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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

C- Warrior said:
I think you can save the replays. While you are re-watching your replay in the leadboard section (put the appropriate filters on of course) -- while you're watching it, press start and it says save replay. If not, it will say save replay if you press start during the round 2 win aimations/quotes.

Yeah you can save other people's replays but not your own. Only when you get a high CP match, then it offers you an option to upload a replay. I was saying that I want to save replays from my matches. But as I said, I can only save the ones with high CPs. And those are usually the final matches in the championship.


he's Virgin Tight™
This championship has really put forth my competitive spirit to the max. I am loving it, finally saw a green bar, and in a championship fight against a Bison the fury came out of me and I perfected the bastard in the second round and almost repeated it on the final third round. Was a darn good Bison too.

Liking it so far. I do want lobbies =(. =P. Maybe next patch!


GalacticAE said:
It's just a loop. Not an infinite. It's pretty important to know if you play Elf.

Like it matters what nerd term you give it. You do it till your opponent is stunned and after that you procede till he is dead. I was always wondering why so many "good" players completely abandon Fuertes move set and only do his infinite (omg loop!) and now after actually feeling it I can understand.

Overall this evening showed me why I stopped playing him in the first place. So many simple things completely screw him over that I have to wonder if he was even designed for this game. But apparently all this is justified with the RSF.....


Won said:
Like it matters what nerd term you give it. You do it till your opponent is stunned and after that you procede till he is dead. I was always wondering why so many "good" players completely abandon Fuertes move set and only do his infinite (omg loop!) and now after actually feeling it I can understand.

Overall this evening showed me why I stopped playing him in the first place. So many simple things completely screw him over that I have to wonder if he was even designed for this game. But apparently all this is justified with the RSF.....

You wakeup on the wrong side of the bed this morning? lol


he's Virgin Tight™
C- Warrior said:
Oh, and they did change some things around.

I play as Vega enough to know that they seemed to fix his "missed wall moments."

These usually occur when you want to jump off the opposite wall behind your opponent. And then your opponent jumps away -- that extra drag in the opposite direction causes Vega to lose air-time and land before jumping off the wall.

This is no longer the case.

Wrong. I fought a Vega and managed to make him miss the wall. The guy did have an awesome Vega. =P Beat me.
Wait, the update is out? Someone should reference that in the title. I haven't put the game in since Tuesday and had no idea. Will check this out tonight.


sparkle this bitch
I give up...lol. I don't think I'm ever going be decent at this :lol I keep getting locked out Where they just keep repeating the same move. I still can't even do the most basic moves on the spot. :lol

How does one even get good at this? I mean just where your not getting stomped all the time :lol Its getting depressing

How do you deal with cuts on the side of your index finger too. So many questions so little time.
Won said:
Like it matters what nerd term you give it. You do it till your opponent is stunned and after that you procede till he is dead. I was always wondering why so many "good" players completely abandon Fuertes move set and only do his infinite (omg loop!) and now after actually feeling it I can understand.

Overall this evening showed me why I stopped playing him in the first place. So many simple things completely screw him over that I have to wonder if he was even designed for this game. But apparently all this is justified with the RSF.....

First off yes, it's an infinite, but it's not going to just magically get you a stun. There's diminishing returns after the 4th hit in both stun and damage. And EVEN THEN you'd have to do his RSF like 6 times just to match the damage output that Sagat does on a jump in combo. Also, after about 5 or so hits, it does less than half the damage of the jab.

Second off, "good" Fuerte players don't abandon his move set to use RSF. RSF is mainly either a punisher off FA crumple or a crossup. No one just goes HEY I'm going to hit you with a RSF now lolz k.

With that being said, is it an infinite? Yes. Does it do anywhere near the amount of damage other characters can do off of even easier shit? (Rufus' j. hk into ex strike comes to mind) Absolutely not. Elf already has barely any life and only a few tools to begin with, RSF just gives him the ability to do some significant damage (even though it's still not as much as other characters.)

Trust me, you're making it out to be a lot worse than you think it is.

edit - Just have to stress that after you RSF about 5 times, it pretty much stops doing damage. Also the execution difficulty between doing RSF 5 times and a Sagat j. fk, cr. mk, fp upper is ridiculous and sagat still does more damage. IF you wanna bitch, target Sagat lol!
Won said:
Like it matters what nerd term you give it. You do it till your opponent is stunned and after that you procede till he is dead.

:lol Just like that? Wow Fuerte must be broken.

Most good fuerte players go for the sweep after a few reps because of the damage scaling. This isn't a game breaking thing and it's all Fuerte has. Which is why he's so bottom tier.
FindMyFarms said:

No Garou tonight. Booty call.

