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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
My first ranked victory ever!!
It was against a Red Ken, my final move? Fajita Buster !!

I have 70BP... the most sweet hard earned 70BP ever! :lol

Ploid 3.0 said:
Yea, rage quit after the first round. You should have stayed to see if you would win the second round.

lol jk jk.
My connection usually disconnect between the first and second round,just when the game loads the second round.


Been playing as Rose all evening.. around 60 ranked matches. So far its 60% Ken, 33% Ryu 5% Akuma 2% Sakura.. Pretty boring, but hella fun. By HP? is around 250 lol

If you fancy a game and don't mind easy wins, my GT is Toff74


FindMyFarms said:
Here's the specific input :

Charge down back, mp + mk(Hold until next step, which you press immediately afterwards), Forward Forward, Back, Forward, PPP.

You're using the FADC as a 2in1 for the ultra.

This is pretty much how you do a lot of weird stuff (and how you can cancel specials into supers).

For example, with Boxer, you can do
Charge back -> forward + p (special move comes out) -> back -> forward + p (cancel special into super, if the special hit).

With Guile it's even more fucked up.

Charge down back -> up forward + k (flash kick comes out) -> down back -> up forward + k (cancel flash kick into super). It's actually the only way I can reliably land Guile's super :)

The same logic applies to the FADC - you're buffering the initial charge during the FA, tap forward twice (this doesn't cancel the Ultra charge), then go back -> forward + PPP and it'll start the Ultra.

Every cancel into Super or Ultra works that way. I actually taught this to a friend of mine last weekend who couldn't understand how someone could do a hadoken -> shoryureppa with Ken so fast until I made him realize that the motion for the hadoken works as the first motion for the shoryureppa :)


Last night I played a series of seven Player matches against a really skilled Chun-Li player. Chun vs Chun. I won a few singe rounds, but still lost all matches... and thoroughly enjoyed it. It gave me a taste of how good I can get if I learn more strategy with her. Mainly, utilizing the df.HK crossover kick, and incorporating more poking/throwing mind games.

I love how when Chun's ultra meter fills, it essentially shuts down most player's fireball spamming game.

BTW, Any tips on how to do a normal flash kick into super flash kick with Guile?


Pff, finally a second Dhalsim in ranked and he disconnects at 1%. Should have taken Sagat if he hates losing that much!


Chun Li is awesome, I've been practicing with her and Cammy.

df HK is great when they are knocked down or if they turtle, you can even do it when they are in the corner. favorite combo is b mk, mk, du mk or combo with kikoken into super.

This damn xbox controller is so imprecise, so I can't do half the shit I want.


Just had my tourney fight, FindMyFarms easily destroyed me 6-0.

His Balrog is fierce. He's really on a whole other level than what my scrubbiness was bringing to the table. :lol

Fun games despite my lack of talent. I can't remember the last time I sucked at a game this bad but still loved playing it :D


Little is the new Big
Fersis said:
My first ranked victory ever!!
It was against a Red Ken, my final move? Fajita Buster !!

I have 70BP... the most sweet hard earned 70BP ever! :lol

My connection usually disconnect between the first and second round,just when the game loads the second round.

We should play together fersis, I suck so, it'd be a nice change from the hard beatings :p


Little is the new Big
lol fersis, this is fun but laggy (can't answer on psn or my sega pad fucks up somehow) :p

GG was fun, a lil weird in a lag/almost not lagging but kinda lagging kind of way.. lol. I never really played any fuerte but the grabs are awesome, I should try him out :p
lawblob said:
Just had my tourney fight, FindMyFarms easily destroyed me 6-0.

