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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

haunts said:
So it's been over a week now.. what do you guys think? I had to take a break last night becuase Ive been playing the game entirely too much.. :lol

I would agree...MicVlad's Dhalsim is crazy... Very interesting...

Speaking of Dhalsim, I'd like to play against Eggo's Dhalsim... If he's playing it...

I've only played online once...against MicVlad...so I don't really have much credible input to provide. It was a bit laggy when I played.

As far as the game goes...I mentioned in a post 100 pages back that the game is obviously trying to rekindle/resurrect the SF Franchise...so it tries to marry old with new. 2D gameplay with 3D graphics. The classic SF characters with a few new challengers. SF2's gameplay with focus attacks, supers, ultras, etc. So it is what it is...

Overall, the game is great. 9/10.

But I don't like the DLC situation. Since Ono says they're working on Dee Jay and T.Hawk...they could've just waited a little while. Or they could've designed new costumes...and released that as DLC. The justification being...arcade players had to pay for it doesn't necessarily mean it's fair to charge home users. Of course, the costumes have no impact on playing the game...so it's whatever.

I'm not a fan of the floaty jumps, weird wakeup games, frequency of getting ultras, etc. I also don't like the music. It's not my taste...techno/electronica, the repetitive piano breakdowns (Ryu, Guile, Abel, Cammy, Ken, etc), the ooh and aahs or how some tracks sound like they belong in a motion picture. But these are all minor gripes with an excellent game.

I'd say it's a toss up with HD Remix right now. HD Remix has the better gameplay...but the Udon sprites, OCR Remix music, lack of the ST intro, lack of modes and online glitches stop it from attaining nirvana.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Kintaro said:
Makes it all the more confusing to me why they choose to bring back characters from that game and pretty much completely ignore SF3 for playable characters. :lol

You know the saying "Sometimes you have to leave in order to come back" It will ring true for SF III characters.

My main thing with the music is that I lovelovelove a lot of the character themes in this game, I mean Ryus theme straight up makes me wanna get in a fight :lol


love on your sleeve
haunts said:
Top 20 Power Players from VersusCity

Check it out, it has the top rankings in Japan right now and guess what? Daigo's still at t he top. :lol

Even better, there is a list on the same page with longest win streaks... you have to take a look, if you think that 108 wins by that dude in the UK was a lot, the Japanese win streaks will blow your mind.. and thats against uhh.. real competition.
357 match win streak? I can't even get 5. :(
LiK said:
yea, i think many people think they're replacements for supers or something. well, at least it makes it easy for me to avoid, huhu.

the fact that Ryu's ultra is so predictable makes it more fun for me, because it adds to the "oh shit" factor when someone leaves a hole wide open to just weave it in there.
LiK said:
i wonder if i'm one of the few guys here who actually played the SF1 arcade machine before SFII came out. i thought the ninja was so cool when i was a kid, hehe.

I played it back in 88. Fireball...haip...type....type...dragon punch... The game had shit controls. It was hella hard to do fireballs, dragon punch and hurricane kicks.

Also, the characters were cool. Eagle with the scar on his face and batons, Eagle an English punk rocker, Joe an American kick boxer, Mike...a boring black boxer, Geki...the bad ass ninja, Retsu...the poster boy for scrubs...Adon...Sagat...Geki (I used to think he was a blind master) and Lee.

I liked the arranged soundtrack in Fighting Street for Turbo CD. It was hard to play SF with the two-button controller (since there were six buttons in the arcade).


Bacon of Hope
Spiderjericho said:
I'm not a fan of the floaty jumps, weird wakeup games, frequency of getting ultras, etc. I also don't like the music. It's not my taste...techno/electronica, the repetitive piano breakdowns (Ryu, Guile, Abel, Cammy, Ken, etc), the ooh and aahs or how some tracks sound like they belong in a motion picture. But these are all minor gripes with an excellent game.

Yeah its a different game thats for sure.. The more you play it the better it feels though.. just takes time..
Raging Spaniard said:
My main thing with the music is that I lovelovelove a lot of the character themes in this game, I mean Ryus theme straight up makes me wanna get in a fight :lol

It makes me want to go to sleep. And that 300 like grunts in Akuma's theme...:lol

On it's own, it's a good soundtrack but when compared to other SF/Versus/Vampire/SNK/MK soundtracks...it's good music to listen to...but not fight music.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Spiderjericho said:
I liked the arranged soundtrack in Fighting Street for Turbo CD. It was hard to play SF with the two-button controller (since there were six buttons in the arcade).

