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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Will drop pants for Sony.
ShinAmano said:
Since it was passed over a couple of pages back i wanted to mention that the arcade machines that were painted at the SF4 launch event are up on eBay with starting bids of $650 and free shipping...

Also is there a video out there that shows all of a characters taunts/personal actions yet?

Hopefully someone will make a youtube video of it.


haunts said:
Cammy combo video is up.. :D


Let me know what you guys think of the last combo int he video.. ;)
that was awesome
it really shows how much I suck with cammy lol
What would make it a lot better is if you wrote down all the combos in the video, I can see some on the Cammy page but not all that was covered. But still that was really informative, thanks a lot

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
h3ro said:
Are you going to be doing more SF art pieces?

Sagat and Viper art please.

I dunno, I should take a break. I am doing a Darkstalkers piece for the Udon Tribute Book contest thingee (deadline on Sunday!) Im planning on making a sweet Bishamon piece, that guy gets no love.


Bacon of Hope
Guled said:
that was awesome
it really shows how much I suck with cammy lol
What would make it a lot better is if you wrote down all the combos in the video, I can see some on the Cammy page but not all that was covered. But still that was really informative, thanks a lot

Thats a good idea.. we will do that int he guide probably.. :)


Had some REALLY great matches on PSN with some random dude. I was horrible on the 360 this morning, but on fire just now on the PS3.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Kintaro said:
It took me awhile to figure out Blanka with Fuerte, but eventually I was able to get some things over on him, even as jumpy Fuerte (with some help from the thread of course). Good times.
I feel like El Fuerte has a shitton of bad matchups but I can't help myself but playing with him. Bad matchups include, Guile, Blanka, Chun-Li, every shoto except for Dan, anything with a rising crouch HP, etc. He's so fun that I cannot stop playing him but I've limited him to player matches, the only ranked match I've won with El Fuerte was vs Dan.


MarkMan said:

Check out their SF4 section ;)
Hmm, that isn't all that helpful to beginners though. It mentions the very basics of all the moves you can do, but not their properties and what their tactical meaning is.

There's still a bunch of stuff I have no clue about in the game. For instance, what the heck do I do against people standing up besides panicking and screaming like a little girl? The only thing I've learned is you can try to time an unblockable focus attack, but that doesn't work so well if the opponent expects it.

When are you supposed to use throws? When the enemy blocks? Which is never from my experience. Is there any other kind of obvious circumstance where throwing is a good tactic?

Is there any basic ruleset for how you can link moves into guaranteed combos? Back when I played KoF I knew there was a basic ruleset I could follow to easily create my own combos, but I'm not sure how it works in SF4.
Sectus said:
Hmm, that isn't all that helpful to beginners though. It mentions the very basics of all the moves you can do, but not their properties and what their tactical meaning is.

There's still a bunch of stuff I have no clue about in the game. For instance, what the heck do I do against people standing up besides panicking and screaming like a little girl? The only thing I've learned is you can try to time an unblockable focus attack, but that doesn't work so well if the opponent expects it.

When are you supposed to use throws? When the enemy blocks? Which is never from my experience. Is there any other kind of obvious circumstance where throwing is a good tactic?

Is there any basic ruleset for how you can link moves into guaranteed combos? Back when I played KoF I knew there was a basic ruleset I could follow to easily create my own combos, but I'm not sure how it works in SF4.

Yeah, that is more or less where I was going with my questions. I've got the basics down, but that's about it.
Baloonatic said:
Ok I'm pretty tempted to get this as it's a reasonable price. Are they actually any good?
They're okay. Difficult to mod though. There literally isn't enough vertical space in the case for a Sanwa or Seimitsu lever. Buttons are kinda crappy too (and they're soldered directly to the circuit board). Also there are some QC issues. It has a reputation for the PCB dying. Eventually buttons stop working in pairs. Mine did.


Sectus said:
Hmm, that isn't all that helpful to beginners though. It mentions the very basics of all the moves you can do, but not their properties and what their tactical meaning is.

There's still a bunch of stuff I have no clue about in the game. For instance, what the heck do I do against people standing up besides panicking and screaming like a little girl? The only thing I've learned is you can try to time an unblockable focus attack, but that doesn't work so well if the opponent expects it.

When are you supposed to use throws? When the enemy blocks? Which is never from my experience. Is there any other kind of obvious circumstance where throwing is a good tactic?

