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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I haven't played SF since SF II. I only know how to do well with Shotos, Sorry. These are the characters I have mastered early on here, and can do relatively well with.

Charge chars are too hard for me right now. I can't even beat the game on easy with some of them. Call me names, don't care, just want to play online and be competitive and this is the way I am doing it. At least I am trying to learn the other characters, but until that happens, I only use Ken and Ryu online.

And no offence, if you are better then me, you should kick my weak ass Ken and Ryu with a ten year gap quite easily.


my trick is every time i play someone on ranked and they pick ken or ryu I just pick the same character.

I can usually win just fine that way, but it's annoying as shit playing them with characters im not used to.. I'm trying to get better with them but not when I have to face the same shit over and over, it's annoying


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
LakeEarth said:
Understandable, but you gotta lose against people better than you to get better. Playing the AI just makes you start fighting to beat the AI.

Well my current main is E. Honda, and I just did some reading and he seems to be quite low tier, which is too bad, because he reminds me of a slower Alex who was my 3rd Strike main.

Oh, I totally understand how I'm only improving battle wise against playing the AI -- but the reason I am taking my time offline is because I want to practically know every maneuver I can for a few mains so I can have an arsenal attacks. As of right now I'm focusing on Sagat and Rufus, and will be starting to learn Fei Long and Gouken in-depth after that.

It's all a matter of taking time to practice before thrusting myself against either, A: better players or B: 'cheap' players. I'd rather face off against better players and lose because they are better rather than not being good enough to overcome 'cheap' tactics.

I'll slowly, but surely, switch over to the online portion -- but as of this moment, taking my sweet time to full comprehend the game in it's full fashion so I can easily recognize weaknesses of certain players I am facing off and take advantage of.



Fought a Gouken online who'd spam ground / upwards fireballs when I jump or use cannon drill with Cammy.

He must not have learned how to do wake up moves or w/e, because I eventually was able to just spam throw him whenever he got up.

Hey, it might be slightly cheap, but he asked for it!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Volcynika said:

Fought a Gouken online who'd spam ground / upwards fireballs when I jump or use cannon drill with Cammy.

He must not have learned how to do wake up moves or w/e, because I eventually was able to just spam throw him whenever he got up.

Hey, it might be slightly cheap, but he asked for it!

Gouken is very weird to play with. I've yet to figure out a viable wake up or anti-air outside of a upper hadoken (which can be a pain).


Caspel said:
I'd rather face off against better players and lose because they are better rather than not being good enough to overcome 'cheap' tactics.

this. I can't stand it when they just do the same thing over and over, and I get frustrated because I'm not sure how to block it. I mean, I'll be a better player when I learn how to overcome certain situations but jesus is it annoying when they just do it repeatedly


love on your sleeve

Guys who play as Sagat have no room to be whining about Ken/Ryu players and I know some of you are in here. :/


I rarely get a good connection with other people in this game. Most of the time it lists players with connection quality of 1 or 2 bars (or none at all) :(


Kintaro said:
Gouken is very weird to play with. I've yet to figure out a viable wake up or anti-air outside of a upper hadoken (which can be a pain).

I've been trying to main Gouken, and this has been a huge pain for me. I even tried playing against the AI Gouken on hardest and repeatedly jumping in against it, just to see what it did. It mainly tried the hurricane kick, but almost always whiffed.


Kintaro said:
Gouken is very weird to play with. I've yet to figure out a viable wake up or anti-air outside of a upper hadoken (which can be a pain).

I use the counter as anti-air, works pretty well. For wakeup I guess all he really has is throws, supers and ultras.
LMFAO!!!! i just got a "love" message from someone on XBL i wish i could post the audio.

" great game man! you're a really good rose player, i been looking for a good rose player, thank you for not picking ken."

:D i lol'd hard

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Pimpbaa said:
I rarely get a good connection with other people in this game. Most of the time it lists players with connection quality of 1 or 2 bars (or none at all) :(

Wired connection? The only problem I ever have is that I forget Im downloading stuff on my computer, which fucks my connection. In any case, 2 bars shouldnt give you much lag (if any)


EraldoCoil said:
LMFAO!!!! i just got a "love" message from someone on XBL i wish i could post the audio.

" great game man! you're a really good rose player, i been looking for a good rose player, thank you for not picking ken."

:D i lol'd hard

I love the good hearted message. One guy told me I should have given some lube before playing him with Vega.


I've played online quite a few matches tonight, and it's the usual Ken, Ryu, Sagat stuff.

