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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

CcrooK said:
I'm curious to see what kind of reception Gamestop entree types get. Laughs? Get the shit beat out of them? Hrmmmm.
Probably should have actually researched up who won before you actually posted that.

Justin Wong is in the Finals of the GameStop tournament.. so is Mike Ross.

A lot of other somewhat known guys are in the mix too.. The finals for that GameStop tourney will be the real deal.

Oh and they will be using sticks then.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Probably should have actually researched up who won before you actually posted that.

Justin Wong is in the Finals of the GameStop tournament.. so is Mike Ross.

A lot of other somewhat known guys are in the mix too.. The finals for that GameStop tourney will be the real deal.

Oh and they will be using sticks then.

Minus names that we already know please. I'm talking those who are in there for their first tourny. Scary as hell I bet. Very intimidating. I'm just curious how they will be treated. I'm sure they'll get handshakes and welcomes but still, labeled as "Gamestop entries" wouldn't sound so well.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Probably should have actually researched up who won before you actually posted that.

Justin Wong is in the Finals of the GameStop tournament.. so is Mike Ross.

A lot of other somewhat known guys are in the mix too.. The finals for that GameStop tourney will be the real deal.

Oh and they will be using sticks then.

That makes me curious, maybe they haven't but aren't tournament players not elgiibile? Something about if they make a certain amount of tournament money? That's hot though. hearing they made it in the GS tourney. Meaning the going in Evo will be slightly different early on.
CcrooK said:
Minus names that we already know please. I'm talking those who are in their for their first tourny. Scary as hell I bet. Very intimidating. I'm just curious how they will be treated. I'm sure they'll get handshakes and welcomes but still, labeled as "Gamestop entries" wouldn't sound so well.
Who cares...? They got slotted in because they played on subpar controllers and got all the way through. Thats showing something.

I went to the Regionals here and saw the players and they knew what they were doing. They even had some systems with arcade sticks so they could BS while waiting for their matches if they wanted too or before the tourney and after the tourney started.. They played really well.

kiryogi said:
That makes me curious, maybe they haven't but aren't tournament players not elgiibile? Something about if they make a certain amount of tournament money? That's hot though. hearing they made it in the GS tourney. Meaning the going in Evo will be slightly different early on.

Anyone could enter.
I hit a wall.

I'm on C.Viper, Abel and Gen's hard trial 5s. El Fuerte...hard trial 4...and haven't really touched rose. I'm so close to finishing trial...but these last few are ridiculous. thunder cancels, insane links, style switches...


Oichi said:
I was on Alpha-ism (SF podcast) the other day to talk about Japan SF4, and honestly... aside from Gootecks and JWong and maaaybe one or two other players, I don't think anyone is going to touch the JPN players if they ever come to America, or vice versa. The level of competition around Japan right now for SF4 is unreal, and you can't really grasp how it is until you start playing here for a month or so.

Just checked this podcast out. good shit!


Just watched the movie that came with the collector's edition. LMAO I'm glad I bought the regular version!

Talk about weak! Memo to Capcom, hire the Naruto or Bleach guys to do your next movie. Oh and forget this plot nonsense. Just have tons of fight scenes.

Good grief, how can a one hour "Street Fighter" movie have like 2 real fights? :lol


I am Korean.
Cloudy said:
Just watched the movie that came with the collector's edition. LMAO I'm glad I bought the regular version!

Talk about weak! Memo to Capcom, hire the Naruto or Bleach guys to do your next movie. Oh and forget this plot nonsense. Just have tons of fight scenes.

Good grief, how can a one hour "Street Fighter" movie have like 2 real fights? :lol
Ken's role was the best. Ryu's rival, who stands around and does absolutely nothing. (Which seems strange to me since they spent the most time on Ken.) He blocks a punch form C Viper, and punches one goon.


Thought I was going to hit 1k points, down to 675. Dammit
I'm losing to people way below me and winning against people with 3 times my BP. Not that that ranks anywhere in the skill level but still frustrating.


Got my stick yesterday! Finally after working on getting one for weeks and after 10 bombed preorders i succumbed to ebay and got an SE from the States. Modded the thing right up got online. Adjusting is a bitch. Dropped from 6k down to 4 in one evening. Kinda wanted to learn the hard way. Guess its back to player matches and training mode for a while. But i can seriously recommend to everyone to get a stick who is still on the fence. The level of control that is here, fuck, its not even the same game anymore. Shoto execution becomes a breeze with it, and once youll wrap your hand and brain around that stick its like everybody here and on srk says. There is no going back.

Edit: Im so proud...