You got lucky this time. Hey BTW, you can switch the emulator in ggpo to MVS so you can access training mode. I was messing around with Rock yesterday. Learned you can Brake his 360 throw into super. Also some BnB combos.
FindMyFarms said:
Um I don't remember asking you to play garou nub. Thanks for the training tips though. Have fun on your date.

Yea last night after I pillaged your Ryu village with my superior shoto. The night before too.

"1030 CT. Be there"

I'll have fun but I'll be thinking of you the whole time. <3
GalacticAE said:
Yea last night after I pillaged your Ryu village with my superior shoto. The night before too.

"1030 CT. Be there"

Yeah, last night and the night before. You didn't get invited to the Garou party this night. It shall be a glorious Garou session with many hot Brazilian and Japanese women showing me their T.O.P.S.
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, last night and the night before. You didn't get invited to the Garou party this night. It shall be a glorious Garou session with many hot Brazilian and Japanese men showing me their Links
I'm sure you'll enjoy that very much.

Practice so maybe you have a chance next time. Learn a new character too nub. :lol
GalacticAE said:
I'm sure you'll enjoy that very much.

Practice so maybe you have a chance next time. Learn a new character too nub. :lol

I will enjoy it very very much sir. And why do I have to practice again? In case you happen to win 2 games in a row again? Bwahaha AR YU OK?
I'm getting matchups near instantly but I'm kinda hating the championship mode. Losing is so demoralizing. I sure wish it was a proper tournament setup with brackets. It's ridiculous how many features HDR had that 4 lacks.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It seems like Championship mode is bringing up better fights; I'm playing people who are not the average scrubs, BUT it's also bringing a lot of sore losers AND winners. The messages I receive are ridiculous.

I just played a beat a Cammy player. The guy just stayed in on his side and taunted over and over, so I (as Chun) just crouched and played the waiting game. First round was mine; he couldn't seem to beat a crouching character. The second round I went on offense and he got me, so in the third I went back to crouching and waiting, beat him, and got a message along the lines of "lol that's all you can do is; you take the fun out of the game blah blah blah."

It's really sad how some people just can't stand to lose or feel the need to gloat over wins. I sent him a reply telling him he was baiting me with his taunts and that he needed to learn to beat what I was doing instead of whining about it. Kind of makes me long for the rage quitters. :p


Rummy Bunnz said:
I'm getting matchups near instantly but I'm kinda hating the championship mode. Losing is so demoralizing. I sure wish it was a proper tournament setup with brackets. It's ridiculous how many features HDR had that 4 lacks.

Yeah, but I've played a lot of HDR and if the host left, the whole bracket is gone and you're all dumped out from what I remember. It was OK but I kind of like this setup. I think of this as a much enhanced ranked match instead of a true tourney.

I understand about losing. I got absolutely WRECKED today for the first time in ages. His name was Fubarduc (dont remember if he's from SRK or if I saw the name here on GAF...or both..but fuck was his Akuma the best I've ever encountered). Humbling experience, but in a GOOD way. Wish I could have saved the replay so I could examine how I got wrecked LOL.
Avatar1 said:
Yeah, but I've played a lot of HDR and if the host left, the whole bracket is gone and you're all dumped out from what I remember. It was OK but I kind of like this setup. I think of this as a much enhanced ranked match instead of a true tourney.

I understand about losing. I got absolutely WRECKED today for the first time in ages. His name was Fubarduc (dont remember if he's from SRK or if I saw the name here on GAF...or both..but fuck was his Akuma the best I've ever encountered). Humbling experience, but in a GOOD way. Wish I could have saved the replay so I could examine how I got wrecked LOL.

Oh nice. You had the privilege to play fubar. He;s the one who owns Arcade UFO and is a top 3s player.

Top 8 at the last two evos for 3s I think.


Avatar1 said:
Yeah, but I've played a lot of HDR and if the host left, the whole bracket is gone and you're all dumped out from what I remember. It was OK but I kind of like this setup. I think of this as a much enhanced ranked match instead of a true tourney.

I understand about losing. I got absolutely WRECKED today for the first time in ages. His name was Fubarduc (dont remember if he's from SRK or if I saw the name here on GAF...or both..but fuck was his Akuma the best I've ever encountered). Humbling experience, but in a GOOD way. Wish I could have saved the replay so I could examine how I got wrecked LOL.

