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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Strap on your hooker ...
So I've been learning Gen, and man he is fun. I'll never be good enough at the game to pull off some of the stuff he can do with much precision, but if a pro ever bothered to main him he could really be a juggernaut.

His dashing Super can be comboed into either Ultra, among other things.


Been using Rufus quite a bit recently. He's fucking awesome, quick moves and get alot of priorities. Easy Ultra combo linkage and alot of interesting pokes and moves and general.


he's Virgin Tight™
C-Warrior (or some of the good people)...

GT: Lord Relix

I am going to try to be on tonight but most probably tomorrow night. I want to face some of the better players...


Chun Li: Beat anyone cleanly with her except for other Chun Li's :lol
Vega: Who the fuck put him in Low Tier? Guy is a beast and can screw charge characters like Bison. He's fast, great health and his fierce claws take out a lot of health.
Guile: Combo beast!
Honda: Honda Bitch Slap!
Blanka: Perfect for shoto's.

C. Viper

If anyone else from GAF wants to add me you are welcome. I am looking for some higher-level games later as my "nemesis", ranked 147 worldwide (lol.. hey its kind of a feat) can't beat me anymore so I need some more incentive. I also wanna play against other characters that are not Shotos, Sagat or Zangief for fuck's sake.

Also.. I don't play Ranked. Fuck that.


need my 360 back from repairs =(

my TE stick is gonna show up and i'm only gonna have my pc to use it on ;\

I worry that I'm not going to get an hdmi port, and will either have to forfeit my otherwise working 360 not playing street fighter 4 while I stomp my feet and yell about receiving an inferior product as a replacement.
C- Warrior said:
I think I'm starting to get bored of this game -- there just is nobody online that poses a challenge anymore...

I invited some friends, did some random fights, did some ranked fights...and meh, no challenge. I think I actually need to start looking for some local tourneys...

common, the console game is only 2 weeks old, you can't expect everyone to be averagely fluent in such a short span.

this is not 9 years old 3rd strike or 15 year old Super Turbo where you have like a decade + of play in 'em of going auto-pilot like walking or breathing
Relix said:
C-Warrior (or some of the good people)...

GT: Lord Relix

I am going to try to be on tonight but most probably tomorrow night. I want to face some of the better players...


Chun Li: Beat anyone cleanly with her except for other Chun Li's :lol
Vega: Who the fuck put him in Low Tier? Guy is a beast and can screw charge characters like Bison. He's fast, great health and his fierce claws take out a lot of health.
Guile: Combo beast!
Honda: Honda Bitch Slap!
Blanka: Perfect for shoto's.

C. Viper

If anyone else from GAF wants to add me you are welcome. I am looking for some higher-level games later as my "nemesis", ranked 147 worldwide (lol.. hey its kind of a feat) can't beat me anymore so I need some more incentive. I also wanna play against other characters that are not Shotos, Sagat or Zangief for fuck's sake.

Also.. I don't play Ranked. Fuck that.

I challenge you to a duel. Haha, I'll add you.. I should be on be on later. I'm a Abel player (Sadly That's the ONLY person I play with..). I want to pick up C. Viper though..


Bacon of Hope
Timedog said:
How will I know when I'm good enough to start entering tourneys? That is my goal. Is there a certain bp level that most guys that play in tournaments would be likely to be above? What sub goals could I set for myself?

Go to one. :p


he's Virgin Tight™
Assembly Required said:
I challenge you to a duel. Haha, I'll add you.. I should be on be on later. I'm a Abel player (Sadly That's the ONLY person I play with..). I want to pick up C. Viper though..

Fine. I'll try to be on tonight but nevertheless add me so we can play down the road =). Also, my mic is dead. I should point that out every time I post my gamertag :lol


Saerk said:
What would solve the problem wouldnt be diminishing returns. What would solve the problem would be having separate BP skills stored for each of your characters. The problem lies in that the more BP you earn the further you fall if you lose. This makes people stick to their go to guy and be afraid to try something different. If they try someone else then their chances of losing rise drastically. BPs by character solves this.

That would be pretty awesome. BP per character. I think the old SF2Turbo on XBL had wins by character.


Comics, serious business!
TurtleSnatcher said:
Wow you sound like a douche.

Funny how you bitch about not having competition yet you only have 3000 BP so there are plenty of people out there.

No, I understand what he's saying. I really suck yet even I fail to find a lot of challenge in ranked games. I only have ~1300BP but I'll go through loooong stretches where not only will I win every match but my opponent poses no challenge whatsoever. Even when I search exclusively for opponents that have higher BP than me, the majority of the time they'll have less than 500BP or be a cake walk. It's not that I'm good, it's just for some reason I never get matched up with truly good players. When I play people who are truly good, like haunts, I get my ass handed to me hard. Where are all the haunts online (or even players with 1/10th his skill)?


