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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Freshmaker said:
Hah. Yeah, I need to get my execution down better. Still largely playing a SSF2esque Dhalsim.

Seriously...you don't know how many times I've done drills/slides with Sim in this game thinking it was SSF2T only to eat it. :lol
Wowowow @ CEVO picking up SF4. I hope that turns out well (even if I'm on PS3 and not 360). Online really is going to be the only way to make competitive SF4 (and fighting games in general) bigger than a few blips in a handful of areas across the country. Even if it's not ideal or 100% equal to offline play, it's pretty much the only way it's going to work for America as a whole.


Strider2K99 said:
Anyway, one thing that frustrates me about playing fighting games like this is that I try to do one move and another comes out. For example, I want to do Hadouken, but instead do Shoryuken.
note that i am not a street fighter pro but this is how i guarantee pulling off each move :p
hadouken: i mash out a quarter circle, then wait a millisecond before pressing punch
shoryuken: i fucken mash those quarter circles and mash punch indiscriminately and he'll pogo on the spot doing shoryukens
that's how i roll. damn i'm awesome


Strider2K99 said:
God, I'm such a Street Fighter whore. Bought the Shoryuken pack. >_<

Anyway, one thing that frustrates me about playing fighting games like this is that I try to do one move and another comes out. For example, I want to do Hadouken, but instead do Shoryuken.

In this case, this happened to cost me a match. It was myself as Ryu vs. a Ken and we had 3/4 or less life each. We were walking back and forth several times. I want to do an EX Hadou, but a Shoryu comes out. I completely whiffed it of course and ate an Ultra. FUUUUUUUCK, I yelled at my TV at that point.

I'm never going to get the Playing To Win trophy at this rate.

It's because of the goddamn new shoryuken shortcut motion. (forward, forward, P or K)

C- Warrior mentioned getting teleport instead of ultra with bison sometimes. The times i've played bison, i've had that happen to me as well.


I am Korean.
henhowc said:
Seriously...you don't know how many times I've done drills/slides with Sim in this game thinking it was SSF2T only to eat it. :lol
Hah. I still have a useless obsession with teleport to throw. It almost never works, especially if the jab yoga flame hits, but... I just gotta. :lol


Won 6 online ranked in a row now. Played against this hilarious ken earlier as Guile. He won the first round, I won the second and it was pretty competitive in the third. Towards the end when it could go either way he starts spamming fire dp like nobodies business. I punish it a few times with flash kicks but does he learn? No. He keeps doing it again and again. Must of done it about six times at least and I repayed everyone of them in kind with a flash kick.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
MoxManiac said:
It's because of the goddamn new shoryuken shortcut motion. (forward, forward, P or K)

C- Warrior mentioned getting teleport instead of ultra with bison sometimes. The times i've played bison, i've had that happen to me as well.

Em, it's not "new", per se. 3rd Strike (I forget if NG and 2i had it) also had this shortcut.


needs to show more effort.
akachan ningen said:
Sorry I was just balling all day, I was just curious if vega had any way to punish blocked balls. GGs. :D
no idea. I've used vega like... once. When it started my first thought was, 'uh... he's... a charge character right?' I was trying to do his AA special move as a flash kick but then it wasn't working and I didn't know what to do :(

That was the extent of my knowledge, really.
I am getting royally pissed. I have been trying everything to unlock Akuma. GameFAQs is wrong, so I tracked this down on another forum, and fulfilled the requirements:

Very easy. Here's how you do it. By the way, the FAQ isn't clear so I had to Google it to see how others did it.

1. Unlock the new characters: Cammy, Dan, Sakura, Gen, Rose, etc.

2. Play as Ryu. (You should pass the game with Ryu first)

3. In order to get Akuma you need 2 perfects and pull off 2 ultra moves. Here's what you do:

- set the game to "easiest." Difficulty doesn't matter.

-play one round per match.

A) With Ryu, use fireballs the first two rounds and get perfects. You have to get perfects. It should be easy, a no-brainer.

B) For the next two rounds, beat the opponent until he/she has a little energy left. Then let him/her beat you until you fill your ultra combo gauge. Then kill him/her with it. Do this twice.