Is there any basic ruleset for how you can link moves into guaranteed combos? Back when I played KoF I knew there was a basic ruleset I could follow to easily create my own combos, but I'm not sure how it works in SF4.


Sectus said:
Hmm, that isn't all that helpful to beginners though. It mentions the very basics of all the moves you can do, but not their properties and what their tactical meaning is.

There's still a bunch of stuff I have no clue about in the game. For instance, what the heck do I do against people standing up besides panicking and screaming like a little girl? The only thing I've learned is you can try to time an unblockable focus attack, but that doesn't work so well if the opponent expects it.

When are you supposed to use throws? When the enemy blocks? Which is never from my experience. Is there any other kind of obvious circumstance where throwing is a good tactic?

Is there any basic ruleset for how you can link moves into guaranteed combos? Back when I played KoF I knew there was a basic ruleset I could follow to easily create my own combos, but I'm not sure how it works in SF4.

Have you read Haunts guide on www.mycheats.com? It gives a few paragraphs of general advice for each character, and is very helpful.


Guess I need some advice from some people who had better success with C.Viper.What are some other options for her during mix ups against people who are very good at throw escaping and turtling?I pretty much gave up playing as her the other night against a super turtle Dictator since I really couldn't do anything to get in =/
_dementia said:
They're okay. Difficult to mod though. There literally isn't enough vertical space in the case for a Sanwa or Seimitsu lever. Buttons are kinda crappy too (and they're soldered directly to the circuit board). Also there are some QC issues. It has a reputation for the PCB dying. Eventually buttons stop working in pairs. Mine did.

Maybe I'll pass then...
_dementia said:
yeah... still beats the crap out of a 360 controller though.

Awww, why'd you have to say that. I'm using a 360 controller at the moment so maybe I should just get one anyway? Unless there are any reasonable alternatives.
haunts said:
Cammy combo video is up.. :D


Let me know what you guys think of the last combo int he video.. ;)
thanks haunts - this is really helpful for us cammy players to nail down some bread and butter combos.

Heres a couple other cammy combo vids from srk:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hijPKPqCDvI - lots of overlap w/ haunts' vid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hijPKPqCDvI - wtf fast cannon strikes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjuLMgdkxd0 - wtf more


Sectus said:
There's still a bunch of stuff I have no clue about in the game. For instance, what the heck do I do against people standing up besides panicking and screaming like a little girl? The only thing I've learned is you can try to time an unblockable focus attack, but that doesn't work so well if the opponent expects it.

Lots of options, but matters on what your opponent is doing.

-Wake up attack. Character defendant, classic one being the Shotos dragon punch. Only use if if you're opponent is going to attack on wake up. If timed right the move will come out as soon as your character recovers, not giving your opponent a chance to attack.
-Block and whether the punishment and try to counter poke. Sometimes the only option for some characters if they don't have reliable wake ups.
-Throw. Not always the best of options, but if your opponent is trying to bait a wake up, throw, fucks up a meaty attack it's good to use.

When are you supposed to use throws? When the enemy blocks? Which is never from my experience. Is there any other kind of obvious circumstance where throwing is a good tactic?

-When an opponent turtles up.
-When an opponent is in your face but not poking.
-When an opponent is going to throw you (tech throw)
-After a string of blocked attacks (tick throw, again they're turtling)

Is there any basic ruleset for how you can link moves into guaranteed combos? Back when I played KoF I knew there was a basic ruleset I could follow to easily create my own combos, but I'm not sure how it works in SF4.

Well matters what you mean by links. There's several types of combos in the SF universe

2 in 1 or cancel - Your basic normal attack into special/super. Something like standing HP into a hadoken.

Link - A combo that depends on frame advantage and not canceling. Basically if your previous move recovery plus your next moves start up is faster than your opponent's hit stun you can link those moves together Usually they have really strict timing. These usually are found through experimentation when the game first comes out, they're pretty much documented anywhere now though.

Super Cancel - Going from a special move into your super move. Pretty self explanitory.

Juggle - Comboing a character in the air. I don't know SF4's juggle system properties but a few characters have moves that allow for a couple juggle hits.

Chaining LP/LK - LP's and LKs have a property where you can just mash away and they'll all combo. Unfortunately you can no longer cancel into a special move from chained lp/lks. You have to link the last lp/lk in order to cancel which makes the timing slower and a stricter.

