throws have always bothered me in Street Fighter, though, for whatever reason. Maybe I just don't expect them enough.


CartridgeBlower said:
Abel is broken when the computer uses him.

He's killing the Survival Mode for me. His command throw beats everything.

I was Balrog, smashed right through him like he was invisibe, then he grabs me. Some of the animations/moves in this game are more broken than any fighting game I've ever played.

Dan's Ultra is another example. I jump above him when he does it with a dragon punch. Next moment I'm getting smacked in the face. NOTHING MATCHES UP IN THIS GAME SOMETIMES. They really really really really need to fix this in the next game. I'm seeing more and more of it as I cross 300 games played online.

If you think Abel is broken when the AI uses him, don't ever play against gief. :)


CartridgeBlower said:
More Ryus though then Kens, which is weird. By a 3 to 1 margin, too. I think the scrubs are starting to find out Ryu is better than Ken in this iteration.

For me it's starting to balance out. Last night met with a lot of variety including some fei long and balrogs. Im still having fun with Abel, Im gonna give fuerte a shot but dont think Ill take it very far.


usea said:
I get totally wrecked by Zangief players online, as Abel. I don't even get them to half life.

I faced a particularly nasty gief today. The guy playing him was pretty good. Kept jumping in and doing lariats... If I missed a single opportunity I'd eat a spd in the face. It was pretty nasty.

His freaking lariat has WAY too much priority though. It's insane that I could jump in, kick, and he could somehow hit me with a lariat before I landed. I understand that he might have recovered, but it feels like the FIRST frame of the lariat hits. It's pretty crazy.


Fortunately, this is not the case, which is why it is OK to jump at Guile after he throws a Sonic boom because he doesn't have charge for Flash kick. That said, he has other Anti-Air options (normal moves or jumping back and reseting the situation)

Good Lord, no. I main as Guile and we are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS charging our sonic booms/flash kicks. Personally, if I throw a slow sonic boom and you try to jump in, get ready for an EX flash kick to the chin.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
lulz. I faced a million shotos tonight, but there were two fei-longs in the crowd. None of them were too good though, and even when I turned the search focus from stability to higher skilled I still got crappy BP players. :\


Neo Member
vesp said:
any cammy players have any advice for matchup vs a turtling guile? Flash kick seems to beat all spinning backfists, beats or trades with dive kicks, and blocked spiral arrow leaves in perfect range for the flash kick. Havent really experimented much with EX Hooligan, but otherwise I'm pretty stumped on how to pressure him if he wont take any actions of his own.

The problem is not really your tactics but the matchup itself. Guile can spit out proj incredibly fast or throw out a flash kick with the same charge. And since the hooligan throw no longer hits ducking opponents there is absolutely no reason for an experienced guile player to ever leave the duck/block position.

The only really sound way to play this matchup if u ever run into a guile that knows this is to move in on him while he fires his sonic boom and fdac dash cancel till u get about 3 character distances away. I u cant bait him into flash kicking u your ultra meter should be charged so u can fire it off right as he throws a sonic boom at you. at that distance your ultra or an EX spiral arrow will hit him before he can recover from a sonic boom. After that if you are confident in your rush game cross him up so he loses his charge and keep on him. Try to get him into a close range fist fight with you at your pace. If you dont think you can handle a rush down after the knockdown from the ultra or spiral arrow you can jump back and throw out an EX-canon strike. Remember that an ex canon strike can be preformed while jumping back or neutral.

This strategy isnt exactly pleasing to me so if anyone has a better idea please share.


Dreams-Visions said:
Question: does anyone know the science behind Offense/Defense/Technique scoring?

I would also like to know this. It seems like whenever I'm playing super aggressively and win easily I get all A's, but when I play defensively and win a tough match I get a C or lower on defense, how is this?
Absolutely stumped on Dhalsim Trial 3-1

Anyone know how to do a medium kick to light yoga flame?

I can't time it right.... Ive been trying for 30 mins.. I know its Back + MK but how the hell do I get to the backwards half circle motion for a yoga flame in time..

any specific motion I'm suppose to make?

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(


That Sim trial took me a long time. It's a pain in the ass. I watched it on youtube and that helped with the timing.

Good Luck.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Absolutely stumped on Dhalsim Trial 3-1

Anyone know how to do a medium kick to light yoga flame?

I can't time it right.... Ive been trying for 30 mins.. I know its Back + MK but how the hell do I get to the backwards half circle motion for a yoga flame in time..

any specific motion I'm suppose to make?

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Im stuck on that one too
im just not fast enough, to think that I breezed through the last column
and now im stuck on medium kick onto yoga flame


Getting trophies in this game is so hard. Who the hell thought it was a great idea to force people to beat trial modes with ALL characters to unlock a bronze trophy?

