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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


:lol Has the new SF pearl lost its luster already?? or: "My kingdom for a reliable meaty attack!"

Ah, but we'll keep on playing it to death. Such is our curse. Well, until that new KOF maybe. ;-)


Oichi said:
Jump up or guard. The wakeup game against Zangief is really a 50/50 guessing game. Either he's going to jump over you and then do SPD if you guard or do any kind of wakeup move, or he's going to do lariat/banishing fist if you try to jump.

DO NOT JUMP AWAY, Japan-based SRKers (including myself) found out very quickly that if you try to jump diagonally in this situation, the SPD will still hit you, but if you jump vertically, the throw attempt will whiff.

Good to know.
Oichi said:
Jump up or guard. The wakeup game against Zangief is really a 50/50 guessing game. Either he's going to jump over you and then do SPD if you guard or do any kind of wakeup move, or he's going to do lariat/banishing fist if you try to jump.

DO NOT JUMP AWAY, Japan-based SRKers (including myself) found out very quickly that if you try to jump diagonally in this situation, the SPD will still hit you, but if you jump vertically, the throw attempt will whiff.

Thanks for the tip. I was playing through arcade mode and met the brick wall that was Zangief, good god, if it wasn't a SPD, it was a banishing fist, forget jump ins, that's lariat time!!


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Thanks for the tip. I was playing through arcade mode and met the brick wall that was Zangief, good god, if it wasn't a SPD, it was a banishing fist, forget jump ins, that's lariat time!!
Who do you use? Some characters have very good options against the lariats and Gief's jump ins.


Oichi said:
Jump up or guard. The wakeup game against Zangief is really a 50/50 guessing game. Either he's going to jump over you and then do SPD if you guard or do any kind of wakeup move, or he's going to do lariat/banishing fist if you try to jump.

DO NOT JUMP AWAY, Japan-based SRKers (including myself) found out very quickly that if you try to jump diagonally in this situation, the SPD will still hit you, but if you jump vertically, the throw attempt will whiff.

Is there a known reason for this? are the jump back startup frames more vulnerable or something?


HomerSimpson-Man said:
I've been trying to play as Chun-Li and Guile lately.
Chun's standing roundhouse, jumping neutral roundhouse, and crouching roundhouse beats lariat clean if I'm not wrong.

Any Chun mainers can confirm if this is correct?

Not sure about Guile's options - seems to be a tough match up for him.


good credit (by proxy)

Anyone else care to join my "fuck it, SAGAT" crew? Play to win, right?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
MoxManiac said:
Is there a known reason for this? are the jump back startup frames more vulnerable or something?

IIRC, jumping vertically is instant, but jumping diagonally takes 1 or 2 frames. SPD is active on the very first frame, but since jumping vertically puts you airborne from the first frame, it whiffs, and hits diagonal jumpers because of the 1-2 frames that you're on the ground.

Timedog said:
screw you, Capgod. Fuck it, i'm just going to start picking Sagat. Anyone who is "playing to win" would just pick sagat too since he's obviously the best in the game. fuck this shit.

Dude you need to chill. Final Round tourney top 5 results were Chun, Balrog, Sagat, Rufus and Honda.

HONDA. The character everyone says fucking sucks. Sagat may be powerful in this game, but he is NOT unbeatable, and anyone who picks him thinking they'll get easy wins is going to get owned for giving up on their own character.


Bacon of Hope
bob_arctor said:
:lol Has the new SF pearl lost its luster already?? or: "My kingdom for a reliable meaty attack!"

Ah, but we'll keep on playing it to death. Such is our curse. Well, until that new KOF maybe. ;-)

everyone just waiting for the new daigo video
Final Round SFIV results:

1) Justin Wong (Rufus)
2) Gootecks (Boxer)
3) I<3UJoe (Sagat)
4) Marn (Boxer, Rufus)
5) Mike Ross (Honda)
5) Eric V. (Rufus, Honda)
7) citiofbrass (Honda)
7) Kensou (Viper)

No flowchart Ken...not a single Ryu...Gouki....one Sagat...