Really wish there was an easier way to practice the combos over and over again. Just kinda like, pick one out of the list and it keeps repeating the trial mode thing.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Here is a nice solution to try for those tired of the same boring scrubs and/or trash-talking retards over and over again-- play people with different language settings. I did some ranked matches against Japanese players, and not only did I fight characters like :eek: :eek: Dhalsim :eek: :eek: and :eek: :eek: Cammy :eek: :eek:, but even the "scrubs" played a little differently. And nowhere near as many "unable to connect" or "this match has already started" messages popped up.

On the U.S. side of things, I played a ranked match against a Vega user (holy shit, rare!) and perhaps new XBox user (only had a 130 gamer score) tonight with Chun, and spanked his ass. I plugged in my mic after the match started so he wouldn't know it, and listened to him begin to say "faggot...faggot...FAGGOT!!" every time I hit him. I beat him the first round okay. The second round, I perfect him. He has no clue what to do against my offense after I've cornered him, and he went down whining like a bitch. So I turn the mic on, and for the first time since I got the game, did some trash talking of my own. Nothing special, just "haha, you SUCK. You're an awful player." He gets all emotional on me and is complaining I do the same thing over and over. "Why would I do anything else if you can't beat this?" I say. "THIS GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!!!11 U ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY FOR FUN!!!!!11" he replies. I say "I am playing fun. You're the one who started talking shit, not me." And then he turned his mic off and took the rest of his beating in silence.

Perhaps something was learned this day. Doubtful, but perhaps. To the guy's credit, he didn't disconnect like I figured he would.


Stantron said:
I'm still learning how to beat a good Blanka player with Chun. One useful tip is that if you block his crouching Fierce punch slide move, he's wide open for her Ultra. His EX ball goes through fireballs, so be careful with those.

Thanks for the tip. Is there any way to Ultra him after his own Ultra? I tried it (several times) but she leaps forward and ends up backing him after he lands lol. Annoying.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Can you do Chun's chain combo into ultra, or just super?

Getting it to go into Super is easy, though it doesn't get all the hits.

I have a hard time doing Chun's juggle ultra as well, I just keep doing it too early.
Tried some trials tonight and the ones I attempted are insanely difficult. They are goign to take some time. I finally reached near 2600 BP tonight and finally lost to a great Vega player. If anyone wants to take me on, my PSN ID is Eraptura. I play ALOT of characters, so I am not sure who I play best with.


Sinatar said:
Goddamn, Gen can cancel from hands to super to ultra.


So rare to see people play Gen who know what they are doing.
Oh nice. I knew about cancelling hands->super, but I didn't know you could super->ultra, I usually just got for the dp kick move. I need to practice consistently pulling off all the hits of the rising kick move though, in the heat of the battle I can only max 3/4 hits.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
jett said:
Just played SF4 for the first time at a friend's house. It looks SO FUCKING GOOD GODDAMN, I played it a 42inch 1080p LCD, sweetness. The game itself, well I was more bummed out than I thought I'd be about not having parries, hate fireballfests, the jumping feels weird and I can't link combos the way I could in SF3. Something feels off. Still pretty fun though.

Oh and the 360 controller is a fucking POS.
Goddamn amigo peruano!
I tought that you had SF IV!! You have to play with El Fuerte!


he's Virgin Tight™
FindMyFarms said:
Here's the situation :

I'm Balrog
He's Sagat

How do I win. Help please.

First... Headbutt is your friend, keep that charged. Try to get inside and ALWAYS use Balrog's tight defense. Don't try to rush the God tier too much please. For fireballs just have an EX Charge ready and throw it at him as quick as you can. Try to predict. Cancel your punches as well. If you jab him twice cancel the third punch into a charge upper or straight for extra damage. Focus Attacks are your friends. As soon as you see Sagat jumping over to you just FA and dash backwards. Or try and uppercut him. W/e works best.
RevenantKioku said:
Really wish there was an easier way to practice the combos over and over again. Just kinda like, pick one out of the list and it keeps repeating the trial mode thing.

Yeah...like C.Viper's last combo...yeah...

And Arstal...you can ultra after her target combo. It's actually one of her trials.


needs to show more effort.
FindMyFarms said:
Here's the situation :

I'm Balrog
He's Sagat

How do I win. Help please.
You lose.
That way, when I make my way to the finals, I don't have to fight a balrog ;)

Isn't it great when things just make sense?

RevenantKioku said:
Really wish there was an easier way to practice the combos over and over again. Just kinda like, pick one out of the list and it keeps repeating the trial mode thing.
memorize the combo, go into training mode, turn on autoblocking? If you hit with everything, then you did it right.


