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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Anyone got tips on how to get used to doing combos in this game? I can do combos in 3S and Super Turbo, but not in this game. Anyone else having this issue?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Just played a dropper using Sagat. He was a terrible player and did almost nothing but Tiger Knees the whole match, which I simply blocked and then threw him again and again. He quit right before the match was over. I sent him the typical "LOL, quitter. Go play COD4 or something, scrub" message and blocked him, then got this back:


Hilarity. If you meet "Tehsu" online, avoid him.

Before this I played a guy who I think was e-stalking me or something; I beat his (very good!) Viper with Chun, and I guess this pissed him off since he came after me again twice in the following ranked matches and got me in both of them. It sounded like he was breathing hard through his mic when it was on. :lol He was a good player, I just found that funny. People need to relax.
I've started playing Cammy but I'm having some trouble with pulling the j.hk to ultra.

Seems every time I do the ultra she first goes into a cannon spike that cancels into ultra which makes her miss the opponent. It's really annoying.


Lyte Edge said:
Just played a dropper using Sagat. He was a terrible player and did almost nothing but Tiger Knees the whole match, which I simply blocked and then threw him again and again. He quit right before the match was over. I sent him the typical "LOL, quitter. Go play COD4 or something, scrub" message and blocked him, then got this back:


Hilarity. If you meet "Tehsu" online, avoid him.

Holy shit I got that guy to quit on me too :lol
I think it was yesterday or the day before but he quit after Buffalo Headbutt -> Ultra
First time I land it in a real match and the guy quits


hyperbolically metafictive
i forget who suggested it here, but just sitting in crouch block does make it much easier to fight blanka. it's pretty funny

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I will have to try this, drohne! :D

Jeo said:
Holy shit I got that guy to quit on me too :lol
I think it was yesterday or the day before but he quit after Buffalo Headbutt -> Ultra
First time I land it in a real match and the guy quits

It would be so awesome if you messaged him and said something like "I saw that you quit on Lyte Edge, SCRUB. Everyone knows you're a quitter now, SCRUB."


FindMyFarms said:
I'm posting this here because I couldn't find a psn thread and can't make my own topics. If I missed the thread feel free to delete this post and show me the link.

If I want to transfer my profile from one ps3 to another how do I do that? I know on the 360 you just download it but I didn't see that option on the ps3.

Can't you just put it on a flashdrive or something?
I wouldn't really know I only have a 360


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
drohne said:
i forget who suggested it here, but just sitting in crouch block does make it much easier to fight blanka. it's pretty funny

Crouch blocking against blanka takes away a lot of his options, but IIRC you recover faster from a blocked ball if you are using a standing block as opposed to crouching block.


Oichi said:
Crouch blocking against blanka takes away a lot of his options, but IIRC you recover faster from a blocked ball if you are using a standing block as opposed to crouching block.
an examples of this: as fuerte, you can only punish a ball (with dash slide) if you block standing.


hyperbolically metafictive
that's interesting -- actually i need to hit up training mode and work out exactly what's guaranteed after a blocked ball


MIMIC said:
Finished Rose's Normal & Hard trials.

Hard trial 1: took me almost 3 hours :lol
Hard trials 2-5: few minutes

Any tips on Hard 1? I've tried plenty of times but the drill never comes out
There has to be something im missing, I don't think it's because im too slow


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
drohne said:
that's interesting -- actually i need to hit up training mode and work out exactly what's guaranteed after a blocked ball

You'd be surprised how much people know about this game. :D I play Honda or Fuerte, so I usually think up of scenarios that made me lose matches when I play my characters, and record them in training mode to see how to counter them.


jordan0386 said:
Sixty five dollars to play Ken all night.

Righteous. A new Ken has entered the fucking ring. SMH.

It brings a smile to my face beating the hell out of Kens that I come across. Given time your going to be a fucking pro fighting kens...just think about it that way!:lol
I got 2nd place at a local tourney last night. I knocked the guy into the losers bracket and he came back to beat me in the grand finals. Both sets. I choked pretty hard. I hate 2nd place.
The guy who got first is a solid player though. He and I have casual matches every now and then.
GalacticAE said:
I got 2nd place at a local tourney last night. I knocked the guy into the losers bracket and he came back to beat me in the grand finals. Both sets. I choked pretty hard. I hate 2nd place.
The guy who got first is a solid player though. He and I have casual matches every now and then.