Ploid 3.0


:( Japanese icons that all look just about the same? Why! Not much of a reward. Stinking defense up, and low clock+ points.
haunts said:
everyone just waiting for the new daigo video

Only hardcore players will reapply...

The next upgrade...will cut the fanbase in half...only the true SF fan...will apply...

There's a thread about shortcuts...and having an option to turn them off.

I've been having issues with them in the trial mode...so I can see the argument. The biggest complaint is Dhalsim or Dictator players who get teleport instead of ultra.


Spiderjericho said:
Final Round SFIV results:

1) Justin Wong (Rufus)
2) Gootecks (Boxer)
3) I<3UJoe (Sagat)
4) Marn (Boxer, Rufus)
5) Mike Ross (Honda)
5) Eric V. (Rufus, Honda)
7) citiofbrass (Honda)
7) Kensou (Viper)

No flowchart Ken...not a single Ryu...Gouki....one Sagat...

Mike Ross still uses Honda? I thought he swiched to Boxer.

Damn, Gootecks is definitely the best boxer player in SF4.
Stupid J.Wong - always dominating in any game he plays. :lol


Thanks for the games MicVlad. Sorry I had to quit early; the gf was making me come to dinner. My GT was SALTYWET

It was my first time playing another Dhalsim. Makes my Dhalsim seem like rubbish. I learned a lot, thanks


Arde5643 said:
Chun's standing roundhouse, jumping neutral roundhouse, and crouching roundhouse beats lariat clean if I'm not wrong.

Any Chun mainers can confirm if this is correct?

Not sure about Guile's options - seems to be a tough match up for him.
I'm not 100% sure but I think Chun's js.HK will lose to the lariat. I haven't played against a geif online in so long, the scrubs must have all moved to ken/akuma.


good credit (by proxy)
Oichi said:
Dude you need to chill. Final Round tourney top 5 results were Chun, Balrog, Sagat, Rufus and Honda.

HONDA. The character everyone says fucking sucks. Sagat may be powerful in this game, but he is NOT unbeatable, and anyone who picks him thinking they'll get easy wins is going to get owned for giving up on their own character.
dude, i'm kidding. i'll never not play ryu in a street fighter game. some of the game mechanics are really pissing me off though.

rise888 said:
Thanks for the games MicVlad. Sorry I had to quit early; the gf was making me come to dinner. My GT was SALTYWET

It was my first time playing another Dhalsim. Makes my Dhalsim seem like rubbish. I learned a lot, thanks
sorry i didn't accept your invite, i was playing jirotrom for the GAF tourney.


Arde5643 said:
Chun's standing roundhouse, jumping neutral roundhouse, and crouching roundhouse beats lariat clean if I'm not wrong.

Any Chun mainers can confirm if this is correct?

Not sure about Guile's options - seems to be a tough match up for him.

cr.HK is not a good option unless it's really late, cr.MK or cr.MP is better. But yeah any j.HK beats lariat, unless he sparks it up really really late, and st.HK generally beats or trades with lariat. Gief has to guess green hand against Chun, and that move isn't so great in this game.


Timedog said:
dude, i'm kidding. i'll never not play ryu in a street fighter game. some of the game mechanics are really pissing me off though.

sorry i didn't accept your invite, i was playing jirotrom for the GAF tourney.
good games man... ill get back on in a bit.. need to chill with my moms.


Got out of work early due to graduation. Woo! Anyone wanna throw down? koji-chan on psn


good credit (by proxy)
Jirotrom said:
good games man... ill get back on in a bit.. need to chill with my moms.
yeah really good games, you were kicking my ass after we finished the games for the tourney. It's cool to find someone who actually uses the mic.
Arde5643 said:
Chun's standing roundhouse, jumping neutral roundhouse, and crouching roundhouse beats lariat clean if I'm not wrong.

Any Chun mainers can confirm if this is correct?

Not sure about Guile's options - seems to be a tough match up for him.

Oh boy, Zangief was man-handling me with Guile today. I'm screwed!!


makes good threads.
Wow MicVlad, you totally destroyed me with your Dhalsim. I was having some serious issues trying to get out of your slide throws. I tried timing my throws at the same time as yours but I could never get out of them. My only hope was to keep away and off the ground. Also that last match with Chun-li where I had you down to a slither of health and then you got me in a corner and unleashed a super and ultra combo... evil.