Killa Sasa said:
gutter_trash's Honda is serious business. Had some awesome Guile vs Honda matches, most of which went the full 5. Probably the best round was one where I had him about 40% to his 5%, and he canceled his super (which I blocked, and tried to punish) into his ultra, which obliterated me :D. He burned me sooooooo badly with that :lol Had lots of fun, we'll have to get some more matches in.

PS. Also, thanks for the matches. I immediately fought a 4200 BP Honda twice and took about 200 points from him :lol. Yours was a lot better, this one kept trying to jump in on me, and was a lot more predictable than you. At 3986 BP, 100 hrs, and still going strong :D

haha, I think our Honda vs Guile matches paid off on our respective character match-ups.
Keep on nabbing 200BPs away from them :p

Even if I will be doing OT this week at work, I will try to log in before bed time
Chorazin said:
I know it but I honestly didn't even think of that, I just assumed he was being a bitch and blaming "lag" on getting pwned by that bad ass Gen.
Phil whines alot. He's a good player but is also known for his whining.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Phil whines alot. He's a good player but is also known for his whining.

I do that shit at home, but if I was recording a video I wouldn't be like that. However, I guess I can understand having to explain why you got beasted to millions of potential viewers.

Speaking of YouTube and SFIV, I so hope in the Tournament patch with the recording option the PS3 version gets the Record For YouTube feature that's in Noby Noby Boy and HAWX. It is in the firmware after all.


Please help me with Zangief :( His piledriver always gets me, even when I am just about to hit him just as he gets up his piledriver has insane priority, and what's the use of Fuerte's EX dash? The attacks that come out of it aren't flashing anymore, I take it I just wasted an EX?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Shadow780 said:
There is a Gen beast on PSN, forgot his name though.

i beat a Gen last, but he was tough, dunno if its the same person:lol

them rising kicks are annoying as hell.

and i've met 2 Dhalsims online since launch day, both woop me properly. I have'nt developed the patience yet to deal with Sim(using Abel anyway)

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
i beat a Gen last, but he was tough, dunno if its the same person

I played another Gen last weekend. So it was Gen vs Gen. Probably never gonna see that matchup again :lol

Chorazin said:
And that Gen cancel was hot, but I don't think it did as much damage as the Ultra alone would have.

Naw, it does more damage than the Ultra alone does for sure. His super -> ultra is very sensitive to multiple hits beforehand, though. c.lk -> super -> ultra does more damage than j.mk -> c.lk -> super -> ultra, for example.
so, when are we supposed to get the "saver" pack with all the costumes (I think it was like 3 or 4 bucks cheaper than buying them separate), anyone know?
MNC said:
Please help me with Zangief :( His piledriver always gets me, even when I am just about to hit him just as he gets up his piledriver has insane priority, and what's the use of Fuerte's EX dash? The attacks that come out of it aren't flashing anymore, I take it I just wasted an EX?
EX Dash absorbs attacks.. so if someone is fireball spamming its amazing to break in that way.

As for Gief.. Hit and run is the name of the game for him. Personally I think Vega is one of Giefs worst matchups because he can back flip out of so many things.


MNC said:
Please help me with Zangief :( His piledriver always gets me, even when I am just about to hit him just as he gets up his piledriver has insane priority, and what's the use of Fuerte's EX dash? The attacks that come out of it aren't flashing anymore, I take it I just wasted an EX?

Are you just trying to unlock characters or something.. if you are I would suggest picking whoever you need to beat arcade mode with and then when Zangief beats you just continue and pick Zangief. If you just keep doing his spin move over and over (3xpunch), you can beat the entire arcade mode with just that one move. then after you are past Zangief just die at the boss and continue and switch back to the character you need to beat the game with.

However if you are playing online then don`t do what i just told you because that would be very easy to beat (and would be ridiculously cheap)
hey guys, what's the best tactic against a turtling Blanka? (my main are Chun Li and Dhalsim)

I hate it when they just sit there in the corner and just charge up and wait for me. I still win most of the time, but it's always pretty heated.


jibblypop said:
Are you just trying to unlock characters or something.. if you are I would suggest picking whoever you need to beat arcade mode with and then when Zangief beats you just continue and pick Zangief. If you just keep doing his spin move over and over (3xpunch), you can beat the entire arcade mode with just that one move. then after you are past Zangief just die at the boss and continue and switch back to the character you need to beat the game with.

However if you are playing online then don`t do what i just told you because that would be very easy to beat (and would be ridiculously cheap)
Unlocking characters, yes, and I dunno if I were to unlock anybody by using El Fuerte (I felt like jumping into Arcade with him) But I am seriously pissed how cheap the AI can be sometimes... If I get beaten by a human, it never feels so cheap if the AI does the same, mainly because I just KNOW they are programmed to be dickwads.... ADLPLDPALFPGAWLG ARGH ARHG


BotoxAgent said:
hey guys, what's the best tactic against a turtling Blanka? (my main are Chun Li and Dhalsim)

I hate it when they just sit there in the corner and just charge up and wait for me. I still win most of the time, but it's always pretty heated.
I find that annoying too. I always forget about the EX roll going through EX fireballs too, I always think I can match it with one.