C) Then beat the rest of the game with Ryu without continuing. It should be easy. Seth and Sagat might be a little tricky but try not to lose.

D) After you beat Seth, Akuma should challenge you.

That's it. And to get Gouken, you have to beat the game with Akuma and then do this all over again but get 2 perfects and 3 ultras. Use Ryu again.

Hope this helps

I was Ryu. I won the first two matches with perfects, and the 2nd two with ultra finishes, and didn't use any continues from that point on. After Akuma appeared beat him no problem....I even made sure to win with EXACTLY 2 perfects and 2 ultra combo finishes, since prior to this I had been doing more than 2 for each since at this point I'm trying everything. WTF am I doing wrong with unlocking Akuma???
Gamefaqs is not wrong, it worked perfectly for me first time:

a. Unlock regular characters (Cammy, Dan, Fei Long, Gen, Rose, Sakura)
b. Face Gouki
+ No continues
1 Perfect for 1 round matches
c. Defeat him

I think they forgot to add, it has to be someone you beat the game with already.
Don't do any ultra finishes and don't first attack (too many of either leads to Gouken instead... and going above the requirements is probably what's stopping him from unlocking.)
Teknopathetic said:
Wowowow @ CEVO picking up SF4. I hope that turns out well (even if I'm on PS3 and not 360). Online really is going to be the only way to make competitive SF4 (and fighting games in general) bigger than a few blips in a handful of areas across the country. Even if it's not ideal or 100% equal to offline play, it's pretty much the only way it's going to work for America as a whole.

It needs to be picked up by World Cyber Games, not these online tournaments.

I have no doubt that it will. And of course there's still Evolution.


MisterAnderson said:
I am getting royally pissed. I have been trying everything to unlock Akuma. GameFAQs is wrong, so I tracked this down on another forum, and fulfilled the requirements:

I was Ryu. I won the first two matches with perfects, and the 2nd two with ultra finishes, and didn't use any continues from that point on. After Akuma appeared beat him no problem....I even made sure to win with EXACTLY 2 perfects and 2 ultra combo finishes, since prior to this I had been doing more than 2 for each since at this point I'm trying everything. WTF am I doing wrong with unlocking Akuma???
Did you get the etc. known as Fei Long? And what do you mean by "from that point on"? ;o And you don't need ultra finishes for Akuma. Hell if you got 2 ultra finishes, I imagine Gouken showed up instead, who you can't unlock even if you beat until after you unlock Akuma.
I have Fei Long as well, and I was beating it with a character I already beat it with (Ryu). So are you saying I need to do only 1 perfect and no more? And no ultra finishes? Because each time I do what I do, Akuma appears...and I defeat him...and it doesn't unlock him.


MisterAnderson said:
I have Fei Long as well, and I was beating it with a character I already beat it with (Ryu). So are you saying I need to do only 1 perfect and no more? And no ultra finishes? Because each time I do what I do, Akuma appears...and I defeat him...and it doesn't unlock him.
PS3 version is 1 perfect 360 is 2, don't worry about ultra finishes at all for Akuma.
"It needs to be picked up by World Cyber Games, not these online tournaments.

I have no doubt that it will. And of course there's still Evolution."

Uhhhhh, CEVO is quite a big deal in America. WCG is huge, of course, but that's only a once yearly thing. For huge competitive games like CS, etc. where do you think American players are playing in between the big offline tournaments? Furthermore, WCG isn't the only big offline tournament.

Big participation at "these online tournaments" influence big LANs and offline tournaments to carry these games by showing they have a large scene with a large amount of participants and (more importantly) spectators. It needs to be picked up by just about everything it can be and even though this is really just a preliminary "test" for SF4, if it became a regular addition, that'd be a really good thing.
Awntawn said:
PS3 version is 1 perfect 360 is 2, don't worry about ultra finishes at all for Akuma.

I just tried it again. Only got 1 perfect, didn't do any ultra finishes (but did do one ultra combo during the seth battle...didn't finish him though). Akuma appeared, I defeated him. Didn't unlock at the game over screen...again. Wtf is this shit.