Oh lord, two invites! Slayn777, I'mma gonna play this duder for a bit but if you're still on in a while I'l play ya.
Spiderjericho said:
Final Round SFIV results:

1) Justin Wong (Rufus)
2) Gootecks (Boxer)
3) I<3UJoe (Sagat)
4) Marn (Boxer, Rufus)
5) Mike Ross (Honda)
5) Eric V. (Rufus, Honda)
7) citiofbrass (Honda)
7) Kensou (Viper)

No flowchart Ken...not a single Ryu...Gouki....one Sagat...

So Justin Wong and Mike Ross are in the GS finals with those characters... and Gootecks won the Launch Night finals in LA at GameStop.. :lol
TurtleSnatcher said:
So Justin Wong and Mike Ross are in the GS finals with those characters... and Gootecks won the Launch Night finals in LA at GameStop.. :lol

Guess they won't need to qualify for Evo then...

FYI...for the players who really want to test themselves...Evo is this summer. The front page of Shoryuken.com has the details.

Since I'm in the military, not sure if I'll be able to make it. But it's in Sin City...and there's SF.

I was just updating HD Remix on 360...and decided to play with my Fightpad. Not the same level of control as a Saturn pad...which doesn't have the same control of an arcade stick...

HAPP360 (depending on preference)=Sanwa (TE Fightstick or HRAP3/EX)>EX2/Fightstick>Saturn pad>Fightpad>DS3>360 blister


RevenantKioku said:
Oh lord, two invites! Slayn777, I'mma gonna play this duder for a bit but if you're still on in a while I'l play ya.

Get ready for a pounding from Slayn. Geez :)

But it was fun playing you. As I said, you can handle Sakura pretty well and I wasn't always too sure was was coming in the first few rounds. The lag's freaky from Japan too, introduces a LOT of latency to the east coast but it was relatively smooth. Some of the stuff I usually do would get stuffed by your normals. :)

All in all, good games. We gotta do this again!


Thanks Timekllr for the advices... I'll do my best changing it up a bit next time. I am still adjusting to Sixaxis/DS3s dpad, which sucks in my opinion as I am more used to using the keyboard for SF series for a long time aka , SF, SF2, Super Turbo, SFA, SFA2, and SF 3 DI and SF 3 TS....

So my timing gets off and I end up doing the shurken instead of a EX fireball with ryu... Yeah I need to definitely change my patterns or mix it up a bit with my mk, mk, hk combos though.

Are there any videos for Gamestop Finals???


Ugh. Decided to play some Street Fighter after finishing Resident Evil 5, and now I have a huge ass blister on the side of my thumb. Damn you fight pad, DAMN YOU!
Zapages said:
Thanks Timekllr for the advices... I'll do my best changing it up a bit next time. I am still adjusting to Sixaxis/DS3s dpad, which sucks in my opinion as I am more used to using the keyboard for SF series for a long time aka , SF, SF2, Super Turbo, SFA, SFA2, and SF 3 DI and SF 3 TS....

So my timing gets off and I end up doing the shurken instead of a EX fireball with ryu... Yeah I need to definitely change my patterns or mix it up a bit with my mk, mk, hk combos though.

Are there any videos for Gamestop Finals???
GameStop Finals are in April.

The Regional Finals in 16 stores happened this past weekend.

Winners from those stores are below

Glendale, Arizona - Juicebox Abel - Abel
San Jose, California - Chris "CSB" - Balrog (Boxer)
Orlando, Florida - Trent "GimmeThemShoes" Vandeven - ???
Chamblee, Georgia - Mike Ross - E.Honda
Chicago, Illinois - Ari "Floe" Weintraub - Sagat
Louisville, Kentucky - Jason "DreamTR" Wilson - M. Bison (Dic)
La Place, Louisiana - Jacob - M. Bison (Dic)
Halethorpe, Maryland - Eric "Ramza" Kim - Sagat
Bloomington, Minnesota - Joeresio "The Big Rex" - Bison (Dic)
Winston Salem, NC - Peter "L Cancel" - M. Bison (Dic)
Wayne, New Jersey - Christian "CapMaster" O'Hanlon - Sagat
New York, New York - Justin Wong - Rufus
Irondequoit, New York - Rahsaan "EvilRahsaan" - Dhalsim
Maumee, Ohio - Antawn Ortiz - Balrog (Boxer)
Plano, Texas - David "AznHitler" Hem - C.Viper
Tukwila, WA - Jason "A-Dhalsim" Cole - Balrog (Boxer)

