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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Kadey said:
It's nicely animated, though goofy. Capcom could make use of the engine in an action game or something and it would be even more nice.

Today, I played like 50+ matches with just Dan in player. Probably the most fun I had since getting the game. Pretty much all of the matches were against Kens. Speaking of, he takes off so much damage. A single fierce DP can take off 25%. I had to hit them three times as much to win.
Finally, you've witnessed the power of Saikyo-Ryu: THE GREATEST KARATE!!!!


Kal said:
Okay GAF I need tips - My main is Chun Li. Are there any combos that make here Super/Ultra connect 100% I hate doing them on their own because they leave you so vulnerable when its blocked or you miss. Any other tips? I feel so useless...

c.HP(first hit) - medium spinning bird kick, Super.

back MK - MK - downup MK, (wait for opponent falls down approximately align to your head) Ultra.
Kal said:
Okay GAF I need tips - My main is Chun Li. Are there any combos that make here Super/Ultra connect 100% I hate doing them on their own because they leave you so vulnerable when its blocked or you miss. Any other tips? I feel so useless...

There's a few ways to combo into them, just do her trials and you'll see.


OK, so first few hours of playtime. Finally.

Tried Dhalsim. Jesus, I suck with him. I mean he's great for poking, but my inputs keep missing and I'm randomly teleporting, if at all. Especially when I'm cornered I can't do shit but just jump away.

So i kind of went towards an easier character route. Really like Blanka and Rufus so far. But what I really can NOT do is do blanka's charge moves. I've managed to do them perhaps four times... with the analog stick (PS3) and not with the d-pad. I know I'm supposed to hold BACK for two seconds, then FORWARD+PUNCH. But I just jump when I do that. Is it because of the d-pad on the ps3 controller or because there's too much space/room between my back and forward, or should I press the punch button earlier or what? It's a shame trying to play with a character and not ever being able to pull of his ultra/super. Let alone his signature move. And i can't even begin to imagine how to input his charge BETWEEN his combo's...
Had a terrible day yesterday, and here's why... I finally managed to learn instant air-teleport (or at least near-instant) with Dhalsim three days ago despite my earlier claims (it being supposedly impossible on an analog stick), and now I've suddenly seemed to lose the muscle memory for it. Yesterday I could only occasionally do it on one side and if I tried it on the other side, more often than not Dhalsim did his flying headbutt move instead. I used to be able to do it on both sides of the playfield, but now I can't anymore for some reason... What's even worse if that I'm also fucking up regular air teleports even with all the time in the world, so I kept headbutting into attacks that I wasn't supposed to (including Seth's Ultra); very aggravating. Hell, I couldn't even consistently pull off Dhalsim's Ultra anymore, so my game really took a nosedive.

Not that the following pictures mean anything other than showing how much time has been spent in the game, but you'd think this wouldn't happen to someone with stats like these:


No life lawl

No disrespect to anyone I played recently (I've faced some good players lately), but something just felt off yesterday and I didn't perform as well as I wish I did. Hope this doesn't last too long, because Dhalsim became even more fun to play on offense with the instant air-teleport tactic.
McBradders said:
Wait, you were playing on the stock 360 controller?!

Mutombo said:
how is the instant air teleport different than regular air teleport?

and any tips on how to beat the opponent up close?
Much faster than the regular one, considering how slow Dhalsim's jump is before he actually hits the ground. Really good for pressuring and catching people off guard too (sometimes), if you kept doing the normal one before. You can even do an Ultra, followed by an instant air teleport to the other side and then use his aerial fierce punch to hit them if they block that big ball of fire, so it definitely has a few advantages in different situations.


Thanks. And how's the input different then?

And damn, saw some of your vids, your dhalsim is really goed man ;). Makes me want to play him, but makes me want to weep when it feels like I get my ass pounded by gorillas in sakura costumes.
Mutombo said:
Thanks. And how's the input different then?

And damn, saw some of your vids, your dhalsim is really goed man ;). Makes me want to play him, but makes me want to weep when it feels like I get my ass pounded by gorillas in sakura costumes.
The input's the same other than the added jump; you "just" need to do it much faster (i.e. immediately after you press up).


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Kal said:
Okay GAF I need tips - My main is Chun Li. Are there any combos that make here Super/Ultra connect 100% I hate doing them on their own because they leave you so vulnerable when its blocked or you miss. Any other tips? I feel so useless...