Edit: I figured it out. It was as I suspected and feared...that I'm an idiot. It seems that I haven't unlocked Dan yet, and was confused because I unlocked him at my friends place, which is what made me think I had him unlocked. Lol, oops.


@AZ Greg: Sorry for the impromptu drop...but nature called. Was getting owned the last few matches but at least I can say I beat you with Dan. Yeah I know that last EX air kick was kind of a fluke. Yahoo! :lol

Btw...I could have sworn that Vega's slide and DF+K move were punishable. Am I just too frigging slow? The juggle into EX Izuna drop was driving me nuts!


henhowc said:
@AZ Greg: Sorry for the impromptu drop...but nature called. Was getting owned the last few matches but at least I can say I beat you with Dan. Yeah I know that last EX air kick was kind of a fluke. Yahoo! :lol

Btw...I could have sworn that Vega's slide and DF+K move were punishable. Am I just too frigging slow? The juggle into EX Izuna drop was driving me nuts!
I think Vega's slide is punishable but it depends on when you're blocking it - if you block it during the end of the slide animation, then I think Vega gets either an advantage or at least he doesn't get any disadvantage. If it's blocked early, a throw is guaranteed I think.

Not sure about DF+HK move - if you block it, just mash out throw fast since usually Vega will try to throw if you block that move. So I don't think you can really punish per se unless you have a DP special move that has invincibility to throw.

AZ Greg

henhowc said:
@AZ Greg: Sorry for the impromptu drop...but nature called. Was getting owned the last few matches but at least I can say I beat you with Dan. Yeah I know that last EX air kick was kind of a fluke. Yahoo! :lol

Btw...I could have sworn that Vega's slide and DF+K move were punishable. Am I just too frigging slow? The juggle into EX Izuna drop was driving me nuts!

:lol :( @ the EX air kick.

DF+K is safe. The slide is safe if I hit you with it right as it's ending. But if I do it from too close it is punishable.

Edit: Beaten!
Gonna be up for some late night games. Seems like everyone on my friends list is playing Kill Zone 2 lol. Let's get some games goin gaf!!

psn - FindMyFarms

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Man, two days of not playing and Im already losing practice, lol I have a tendency to lose to either super shitty players, or super awesome ones. People that are kinda figuring shit out are my bread and butter :lol

(I wish I was playing more, but Im going trough Beyond Good & Evil for the first time, also PES)
So I was proud I got a new title/icon that I never see anyone use.. so yay to that..

I never see the icon especially.. (30 perfect rounds for both). Its also rare to see the 605 online match win one as well (The Crown)

And of course.. updated stats with a little more play.. El Fuerte is becomnig my main as of late.



I'm thinking of putting this game down. Ranked matches are just no fun anymore. I play as M. Bison (dictator) and the last 50 matches online (no exaggeration at all) have all been against either Kens or Ryus. I win a majority of my fights but I'm not learning anything here. I'm not facing anyone else and the rare times I do, rare being an understatement, I have no good strategies. I wish Capcom would, for just one day, make a no shotos day on online play. It's getting so boring.
MrOctober said:
I'm thinking of putting this game down. Ranked matches are just no fun anymore. I play as M. Bison (dictator) and the last 50 matches online (no exaggeration at all) have all been against either Kens or Ryus. I win a majority of my fights but I'm not learning anything here. I'm not facing anyone else and the rare times I do, rare being an understatement, I have no good strategies. I wish Capcom would, for just one day, make a no shotos day on online play. It's getting so boring.
Thats why I do mainly player matches or play against friends/gaffers.

Nice to mix it up.

If you play on XBL you can always play against me.

I play Fuerte, Vega, Rose (Horribly), Gouken (Horribly), Dhalsim, etc. I rarely stick to one character.. though I do go back to Fuerte and Vega frequently but I bounce around a lot.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Thats why I do mainly player matches or play against friends/gaffers.

Nice to mix it up.

If you play on XBL you can always play against me.

I play Fuerte, Vega, Rose (Horribly), Gouken (Horribly), Dhalsim, etc. I rarely stick to one character.. though I do go back to Fuerte and Vega frequently but I bounce around a lot.