Sounds like my type of guy :p


Lyte Edge said:
Before this I played a guy who I think was e-stalking me or something; I beat his (very good!) Viper with Chun, and I guess this pissed him off since he came after me again twice in the following ranked matches and got me in both of them. It sounded like he was breathing hard through his mic when it was on. :lol He was a good player, I just found that funny. People need to relax.

QFT on the relaxing. I know the other night I was just so damn tense, and tonight I was close to that state again. But then I took a small break to browse neogaf and etc. I came back into it and was able to flow again. Probably going to start doing that from now on. It was like mass self destruction on my BP earlier.
I think I am going to succumb and just start crouch blocking against Blanka. He's too much of a bastard for me to fight sometimes, I've tried almost everything and he just BEATS Guile.


drohne said:
i forget who suggested it here, but just sitting in crouch block does make it much easier to fight blanka. it's pretty funny

Haunts said it!

I tend to just crouch block and inch forward, but you don't really want to be in that situation without a life lead. Not a whole lot else you can do with some characters though.
Is anyone else getting infuriating Connection lost errors during matches right now on PSN? I know its not rage quitting cos its happening even when I am getting my ass whooped. Gahhh


_dementia said:
I suck massive dick at this game :(

losing left and right with Viper

oh well, gotta practice

anyone want to mentor me?
I've only managed to win 17 games out of 130 or so with Viper.
I'm totally rubbish so let me know when you have a proper strategy down.
I hope my Sega pad turns up soon, hopefully that will improve the reliability of my moves.


Jeo said:
Any tips on Hard 1? I've tried plenty of times but the drill never comes out
There has to be something im missing, I don't think it's because im too slow

For starters, make sure that you hold down/back when doing the 3 x c.lP, that way you can go directly into Soul Drill without having to release the stick/d-pad into neutral position first before doing the qcf movement (this takes too much time in my opinion).

The Drill will only come out if you link (look up the difference between links and chains if you haven't heard about them) the second and third jab. Basically, you have to do a slight pause before inputting the last jab, so that the input comes just as the second one is about to finish. You can link all three if you like, but there's no reason to.

Also check out the challenge-thread on srk in Rose's section, most of it deals with this trial.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
This is from my blog, Versus City, but I figured I would copy/paste it here for those interested. If you want to see my original blog post, check it out here: http://www.versuscity.net/2009/03/27/street-fighter-4-qa/

For everyone else, here's the article in its entirety.

The official Street Fighter IV blog has updated today and this time around, they have answered a bunch of questions that the users have asked over the past couple of weeks. You can find the original blog entry here but since it's all in Japanese, here is a summary of the most important points from the blog. Please note that they often talk about a "title update" in many of the answers, and I can only assume they're talking about the free DLC that will add the championship and replay modes to the game.

※When the game gets updated, there will be changes to the base game and characters. What changes will be made is unknown, but the "obvious points" will be addressed. You know as much as I do on this.

※Neither Dee Jay nor T.Hawk will make an appearance after the title update.

※No decision on new costumes for the home version, but during the summer there will be some sort of special announcement. No hint on what it will be though.

※Cannot comment on whether Shin Akuma or Evil Ryu will make an appearance in future updates. Sticking closer to the source language, they state that they haven't decided on this.

※After the title update, there will be a disconnect rate/ratio shown with every player. However, since there is always the situation that a connection may be very laggy and disconnect by accident, over time the disconnect ratio will decrease. The wording on this is kind of strange, because if you think about it, sure, if you have a high disconnect rate and then don't disconnect for a long period of time, of course the ratio will go down, but perhaps there is some sort of extra penalty associated with disconnecting.

※No plans for a Mac version of SF4.

※Will announce the release date of the PC version very soon. As a bonus for PC gamers who have waited for so long, they'll receive a nice surprise with their version of the game.

