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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


_dementia said:
It's fine, he just stole Chun's pants from the Alpha/Zero games

That's true, but you can atleast change to an other color. The best imo are white/red or Yellow/black(Bruce Lee FTW!), color 10 is all black.


Who's bright idea was it to let you kick people from ranked matches?

This game has so many faults for the online portion. But it still kicks ass.

It's like beaten wife syndrome. As much as it beats me up and spits in my face, I just keep coming back to it cause deep down I love it.


Bacon of Hope
Ronabo said:
Who's bright idea was it to let you kick people from ranked matches?

I think its due to connection issues.. Do you really want to risk BP on someone with 1 bar?

I do. I accept all challenges, LAG BE DAMNED.


Comics, serious business!
I now have 150 ranked wins. I'm only 50 away from haunts. Once I surpass his win number the entire SFIV community and GAF will know that I am the better player. Bow to your master!


If you buy the DLC costumes, are all 10 colors unlocked already? Or do the colors available coincide with those which you already unlocked through the challenge areas?

I have all of them except Color 9... damn you Challenge 14!!!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Had a good experience earlier today

Was playing in ranked, and had a bunch of droppers/morons/etc.

Got to this one guy's rog- and he was good. Lost first 2 rounds, fought back the next 2 with a mix of oichios, buttlsams, low jabs. Saw him ultra through a pattern I had. Noticing he was just waiting on me, so 5th round I build up a 25% lead, so I just sat there. And sat there.

Eventually he started to come, but by that point I knew the only thing I had to worry about was overhead dash punches into combos, so I let him throw me 3 times to run out the clock.

Got a message, was expecting some flames, but isntead he said gg. Surprised since I turtled like a scrub on him bigtime (I guessed right he had no idea how to come forward)


h3ro said:
If you buy the DLC costumes, are all 10 colors unlocked already? Or do the colors available coincide with those which you already unlocked through the challenge areas?

No, all 10 colors for the DLC costumes are available from the beginning.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
arstal said:
Had a good experience earlier today

Was playing in ranked, and had a bunch of droppers/morons/etc.

Got to this one guy's rog- and he was good. Lost first 2 rounds, fought back the next 2 with a mix of oichios, buttlsams, low jabs. Saw him ultra through a pattern I had. Noticing he was just waiting on me, so 5th round I build up a 25% lead, so I just sat there. And sat there.

Eventually he started to come, but by that point I knew the only thing I had to worry about was overhead dash punches into combos, so I let him throw me 3 times to run out the clock.

Got a message, was expecting some flames, but isntead he said gg. Surprised since I turtled like a scrub on him bigtime (I guessed right he had no idea how to come forward)
Ain't nothing wrong with turtles! It's the lack of respect for skill that the horrible scrubs have that's annoying.


Couple of noobish questions:
1. When fight requests are turned on, what exactly does the green icon at the bottom mean during arcade mode? sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. More often than not I get the 'new challenger appears' in between fights than during fights

2. In player data, what does character win % mean? is it the number of time's I've won against a character or using a character? and is it only applicable for ranked/player matches?


i swear the lag in this is sometimes worse than on X-Band SuperSF2 back in the SNES days :lol

another day of playing people with barely any BP and i put it to search for players more skilled than me :(
Hate losing 100+ and only picking up 15 when i win. Funny playing the people with 0bp...


Woohoo finally reached 1000 BP. After days of being stuck between 400 and 600 finally some progress again. Thank you all you Akuma players, thank you so very much, Don't give up! One day that Ultra will hit your enemy. One day!


I am Korean.
MicVlaD said:
Someone else sent me an invite, in case you didn't hear me saying that over the headset.
I didn't hear you. Usually have the volume cranked down way low. Figured you weren't too interested in my muttering+cursing so I'd turned my headset off. :D

"Greener pastures" is just me being hard on myself.


jon bones said:
you should play mcvlad then, if you're e-peen is so much bigger :lol

LOL I wasn't talking smack, It just takes so much longer to find player matches and people you stay to play with you.

360 gamertag is D O N K E R ( with spaces )
add me.


arstal said:
Had a good experience earlier today

Was playing in ranked, and had a bunch of droppers/morons/etc.

Got to this one guy's rog- and he was good. Lost first 2 rounds, fought back the next 2 with a mix of oichios, buttlsams, low jabs. Saw him ultra through a pattern I had. Noticing he was just waiting on me, so 5th round I build up a 25% lead, so I just sat there. And sat there.