Chains - Preprogrammed normal move combos. I don't know of any chains in SF4, so I can't give you any examples. Though if you ever played SFIII, a example chain would be something like Ibuki's lk->mk->hk or something... forget actually. They're really easy to do basically.
I really hope Capcom will patch the Seth bullshit because it's really sucking the fun I might have with the solo :eek:/
Come on Capcom, it's a GAME! We are supposed to have fun with it, not wanting to obliterate your Q&A people.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Ferrio said:
Chains - Preprogrammed normal move combos. I don't know of any chains in SF4, so I can't give you any examples. Though if you ever played SFIII, a example chain would be something like Ibuki's lk->mk->hk or something... forget actually. They're really easy to do basically.

that chain system came from Darkstalkers right? I remember something like, as long as you moved to the right or down on the six button layout, the moves would chain/combo.


levious said:
that chain system came from Darkstalkers right? I remember something like, as long as you moved to the right or down on the six button layout, the moves would chain/combo.

Ya, Darkstalkers was the first of my knowledge to use them. Then SF Alpha. The same combo system is used in lots of 2D fighters now.
Woohoo! I got my "Playing to Win" silver trophy, last night. That was the only trophy I was dreading to get. Now the rest will come, in time.

I've actually been playing single-player, exclusively, up until last night. Already unlocked all the characters and beat all the time attacks. Thought I'd try some ranked matches, so went searching for same-skill fights. I don't know the formula used for determining same-skill matches, but apparently 2000+bp is equivalent to ~50bp. It was against a Ken, and fortunately, I beat him. That gave me a big dose of bp. Yeah! Anyway, I never got a rage-quit, fortunately, but I did get a lot of pre-match disconnects. Maybe they were scared of my "Invincible Tiger" title, so I just changed it to the default gray SFIV title and icon, and no longer had pre-match disconnects. I also decided to just host my own lobby, with everything set to "Any" and "English". Funnily, enough, all the resulting matches were closer to my bp, than when I searched for "same skill" matches. Most played Ken, Ryu, and Akuma, with the occasional Sagat, who I was using, also. I wasn't keeping track of wins, since I didn't expect to keep a long win streak, just starting-out online. But once I realized I had been winning for a while, I wondered how many more I needed for the 10-win trophy, and after every match, I was praying for the notification to pop-up, and dreading the next match, when it didn't. I was so relieved, when I finally did earn the trophy, and decided to see how long of a streak I could keep. I won the next match, and lost the 12th to a Ken I know I should have beaten, but the match was laggy-as-hell. Too bad, it didn't seem to throw off my opponent's timing as much as it did, mine.

So, anyway, after my first 2-3 hours of ranked-play, I ended the night with 810bp.

This game is sooo good!


PhatSaqs said:
I'm sorry, but that .gif wasn't awfully helpful to answer any question.

lawblob said:
Have you read Haunts guide on www.mycheats.com? It gives a few paragraphs of general advice for each character, and is very helpful.
I just started watching the "tips from the pros" video in that guide. The very start of the video isn't too promising though... "For the first 5-10 minutes we'll show all the menu options for the casual people, but pros can skip that." Okiiieeee.


Ferrio said:
Chains - Preprogrammed normal move combos. I don't know of any chains in SF4, so I can't give you any examples. Though if you ever played SFIII, a example chain would be something like Ibuki's lk->mk->hk or something... forget actually. They're really easy to do basically.

I think the closest thing to chains in SF4 are target combos. Examples being Rufus s.lk > s.hk, and Guile has one that's like c.mk into foward s.mp (don't remember it exactly) I think everyone but Seth has one?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
George Claw M.D. said:
Woohoo! I got my "Playing to Win" silver trophy, last night. That was the only trophy I was dreading to get. Now the rest will come, in time.

What was that trophy for? I know I got it a while ago, as well as the 100 years too early/too late ones. Forgot what they all meant though :p


Anyone else getting 3 or 4 bars and then in the middle of the match the game slows down pauses and in some cases disconnects from the other player?


MoxManiac said:
I think the closest thing to chains in SF4 are target combos. Examples being Rufus s.lk > s.hk, and Guile has one that's like c.mk into foward s.mp (don't remember it exactly) I think everyone but Seth has one?

Then it's the same thing... new name.


ggp759 said:
Anyone else getting 3 or 4 bars and then in the middle of the match the game slows down pauses and in some cases disconnects from the other player?

Happened a couple of times when playing people from the UK but other times it's usually when I'm winning and they just "happen to disconnect":lol
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