I'm on PSN and when I play player matches I never pick the same character twice. I'll pick everyone on the roster even if I have no idea how to do their moves. But even then when I play strangers people always pick Ryu or Ken. I guess I need to have more friends.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
MrOctober said:
I'm thinking of putting this game down. Ranked matches are just no fun anymore. I play as M. Bison (dictator) and the last 50 matches online (no exaggeration at all) have all been against either Kens or Ryus. I win a majority of my fights but I'm not learning anything here. I'm not facing anyone else and the rare times I do, rare being an understatement, I have no good strategies. I wish Capcom would, for just one day, make a no shotos day on online play. It's getting so boring.

Diminishing returns on BP would solve this fucking quick.


Has no PEINS
MrOctober said:
I'm on PSN and when I play player matches I never pick the same character twice. I'll pick everyone on the roster even if I have no idea how to do their moves. But even then when I play strangers people always pick Ryu or Ken. I guess I need to have more friends.
I play Viper and I won't pick someone new every time but if you want to set up a quick player match to just mess around I'd be down


I am Homie
MrOctober said:
I'm on PSN and when I play player matches I never pick the same character twice. I'll pick everyone on the roster even if I have no idea how to do their moves. But even then when I play strangers people always pick Ryu or Ken. I guess I need to have more friends.
I'm on psn, and if you wanted to play a few games against someone who only uses Vega, I'm down.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
zangief is terrifying to play against.

I had one guy that just shamelessy kept jumping at me in attempts to get close for one of his miserable throws. I hit this guy with about 20 fireballs and 10 dragon punches, but EVENTUALLY I'll screw up an input and he gets off one of his devastating half life bar eating throws.

I never beat zangief. :(

also noticed that learning this game, it's better to take someone that isn't ken or ryu. I like ryu, but the whole internet is pretty wise to his play style, so sucking while learning will get you beat down a lot more. Guile on the otherhand, I've had quite a bit of luck with him, most beginners seem to WANT to get smashed out of the sky with a flashkick.
catfish said:
zangief is terrifying to play against.

I had one guy that just shamelessy kept jumping at me in attempts to get close for one of his miserable throws. I hit this guy with about 20 fireballs and 10 dragon punches, but EVENTUALLY I'll screw up an input and he gets off one of his devastating half life bar eating throws.

I never beat zangief. :(

also noticed that learning this game, it's better to take someone that isn't ken or ryu. I like ryu, but the whole internet is pretty wise to his play style, so sucking while learning will get you beat down a lot more. Guile on the otherhand, I've had quite a bit of luck with him, most beginners seem to WANT to get smashed out of the sky with a flashkick.

SPD attempts are pretty transparent for most players. crouching mk, spd. green hand, spd. jump in attack, spd. wakeup spd. antiwakeup spd. just jump up when you see the spd coming.


Arpharmd B said:
Wait, what?

That's a really simple combo. Not sure what you are getting at. How would the super come out if you are doing QCF LP?

(and remember Galactic Tornado is a QCF not HCF) (Also was this combo even in the trials? You may have written this wrong.)

Wait till you get to the hard challenges :D J.HP, S.MP, S.LP, C.MK, QCF PP will give you headaches.
You're right, it's qcf, not hcf. The problem I had was pausing between the two qcf motions.
Some of these trials are nuts with the precise timing required. I don't think I'll have what it takes to finish all of them. :/


TurtleSnatcher said:
Thats why I do mainly player matches or play against friends/gaffers.

Nice to mix it up.

If you play on XBL you can always play against me.

I play Fuerte, Vega, Rose (Horribly), Gouken (Horribly), Dhalsim, etc. I rarely stick to one character.. though I do go back to Fuerte and Vega frequently but I bounce around a lot.
I pretty much just do ranked matches these days to find decent to good players not in my friends list yet.

I usually only play 4-5 matches in ranked before finding a pretty good opponent I want to train with in player matches.


Neo Member
Whipped up this combo video with some friends in the community over the last week+ and now it's finally out. Hopefully someone enjoys it, or that it leads to new windows of opportunity for people out there attempting to develop new combos.