Does anyone know if the trial modes are easier on a joystick compared to d-pad? It took me about 4 hours just to beat Akuma's final Trial mode. I have a freakin bruise on my thumb thanks to SF4.
I really turned my game around today. I was hovering around the 500bp mark but elevated myself to about 1200 just now! Felt really good and I even got my first bit of hate mail from someone who I beat the shit out of.

Still, not had one person disconnect on me. Maybe my Cammy is too quick for them.

I did play one person who also used Cammy and she did things with the girl I could only dream of. I have a lot to learn.


Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, oh look a Sagat player, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken..... Ken.

Pretty much sums up my experience tonight.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Absolutely stumped on Dhalsim Trial 3-1

Anyone know how to do a medium kick to light yoga flame?

I can't time it right.... Ive been trying for 30 mins.. I know its Back + MK but how the hell do I get to the backwards half circle motion for a yoga flame in time..

any specific motion I'm suppose to make?

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Jeo said:
Im stuck on that one too
im just not fast enough, to think that I breezed through the last column
and now im stuck on medium kick onto yoga flame

Have the same problem. Posted it before...

Raw64life said:
Well I managed Blanka's along with a similar one with Balrog, but now a new onc I can't get past is even simpler than those two. First Dhalism trial 3 combo is a simple MK into Yoga Flame and for whatever reason I can't pull it off to save my life. I feel like I'm never going to be as good at this game as I am in HD Remix or Third Strike.

...never got an answer.


I accidentally started playing this game with my old and unused psn account and now I don't have any of the chars I've unlocked. Is there any way to transfer save games between accounts?

TimeKillr said:
Good games man. I'd say you're more decent than halfway :) Baiting didn't really work on you and some of the usual scrub tricks didn't work either. Keep at it!

Thanks for the kind words. Your abel is deadly, I was totally unprepared for that level of ass whooping.
BitchTits said:
Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, oh look a Sagat player, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken..... Ken.

Pretty much sums up my experience tonight.

I had a bit less Kens tonight but the majority were still Kens. I faced a pretty good Dhalsim, was shocked one someone selected him.


DoctorWho said:
I had a bit less Kens tonight but the majority were still Kens. I faced a pretty good Dhalsim, was shocked one someone selected him.

i hate when the guy waits for me to choose and then he slowly moves around the entire chara slect screen and ends up at Ken.

it's almost like i can imagine him thinking "should i be a Shoto scrub today?"
Abel questions.

First, the (I think) 4-2 trial where you go from a COD to Heartless. How the hell? It's either way too fast for me to do, or there's something I'm not getting.

Also, I'm new to SF and could use a basic explanation of wakeup strats. I get pinned often...
MIMIC said:
Good Lord, no. I main as Guile and we are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS charging our sonic booms/flash kicks. Personally, if I throw a slow sonic boom and you try to jump in, get ready for an EX flash kick to the chin.

Me to. And this is truth, I instinctively start charging at the character VS screen for crying out loud. :lol

LiK said:
i hate when the guy waits for me to choose and then he slowly moves around the entire chara slect screen and ends up at Ken.

it's almost like i can imagine him thinking "should i be a Shoto scrub today?"

Hahaha this happens to me all the time cause I just go right to Guile. I'm thinking to myself, yeah like you WEREN'T going to pick Ken this whole time.
LiK said:
i hate when the guy waits for me to choose and then he slowly moves around the entire chara slect screen and ends up at Ken.

it's almost like i can imagine him thinking "should i be a Shoto scrub today?"

I think they are dumbfounded when I go right up and pick Cammy for my character. They are ready to play the "let's pretend not to pick a shoto game" and then are startled with my quick choice.

So are there a large amount of Kens just playing each other all the time? Would people really enjoy that?


BP is Battle Points? I haven't been noticing my score, just playing. I'll guess I'm pretty low on BP since if beat someone a couple of times, I tend to pick a character I'm not so familar with and use them for practice - doing that a lot tonight with C.Viper & Seth, anyone using Seth? He's pretty fun to use.
BitchTits said:
BP is Battle Points? I haven't been noticing my score, just playing. I'll guess I'm pretty low on BP since if beat someone a couple of times, I tend to pick a character I'm not so familar with and use them for practice - doing that a lot tonight with C.Viper & Seth, anyone using Seth? He's pretty fun to use.

Don't forget, BP are only in ranked matches.


love on your sleeve
This game gets more addicting every day. Thank God for all the Scroto complaining on GAF because I don't think I would have taken up Guile and Bison without it. :D


DoctorWho said:
Don't forget, BP are only in ranked matches.
Ahhh. Only played a few ranked had to created them, for some reason I can't join any Quick Matches in Ranked, but have no such problem in Player matches.

When in Arcade Mode and you're challenged, are they ranked, player or a mix of both do you know?


dollartaco said:
Abel questions.

First, the (I think) 4-2 trial where you go from a COD to Heartless. How the hell? It's either way too fast for me to do, or there's something I'm not getting.

Also, I'm new to SF and could use a basic explanation of wakeup strats. I get pinned often...