This is how I played SF1. Shudder.
haunts said:
Yeah its a different game thats for sure.. The more you play it the better it feels though.. just takes time..

Would you be willing to beat on me for a half hour later in the week? I haven't played any versus except against MicVlad or the three times I got snuffed in CTF.


Spiderjericho said:
I played it back in 88. Fireball...haip...type....type...dragon punch... The game had shit controls. It was hella hard to do fireballs, dragon punch and hurricane kicks.

Also, the characters were cool. Eagle with the scar on his face and batons, Eagle an English punk rocker, Joe an American kick boxer, Mike...a boring black boxer, Geki...the bad ass ninja, Retsu...the poster boy for scrubs...Adon...Sagat...Geki (I used to think he was a blind master) and Lee.

I liked the arranged soundtrack in Fighting Street for Turbo CD. It was hard to play SF with the two-button controller (since there were six buttons in the arcade).

haha, nice *high 5* 1988? damn, that's a long time. i still remmeber playing it as a kid. i just mashed the buttons since i didn't know what to do. i just saw this machine standing there in soem restaurant so i went up and tried it out. i think i only made it to Mike before i lost. good times.
-PXG- said:
Akuma players = pussies.
Played my last game for yesterday evening against an Akuma after racking up another losing streak :)lol ), was able to eek out a win with my Chun Li...nice to go to sleep on a high note :D


In Haunts response to the game:

I gotta say I'm having a real fun time with this. I must admit, I skipped SFIII entirely because the game just didn't appeal to me at all. I was more an Alpha player back in the days so the new characters were a big turn off for me. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't care at all about SFIII. But that being said, my impressions comes as followed:

+ The variety in characters I like a lot. Lots of versatility with each character that can change the way you play and defend against other players.

+ Music has been very enjoyable. I find myself less of using custom soundtracks right now because of how well it was put together.

+ Online has been very positive. Most of my matches are hardly laggy at all. Seth wasn't kidding about when he said about matches overseas being nearly perfect. The man was right in his word.

+ Challenges have proven to be just that. Extremely challenging.

I honestly can't think of anything negative to say other than the wash, rinse, repeat of Ryu and Ken players. At first it was annoying but they are the characters that people find accessible to play with and fully recognized in the Street Fighter world. It's only been out for a week and people are bound to try out new characters. The variety in play will happen in the future. And hopefully with the 2+ million copies sold, the online community stays strong. Arcades is most area's in the US are dead. This is just awesome to have something home to play. Now...how about that TE arcade stick Gamestop/MadCatz? I'm still waiting for it.

Side note: Online would be much more fun with lobbies. I'm sure this has been addressed to Capcom and would like to see it implemented in the future. But if it in anyway dampens the online play, I'd like to see it just as it is. Nearly perfect.


-PXG- said:
Akuma players = pussies.

:lol That's just stupid. Raging Demon is avoidable 100% of the time. Jump over the bastard unless you get EX focused down with a tap of LP, then you're fucked. Akuma is just as powerful as Sagat, Boxer or Guile as far as I'm concerned.
CcrooK said:
:lol That's just stupid. Raging Demon is avoidable 100% of the time. Jump over the bastard unless you get EX focused down with a tap of LP, then you're fucked. Akuma is just as powerful as Sagat, Boxer or Guile as far as I'm concerned.
I thought Guile wasn't so hot this time around?

I love playing as him though. I mostly play Boxer, Viper, Vega, and Guile. I think Viper is the only non-charge character I've ever focused on in my history with SF.


LiK said:
i wonder if i'm one of the few guys here who actually played the SF1 arcade machine before SFII came out. i thought the ninja was so cool when i was a kid, hehe.

