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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


good credit (by proxy)
NameGenerated said:
Is there a chart with the health amounts of characters? I know Akuma takes damage like a bitch (Abel's ultra detroys him), but what about the others, Ken and Sagat seem to have a lot.

You can check it by going into training mode and picking the character which you want to view health on, and turning on an option called something something data. You can also see how much it takes to stun them.

They really should lower sagat and giefs health.


shooting blanks
DihcarEM said:
Ken is a normal 1000, Sagat is the second highest with 1100. Gief is the highest with 1200. Seth is the lowest with 800, second lowest is Akuma with 850.

Anyone else you want to know?



Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
DihcarEM said:
Ken is a normal 1000, Sagat is the second highest with 1100. Gief is the highest with 1200. Seth is the lowest with 800, second lowest is Akuma with 850.

Anyone else you want to know?
Lowest? El Fuerte or Claw would be my guess.
wtf does cammy's ultra not go through projectiles. gahhhhhhhhh.

she has soooooo many shortcomings, but that being said i still really enjoy playing her.

edit: holy flimflam @ that boxer vid.

Mr Jared

Sinatar said:
This thread is moving to fast to fully keep up with, so this might be old but...


It only works against an extremely small number of characters and thanks to damage scaling, is pretty much useless after the third loop.

It's not something to worry about.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Let me be the first to say that to combo a HP after a chicken wing is insanely hard.

If this combo was easy to do, I'd be doing Chicken Wing + HP + Rekka + Rekka +Rekka to every fool I hit with a Chicken Wing...but hitting the timing on this is really rough to do consistently.


Got a question.

I always kinda knew what "priority" meant in practice, but I didn't know until recently that the term was basically just a quick way to describe the overlay of hitboxes. I actually thought there was some stat associated with moves to give them priority, but that's not the case, apparently.

So I'm of the understanding that a move with "high priority" is one that just has a nice "red" hitbox that is likely to hit their "blue" hitbox before their red hits your blue. But what happens in SF in general when you only have a red-red collision? Do they just pass through each other or what?


Tain said:
Got a question.

I always kinda knew what "priority" meant in practice, but I didn't know until recently that the term was basically just a quick way to describe the overlay of hitboxes. I actually thought there was some stat associated with moves to give them priority, but that's not the case, apparently.

So I'm of the understanding that a move with "high priority" is one that just has a nice "red" hitbox that is likely to hit their "blue" hitbox before their red hits your blue. But what happens in SF in general when you only have a red-red collision? Do they just pass through each other or what?
Well, I know that certain attacks which hits eachother at the same time will make both characters take damage and get knocked back.


Bacon of Hope
NameGenerated said:
Is there a chart with the health amounts of characters? I know Akuma takes damage like a bitch (Abel's ultra detroys him), but what about the others, Ken and Sagat seem to have a lot.

Just hop into training mode and set the 2p to whatever character you're curious about. Shows stun and damage.


he's Virgin Tight™
Future said:
Holy shit at the dudes with 8000+ battle points. I finally got over 1000 but it fuckin takes FOREVER. And if I ever lose, I lose much more than I gain for a win. Hopefully that dude has that high score cuz of skills and not dropping to avoid losing BP (Capcom FIX THIS)

Every time I see a Ken online its pretty much instant win. Which is too bad, cuz I know one day there is gonna be a Ken that actually DOESNT follow that flow chart and I'll probably get destroyed. I play chun li and dont jump unless its a cross up usually, so everyone seems to be caught off guard.

And for the chun li fans, check out some top tier Sagat ownage


Knee to cross up is my new favorite thing

Holy shit. I didn't know Chun had such a good cross up. Damn, I gotta learn to play her better. Most of those kicks are Light and Strong kicks I see, with some Fierce in between. Wow.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Man, I love this game, seriously, damn

I do hate how everytime I lose to an AWESOME player he/she has like, 5 BP for some reason, so Im defintely getting jobbed there :p

I need to break the 2k barrier though, I feel like thats around my actual skill.


Tain said:
Got a question.

I always kinda knew what "priority" meant in practice, but I didn't know until recently that the term was basically just a quick way to describe the overlay of hitboxes. I actually thought there was some stat associated with moves to give them priority, but that's not the case, apparently.

So I'm of the understanding that a move with "high priority" is one that just has a nice "red" hitbox that is likely to hit their "blue" hitbox before their red hits your blue. But what happens in SF in general when you only have a red-red collision? Do they just pass through each other or what?

If two red hitboxes overlap but no blue boxes are involved, neither gets hit. A trade happens when both players hit each other's blue boxes on the same frame with their red hitboxes.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I know this is going to sound dumb and basic...but this little change has improved my game a lot.

I used to either stand as far away from a person as possible if I wasn't striking, and move it when I was going to attack...makes sense right? Wrong!...as I've come to learn.

Always stand just out of range of your opponents attacks, but still close enough that you could punish them if they try something.

Example: Stand out of sweep range but within jumping range to punish any fireball type move.

It's awesome how easily you can bait certain people into throwing a move and punish them for it. It looks like you're trying to move in for an attack but you're really setting them up for a punish.

This isn't all you do in a fight, but if you're an aggressive character (I play Fei Long), mixing this distance mind game into my list of tricks makes me that much more hard to predict.

Don't always stick to the walls if you don't have to. Learn how to defend and attack from mid-range.


Hey, any live streams where I can watch some ass whippings ? This is one of the few games I like to watch folks play
instead of me. I just plain suck at fighting games....:(

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
New Rule:

If you're playing with a beast like Sagat, Gouken, Akuma and half of the fight you're running from Abel and shooting, return your copy of Street Fighter 4 immediately to your local Gamestop.

thank you.


prodystopian said:
Thank you for that video. Wong's Chun is sick again. That video definitely just gave me about 5 more things to try. WTF @ that headstomp wakeup combo. NASTY.

