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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

haunts said:
Im curious... what match ups do you guys have the hardest time with or are more interested in learning about?

Just get comfortable blocking "the other way" and try throwing them after they try the cross up..

Blanka and Guile are my worst for Vega.

My Fuerte has issues with Blanka sometimes. (People spam electricity crap)

My Dhalsim has issues with almost everyone but Gief.. :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TurtleSnatcher said:
Blanka and Guile are my worst for Vega.

My Fuerte has issues with Blanka sometimes. (People spam electricity crap)

My Dhalsim has issues with almost everyone but Gief.. :lol
I feel you brother.
Oh and I fought a guy last night using Cammy. I kept using "Spiral Arrow" (Which I thought was Cannon Drill??? Wtf happened) and he never blocked low and kept getting knocked down. He was using Sagat.

He was on headset and after the match he was like "ALL YOU DO IS SPAM THAT MOVE" and of course I said "ALL YOU DO IS NOT BLOCK LOW" haha...

He kicked me from the game afterwards :D


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
TurtleSnatcher said:
Oh and I fought a guy last night using Cammy. I kept using "Spiral Arrow" (Which I thought was Cannon Drill??? Wtf happened) and he never blocked low and kept getting knocked down. He was using Sagat.

He was on headset and after the match he was like "ALL YOU DO IS SPAM THAT MOVE" and of course I said "ALL YOU DO IS NOT BLOCK LOW" haha...

He kicked me from the game afterwards :D
I refuse to feel bad for Sagat players anyways! :D

I've lost to more mediocre Sagat's than I'd care to admit, simply because I always misjudge how fucking long his god damn legs are.

Shit hits me from other planets :lol
I also have some trouble with Blanka as Dhalsim, but maybe that's partially because I rarely had to face him. Played one yesterday though (Archie from GAF) and either I'm imagining things, but his recovery time is lightning fast. I saw him do no less than three different moves (roll, backflip kick and shock) before Dhalsim hit the ground after one of his teleports.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Oh and I fought a guy last night using Cammy. I kept using "Spiral Arrow" (Which I thought was Cannon Drill??? Wtf happened) and he never blocked low and kept getting knocked down. He was using Sagat.

He was on headset and after the match he was like "ALL YOU DO IS SPAM THAT MOVE" and of course I said "ALL YOU DO IS NOT BLOCK LOW" haha...

He kicked me from the game afterwards :D

I played someone using that similar technique against my Sagat and I punished them by throwing them after blocking. The guy was PISSSSSEEDD! :lol
haunts said:
Hmm seems like a lot of people have problems vs Blanka?? I understand, he is a pain to fight..

Some Blankas give me a hard time even if I feel Balrog has the advantage in the matchup. I have to turtle hardcore to win and punish any jump ins with c.fierce or headbutts when I can. Those crossups can get to me if I don't.


shooting blanks
Damn I guess I'll go back to using blanka since he's always been my main.

It's awesome using him with the sfiv gamepad. You can put low punch on turbo and it immediately goes to the electricitcy when you press it once.

Even when jumping forward towards an opponent.


haunts said:
everytime I run into a Ken im now paranoid that its actually someone really good mocking me with flowchartz, or is it is the real deal? impossible to tell.
lol i feel the same way. I keep thinking hes just playing around and gonna go nuts in round 2. I pick Ken every once in a while though... (looks at avatar..runs =x)


ChrisGoldstein said:
Damn I guess I'll go back to using blanka since he's always been my main.

It's awesome using him with the sfiv gamepad. You can put low punch on turbo and it immediately goes to the electricitcy when you press it once.

Even when jumping forward towards an opponent.
turbo online! =(
Good idea though! :D
toneroni said:
lol i feel the same way. I keep thinking hes just playing around and gonna go nuts in round 2. I pick Ken every once in a while though... (looks at avatar..runs =x)
I love Ken players that pop their Ultras early and leave them exposed for pretty much anything. :lol
Dhalsim is fun as hell to play with. The only problem I have is that I try to do his ultra, but a lot of times I end up teleporting instead, and get murdered afterwards.

and I'll join in on the Blanka hate. I still haven't got a coherent strategy against him :lol
Some1 wanna play me?

PSN: Oyabun86....Ill be online in a couple of hours...just send me a friend request and write that you are from GAF.