I'm one of them, as well :D

don't think I ever won an entire match, only a few single rounds against Joe :lol
Holy shit, yes! I managed to re-assemble my DS3!! And it only took a fucking hour :lol - the DS3 is a complete and utter bitch to re-assemble because of one simple factor; the way the back shell clips into place requires the analogue trigger clusters to be perfectly orientated, otherwise it just won't go back together - fixing the insides wasn't a problem, I had to completely dissemble the thing, reposition the triangle button, re-solder the left rumble unit and cannibalise a PS2 controller for a new R1 button, but fitting the shell back together is a nightmare and certainly enough of a deterent to make sure I throw my controller at somthing soft next time I lose to a Zangief - currently it's held together using just 2 screws and a couple of fabric plasters :lol


Bacon of Hope
CcrooK said:
Side note: Online would be much more fun with lobbies. I'm sure this has been addressed to Capcom and would like to see it implemented in the future. But if it in anyway dampens the online play, I'd like to see it just as it is. Nearly perfect.

Yeah I think the lobbies is the only glaring negative about the game, most other complains are fairly petty imo.

Spiderjericho said:
Would you be willing to beat on me for a half hour later in the week? I haven't played any versus except against MicVlad or the three times I got snuffed in CTF.

You have XBL?
CcrooK said:
:lol That's just stupid. Raging Demon is avoidable 100% of the time. Jump over the bastard unless you get EX focused down with a tap of LP, then you're fucked. Akuma is just as powerful as Sagat, Boxer or Guile as far as I'm concerned.
Luckily Akuma players I played last night pulled off their raging demon right when I was throwing a fireball...bad timing for them =)
Are there any characters that are considered Top-tier in SFIV, or is it an exceptionally well-balanced roster?

I have no idea who my main is going to be at this point, though.


CcrooK said:
:lol That's just stupid. Raging Demon is avoidable 100% of the time. Jump over the bastard unless you get EX focused down with a tap of LP, then you're fucked. Akuma is just as powerful as Sagat, Boxer or Guile as far as I'm concerned.
Ultra Demon is escapable no matter what. You can always jump out unless it used as an anti air or you're caught mid move/whiffing a move. It cannot grab you while you're in block stun.
Are there any characters that are considered Top-tier in SFIV, or is it an exceptionally well-balanced roster?
There are characters who are better than the rest due to easy Ultra abuse (Sagat, Ryu, Balrog) but the roster overall is very well balanced IMO. There are very few total mismatches it seems. The "worst character" can still put up a good fight.


_dementia said:
I thought Guile wasn't so hot this time around?

I love playing as him though. I mostly play Boxer, Viper, Vega, and Guile. I think Viper is the only non-charge character I've ever focused on in my history with SF.

Guile seems to put out good damage. To me at least when I play him. Chun Li I'm having a real hard time adjusting to. She just doesn't dish out the damage. I go up against a Sagat player. And his damn sweep just does so much. I dunno. Boxer is my main but I'm trying to fall on a secondary and can't quite figure it out. I'd play Guile but I struggle with his Ultra. Sakura I'm leaning towards or maybe Akuma (which is another problem of doing his Ultra). Just can't seem to land them on the fly. Eh. I'll just keep on playing till one starts to show potential.


PhatSaqs said:
Ultra Demon is escapable no matter what. You can always jump out unless it used as an anti air or you're caught mid move/whiffing a move. It cannot grab you while you're in block stun.

Hrm. You know, is Raging Demon usable when they are in mid air just as Shamwow or Dan's Ultra?
Lé Blade Runner said:
Are there any characters that are considered Top-tier in SFIV, or is it an exceptionally well-balanced roster?

I have no idea who my main is going to be at this point, though.

From what I have seen discussed, it seems like the roster is very well balanced. Only a few characters seem to have a lot of trouble, notably Claw.


CcrooK said:
Hrm. You know, is Raging Demon usable when they are in mid air just as Shamwow or Dan's Ultra?
Yep, thats one of the best ways of landing it. But even then he can be smacked out of it with a jump kick if its not perfectly timed.
prodystopian said:
From what I have seen discussed, it seems like the roster is very well balanced. Only a few characters seem to have a lot of trouble, notably Claw.

Good to hear.

My friends are also telling me that SFIV is very difficult in terms of correct timing ( "5 times more difficult to time right than Guilty Gear" ). As I have very little experience with beat-em-up games in general, I have no personal input on this. Is this correct, though?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Two hours left... and i will go home to play SF IV!