Edit: can any good chun players verify whether that works on all characters or just the big ones?

After sittin in training mode for awhile, it seems like just the big characters.

Here's a q. Went online and played some dude using Zangief. All he did was lariat with the occasional spd.....and he won :p For some reason I wasnt prepared for that. Had a real hard time hitting him on his recovery for some reason (lag), and the lariat stuffed everything I through at it. When I'm waking up its really a beast because I tend to jump away to avoid insta SPD...and ended up jumping right into the lariet.

Any tips on how to stop it? Or is it literally just dont suck and sweep on recovery


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Wow I keep losing to Gief's that do nothing but lariat, I have no way to break it as Balrog. The best I can do is headbutt if I have range, but as soon as I'm cornered I'm completely fucked.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Sinatar said:
Wow I keep losing to Gief's that do nothing but lariat, I have no way to break it as Balrog. The best I can do is headbutt if I have range, but as soon as I'm cornered I'm completely fucked.



prodystopian said:
Thank you for that video. Wong's Chun is sick again. That video definitely just gave me about 5 more things to try. WTF @ that headstomp wakeup combo. NASTY.

Edit: can any good chun players verify whether that works on all characters or just the big ones?

It definitely works vs Chun, I got caught in it the other day. Since she need to charge her anti-air, the mix of high attacks and crossups makes it pretty tricky to get out of. The only way I could think of was to FA-back dash.


Bacon of Hope
im glad a lot of you are beating ass online.. Id be lying if I said that wasnt half the reason I opted to do this thread in the first place.. :p

Sinatar said:
Wow I keep losing to Gief's that do nothing but lariat, I have no way to break it as Balrog. The best I can do is headbutt if I have range, but as soon as I'm cornered I'm completely fucked.

Use his Dash Lower Straight to hit him in the feet or his headbutt like you're doing now.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
New Rule:

If you're playing with a beast like Sagat, Gouken, Akuma and half of the fight you're running from Abel and shooting, return your copy of Street Fighter 4 immediately to your local Gamestop.

thank you.
lol why


~Devil Trigger~ said:
New Rule:

If you're playing with a beast like Sagat, Gouken, Akuma and half of the fight you're running from Abel and shooting, return your copy of Street Fighter 4 immediately to your local Gamestop.

thank you.
Just jump and roll through their fireballs and punish with a MP->COD. When you get your ultra wait for them to throw another fireball and ultra them from across the screen. Works everytime :lol


Brobzoid said:
you have to hit with the tip of your hitbox to knock him out of the electricity before your hitbox overlaps with his.

Okay, I'll try to hit with very spaced out attacks. Most of times, Blanka is right in my face with it.

I've thrown(regular) Blanka during the electricity a few times, too. It's pretty random.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
ptown said:
Okay, I'll try to hit with very spaced out attacks. Most of times, Blanka is right in my face with it.

I've thrown(regular) Blanka during the electricity a few times, too. It's pretty random.
If you block the lightning, you'll be pushed back far enough most of the time to do a ch.jab. if not do a back dash and sweep.
RubxQub said:
I know this is going to sound dumb and basic...but this little change has improved my game a lot.

I used to either stand as far away from a person as possible if I wasn't striking, and move it when I was going to attack...makes sense right? Wrong!...as I've come to learn.

Always stand just out of range of your opponents attacks, but still close enough that you could punish them if they try something.

Example: Stand out of sweep range but within jumping range to punish any fireball type move.

It's awesome how easily you can bait certain people into throwing a move and punish them for it. It looks like you're trying to move in for an attack but you're really setting them up for a punish.

This isn't all you do in a fight, but if you're an aggressive character (I play Fei Long), mixing this distance mind game into my list of tricks makes me that much more hard to predict.

Don't always stick to the walls if you don't have to. Learn how to defend and attack from mid-range.

You've just discovered "spacing" on your own. A concept most players need explained to them, you figure out by yourself :)

Here's a few more strats :

I am back to hating my pad! I can't pull off sups/ults anymore at all. Took one day's break and completely forgot how to make it shine.

Lost 400 points to 0 BP shites because matchmaking is horrible and I was screwing around. On one hand it's boring to fight them unless you just mess around, and on the other if you stop paying attention to your health you'll lose a hundred friggin points! I hit -100s three games in a row!


If two red hitboxes overlap but no blue boxes are involved, neither gets hit. A trade happens when both players hit each other's blue boxes on the same frame with their red hitboxes.

Thanks! That's what I thought was the case.
I am SOOOOO fucking sick of Seth. All of the sudden, the fucker's overriding EVERY god damn move.

I want to throw this god damn controller at my screen....


Got plenty of angry messages on HD Remix but here's my first SFIV one from Da101BestBrawler...

"r u good or just a cheater?i'll go with cheater"

...I wonder if he seriously thinks you can cheat in this game. My guess is yes, sadly.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Raw64life said:
Got plenty of angry messages on HD Remix but here's my first SFIV one from Da101BestBrawler...

"r u good or just a cheater?i'll go with cheater"

...I wonder if he seriously thinks you can cheat in this game. My guess is yes, sadly.
It's probably because he didn't just block your shit for the first minute before he tried to counter.



God damn it, I lost earlier to a fucking guy playing Dan, doing stupid shit I should have countered every time. I feel like such a fucking loser.

I never should have played SFIV close when I had to do something at a certain time, I tend to get distracted and worry I'll be late.
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