Chun has two fairly easy ways to link ultras compared to much of the rest of the cast

Off her EX lightning legs
Off her back+foward,forward, down-up+forward chain combo

Both are tricky to time though, having mad problems with both, but it doesn't require FADC, which is a huge bonus.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
this game is fun as hell if you find a person that sucks/is as good as you and get em on yoru friends list.

I had some dude who is learning ryu, same as me and he took first game, followed by me taking second game winning by literally zero, couldn't even see any health on my bar at the end. Sent him an apology as I had to run so no 3rd match and get a friend request.

No matter what your level, if you find someone else at your level every match feels like a nail biter. Brilliant.


Am I crazy for thinking SFIV is one of the best looking current-gen games? I mean, some of the backgrounds are kind of weak, but the character models look beautiful.

It's a great looking game no doubt. But I'm still partial to the way PURE 2D looks. Y'know, bitmaps, sprites, etc. I love love LOVE looking at 3S for example. I could sit and stare at the game for hours and simply marvel at its beauty. SFIV, well, I dunno....60fps? Check. Hi-rez? Check. Smooth and fluid looking characters with amazing facial detail? Check.

But there is something just, wrong about seeing Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Guile, etc. as 3D polygonal characters IMO. I simply can't....warm up to it. Maybe I'm just scarred for life by pure 2D.
I just had a nasty few games of Lag Fighter 4 :( Scraped together a measly TWO wins from several VERY frustrating games. Favourite moment: Jumping away from a Sagat knowing he'd try and close the match with a high fireball... holding duck while i'm in mid-fucking-air, landing, still holding duck and yes, getting hit smack bang in the face by a high fireball.

Sometimes it feels normal... but the more i play, the more i think i'm just adapting to the ever so slight input delays and such. A quick session in arcade confirms this.. combos come out again and i can actually punish something when i block it for a freakin' change.

Anyone in Australia playing? Maybe i'm playing people too far away... my GT is the androgyne. Add me for some weekend gaming after i get over this frustration!
MicVlaD said:
No disrespect to anyone I played recently (I've faced some good players lately), but something just felt off yesterday and I didn't perform as well as I wish I did.
Man, same here. At least when I played a bit at night. I was doing absolutely awesome in the morning, got up to 2400 BP. Took a break, came back, lost 1000BP, mostly against guys who weren't that good. I fell to many a flowchart! I was way too tired and shouldn't have been playing but once my BP started falling I couldn't quit until I earned it all back! Which of course didn't happen. I am glad I never got into gambling!


MicVlaD said:
Had a terrible day yesterday, and here's why... I finally managed to learn instant air-teleport (or at least near-instant) with Dhalsim three days ago despite my earlier claims (it being supposedly impossible on an analog stick), and now I've suddenly seemed to lose the muscle memory for it. Yesterday I could only occasionally do it on one side and if I tried it on the other side, more often than not Dhalsim did his flying headbutt move instead. I used to be able to do it on both sides of the playfield, but now I can't anymore for some reason... What's even worse if that I'm also fucking up regular air teleports even with all the time in the world, so I kept headbutting into attacks that I wasn't supposed to (including Seth's Ultra); very aggravating. Hell, I couldn't even consistently pull off Dhalsim's Ultra anymore, so my game really took a nosedive.

Not that the following pictures mean anything other than showing how much time has been spent in the game, but you'd think this wouldn't happen to someone with stats like these:


No life lawl

No disrespect to anyone I played recently (I've faced some good players lately), but something just felt off yesterday and I didn't perform as well as I wish I did. Hope this doesn't last too long, because Dhalsim became even more fun to play on offense with the instant air-teleport tactic.

Wow you played for that logn and didn't get all the titles/icons wtf do you have to do
the androgyne, I think we played each other a couple of nights ago. Can't remember how we went. I was on a Rose rampage that night, soulthrowsoulthrowsoulthrow
isamu said:
It's a great looking game no doubt. But I'm still partial to the way PURE 2D looks. Y'know, bitmaps, sprites, etc. I love love LOVE looking at 3S for example. I could sit and stare at the game for hours and simply marvel at its beauty. SFIV, well, I dunno....60fps? Check. Hi-rez? Check. Smooth and fluid looking characters with amazing facial detail? Check.