RSTEIN said:
No, I understand what he's saying. I really suck yet even I fail to find a lot of challenge in ranked games. I only have ~1300BP but I'll go through loooong stretches where not only will I win every match but my opponent poses no challenge whatsoever. Even when I search exclusively for opponents that have higher BP than me, the majority of the time they'll have less than 500BP or be a cake walk. It's not that I'm good, it's just for some reason I never get matched up with truly good players. When I play people who are truly good, like haunts, I get my ass handed to me hard. Where are all the haunts online (or even players with 1/10th his skill)?
i'm sick of getting 1bp per match lol.
Hovering around 2600 and looks like im not gonna go anywhere fast.
Think imma start learning new characters or playing player matches instead..
Hell maybe i should finish unlocking everyone :lol


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
holy shit ranked is super annoying. I fight like ten flowcharts before there is someone who is equal or better than me and by then I've fallen into a simplistic routine because of all those god damn flowcharts and I end up losing a fuck-ton of BP :(
Got my 10 wins in a row and 100 ranked/player games won trophy at the same time, yay! Anyway, this is probably the only game I've ever played that made me really wish I didn't live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere; I'd love to play with some of you online, but it's guaranteed to be a one bar game if I play with anyone from the states.

If anyone doesn't mind one bar, feel free to add me on PSN so you can kick my ass. :D
flowchart Kens are horrible training for fighting REAL Kens.
the day when you meet a GOOD Ken, you go WTF?? out of surprise because you have trained to fight BAD Kens


Don't know if old or not :


Can someone translate this ?
Does it sound true ?
In some very not reliable french forums, they talk about periodic new characters and some new modes, starting with DeeJay, what do you think about that ?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
gutter_trash said:
flowchart Kens are horrible training for fighting REAL Kens.
the day when you meet a GOOD Ken, you go WTF?? out of surprise because you have trained to fight BAD Kens

:lol so true. I got kara-thrown and corner pinned to shit this morning by a Ken who knew his shit. I got a round off him due to dumb luck and a few well timed Soul Throws but, damn, the guy was a fucking monster and I was just "Whaaaat?!"
If / when Capcom updates this title, I would really like a double random ranked mode. I played about 20 rounds yesterday afternoon, and in every round except one I fought either Ryu, Ken, or Akuma. This is getting old really fast.


dankir said:
Been using Rufus quite a bit recently. He's fucking awesome, quick moves and get alot of priorities. Easy Ultra combo linkage and alot of interesting pokes and moves and general.
I like Rufus a lot too, my only problem with him is a reliable anti-air. His dp+P move is great if you know they're coming, but I have a problem knowing what else to do othr than block if I can't do that.


Killadji said:
In some very not reliable french forums, they talk about periodic new characters and some new modes, starting with DeeJay, what do you think about that ?
If they add more characters for DLC (which I'd welcome), how will that effect online play if the other person hasn't bought that character?


NYR said:
Hey, just wondering - how are your controls mapped? Just wondering what most people use.
I use a standard 360 controller like this:

X - Light Punch
Y - Strong Punch
A - Medium Kick
B - Strong Kick

LB - Focus Attack
LT - Throw
RB - 3xK
RT - 3xP

As a Gen player, I can still use his juggle-able c.LK (in 3xK stance) if I use the throw button, so that set up works dandy for me.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
BitchTits said:
If they add more characters for DLC (which I'd welcome), how will that effect online play if the other person hasn't bought that character?
Well, it's probably the same as if you haven't bought the costumes. But haven't they said they won't do pay-to-play characters?


BitchTits said:
If they add more characters for DLC (which I'd welcome), how will that effect online play if the other person hasn't bought that character?

Actualy, according to the forum I just seen, it will be a "Brawl style" DLC, the caracter will only be online, selectable through selecting the question mark and pressing L1/LB.
They also hint about the championship mode in that screen.
It doesn't look like a fake cause it comes from the official site, but we need a translation :)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
BitchTits said:
If they add more characters for DLC (which I'd welcome), how will that effect online play if the other person hasn't bought that character?

they should have it like the costumes, you can play against, just not as


I thought the costumes were on the disk, and that's why other players could see them?