His Balrog is fierce. He's really on a whole other level than what my scrubbiness was bringing to the table. :lol

Fun games despite my lack of talent. I can't remember the last time I sucked at a game this bad but still loved playing it :D

Hey it's all good man, you gotta start somewhere! I used to be a flowchart Ken myself before really learning the game. Just some really general advice (aside from the PSN message I sent you) is really know your character's normal moves before you move on the specials. Know a normal for anti-air (crouching FP for Able), one for close range poking, etc. etc. Once you get comfortable with your normals at each distance, then move onto your specials. Don't even worry about combos yet lol. You'll be good, just stick it out!
nakedsushi said:
Okay I think I need a tutorial about what all this cancelling talk is about. I have no idea what I'm doing, or if I'm doing it at all. When am I supposed to do it? How does it help? If anyone sees me online on SFIV, send me an invite if you want to teach my newbness how to cancel.

Cancelling(FADC) is referring to using a Focus Attack (FA) in the middle of a special move in order to prevent yourself from going through the whole animation. Keep in mind, this takes up 2 bars. Go into practice, pick ryu. Do a fireball, then immediately hit(and hold) mp + mk. While holding those buttons, hit forward twice. You'll know you performed it right if you're character flashes yellow. Congrats, you just performed a FADC! It has a LOT of different uses, but here are the two most basic uses:

1) Comboing. Most characters can land their ultra after a cancelled special move. Example, Ryu can do a FP Shoryuken, use cancel (FADC) so that he never leaves the ground after the first hit of the shoryuken, then throw out his ultra fireball and catch the opponent as they fall to the ground.

You can also do longer combos with FADC that do more damage. Using ryu as an example again :
standing fp (s.fp) -> fp hadoken -> FADC forward -> s.fp -> s.fp hadoken -> FADC forward -> s.fp -> fp Shoryuken.

2) Pressure/mixup. If you have an opponent blocking alot, and you don't have a dependable, quick overhead, you can use the FADC to pressure them. Using Ryu again, if you perform a shoryuken next to your opponent and they block, you can FADC forward so that you don't whiff the shoryuken, and then throw them.

If you want to see all this in action, there's lot of youtube videos to watch. Also, feel free to hit me up on PSN : FindMyFarms


Mrs. Harvey
I figured the higher ranked people would be more, I dunno, sportsmanlike. But many are worse. I had a couple of them quit on me before I won. Seems like they care so much about BP.


Any tips/information vs Blanka electricity (no fireballs)?

I usually try low hits, but sometimes I get hit.

Also, EX electricity messes me up pretty bad.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
ptown said:
Any tips/information vs Blanka electricity (no fireballs)?

I usually try low hits, but sometimes I get hit.

Also, EX electricity messes me up pretty bad.
you have to hit with the tip of your hitbox to knock him out of the electricity before your hitbox overlaps with his.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
After using Balrog for a while, I switch to Abel and my left hand feels paralyzed. I keep trying to charge Abel. :lol This leads me to sucking ass for a few matches. Anyone else do this? Charge to Non-charge syndrome?
Great fights, Ploid. Steam friends were bugging me to hop on L4D, and I think 50/50 is a good way to finish :lol

In case you were wondering, I stopped losing when I switched off my Hori and turned on my Dualshock :lol

It almost feels like I want to learn the stick just to prove something to myself, and not necessarily because it will improve my game, because that is obviously gonna be a slow burn. Maybe I shoulda just gone with one of those Mad Catz Fightpads :/


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Had a good day this afternoon in ranked- finally got over 3500BP. I think I"m helped out by using a char most people don't see much (Honda, occasionally Chun and Rose)

I'm shocked at how many people have high rankings, yet still spam.

I need to figure a way to add FA to my game though- even if it's real awkward with chargers. I only use it right now against Sims, Chuns, or Fuertes.


NameGenerated said:
After using Balrog for a while, I switch to Abel and my left hand feels paralyzed. I keep trying to charge Abel. :lol This leads me to sucking ass for a few matches. Anyone else do this? Charge to Non-charge syndrome?