Gootecks was at the LA Universal City store during launch night and won that tournament there and then played Seth Killian and beat him (dur).


Jirotrom said:
mimic you want to play?

My 360 has been going in and out of the RROD so I won't be online much (if I don't feel like doin the towel thing). Plus I'm at home for my spring break so I won't be playing much anyway. The online connections are weird here...I'd have to move too much stuff around.

ETA: might be on really late


Good games with MicVlad. I envy that Dhalsim, and your Dan is crazy :lol. I'm happy my Gouken could actually do some damage, I was eventually reading some of your teleports and slide -> throws, but you still kicked my ass many times. I especially enjoyed our games of "just try to get close to me" games with my Zangief.

I really need to get how to block something coming one way when you're teleported the other way. I can't help but block in the direction of the fireball (like I would an Aegis Reflector). Oh well, great games anyways!


Trucker Sexologist
Arde5643 said:
Chun's standing roundhouse, jumping neutral roundhouse, and crouching roundhouse beats lariat clean if I'm not wrong.

Any Chun mainers can confirm if this is correct?

Not sure about Guile's options - seems to be a tough match up for him.
Guile's cr.RH beats the lariat, which, when combined with sonic boom zoning, makes for all kinds of hilarity.


davidpdong said:
gg Koji! some truly harrowing rounds
And good games, Slayn. Goddamn that Blanka of yours. Any tips if you noticed anything in my play-style are appreciated. :D Don't worry, I can take the heat.
Anyone else? I've got a few hours, actually...


needs to show more effort.
RevenantKioku said:
And good games, Slayn. Goddamn that Blanka of yours. Any tips if you noticed anything in my play-style are appreciated. :D Don't worry, I can take the heat.
Anyone else? I've got a few hours, actually...
good games. That was the first time I've seen sakura's alternate and at first I was like, "who the hell is that?" haha.

As for advice, You jump waaaay too much. It works ok if someone is new to your style, but as someone adapts and gets better they will start looking for the jump ins and punish them accordingly.

I don't know sakura well enough to give specific advice, but my brief experience with her makes me think she has one of the best focus attacks and my gut feeling is that you should work a lot more focus attacks into your game.


Haha, yeah that's her Alt Alt, really.
Again with the jumping comments. Hm. Really trying to jump less but I'm not sure how else to advance into someone. Or maybe the keep away is a game to play?
Still working on it, but thanks for the games!
GGs, dfyb. As much as I want to say El Fuerte needs more damage or more health, once he gets that knockdown it's fucking brutal as is. He probably does need it, though.


Blanka is my most dreaded match-up lately. I can usually make a killing with Guile, but with Gen oh my, I usually win a round, but it's really hard fought for. Any tips on Gen vs Blanka?

And also with Gen, what to do against turtling or jump back and air fireball Akumas? I can't seem to get in through their fireballs (I know EX roll goes through them, but I want to save the Super bar for Super combos).


Teknopathetic said:
GGs, dfyb. As much as I want to say El Fuerte needs more damage or more health, once he gets that knockdown it's fucking brutal as is. He probably does need it, though.
once i master RSF i'll have a chance to punish with decent chunks of damage. as it is now, i can only widdle sagat down by guessing the mixup game correctly... nearly every time. every small mistake cost me a significant percent of my life (sagat's normals > fuerte's specials).

we played so many rounds sometimes i'd just sorta lose focus and go on auto-pilot haha -- i bet i was very predictable at times. GGs though. gave me practice for when i inevitably face countless sagat players in the higher BP brackets.
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