I almost feel dirty when I pick a shoto.

I've been maining Rose, and it's worked pretty well for me so far. Nobody knows how to use her, so nobody know how she moves.

I got a message too. Someone was surprised I used Rose.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Chamber said:

Guys who play as Sagat have no room to be whining about Ken/Ryu players and I know some of you are in here. :/

Oh, I totally understand where you are coming from. Each character has a tactic that can be exploited to the point where it is aggravating such as Gief's constant grapples that are overpowering in my own opinion... the list goes on.

I have nothing to complain about yet since I've only played one match online and resorted to avoiding online as of this moment. But offline, Gief, Abel and Seth are the most annoying characters to face off against when matched up against the CPU AI.


Fought an Akuma player who quit immediately after being headbutted out of a Raging Demon. For a second I thought he must have kicked his Xbox. Sent a message calling him a wuss for quitting (didn't want to get vulgar) and got this back.

Play to quit!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Zabka said:
Fought an Akuma player who quit immediately after being headbutted out of a Raging Demon. For a second I thought he must have kicked his Xbox. Sent a message calling him a wuss for quitting (didn't want to get vulgar) and got this back.

Play to quit!
:lol Street Fighter griefing, thats something we didnt have back in the day.
I play Ryu almost exclusively and I hardly use special moves. I like to stay close and attack with sweeps and strong kicks/punches. When I sweep a guy, I'll stand over him and throw a axe kick or that ground punch(that's unblockable if your opponent blocks low) and sweep. When I play against Shoto players, I'll normally get up close and see if they try to shoryuken me, then I'll throw them. After a few, they'll stop trying to DP me so I can keep axe kicking them.

Problem with this strategy is that it's easy to get hit with ultras. Even if my attack is already in action, when my opponent performs a ultra, it's as if I never attacked because mine will not knock my opponent out of a ultra. The other thing they may do to counter me is start throwing me instead of DP'ing or blocking which really screws me up.

Does anybody play similar to me and have any tips for me?


Man, I need to practice Fuertes Leg throw. I start to remember why I picked up Boxer in the first place. Must be the only person on the world who struggles with the Z motion. :lol


Raging Spaniard said:
Wired connection? The only problem I ever have is that I forget Im downloading stuff on my computer, which fucks my connection. In any case, 2 bars shouldnt give you much lag (if any)

Yeah wired. I never tried someone with 2 bars. I just assumed it was almost unplayable.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
UC1 said:
I use the counter as anti-air, works pretty well. For wakeup I guess all he really has is throws, supers and ultras.

I main Gouken. For wake up it's a tough call. I usually go with a throw, but it's hard to judge what to do.

If anyone wants to fight against a Gouken, add me, PSN: Armonix

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Pimpbaa said:
Yeah wired. I never tried someone with 2 bars. I just assumed it was almost unplayable.

Yeah you should be fine, I usually pick people that have no bars showing and over half the time I have no lag. Just give it a shot.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Ermac said:
I main Gouken. For wake up it's a tough call. I usually go with a throw, but it's hard to judge what to do.

If anyone wants to fight against a Gouken, add me, PSN: Armonix
sent you a message. up for some fights now?


Damn, I should have played SF4 all day to prepare for the tournament, instead I played Killzone all afternoon and got roped into going to a terrible party tonight. Looks like I have a long night of Abel training ahead of me.

*puts on headband*


-COOLIO- said:
k im gunna say it

im the best viper on psn


Me :D

Not saying I'm better with her just would like to play a great Viper

Are you up for it now?

My PSN ID is "Punishing_Soul"


love on your sleeve
I feel like a bit of a whore but Vega's EX Sky High Claw is just incredible. I've been abusing people with that move. :lol

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
-COOLIO- said:
k im gunna say it

im the best viper on psn


lol no

Did you ever add me on psn? I thought you were 360 for some reason


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Sectus said:
Well, that's not good. I've literally waited 40 minutes in a ranked lobby and no one has joined my server.
just turn on the arcade feature and play arcade until someone interrupts. That's what I do, and I've never gotten further than the second fight. ;)


Brobzoid said:
just turn on the arcade feature and play arcade until someone interrupts. That's what I do, and I've never gotten further than the second fight. ;)
But... AI! Haaaaaaaate!

And I like the lobbies, they have pretty music. And I don't mind waiting a little bit since I can do stuff on the computer I have right next to my 360. But well, I do mind waiting 40+ minutes.

I dunno if there's something wrong with the matchmaking servers. I was hosting ranked games some days ago without problems.
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