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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Unconfirmed Member
I'm playing right now, my GT is Zack Money. Come whip my ass, I can't fucking do shit tonight. I beat a guy with twice as many BPs as me, now I've lost about 300 in 10 minutes. God fucking dammit.


Trucker Sexologist
Spiderjericho said:
Justin's Chun Li is sick. He's probably using Sagat now though...

Also...I wish the charge character's ultras were double fireballs two...
I thought Justin Wong was going Akuma for SFIV, although he admitted that Sagat was beast. It's going to be lame if Evo is just Sagat v Sagat.


sparkle this bitch
Kadey said:
Kadey1up. Play with me.

Anyways I maybe getting the game sent from Goozex pretty soon, This is awesome ^_^
Played 1 hour straight with a random guy in a lobby, gamertag tranceMD. He was using the stock controller and kicked my butt with Balrog, Zangief, C. Viper, and Blanka. No idea how he is pulling off those moves with the 360 pad.

My main is Balrog but I can't stop a spamming lariat Zangief. I see the post above and he even said to do the low-rush upper, but I can never get the time right. What's worse then Balrog v. Zangief? Balrog v. Balrog! What a boring battle haha. If I missed one attack he was there to punish me.

Good games with him; I learned alot of techniques and what NOT to do against Blanka.
Outcast2004 said:
I am SOOOOO fucking sick of Seth. All of the sudden, the fucker's overriding EVERY god damn move.

I want to throw this god damn controller at my screen....
I've noticed Balrog seems to be pretty well with most Seth's retarded moves on the higher levels.

1 on 1.... I have yet to meet a good player who plays Seth.
VictimOfGrief said:
I've noticed Balrog seems to be pretty well with most Seth's retarded moves on the higher levels.

1 on 1.... I have yet to meet a good player who plays Seth.

I'm just doing the arcade mode unlocking things. C. Viper's about fucking WORTHLESS against him. All of her attacks pretty much require you to be right on top of your opponent.

At which point, Seth goes batshit insane.


Outcast2004 said:
I'm just doing the arcade mode unlocking things. C. Viper's about fucking WORTHLESS against him. All of her attacks pretty much require you to be right on top of your opponent.

At which point, Seth goes batshit insane.

Set it to 1 round 30 seconds. He does low FP a lot in the beginning so punish him with a jump in move. Then just run away. Didn't take more than a few tries with any one character for me.


Comics, serious business!

I get my 5 wins in a row achievement. I get all the way up to 800 BPs! I think I'm the king of the fucking Street Fighter universe! THEN I PROCEED TO LOSE 10 FUCKING GAMES IN A ROW AND I'M ALL THE WAY BACK TO 300!

FUCK YOU KEN AND RYU! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


needs to show more effort.
with viper against AI seth(or any character AI), I just did repeated low thunder knuckles one right after the other without regard to what seth was doing or attacking with.
Guile players, I'm at the end of my rope here. The one character who repeatedly makes me drop the soap is BLANKA. I need a strategy to take that bastard down. He is one pesky mf'er, and his moves just nullify 96% of what I try to do. I literally have zero answers for the guy (when played at a decent or higher level, anyway).


FUCK! I can't win for shit tonight. I fucking lose left and right to Flowchart Kens and Ryus. Why the FUCK is it some nights it feels like I just put the fucking game in for the first time?

I'm at the peak of my game last night and tonight I fucking blow goats.
I completed the hard trial with Ryu and began playing Ken. I'm on hard 4 and I'd say the most difficult thing is going from low fierce to shoryuken...then dialing FADC...Medium shoryuken...shinryuken...

Man...I feel like I need octo arms...and none of these combos are worthwhile.

And if Justin uses Akuma...that would be odd considering his stamina (though he does do high damage and has sick combos). His ultra, imo, is lame.
Oh my god, I went on a 1100 BP losing streak today. Once you start screwing around with people it's really hard to focus and actually try to win. Hooliganning and Spiraling around the map is so ridiculously fun, especially with no hp left.

Oh and fun games Stant. Yell at Turtle for not getting tourny credit.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Speaking of Akuma's ultra. Earlier today I was in a match against some guy and he couldn't get is ultra off for the life of him. I was just jab jab fail over and over while I sat over in the corner. Eventually I just decided to taunt him because I didn't think the thing went full screen (does his Super go full screen? I swear I've seen one of them fizzle out before it got to me). Well he just happens to get it out at that time and I, taunting, eat the ultra and lose the round. :lol It was so funny watching him miss the button combo at least 10 times in a row.
NameGenerated said:
Speaking of Akuma's ultra. Earlier today I was in a match against some guy and he couldn't get is ultra off for the life of him. I was just jab jab fail over and over while I sat over in the corner. Eventually I just decided to taunt him because I didn't think the thing went full screen (does his Super go full screen? I swear I've seen one of them fizzle out before it got to me). Well he just happens to get it out at that time and I, taunting, eat the ultra and lose the round. :lol It was so funny watching him miss the button combo at least 10 times in a row.
Pretty sure his super is what fizzles.


Finally made it over a 1k BP. and got the 10 win streak at the same time.:D
Thanks to those two scrubby Sagat and Akuma players:lol
and omg I actually fought two Sakura players in ranked!


-COOLIO- said:
we're probably on different ones then :mad:

we'll settle this at evo >:O

Something I find strange with Guile:

3 hit combo: jumping MK, crouching MP, flash kick. DONE
4 hit combo: light sonic boom, jumping MK, crouching MP, flash kick dun work. WHY?

ETA: Nevermind. :lol It working for some reason now
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