I just got my european LE, yay for waiting an extra week for the restock only to get a damaged box. Also EU version doesn't seem to get an OST nor a proper blu-ray case, just a damn transparent sleeve. That kinda ruined the initial impression :(

Is the PS3 LE in US sold out everywhere? I kinda want just the extras though, anyone doesn't care for those and wants to sell or wants to help out? :lol


Had no idea you could control the distance of your ultra with El Fuerte. Dont worry about electricity spam though. The kick charge move goes right through it, EX or not.


Bacon of Hope
GalacticAE said:
Some Blankas give me a hard time even if I feel Balrog has the advantage in the matchup. I have to turtle hardcore to win and punish any jump ins with c.fierce or headbutts when I can. Those crossups can get to me if I don't.

Im pretty sure you can punish ball with dash straight...


I faced the most amazing griever today.

Check this out. I jump in to the match, 3 rounds, his sakura against my guile. I beat him 3 - 1, nothing really noteworthy, pretty easy match regular pressure game with booms and flash kicks. But then in the middle of another match I get this message: "sore loser" from that sakura guy :lol.

He wrote "sore loser" to a winner, so I write him back hoping he'll understand his mistake. "That's your name, right? Nice to meet you." He couldn't stand this and goes on sending me messages no end. He's like drowning in bitterness, whining that I play "the most boring guile ever" and I should learn to play. So I write him back explaining first when he should use the phrase "sore looser" and when aviod it unless he wants to make himself look like an idiot.
We exchange messages where I basicly molest him about his delusions. He then goes to defensive and says he plays for fun and seeks technical matches that "nerds like me won't understand" and how I spam one move.
I tell him about irony of the whole thing, how he seeks "technical" and all he did is spam ex shoryuken, ex tatsumaki an throw random ultras. I ask him how is that he plays for fun and after loosing he spams the winners msg box with his bitter tear soaked messages.
This goes and goes on for my amusment. He cries and whines and tries to get out of the hole he dug himself in. I simply laugh off his inability to admit defeat. At the end I had to go play with my 2 year old nephew, so I sent the guy final message where I say while he gave me much amusment, I must go. But I couldn't help myself and in the end I destroy him mentally Bison style telling him that my little victory ment nothing to me and he acts like I shot his cat, and I add that what I did to him was nothing in comparsion to what his future opponents will. I finished "I am concerned about your mental health. Be at peace with yourself ;)". He then sents me final message clearly relieved that I'll stop pounding him and goes away.

I must admit I felt a little bit guilty I toyed with him like that, but the fun was just too much for me to pass. :lol Shame I can't post the actual messages from the box, it was more elaborate story then the short version I posted.

Apart that I played some fun matches with Guoken. He's hard as nails to play online, but is fun. I had some epic Akuma : Guoken matches. Also let me tell you "Honda vs Bison" is a turtle fest. I finally got him in constant crossup with body splash to splash throw and won, but before it was just "charging, charging", blocking thorpedos and knee presses on both sides. Bore fest. Not fun.


so, I'm trying to find what I hate worse

people who leave games before I beat them

people who set the match to 1 round and 30 seconds and I still beat them

it just makes me lol
GrayFoxPL said:
story about funny people QUOTE]

Haha nice anecdote. I've run more into this kind of exchange in SFIV than in any other online (360) game ever. Capcom should include some kind of post match trash talking system to make it easier.
Also, regarding character matchups, I play as Cammy and have the hardest time with Blanka, Sagat, Guile.

Cammy vs. Blanka: It's hard to keep pressure on him because of electricity. I usually play in your face with Cammy but for Blankas I need to slow down and wait for a mistake, or bait an electricity attack first.

Cammy Vs. Sagat: Too effing big and strong. Ridiculous range. No different than other shotos I guess, but his brute size and strength make this an annoying matchup.

Cammy vs. Guile: A turtling guile sucks. Sonic Booms chip you down and flash kick prevents any aerial counters.


Junior Member
Blanka's pretty easy to fight once you learn him. Balrog is the character that gives me the most trouble. His punches are unstoppable and his headbutt goes through anything. I hate fighting him.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
haunts said:
Alright, tell me what you guys think.. On my guide for my site im going to add match up notes for each character vs. each character. Ive started a bit with Sagat so check it out and let me know if you want to see anything else.


just wanted to say how awesome your guide is, used up the office's printer paper with those printer-friendly version on mycheats :lol

myDingling said:
Also, regarding character matchups, I play as Cammy and have the hardest time with Blanka, Sagat, Guile.