I had this once with wall jump to non-wall jump characters. Totally fucked my game up. :lol

Still stuck at 500 BP. No real progress. :/


I just had a guy wake up with a dragon punch with Ken every single time he got knocked down. I was playing as Zangief and I stood over him and pretended to walk forward and then blocked when he got up and grabbed him every single time. How does that not click when I did one hundred percent of my damage by blocking your dragon punch?
Been working on Cammy and Chun Li both a lot since release on the 360.. I just can't decide who to main. They're so different.. Chun takes more work to kill people and probably more skill I'm not sure yet, but it seems that Cammy's moves leaves her more open and asking for a punishment if they other guy manages to block something. Sigh, they're both fun so I cant decide.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Lost Fragment said:
I'd buy the female alt costumes if Cammy's alt came with a pair of pants.
I bought it because it looks like you can see her love patch or something under her jacket depending on what color you pick :lol

Ha ha! Haaaaaaaa.......

Sad sad life I live...


Comics, serious business!
Thanks for the training advice. I'm going to try that out. Those sweeping bastards infuriate me! I choose my character (Sagat) in like 1 second, I don't like to fool around and fake people out at the character select screen. I think that's why I'm always fighting Kens/Ryus. As soon as they see me go for Sagat they go right to the twin douches.

I have 41 wins now, the second most in my friends list (after _dementia). It's all because of this thread! Two days ago I was ready to rip the disk in half, now I can't wait to go online and fight! Every match, even against relative newcomers, has its moments of sheer joy and excitement. It's so deep and complex every win really feels like you earned it.

I'm still struggling to pull off my ultras and supers with my 360 pad. But I'm getting better.

Thanks all!


I might consider the dlc if I could pick and choose the ones I want. More profitable for them this way since it forces you to buy them all. Maybe later in the future they will seperate them, or release something like a Zangief 5 pack.
quick question: does sagat have a shorter range for his throw than other characters? seems like i'm whiffing throws more with him than with others. his hand passes right through them...


Whats the secret to doing Ken's Ultra after FADC on the 360 controller? I've tried for hours to get it to come out. I do it w/o the cancel like 85% of the time. When I follow up the cancel it just becomes an ex dragon punch :/ .


scissorfight said:
quick question: does sagat have a shorter range for his throw than other characters? seems like i'm whiffing throws more with him than with others. his hand passes right through them...

Perhaps it is the same distance, but because he is a larger character his range seems smaller.


Holy shit at the dudes with 8000+ battle points. I finally got over 1000 but it fuckin takes FOREVER. And if I ever lose, I lose much more than I gain for a win. Hopefully that dude has that high score cuz of skills and not dropping to avoid losing BP (Capcom FIX THIS)

Every time I see a Ken online its pretty much instant win. Which is too bad, cuz I know one day there is gonna be a Ken that actually DOESNT follow that flow chart and I'll probably get destroyed. I play chun li and dont jump unless its a cross up usually, so everyone seems to be caught off guard.

And for the chun li fans, check out some top tier Sagat ownage


Knee to cross up is my new favorite thing


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Is there a chart with the health amounts of characters? I know Akuma takes damage like a bitch (Abel's ultra detroys him), but what about the others, Ken and Sagat seem to have a lot.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
just thought I'd throw out a quick mentioning that the tournament I spoke about about 4-5 pages ago has above 25 people and many of the characters are filling out rather quickly (it's an unique tournament with one character being represented in the tournament). Four entries are allowed for each character (so a max of 100 people in the tournament). The prizes are worth about $70-$80 ($50 Gamestop Gift card being the biggest).

If you want more information, PM me or go back a few pages (I won't continue to pimp/advertise it here).

Thought I'd let GAF get in on the fun since I'm expecting a lot of these players to be somewhat weaker than you may meet here. The tournament is for the Xbox 360.


NameGenerated said:
Is there a chart with the health amounts of characters? I know Akuma takes damage like a bitch (Abel's ultra detroys him), but what about the others, Ken and Sagat seem to have a lot.

Ken is a normal 1000, Sagat is the second highest with 1100. Gief is the highest with 1200. Seth is the lowest with 800, second lowest is Akuma with 850.

Anyone else you want to know?
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