PhatSaqs said:
Yep, thats one of the best ways of landing it. But even then he can be smacked out of it with a jump kick if its not perfectly timed.

Interesting. I'll have to practice that Raging Demon then and give that a try. Akuma's a beast! The combo with a crouch MK, circle back LK, SRK is godly.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
_dementia said:
I thought Guile wasn't so hot this time around?

this is what i keep hearing, but i think he's a beast. clearly his Flash Kick was nerfed and de-prioritized a bit, but the man's still got options for the most part.


CcrooK said:
:lol That's just stupid. Raging Demon is avoidable 100% of the time. Jump over the bastard unless you get EX focused down with a tap of LP, then you're fucked. Akuma is just as powerful as Sagat, Boxer or Guile as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not talking about the Shun Goku Satsu. It's the turtle bullshit. Sitting back, shooting Gohadokens on the ground and in the air and doing crouching HKs or SRKs. It's lame.


-PXG- said:
I'm not talking about the Shun Goku Satsu. It's the turtle bullshit. Sitting back, shooting Gohadokens on the ground and in the air and doing crouching HKs or SRKs. It's lame.

whatever works i guess. which is why you need to learn to counter and punish their turtle asses :D


-PXG- said:
Akuma players = pussies.

I agree. They kind of tend to stand at the far end of the arena and just spam the flaming fireball and jump fireball attacks. And that's literally all they'll keep doing until you get in close where they will either heavy slide or Shoryuken.

It's definitely quite a cheap way to play. But that's their choice and their tactic. I personally prefer to get stuck in. Playing cheap sitting back all the time imo is way too un-courageous for my liking. It's not all about just getting a "win" but getting it in style. I feel Akuma players play rather cowardly.


nib95 said:
. Playing cheap sitting back all the time imo is way too un-courageous for my liking. It's not all about just getting a "win" but getting it in style. I feel Akuma players play rather cowardly.

Hey that's how my Rose plays. RUN AWAY!
Lé Blade Runner said:
Good to hear.

My friends are also telling me that SFIV is very difficult in terms of correct timing ( "5 times more difficult to time right than Guilty Gear" ). As I have very little experience with beat-em-up games in general, I have no personal input on this. Is this correct, though?
I'm having a hard time trying to cancel into a Sonic Boom with Guile in SF4, something I've been able to pull off regularly in the SF2 (something like jumping fierce -> standing fierce -> cancel into sonic boom -> standing fierce backhand). I've seen combo videos and it's executed like clockwork, but I just can't figure it out =/ Granted I haven't really used Guile in SF4 much so far, I'll have to just find the time to get into training mode with him.


I gotta' put some work on my Abel. I have the hardest time against Shotos that I just rage and pick M.Bison and abuse my EX Headstomp.:lol



If Akuma players are consistently beating you by staying at the far end of the screen, then what does that say about your offensive skill? When will ppl stop singling out characters as "cheap" and learn to deal with BS players instead?


The physical form of blasphemy
Oh god.

I never played Seth at the arcade. Fuck him on the harder levels. :mad:

Ultras are hard to pull off with consistency with the 360 controller, which sucks. My execution isn't 100% yet, and that is a shame. It's fucking me up.

This game owns.

<3 C.Viper now that I've spent time with her.
"and should'nt be"

Err...Akuma has the second worse health and stun in the game. Why shouldn't he run away? Especially, when he has the tools to do so.


Any tips on what a Sagat should do vs. a semi good Zangief player? He just walks through my tiger shots and throws me around with his insane range.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
decon said:
Any tips on what a Sagat should do vs. a semi good Zangief player? He just walks through my tiger shots and throws me around with his insane range.

keep him at bay with crouch HK


decon said:
Any tips on what a Sagat should do vs. a semi good Zangief player? He just walks through my tiger shots and throws me around with his insane range.

Tiger Knee into Tiger uppercut? i havent played against a Zangief player yet (surprisingly)


Anyone here got the SF4 FightPad? How's the d-pad on it? I'm becoming very tempted to get it if it's a quality pad. Not to play SF4 with it (I've got a nice arcade stick for that), but there's a bunch of other 360 games where I'd love to have a good d-pad.
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