Cammy vs. Blanka: It's hard to keep pressure on him because of electricity. I usually play in your face with Cammy but for Blankas I need to slow down and wait for a mistake, or bait an electricity attack first.

Cammy Vs. Sagat: Too effing big and strong. Ridiculous range. No different than other shotos I guess, but his brute size and strength make this an annoying matchup.

Cammy vs. Guile: A turtling guile sucks. Sonic Booms chip you down and flash kick prevents any aerial counters.

I play Guile and am actively looking for Cammy matchups... my gt: cool calm jon


haunts said:
Alright, tell me what you guys think.. On my guide for my site im going to add match up notes for each character vs. each character. Ive started a bit with Sagat so check it out and let me know if you want to see anything else.


I like the bullet points for the match up notes, keeps it simple. I won't have enough time or discipline to read a long explanation for each matchup, but a few easy-to-reference tips or general strategies like this are very helpful.


Bacon of Hope
jon bones said:
just wanted to say how awesome your guide is, used up the office's printer paper with those printer-friendly version on mycheats :lol

I play Guile and am actively looking for Cammy matchups... my gt: cool calm jon

ahh thanks man.. im glad everyone is getting some use out of it..

lawblob said:
I like the bullet points for the match up notes, keeps it simple. I won't have enough time or discipline to read a long explanation for each matchup, but a few easy-to-reference tips or general strategies like this are very helpful.

Yeah I figured that would be best becuase im the same way. :lol

I really just want to quickly see what I can punish with what and what to do in certain situations.
haunts said:
Hmm seems like a lot of people have problems vs Blanka?? I understand, he is a pain to fight..

I do ok against Blanka as Guile, but usually not as well using Sagat. His EX roll is a bitch and his slide attack sucks. He's also got some pretty good combo's. And then theres his ultra....

haunts said:
ahh thanks man.. im glad everyone is getting some use out of it..

Absolutely! Your guide has singlehandedly got me (barely) over a 50% winning percentage. Thanks so much for all your efforts.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
myDingling said:
Cammy Vs. Sagat: Too effing big and strong. Ridiculous range. No different than other shotos I guess, but his brute size and strength make this an annoying matchup.
There are some things Cammy can do against Sagat as long as you have meter. EX cannon drill (or spiral arrow, whatever its called now), goes through a crouching tiger shot and EX cannon spike has good priority over alot of his stuff.


Bacon of Hope
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I do ok against Blanka as Guile, but usually not as well using Sagat. His EX roll is a bitch and his slide attack sucks. He's also got some pretty good combo's. And then theres his ultra....

Absolutely! Your guide has singlehandedly got me (barely) over a 50% winning percentage. Thanks so much for all your efforts.

Right on! Who is your main in this game? I thought you played Sagat.
lawblob said:
I like the bullet points for the match up notes, keeps it simple. I won't have enough time or discipline to read a long explanation for each matchup, but a few easy-to-reference tips or general strategies like this are very helpful.

I've gotten more used to fighting Blanka with Abel.

standing MP interrupts his horizontal ball attack. And when you have Ultra punish the ball attack with it 100% of the time. These two things ensure the ball attack does not come out (unfortunately :).

Next: do NOT roll into blanka. He'll just do electricity and get you 100% of the time. You can roll AWAY from Blanka if he's trying to cross you up, but don't roll INTO him.

Wheel kick is great for closing distance and messing up their charge.
Also Change of Direction when you're close is extremely difficult to counter for most people online. Especially when they're charging.

When Blanka has Ultra STAY AWAY.

Know the distance to stuff electricity. When further away cFK connects. When close, cLK connects.
haunts said:
You got killed, you know it. :p

Doesn't really matter to me, though; nearly every match was really close (I'm always happy with that regardless of the outcome) and that one Super vs Ultra do-or-die showdown was blimmin' epic.

1cesc said:
MicVlad, are any of your fights on YouTube (other than the ones you linked)? From what people have been saying about your Sim, I feel like I could learn from you.
Nope, that's all of 'em as far as I know.

Archie said:
GGs MicVlaD. Gotta get dinner now, though.
Likewise. Hate how fast Blanka's recovery time seems to be; can't be THAT offensive with Dhalsim because of that. :[

MIMIC said:
MicVlaD is the one that plays Dhalsim, right? Our matches were REALLY, REALLY tight. He won 4 matches to 3 against my Guile, IIRC (my Chun-Li loss doesn't count :lol)

BTW: I want to clarify what I meant yesterday with "being tired of playing against Guile", in case you got the wrong message. Those matches were exhausting (so I didn't mean 'tedious') for me, because I couldn't afford to make a major slip-up due to Guile's defensive strengths. And whenever I used Dhalsim's Ultra / Super, I had to make sure that they'd count, because I'd probably only have one chance with 'em to do some serious damage.