I input (Light) change of direction -> Heartless like this

forward quarter circle+ light punch->
forward quarter circle+ light punch


being a balrog player.... its seems Cammy causes me alot of trouble. I can win most of the time against her now, by playing a turtle style, but her stupid canon spike seems to have some real major priorty. Is there anything that thing doesnt beat?
Geez, has Ken always been so popular? I've been rockin Ken since '91, but I'm trying to learn Abel so I won't just be another Ken in the crowd online :lol

Or maybe Dan..........


Raw64life said:
Have the same problem. Posted it before...

...never got an answer.

I finally got it :D

hold back as you input medium kick
then immediately input quarter circle back plus light punch
then: Success!


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Me to. And this is truth, I instinctively start charging at the character VS screen for crying out loud. :lol

Same here. I don't know when I discovered it but finding out that your charge counts even before the match begins was so satisfying :)


Hmm, I've actually not seen that many Kens online. Whenever I do see Ken I become scared though. I'm used to seeing shoryuken as an anti-air move, I become very confused when I see it be used as an anti-everything move.

MicVlaD's Yoga, Gouken and Abel are pretty scary too. I only found one effective tactic when playing against him: weeping.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ok, I'm in Ryu training, and I can't pull off the Metsu Hadoken. I can pull of the down-right down right super Hadoken, but this one has three punch buttons after it.

I execute the super Hadoken, and press the punch two more times, don't get it. I try pressing it during the windup, no go. I try spamming the punch once it starts, still won't register.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Hmm, spending time with Ken in training mode and the timing to juggle into his full Ultra must be nuts. I can only manage getting the full Shinryuken hits in, but not the start of the ultra combo (the punch, kicks, etc). Is it even possible?

FlyinJ said:
Ok, I'm in Ryu training, and I can't pull off the Metsu Hadoken. I can pull of the down-right down right super Hadoken, but this one has three punch buttons after it.

I execute the super Hadoken, and press the punch two more times, don't get it. I try pressing it during the windup, no go. I try spamming the punch once it starts, still won't register.

Press all three punch buttons at the same time. =)


FlyinJ said:
Ok, I'm in Ryu training, and I can't pull off the Metsu Hadoken. I can pull of the down-right down right super Hadoken, but this one has three punch buttons after it.

I execute the super Hadoken, and press the punch two more times, don't get it. I try pressing it during the windup, no go. I try spamming the punch once it starts, still won't register.

Your not supposed to press one punch three times
it's all three at the same time



Survival Hard Level 5 - Ranks 1-138: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Time Attack Level 1 - Ranks 1-48: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Cheap character(s), confirmed?
FlyinJ said:
Ok, I'm in Ryu training, and I can't pull off the Metsu Hadoken. I can pull of the down-right down right super Hadoken, but this one has three punch buttons after it.

I execute the super Hadoken, and press the punch two more times, don't get it. I try pressing it during the windup, no go. I try spamming the punch once it starts, still won't register.
press all three punches simultaneously


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Kintaro said:
Hmm, spending time with Ken in training mode and the timing to juggle into his full Ultra must be nuts. I can only manage getting the full Shinryuken hits in, but not the start of the ultra combo (the punch, kicks, etc). Is it even possible?

Press all three punch buttons at the same time. =)

Ohhh crap. Ugh. I've been ripping the flesh off my thumb for half an hour!


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Damn it, I got an email from Amazon that my TE stick has been delayed until the end of March. WTF? I went to the MadCatz web site and its says April. April? They might as well not even bother. I'm sure most people will have moved on by then. You'd think they could manufacture these things faster than that. 2 months seems like a very long time.

Guess I'm pretty much hanging up SFIV until then. I can't do the combos with the pad.


dfyb said:
just gotta be fast. figuring out it's back+MK is the hard part.

smh@capcom. You know, thats exactly what you need to tell the player. My knowledge about how to play Dhalsim just skyrocket.....I mean yoga teleported into space!
CartridgeBlower said:
Dan's Ultra is another example. I jump above him when he does it with a dragon punch. Next moment I'm getting smacked in the face. NOTHING MATCHES UP IN THIS GAME SOMETIMES. They really really really really need to fix this in the next game. I'm seeing more and more of it as I cross 300 games played online.

Dan's ultra is like Abels, it has anti-air grab properties so chances are it would of clipped your feet. Though I'm not sure what you mean when you say he does it with a dragon punch?


I tried the Madcatz pad on 360. It annoyed my so much that I couldn't pull of dragon punch consistently and I have a hard time doing down heavy, followed by a dragon punch.

Is there any PS3 to 360 controller converter that doesn't have lag? I have 2 Sega USB pads that would be nice to use on 360.


Is holding back the key to using Dhalsim?
I was having trouble with High punch into EX Focus, but then I decide to hold back as I input
high punch and bam success

EDIT: well apparently it is
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