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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

ChrisGoldstein said:
One of my buds got me the official prima game guide. Man it's pretty sweet, has a lot of nice artwork too. what's interesting is that it lists tiers for the characters...blanka and ryu are A tier....Sagat is the only S =/

Sagat is god tier, but the rest of that list is pretty much wrong. Dan isn't F tier, hes mid tier, and definitely not the worst character in the game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Timedog said:

aka a ragequitter

Thanks for the info, i never played with a ragequitter, i only play with andronicus i think :lol


Bacon of Hope
MIMIC said:
Fortunately, I don't get a lot of quitters in ranked. Probably because my wins are close and my opponent thinks that he has a shot :lol

My last DCer was a guy I perfect'd in the first round (non ranked). Him: NO MAS

Its always funny when they leave first round after getting scraped. LOL


Gold Member
ChrisGoldstein said:
One of my buds got me the official prima game guide. Man it's pretty sweet, has a lot of nice artwork too. what's interesting is that it lists tiers for the characters...blanka and ryu are A tier....Sagat is the only S =/

The guide looks good and is better than most US fighting game guides but its not really any good. I spotted a typo literally the first time I opened it up, within minutes of using it. The one good thing is frame data, but even then, its only for the arcade characters.
haunts said:
Sorry for the late response...but..

Kara Knee is more about positioning...other tricky stuff rather than actually trying to land the knee itself for me. Ive found some pretty ridiculous cross up set ups using both versions of the Kara Knee.. O_O

Ive found if you are trying to hit with the Kara Knee, the start up is kind of slow on the f+LK so you can get his with random shit if you're not careful.

Are you talking about just general zoning? Also (regarding the highlighted) care to share? :D

qcf x2

Archie said:
There are some very sore losers out there. I was playing 3S on GGPO last night and kept on getting called a "running pussy" by some idiot who was losing to my uber scrub Ken. The night before I played ST and lost over 20 times in a row to this guy and we were both cordial after we got done playing.

For 3s, join 2df. There are some losers, but they're easily avoidable. =)

IDK if this has been posted yet, but (at least for the xbox 360)there's a verifiable AI glitch where the CPU does KoF God Rugal type cheese from the very first character on the easiest setting. At first I thought it was me, then I figured it was lazy and sloppy programming. But it's actually a glitch, and it comes from Installing the game to the HDD and downloading the patch. I uninstalled both and played from the disc and the AI is now as it should be in a videogame. Instead of taking 3 hours to beat Seth, it takes one minute.


I smashed on a vega player with my god tier rufus. Second round he was just standing there. I figured his controller got unplugged so I waited. Then I saw the disconnect message. I sent him this. “ you mad“ he replied rufus is the cheapest player in the game you dips hit. I replied...lol. I love xbl. So many good times.

Mr Jared

Hey it's Thursday, and that means Keystone Light stream is happening tonight. If you haven't checked it out in a while, tonight would be good time to come back. I've got most of the technical kinks worked out, we've got multiple camera angles, real commentary (with a ghetto announcers table!) and more.

So tonight, 10PM PST, I'll give a reminder. Next week, we're looking to start earlier, so this may be the last time we do this so late. Hooray, east coast folks!


I got a few ragequits but no nasty messages yet. I feel good because I beat a 6000bp ryu with my blanka and I am in mid 2000s.


Gold Member
qcf x2 said:
For 3s, join 2df. There are some losers, but they're easily avoidable. =)

IDK if this has been posted yet, but (at least for the xbox 360)there's a verifiable AI glitch where the CPU does KoF God Rugal type cheese from the very first character on the easiest setting. At first I thought it was me, then I figured it was lazy and sloppy programming. But it's actually a glitch, and it comes from Installing the game to the HDD and downloading the patch. I uninstalled both and played from the disc and the AI is now as it should be in a videogame. Instead of taking 3 hours to beat Seth, it takes one minute.

This happens on PS3 too I am sure. I tried beating Seth with El Fuerte last night and he was destroying me no matter what I did. Now, I have no idea how to play EF, but thats what Easiest is for. Every special move I got off was countered, every jump was punished, every block was punished, he was reading inputs. I think it was medium difficulty at least.
Mr Jared said:
Hey it's Thursday, and that means Keystone Light stream is happening tonight. If you haven't checked it out in a while, tonight would be good time to come back. I've got most of the technical kinks worked out, we've got multiple camera angles, real commentary (with a ghetto announcers table!) and more.

So tonight, 10PM PST, I'll give a reminder. Next week, we're looking to start earlier, so this may be the last time we do this so late. Hooray, east coast folks!

I just subscribed to your youtube channel to watch whenever you get it uploaded. Thanks for doing this.

East Coaster, otherwise I'd probably watch live.