I say with Chun-Li keep the pressure on them by staying close, LK or MK them out of electricity and mix up different things up, like lots of crouching light kicks/punches, the back flip kick, the fcb+K so they basically won't know which you are going to do and don't know whether to block high or low. Also jumping off the wall can psyche them out as they might roll expecting to hit you on your way down, but the extra air time gives you opportunity to do something else or at least get them closer.

With Dhalsim, the drill (with Kick) should sort out any stray rolls, different teleports to pysche them out, fireballs and teleports, and my favorite is Ultra -> teleport behind them so they can't block and hit them with something else (Super if you have it?!) :lol


arstal said:
Can you do Chun's chain combo into ultra, or just super?

Getting it to go into Super is easy, though it doesn't get all the hits.

I have a hard time doing Chun's juggle ultra as well, I just keep doing it too early.

Yeah there's a couple of ways to set it up:
-double fierce in the air
-ex legs
-ex bird

The trick is to do the ultra when they're just about head height. It's the sort of combo you need to go into training mode and practice a bit.
BitchTits said:
I find that annoying too. I always forget about the EX roll going through EX fireballs too, I always think I can match it with one.

I say with Chun-Li keep the pressure on them by staying close, LK or MK them out of electricity and mix up different things up, like lots of crouching light kicks/punches, the back flip kick, the fcb+K so they basically won't know which you are going to do and don't know whether to block high or low. Also jumping off the wall can psyche them out as they might roll expecting to hit you on your way down, but the extra air time gives you opportunity to do something else or at least get them closer.

With Dhalsim, the drill (with Kick) should sort out any stray rolls, different teleports to pysche them out, fireballs and teleports, and my favorite is Ultra -> teleport behind them so they can't block and hit them with something else (Super if you have it?!) :lol

thanks man! I always forget about Chun's wall jump, I need to use that more. I try my best to stay close and put the pressure on him with mix of pokes and the fcb+k...but one of blank's rolls have that crossup that always fucks me up and that electricity is so annoying.

and i didn't even know the drill (kick) can stand up against his rolls, good to know. And I do love doing the Ultra + teleport to the back :D


I am Korean.
BitchTits said:
With Dhalsim, the drill (with Kick) should sort out any stray rolls, different teleports to pysche them out, fireballs and teleports, and my favorite is Ultra -> teleport behind them so they can't block and hit them with something else (Super if you have it?!) :lol
Standing hp will punish blocked rolls too.
FindMyFarms said:
Bump for 1st page longetivity
Thats a quick way of getting banned. Wouldn't recommend doing that.

I need to mix some of El Fuerte's mixups in a bit more.. like back dashing wall jumps and some more fakes in.. Also need to work on wall jumping with Fierce punch.. I tend to rely on wall jumping and then Tostada Presses and ocassional Fajita Busters off the wall instead of standard FP.

Oh and I want to incorporate his Quesadilla bomb into my game as well.. I NEVER use it.

Man.. So many moves I want to use.. but my muscle memory won't let me.. Though I have been using a lot of slides lately.


Need help El Fuerte's 4th hard trial.
HK Super

LK only seems to connect sometimes, I can't get consistently. Any tips?
Also, how should I buffer the qcfx2 motion within the LK and c.MK combo?
I'm using the 360 controller btw. :/
Phatcorns said:
Can a person with a Japanese copy of the game play against someone with a US copy of the game online on the PS3?
Yea.. Its region free..

I do it on my 360.

Stantron said:
Need help El Fuerte's 4th hard trial.
HK Super

LK only seems to connect sometimes, I can't get consistently. Any tips?
Also, how should I buffer the qcfx2 motion within the LK and c.MK combo?
I'm using the 360 controller btw. :/

Wish I could help but man.. I'm decent in this game and haven't even gotten past any of the hard trials.. and some of the normal ones..

I don't even have a character icon yet. Its sad :(

Its just so frustrating how some of these combos are.. And people tell me "Count frames" like wtf does that even me to me..



completely random and probably mentioned before but:

if you are having a hard time connecting to people online in ranked match... go into arcade mode with ranked matches set for new challengers... and you will be thrown into matches fast... not only that but it will actually show you their connection speed, and when you're done you can go back to the arcade mode where you can keep playing until someone esle challenges you... i've never gotten past the first round.
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