Eventually he started to come, but by that point I knew the only thing I had to worry about was overhead dash punches into combos, so I let him throw me 3 times to run out the clock.

Got a message, was expecting some flames, but isntead he said gg. Surprised since I turtled like a scrub on him bigtime (I guessed right he had no idea how to come forward)

You did what you felt was necessary to win. Nothing wrong with that, it's the opposite of a scrub, actually.
Won said:
Woohoo finally reached 1000 BP. After days of stucking between 400 and 600 finally some progress again. Thank you all you Akuma players, thank you so very much, Don't give up! One day that Ultra will hit your enemy. One day!

QFT. I am a pretty horrible at this game, but you can see that Ultra coming a mile away.
MicVlaD said:
The input's the same other than the added jump; you "just" need to do it much faster (i.e. immediately after you press up).

Hey just though I'd chime in. If you're inputting his teleport right after you press up, then you're doing it wrong. If not, then ignore this post lol.

There's a MUCH easier way to do it. If you've played charge characters before, you know that if you perform a sonic boom/kikouken/etc. you input the command for those techniques as charge back 2 seconds, forward, back punch. This is due to the fact that no one in the world can actually press forward and punch at the exact same nanosecond, and the game allows you a split second of delay between forward and punch to accomodate for that. Hitting back first and then punch allows you to start your charge for your next sonic boom before the animation for the first even begins.

This same theory applies to the Yoga teleport as well. You input his directions for the yoga teleport, then press up/forward, THEN press the three punches. You'll be able to stay a lot lower in the air. Also, with various inputs you can teleport/land at varying heights.


That thread pretty much explains it all. Like I said, if you already knew this, the just ignore this post lol. Hopefully this was of help to some new Dhalsim players at least.
EraldoCoil said:
GGs to Biff Hardbody guy has a sick dhalsim........

Thanks dude. Really enjoyed our matches. Lets play again soon. The loss I had before you really reminded me how awesome this game is, so I had a much better showing against you (even though I lost). Your Rose is really cool.
I don't buy the argument that extreme turtling isn't scrubby.

(This isn't in reference to anyone here, just a general thought.)

I played a Chun-Li the other day that literally walked all the way to the back of the screen and didn't move.

That's not a fight. It's hiding.

So about 20 seconds in, I say, 'fuck it,' I'll come at them and if I lose, I lose.

So I come at them, we fight for a moment, and I take a little more damage then they do.

What do they do?

Run back to the other corner and dodge for the rest of the match.

NEVER attacking me on their own.

So in essence, if I did what they did to start the match and NEVER attacked, the match would have expired in a tie.

That's scrubby.
CartridgeBlower said:
I don't buy the argument that extreme turtling isn't scrubby.

(This isn't in reference to anyone here, just a general thought.)

I played a Chun-Li the other day that literally walked all the way to the back of the screen and didn't move.

That's not a fight. It's hiding.

So about 20 seconds in, I say, 'fuck it,' I'll come at them and if I lose, I lose.

So I come at them, we fight for a moment, and I take a little more damage then they do.

What do they do?

Run back to the other corner and dodge for the rest of the match.

NEVER attacking me on their own.

So in essence, if I did what they did to start the match and NEVER attacked, the match would have expired in a tie.

That's scrubby.

It's definitely scrubby, but only in the sense that it's a TERRIBLE strategy. Any half-way decent turtler isn't just going to sit there and block occasionally throwing out a defensive maneuver.

So the 2 questions you need to figure out :

1 - When you "fought for a little bit" why is it that you took more damage?

2 - When you have them in a corner, why is it so easy for them to just "run back to the other corner?"

Which character do you use? Let's figure this out :)


RedNumberFive said:
QFT. I am a pretty horrible at this game, but you can see that Ultra coming a mile away.
Uh, I've only played Akuma online once but when I did, it was pretty easy landing his ultra, just jump in and do it in a combo, that way the opponent will never have a chance of blocking it.
CartridgeBlower said:
I don't buy the argument that extreme turtling isn't scrubby.

(This isn't in reference to anyone here, just a general thought.)

I played a Chun-Li the other day that literally walked all the way to the back of the screen and didn't move.

I play a (horrible) Chun Li, but I can't help not walking all the way back there. How else can I charge for a fireball? What's the min time for charge anyway? I'd like to get closer to the enemy!
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