I seriously can't believe I haven't hit a rage quitter or message yet, though I've only played around ~100 matches. I'm eagerly awaiting a message :lol


good credit (by proxy)
Mr Jared said:
Hey it's Thursday, and that means Keystone Light stream is happening tonight. If you haven't checked it out in a while, tonight would be good time to come back. I've got most of the technical kinks worked out, we've got multiple camera angles, real commentary (with a ghetto announcers table!) and more.

So tonight, 10PM PST, I'll give a reminder. Next week, we're looking to start earlier, so this may be the last time we do this so late. Hooray, east coast folks!

I watch it every thursday but the chat never works for me :(


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Spy said:
Apparently one GameFAQs user got too mad when playing against spammers and people who D/C.


:lol :lol :lol :lol
I like the other pictures in her photobucket.

jdub03 said:
I smashed on a vega player with my god tier rufus. Second round he was just standing there. I figured his controller got unplugged so I waited. Then I saw the disconnect message. I sent him this. “ you mad“ he replied rufus is the cheapest player in the game you dips hit. I replied...lol. I love xbla. So many good times.

had some player matches (same guy) with mixed characters on both sides. we were going pretty even the whole time, but later the same guy sent me a msg with a single word, calling me dipshit :lol

i dont know whats wrong with some people....

qcf x2

jdub03 said:
I smashed on a vega player with my god tier rufus. Second round he was just standing there. I figured his controller got unplugged so I waited. Then I saw the disconnect message. I sent him this. “ you mad“ he replied rufus is the cheapest player in the game you dips hit. I replied...lol. I love xbla. So many good times.

Disconnecting and being bitter are lame, but when I choose Viper and my opponent chooses Rufus, my body instinctively starts the physical process of shitting myself.

qcf x2

Spy said:
Apparently one GameFAQs user got too mad when playing against spammers and people who D/C.


:lol :lol :lol :lol

You know...this morning I almost did this to my 1080p DLP TV. Random Ken vs my Rose. Laggy conditions. I couldn't connect shit and instead of ultras I managed EX soul throws which are...ummm...not a suitable alternative, and usually result in me losing massive damage. At the end he does like 3 SRKs in a row and I go for the Ultra (executed nice and slow just in case)only to have that final glorious soul throw launch me into the air for the last SRK to kill me. I punched the floor, got up and prepped the sweet chin music for my TV. At the last split second I turned and kicked the air. Even after losing to so many crappy players, it hurts every time. I would rather lose a double perfect to an intermediate player than lose a single round to a scrub, it just should not happen in fighting games.

Mr Jared

prodystopian said:
I just subscribed to your youtube channel to watch whenever you get it uploaded. Thanks for doing this.

East Coaster, otherwise I'd probably watch live.

Aieee.. I didn't get videos up from last weeks tourney due to being way too busy ... I'm heading out to buy some extra DV tapes for tonight, so that hopefully, I'll find to encode everything this week.

Last week was great, too. YoungLegend was going absolutely nuts with the combos, so I want to get it up ASAP.

Timedog said:
I watch it every thursday but the chat never works for me :(

Oooh, that sucks. I turned off the need to register, so that shouldn't be a problem :( Try reinstalling Flash?


prodystopian said:
I just subscribed to your youtube channel to watch whenever you get it uploaded. Thanks for doing this.

East Coaster, otherwise I'd probably watch live.
could you link me to the youtube channel?

qcf x2

I think you can interrupt the sweep after the first kick, but only with certain characters. It didn't work with Viper but I'm pretty sure I've done it with other characters. Or maybe anyone can do it with a quick, low attack, depending on the distance.


qcf x2 said:
I think you can interrupt the sweep after the first kick, but only with certain characters. It didn't work with Viper but I'm pretty sure I've done it with other characters. Or maybe anyone can do it with a quick, low attack, depending on the distance.
you can. not sure how to do it with fuerte. but his c.MK is also good -- both cover such large ranges.
Balrog can ex-overhead for the ultra on Guile's sweep.
Anything like that Balrog kara is pretty much tourney legal. Like RCs in CvS2, you just have to adapt. When stuff like that gets discovered, it just changes the game.


FindMyFarms said:
So how do they determine if stuff like this is going to be tournament legal? I main Balrog, but I imagine the dev's never wanted players to be able to absorb 2 hits instead of one, and if weren't lazy enough would probably patch it.
doubt serious tournaments would ban that.
dfyb said:
doubt serious tournaments would ban that.

Why is that? It goes against both the game mechanics and the dev's intentions. It's not playing the game the way it's meant to be played.

If you look at other games with glitches, those are quickly taken care of. For example, when Counter Strike had bunny hopping (similar to snaking, glitch in the physics engine that would let you move real fast) everyone learned how to do it, but it got taken out of the game within the next few patches.

Are glitches accepted in the fighting game community due to the fact that in previous software generations, developer's didn't really have a way to fix them and standardize the gameplay on all fronts like their pc counterparts? Or is there some Sirlin esque win at all costs mentality behind this that I'm missing.
FindMyFarms said:
Why is that? It goes against both the game mechanics and the dev's intentions.
Because it's a part of the game. See what Roll canceling did to CvS2. The devs never intended for that either. This balrog thing isn't game breaking.