But there is something just, wrong about seeing Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Guile, etc. as 3D polygonal characters IMO. I simply can't....warm up to it. Maybe I'm just scarred for life by pure 2D.
It's probably the fugly art style that's bothering you. Capcom has a good engine on their hands, but most of the character designs look soooooo bad (way too many muscles among other things).

Christopher said:
Wow you played for that logn and didn't get all the titles/icons wtf do you have to do
I think you earn all possible icons / titles you can unlock online after about 500 - 600 wins (that's what happened with me in any case), which is the percentage you're seeing on that photo. Everything else -> Challenge Mode.


MicVlaD said:
I think you earn all possible icons / titles you can unlock online after about 500 - 600 wins (that's what happened with me in any case), which is the percentage you're seeing on that photo. Everything else -> Challenge Mode.
Yeah that is correct...and Challenge mode does not give them out easily...
RSTEIN said:
1) I'd like to give a shout out to McGunner0. He's a lurker (membership request keeps getting shot down for some reason) who sent me a FR to play. He beat me 3-1. But... at least I can post here :)

2) After losing to McGunner0 I went on an absolute tear. I have no idea what the fuck happened to me but I became a Ken and Ryu eating machine. Got my 10 wins in a row achievement, and I finished the night with a 17 win streak. I have 1300 bps now and am almost at 100 wins (only 104 behind you haunts!!!!).

Kadey said:
I got a message from him saying he doesnt like the site and if he beats me I can't post here anymore.

Glad I'm not the only one who received his message, then. At least he's been polite.

Timedog said:
I've done decent against people on GAF who I know are good, but i'm not sure if they're kinda just fucking around.

I played MicVlad last night and we went 1-1 when I picked my main(ryu).
If you were the Ryu who I think you were, then I have to say I was suffering from (a rare instance for me) really noticeable input lag. Couldn't even block those fierce sweeps 9 times out of 10, even though I was expecting them all the time. Pity: there's usually little to no lag involved when I play against other people from the United States.

FootNinja said:
I agree. I really wanted to learn gen before I got the game, and now I am just completely turned off by him for some unexplainable reason.
I wanted to try him as well, but he's just too complicated for me right now. Yeb and Spirit of Jazz (XBL) on the other hand really have an extremely solid grasp on his potential, and he's really fun to fight against.

Rummy Bunnz said:
Yes! gg Timedog! I had fun playing Micvlad earlier too. Sorry I haven't been using my mic. I feel like a weirdo talking to my TV when I've got peoples in my house. Plus I get even sloppier when I use it.
I don't talk very much either online, so I don't mind. First time I saw a Cammy that could use all her moves in rapid succession BTW, so we need to play again some time.

henhowc said:
Is it really a pimp robes? From the screens it just looked like a warm-up karate gi. I think they should have put in pony-tail ken from SF Alpha. I'd buy something just to get rid of his dumb and dumber haircut..it just doesn't fit ken to look like such a dweeb.
You say that as if he never looked goofy before:


Halvie said:
I am pretty sure that outfit is Rose's alt costume.
Avatar1 said:
That's Rose's alt costume. It's cool.
Not quite. All those two outfits have in common, is the hood-like scarf.

arstal said:
Right now I'm wondering if I should stick to my Honda or go to Rose or Chun. Honda's kinda best for me given my technical limitations. (you'll almost never see me FADC for example)
Not too many Honda's online, so I recommend sticking with him.

Freshmaker said:
He demolished everyone I tried against him. (My Dhalsim was sad, sad, sad. Couldn't even get him to teleport consistently.) My Guile fared the best, but I think I only came close once before he gave me the yellow razzy face and moved on to greener pastures. :lol
Someone else sent me an invite, in case you didn't hear me saying that over the headset.
I decided to go back to stick today. Learning the pacing and timing on d-pad helped return to stick.

I tried stick on my first days of SF4 but the pacing and speed threw me off completely, so I went back to pad for the last two weeks.

now that I got the flow of the game speed and timings, I have returned to stick and it all feels much better and falls into butter smoothly after getting used to 2 weeks of play adjusting to the flow of SF4


Finally up to 1500 bp with Viper. I seem to always run into people with 0 bp, like 95% of the time and if you lose, thats -100 bp. Someone else has to be winning to be keeping these guys at 0 BP, I wanna fight them.


arstal said:
Chun has two fairly easy ways to link ultras compared to much of the rest of the cast

Off her EX lightning legs
Off her back+foward,forward, down-up+forward chain combo

Both are tricky to time though, having mad problems with both, but it doesn't require FADC, which is a huge bonus.