On a related note, I fought a Ryu in alt.costume yesterday, he looked great.
gutter_trash said:
flowchart Kens are horrible training for fighting REAL Kens.
the day when you meet a GOOD Ken, you go WTF?? out of surprise because you have trained to fight BAD Kens
Any videos of REAL Ken? Ken is my fave, though I'm starting to love using Cammy (Chun-li also, but I suck at charge characters, hell I suck at most characters compared to any slightly-decent players)


BitchTits said:
If they add more characters for DLC (which I'd welcome), how will that effect online play if the other person hasn't bought that character?

An optional/forced update that gives you the necessary data but doesn't unlock the characters themselves?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
BitchTits said:
I thought the costumes were on the disk, and that's why other players could see them?

On a related note, I fought a Ryu in alt.costume yesterday, he looked great.

either that or they were in that first update


BitchTits said:
I like Rufus a lot too, my only problem with him is a reliable anti-air. His dp+P move is great if you know they're coming, but I have a problem knowing what else to do othr than block if I can't do that.

Rufus has a number of options, you just need to experiment with the timings.

C.mp as they are landing on you.
S.HP as they are reaching the arc of their jump if close to you(sometimes trades)
Close S.HP if they are almost on top of you (trades often)

If you anticipate a jump in or are quick, you can air-to-air J.HK and follow that up with snake strike, ex snake strike or ultra.
BitchTits said:
I thought the costumes were on the disk, and that's why other players could see them?

On a related note, I fought a Ryu in alt.costume yesterday, he looked great.

They are on the disc. which is why it is such complete BS that they are making us pay for them. Last gen this kinda crap wouldn't fly, but people have gotten complacent with DLC and are fine with being ripped off for content that should be included with the 60 dollar price of entry.

I remember when the 2 RTCW maps were released for DLC on XBox. They were on the disc too and people were pissed about it, even though it was free. They just made you wait to use the two maps and people got upset, now CAPCOM pulls this and people are eating it up.


akumadiavolo said:
They are on the disc. which is why it is such complete BS that they are making us pay for them. Last gen this kinda crap wouldn't fly, but people have gotten complacent with DLC and are fine with being ripped off for content that should be included with the 60 dollar price of entry.

I remember when the 2 RTCW maps were released for DLC on XBox. They were on the disc too and people were pissed about it, even though it was free. They just made you wait to use the two maps and people got upset, now CAPCOM pulls this and people are eating it up.

Also the 80s bucks for the CE version of the game...


Darkflight said:
Any videos of REAL Ken? Ken is my fave, though I'm starting to love using Cammy (Chun-li also, but I suck at charge characters, hell I suck at most characters compared to any slightly-decent players)

Kara-cancel/throw: here

Ken videos: here


Ok...now someone needs to explain to me how that dizzy/stun effect works. Are there different versions of it? What exactly causes it? Just got the dizzy effect from a Zangief player after being hit 2 times. That of course raised an eyebrow, but he was a pretty good player (well Zangief player at least) so maybe I'm not aware of certain game mechanics here.


BitchTits said:
I like Rufus a lot too, my only problem with him is a reliable anti-air. His dp+P move is great if you know they're coming, but I have a problem knowing what else to do othr than block if I can't do that.

Actually let them come in and start your ultra combo. They'll eat it everytime :)
akumadiavolo said:
They are on the disc. which is why it is such complete BS that they are making us pay for them. Last gen this kinda crap wouldn't fly, but people have gotten complacent with DLC and are fine with being ripped off for content that should be included with the 60 dollar price of entry.

I remember when the 2 RTCW maps were released for DLC on XBox. They were on the disc too and people were pissed about it, even though it was free. They just made you wait to use the two maps and people got upset, now CAPCOM pulls this and people are eating it up.
no it isnt, the alts are 100% costmetic, non-gamebreaking.
most people havent even unlocked any extra colors in Time Attack and Survival mode anyways
not a rip-off


Speaking of which, the Shadowloo costume pack is out this week right? Time to give my Sagat and Balrog some new gear.

There should be new character art for alternate costumes on the Vs screen too.


Won said:
Ok...now someone needs to explain to me how that dizzy/stun effect works. Are there different versions of it? What exactly causes it? Just got the dizzy effect from a Zangief player after being hit 2 times. That of course raised an eyebrow, but he was a pretty good player (well Zangief player at least) so maybe I'm not aware of certain game mechanics here.
Go into training mode, turn on attack data and see for yourself. Every attack causes a certain amount of stun, and each character is dizzied after a certain number of points. Zangief's headbutt (straight jump up+HP) traditionally does a huge amount of stun, so getting dizzied after 2 hits is entirely normal.

Also, if skulls are circling your head it means the dizzy will last longer than if stars are circling.
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