FindMyFarms said:
Why is that? It goes against both the game mechanics and the dev's intentions.
because it's logistically very hard for a tournament to control. what if someone does it on 'accident'? and like others have said, it isn't gamebreaking. glitches often find themselves as established techniques in high level play.

FindMyFarms said:
If you look at other games with glitches, those are quickly taken care of. For example, when Counter Strike had bunny hopping (similar to snaking, glitch in the physics engine that would let you move real fast) everyone learned how to do it, but it got taken out of the game within the next few patches.

Are glitches accepted in the fighting game community due to the fact that in previous software generations, developer's didn't really have a way to fix them and standardize the gameplay on all fronts like their pc counterparts? Or is there some Sirlin esque win at all costs mentality behind this that I'm missing.
if it's patched, that's another story (but then the tourny would have to decide to either use the arcade version or the updated home version). also, it took quite a while to really stop bunny hopping in CS.


More broken shit to make great characters even better. Awesome!
Considering that his dashes already have armor to them, you should already know not to throw anything at Balrog when he has something charged.
Not really. EX balls beat EX rushes. This null and voids even them and changes things. But I guess as long as armor breaking specials still work it's not all bad.

Mr Jared

GalacticAE said:
Because it's a part of the game. See what Roll canceling did to CvS2. The devs never intended for that either. This balrog thing isn't game breaking.

This is much better than my response which was going to be, "Deal with it."

Considering that his dashes already have armor to them, you should already know not to throw anything at Balrog when he has something charged. I'd be more concerned with what this means when playing footsies, but Balrog sans glitch already has more than enough ways to screw you up close.

Now let's see if the media FREAKS THE FUCK OUT over this like they did every other non-issue in SF4.
GalacticAE said:
Because it's a part of the game. See what Roll canceling did to CvS2. The devs never intended for that either. This balrog thing isn't game breaking.

Can't say I know too much about CvS2. I just never understood why fighting games seem to be the only genre to embrace glitches and hiccups as opposed to just fixing them via patch.

Most recent game to come to mind is Team Fortress 2. So many game changing glitches in the first few versions. Some of them gave classes better advantages, though not game breaking. For example, you could glitch a Big into maintaining his normal walk speed while firing shots. It didn't break the game, but it made the class a LOT better. Where in fighting games players would say, well you gotta adapt to that nothing you can do, in a pc FPS, that gets taken out in the next patch because you're not supposed to be able fire and move at your normal walking speed.


you're comparing fighting games, traditionally found on arcade cabinets played offline, to PC games that are traditionally played online. obviously, it's harder to keep everyone updated with fighting games. with next gen consoles that have hard drives, it's now possible -- we'll see whether or not they do it though.


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
So how do they determine if stuff like this is going to be tournament legal? I main Balrog, but I imagine the dev's never wanted players to be able to absorb 2 hits instead of one, and if weren't lazy enough would probably patch it.

I guess it would have to prove to be game breaking first.. I mean Urien's mirrors are a total glitch but it's what makes him solid. Players opted to leave it in the game even when the developers tried to fix it.


Gold Member
FindMyFarms said:
Can't say I know too much about CvS2. I just never understood why fighting games seem to be the only genre to embrace glitches and hiccups as opposed to just fixing them via patch.

Probably because fighting games evolved before the concept of patches, really. I mean, with SF2, it was like, deal with it, wait for Turbo, or whatever. In the meantime just play the game and deal.
Mr Jared said:
This is much better than my response which was going to be, "Deal with it."

Considering that his dashes already have armor to them, you should already know not to throw anything at Balrog when he has something charged. I'd be more concerned with what this means when playing footsies, but Balrog sans glitch already has more than enough ways to screw you up close.

Now let's see if the media FREAKS THE FUCK OUT over this like they did every other non-issue in SF4.

Of course if it doesn't get patched I'll learn how to deal with it.

You guys got to understand that I'm not asking about balancing, or complaining or anything like that. I'm just pointing out that back in the day, developer's couldn't fix glitches on non pc games. Fighting games were under that umbrella, so naturally, you had to cope with the game changing glitches. On the pc front though, where everything was online and developers could constantly fix/patch their game, every time an unintended glitch would arise, it would eventually get fixed by the dev (at least if they were a good company, ex blizzard or valve.)

Console games, and as an extension, fighting games can now be patched by developers if they chose to show that kind of support. This isn't like CvS where only the xbox version would be patched, because now all versions could be patched and you'd still have a definitive game that all people can play.

With all that being said, I don't see why they wouldn't patch it outside of laziness. I think Capcom and other fighting game companies can really set a precedent this generation in terms of continuing support for a game after release.


Bacon of Hope
If you could do this with EX Upper then I could see it maybe being game breaking but w/o meter to do a super or extend a combo then its like well how bad can it be? I just think its cool right now.
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