I see, thanks. I will be practicing I guess lol (executing charge supers on xbox control suks)

And I see I'm not the only one having to use the xbox control.. won't be getting a stick until late April D:
Kal said:
Okay GAF I need tips - My main is Chun Li. Are there any combos that make here Super/Ultra connect 100% I hate doing them on their own because they leave you so vulnerable when its blocked or you miss. Any other tips? I feel so useless...

EX Lightning Kick into an Ultra is much easier to time when u do it to someone against the corner

and it goes through fireballs so if you are being spammed with fireballs just throw the Ultra

I'm getting the hang of Ryu's Fierce Dragon Punch, FDAC, into an Ultra

Nose Master

Man, I had 7+ in a row with Dan last night. Lost on my 8th to another Dan :(

Also, the combo timing makes me ill. I cant get crouching medium kick->shoryuken as dan for the fucking life of me. I either end up gadoukening or supering.


MicVlaD said:
Had a terrible day yesterday, and here's why... I finally managed to learn instant air-teleport (or at least near-instant) with Dhalsim three days ago despite my earlier claims (it being supposedly impossible on an analog stick), and now I've suddenly seemed to lose the muscle memory for it. Yesterday I could only occasionally do it on one side and if I tried it on the other side, more often than not Dhalsim did his flying headbutt move instead. I used to be able to do it on both sides of the playfield, but now I can't anymore for some reason... What's even worse if that I'm also fucking up regular air teleports even with all the time in the world, so I kept headbutting into attacks that I wasn't supposed to (including Seth's Ultra); very aggravating. Hell, I couldn't even consistently pull off Dhalsim's Ultra anymore, so my game really took a nosedive.

Not that the following pictures mean anything other than showing how much time has been spent in the game, but you'd think this wouldn't happen to someone with stats like these:


No life lawl

No disrespect to anyone I played recently (I've faced some good players lately), but something just felt off yesterday and I didn't perform as well as I wish I did. Hope this doesn't last too long, because Dhalsim became even more fun to play on offense with the instant air-teleport tactic.

You've played 80 hours and only have 666 BP? and 1700 matches??

Fuck im at 24 hours played, 320 matches 1500 BP.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
dankir said:
You've played 80 hours and only have 666 BP? and 1700 matches??

Fuck im at 24 hours played, 320 matches 1500 BP.

you should play mcvlad then, if you're e-peen is so much bigger :lol
dankir said:
You've played 80 hours and only have 666 BP? and 1700 matches??

Fuck im at 24 hours played, 320 matches 1500 BP.
MicVlaD doesn't play ranked. Neither do I really, it's no fun agonizing over BP.

edit: jon bones, can we get some games in tonight?
dankir said:
You've played 80 hours and only have 666 BP? and 1700 matches??

Fuck im at 24 hours played, 320 matches 1500 BP.
I don't play ranked very often; I'm almost exclusively hosting Player Matches, even. And wins aren't added to the total amount, so 1059 is the correct number of fights (hence a 60% win percentage).

EDIT: what _dementia said.
Vdragoon said:
I see, thanks. I will be practicing I guess lol (executing charge supers on xbox control suks)

And I see I'm not the only one having to use the xbox control.. won't be getting a stick until late April D:

Another great way to land an ultra is with a crumple FA (either level 3 or as a counter). I've been practicing the timing for it lately.
MicVlad - so what's the key to using instant air teleports? I still can't do it right. And I have a stick.

My BP is 1000+ and half of my wins where from Dhalsim. Love using him as much as chun.


PSGames said:
Balrog is the character that gives me the most trouble. His punches are unstoppable and his headbutt goes through anything. I hate fighting him.

I thought that. But then I found that Ryu's double-hitting hard punch - (towards+HP) - has priority over his dashing punches, (maybe not all of them, I dunno). There must be other moves with other characters that beat them too. It's just a little daunting to wang out a standard move as he's rushing in.


Finally got the jap Shadoloo pack, my favorite out of of that pack is Sagat's. Bison's(dictator) and Balrog's(boxer) aren't too shabby either.
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