I tend to rotate between cammy, guile, viper, fei long and sakura in online player matches. And generally cammy in ranked with guile as backup. As for competition if it ain't ken it's akuma. If it ain't akuma it's ken. Yawn.

I did play against a rose today, it's nice to see at least some people looking into other characters even if I did obliterate this particular one. As for people on this board choosing ken and nothing but ken, you're part of the problem. Please quit.


good credit (by proxy)
catfish said:
zangief is terrifying to play against.

I had one guy that just shamelessy kept jumping at me in attempts to get close for one of his miserable throws. I hit this guy with about 20 fireballs and 10 dragon punches, but EVENTUALLY I'll screw up an input and he gets off one of his devastating half life bar eating throws.

I never beat zangief. :(

also noticed that learning this game, it's better to take someone that isn't ken or ryu. I like ryu, but the whole internet is pretty wise to his play style, so sucking while learning will get you beat down a lot more. Guile on the otherhand, I've had quite a bit of luck with him, most beginners seem to WANT to get smashed out of the sky with a flashkick.

Here's my ryu vs. zangief strategy I posted a few pages back. I probably have my highest character win percentage vs. Zangief.

-input shoryuken directional motions before the match so you just have to press a button if they try to green hand you at the start

-get distance, hadoken spam, mix up with something offensive once in awhile to keep him from trapping you in the corner

-a lot of zangiefs will continually jump back and forth over you when you're on the ground hoping to score a cross up if they're in the air when you wake up, or an SPD or lariat if they're on the ground when you wake up. Just backdash immediately on wakeup.

-if they keep getting you with command throws on wake up and you know that's what they're going to do, just jump neutral jump (directly upwards), hit him with a hk on the way down and then combo into cr. mk into fireball

-don't do predictable patterns of fireballs. throw in some cr. lp and cr. lk's as a sort of "fake" fireball. don't do fireball after fireball after fireball. throw many pauses in there. Also throw in different speeds of fireball. If he's not sure when you're going to fireball you can throw fireballs from medium range without getting punished by green hand or jump in every time.

-if he lariats through a slow fireball from a little closer than 3/4 screen, dash forward and trip

-throw cr. mk poke canceled into fireball from the very edge of it's range, so your toe just barely hits gief, this is outside of his SPD range

-from medium range "fake" fireball to get him to jump, then uppercut him

-I use a lot of neutral jumps when i think he's going to jump in. If he's at a range where his jumping attack won't be able to hit me, he'll usually land a little closer and if I do an hk on the way down it will hit him just before or just as he's landing. If he's a little closer when he jumps in, my neutral jump hk will still outprioritize his jumping attack unless I time it really late, after I hit him out of the air I ex fireball and if he doesn't block it, but goes for a lariat i can probably trip him out of the lariat by walking forward a little or dashing then tripping. If he's inside sweep range and jumps in I'll have to do the neutral jump hk very early for it to win. After landing i'll jump jump backwards to give me more space from him.
Hey Blackadde, sorry for the ragequit man! I did it to gutter trash last night also lol. Having problems w/ ps3. Nice Balrog man, you definitely worked me! I'm gonna try to get on again, and see if I can get a longer session going.
MrWhitefolks said:
Whipped up this combo video with some friends in the community over the last week+ and now it's finally out. Hopefully someone enjoys it, or that it leads to new windows of opportunity for people out there attempting to develop new combos.

MIND BLOWN. wtf at that cammy combo at 2:20! ccrrrraaazzzzyyy

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So what button configuration do you guys recommend as the best possible button configuration for pulling off supers, ultras, and pretty much any other decent moves (like Shroyuken for Ken and Ryu)?


McBradders said:
Diminishing returns on BP would solve this fucking quick.

What would solve the problem wouldnt be diminishing returns. What would solve the problem would be having separate BP skills stored for each of your characters. The problem lies in that the more BP you earn the further you fall if you lose. This makes people stick to their go to guy and be afraid to try something different. If they try someone else then their chances of losing rise drastically. BPs by character solves this.
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