LakeEarth said:
Having lost 5 in a row against him, and yet all ridiculously close matches, I can say that the man knows how to eek a win.
Yeah, I couldn't believe I actually won some of those close calls. Yoga Catastrophe and Disaster traps can be so satisfying to use under those circumstances.

Caspel said:
I honestly want to try and use someone like Dhalsim and surprise the hell out of my online opponents since I highly doubt they face off against this opponent enough to know how to face the character.
I wouldn't use Dhalsim against flowchart Kens if I were you, not until you've grasped his playing style. He's relatively vulnerable up close, so much in fact that one fierce + heavy Shoryuken combo does like 20 - 25% to him. In other words: Dhalsim would only be a good pick against those type of players if you have a decent defense and know how to punish their mistakes once they start spamming.

Fersis said:
I live on Argentina (South America) Resistance 2 with 60 players works super smooth, on the other hand MGO has always a 3 second lag :(
The only hate message i ever received was on MGO:
"You are poor lol,poor" ;_;
Resistance 2 uses dedicated servers while Street Fighter IV has peer-to-peer connectivity, so that explains why that game has been smoother for you.

catfish said:
I have theoretical 20Mbps down and 1Mbps up, however in reality I get about 15 down and 1 up from Netherlands, it's rock solid. Although I get horrible lag in gears still, but their netcode is uh.... :lol
Weird, never crossed my mind that you'd be from the Netherlands for some reason. We zouden eens moeten spelen.
lol Blanka is un-crossupable forcing people to rethink their jump-ins on knock-downs, forcing more face-to-face fights with little Left-to-Right side switching

back dash, sweep people!!!
back dash, sweep!


facing a bright new dawn
Either something clicked with me or the brains from futurama hit xbl members (harder than usual). I am consistently staying in the 1000-1500 bracket now, beating and having close matches with people up to 2000. Dunno what's different
haunts said:
Right on! Who is your main in this game? I thought you played Sagat.

Ya I've switched from Guile to Sagat as my main. He's just way more rounded. I do better with Guile as well though, your tip of keeping them cornered with him was spot on. Sagat is just a fighting machine. He has so many different ways to attack or retaliate even if your opponent is trading hits on an equal level in the end you usually do more damage and win.


myDingling said:
Haha nice anecdote. I've run more into this kind of exchange in SFIV than in any other online (360) game ever. Capcom should include some kind of post match trash talking system to make it easier.

Yeah. :lol There should be pre set "Punish him!" messages for the winner.

About Sagats match ups: Guile is pretty good. Good for Guile that is. Maybe I played bad Sagats, which is possible, but I think he's got some problems with Guile .


Bacon of Hope
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Ya I've switched from Guile to Sagat as my main. He's just way more rounded. I do better with Guile as well though, your tip of keeping them cornered with him was spot on. Sagat is just a fighting machine. He has so many different ways to attack or retaliate even if your opponent is trading hits on an equal level in the end you usually do more damage and win.

yeah he is a real son of a bitch.. I use C. Viper online all the time now just cause Sagat is too over powered.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
A quick note :If someone is playing with me and i disconect, its not rage quiting... repeat ITS NOT RAGE QUITING! :lol Its just a sucky connection.
(It happened with Ploid)


Fersis said:
A quick note :If someone is playing with me and i disconect, its not rage quiting... repeat ITS NOT RAGE QUITING! :lol Its just a sucky connection.
(It happened with Ploid)

Rage quits happen more along the line if they're about to lose in the final match, they drop out. Happens in ranked all the time. I swear I've lost over 500 points from rage quitters.


CcrooK said:
Rage quits happen more along the line if they're about to lose in the final match, they drop out. Happens in ranked all the time. I swear I've lost over 500 points from rage quitters.

Yeah it's like when you make the last jump kick and the screen freezes just before your foot would hit his cockeyed face.

Ploid 3.0

Fersis said:
A quick note :If someone is playing with me and i disconect, its not rage quiting... repeat ITS NOT RAGE QUITING! :lol Its just a sucky connection.
(It happened with Ploid)

Yea, rage quit after the first round. You should have stayed to see if you would win the second round.

lol jk jk.
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