※Cannot comment on the arcade version receiving an update to include the console exclusive characters, but they would like to add them if they can.


good credit (by proxy)
Man, I think playing Ryu is just a losing proposition. I think he is the hardest shoto. His air priority sucks except his neutral jump attacks are decent. Not only is the priority bad, but the attacks come out slow as fuck. In fact most of his attacks in general come out pretty slow. Everyone and their mother is a pro at defeating typical shoto now, and I don't have anything like akuma's air fireball to make it interesting.

I was playing with Gouken for the first time a few days ago and actually doing pretty decent, despite not having a fucking clue what I was doing. Too bad I can never NOT play Ryu in a Street Fighter game.


This morning has been terrible. Almost every match I manage to win 1 round,only to fail to seal the deal on the others...
Almost winning from people with 2000 BP makes me happy though, considering I have 0. :lol


Are Capcom really considering putting Dee Jay and T.Hawk in at some point? Two of the most uninteresting characters ever.

What i wouldn't give for someone like Rolento to make an appearance.


Did not ask for this tag
Kinda funny, I've had one guy quit on me, ever. And all the messages I've gotten are like "GG", or "Keep using Balrog, don't see many people using him" and such :lol

I still hate the messages though, especially when I lost and they send me some pity-messages. So demeaning. Winner should just shut up and let the loser be :lol


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Dabanton said:
Are Capcom really considering putting Dee Jay and T.Hawk in at some point? Two of the most uninteresting characters ever.

What i wouldn't give for someone like Rolento to make an appearance.

Karin, Birdy... anybody from 3rd Strike :(


Osaka said:
Kinda funny, I've had one guy quit on me, ever. And all the messages I've gotten are like "GG", or "Keep using Balrog, don't see many people using him" and such :lol

I still hate the messages though, especially when I lost and they send me some pity-messages. So demeaning. Winner should just shut up and let the loser be :lol
only message i ever got was someone i beat sending me a message reminding me to set my clock ahead an hour for DST.

i still do not understand.


Aeris130 said:
For starters, make sure that you hold down/back when doing the 3 x c.lP, that way you can go directly into Soul Drill without having to release the stick/d-pad into neutral position first before doing the qcf movement (this takes too much time in my opinion).

The Drill will only come out if you link (look up the difference between links and chains if you haven't heard about them) the second and third jab. Basically, you have to do a slight pause before inputting the last jab, so that the input comes just as the second one is about to finish. You can link all three if you like, but there's no reason to.

Also check out the challenge-thread on srk in Rose's section, most of it deals with this trial.

I was typing out my response to his question, decided to skim the thread, and concluded that you said it a lot more eloquently :lol

As for holding down/back, I found it easier just to hold down while pressing the 3 c.LP. And when you do the drill, I just press forward+K (instead of QCF+K). I'm using the 360 pad and it recognizes them as the same thing I guess.

Oh yeah...I just realized how terrible/slow Guile's Ultra is. I was playing a really good Ryu (our head-to-head was him 8-7) and I noticed that he was trying to Focus Attack me while I was down and about to wake-up. He was right on top of me. I started the Ultra on wake-up and he was able to dash out of the FA and continued to dash away from both flash kicks :lol


Osaka said:
Kinda funny, I've had one guy quit on me, ever. And all the messages I've gotten are like "GG", or "Keep using Balrog, don't see many people using him" and such :lol

I still hate the messages though, especially when I lost and they send me some pity-messages. So demeaning. Winner should just shut up and let the loser be :lol

yeah as Rufus i get very few rage quits, and am yet to receive a hate message for whatever reason. just 'gg nice rufus'. I guess you just can't hate the fatty.


Last night, I played a guy who was really good with Dan and we a had some fairly good matches back and forth... Then this was shot by another guy who just tiger kneed throughout the match it was a joke on he easy was able to be defeated... :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
McBradders said:
Karin, Birdy... anybody from 3rd Strike :(
Why would you want awful and boring characters? ·____·


Fersis said:
Why would you want awful and boring characters? ·____·

Alex, Makoto, Yun, Yang, Q, Remy, Ibuki, Sean, Dudley, Hugo, Elena are a few more are amazing characters

We all know that Gen has two fighting styles.... How about having Yun and Yang and being able to switch between them two in the game... That'll bring some variety to SF IV???


I am trying to work on a new main. My blanka is pretty good, and I am try to avoid using my shotos, and Guile is totally nerfed. Ugh....
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