Input data on:

wreck, up down, wreck
forward, down, down-forward, wreck

I had this match against a Vega where every round ended in the goofiest way and I was dying to save the replay but it wasn't a final. :(

I normally don't mind losing but the stakes are much higher now, and it's not like I get to see how the dude who beat me fared. I'd like that a lot. As it is it feels totally weird, like it's all happening in a vacuum. Maybe if I understood the points and everything better I'd like it more.


henhowc said:
If by "still sucks ass" you mean is still very good. Then yes.
You know what, you're right. Besides the slowest jabs in the game, the slowest reversals, a near useless ultra, the worst crossup game, terrible air priority, no juggling ability, can't store oicho motions, can't use HP for AA, terrible range/priority on the hundred hand slaps, a tiny hitbox with bad priority on the sumo splash, and a nerfed jab headbutt, he's just great.

All of those things are worse than they were in ST, not even counting HD Remix, but they gave him an overhead that takes half a second to come out so it's ok.


Championship mode has certainly put some fire back in the game...Its like when it first launched.

But how come I never find any Bisons to play against?

Also: lol @ my E-Honda match of ultimate sumo pride. A true fight to the death.

ggs turtlesnatcher and _dementia.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Cool, got a match video uploaded! Only I don't really get the point on the input system (funny, awesome, or beautiful). You get 99 votes on your own!


he's Virgin Tight™
Lyte Edge said:
Cool, got a match video uploaded! Only I don't really get the point on the input system (funny, awesome, or beautiful). You get 99 votes on your own!

I was laughing at a friend's replay on how crazy his inputs were. Then I looked at mine. Wow do I press a lot of shit in a second :lol


Threi said:
Championship mode has certainly put some fire back in the game...Its like when it first launched.
Yeah, back to 0BP! Hooray!
Seriously, why does it feel like I have no window of attack anymore? I have been perfected so much recently. I press any attack button and it gets blocked or beat out by another attack.


This morning I think I must have quit from about 30 lobbies because they were 1 or 2 bars, back to player matches for me! :lol

I like the new mode in theory, but it just doesn't work without a good filter to prevent me from being paired up with 1 and 2 bar connections. They shouldn't exit me out of arcade mode for those at all.

They should've had good netcode and matchmaking first and foremost, then add all these different modes.


Zabka said:
All of those things are worse than they were in ST, not even counting HD Remix, but they gave him an overhead that takes half a second to come out so it's ok.

If you want ST Honda go play ST. SF4 Honda is balanced against SF4 characters.
RevenantKioku said:
Yeah, back to 0BP! Hooray!
Seriously, why does it feel like I have no window of attack anymore? I have been perfected so much recently. I press any attack button and it gets blocked or beat out by another attack.
The ping indicator is far more lax now and I'm getting tons of shitty matches like that as a result. Now I have no clue what the hell I'm going to get with 3 or 4 bars. It's varying wildly.


RevenantKioku said:
Yeah, back to 0BP! Hooray!
Seriously, why does it feel like I have no window of attack anymore? I have been perfected so much recently. I press any attack button and it gets blocked or beat out by another attack.
Championship mode is laggy as fuck.

A flowchart ken could go a long way currently.

Duke Togo

RevenantKioku said:
Yeah, back to 0BP! Hooray!
Seriously, why does it feel like I have no window of attack anymore? I have been perfected so much recently. I press any attack button and it gets blocked or beat out by another attack.
I know how you feel man. I played for a few hours today and got served repeatedly. I would win a couple, then just get DISMANTLED in the final. There were a couple of times I swear I had gotten a move in, only to be countered and thoroughly spanked. It feels like there is more input lag than I remember....but I'm guessing its just my angry brain.


Threi said:
Championship mode is laggy as fuck.

A flowchart ken could go a long way currently.

Not really. You aren't forced into any fights. You can kick or drop the connection is bad. Personally I won't play final match unless its someone with at least 4 bars. I think I've played one Ken so far and he was decent.


I have a question for those of you who use Fuerte's RSF loop: do you a) hold LP before pressing HP or do you b) tap LP before you press HP?

a: HP+[qcf+LP] ~ hold LP > HP+[qcf+LP] ~ hold LP ~ ......
b: HP+[qcf+LP] ~ tap LP > HP+[qcf+LP] ~ tap LP ~ .....

(I hope my question isn't too confusing)....btw, I'm using the 360 controller


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
henhowc said:
Not really. You aren't forced into any fights. You can kick or drop the connection is bad. Personally I won't play final match unless its someone with at least 4 bars. I think I've played one Ken so far and he was decent.
But they messed up all my built up reference history by bumping the connection rating. Before a three was near lagless connection, now it's usually messy. And even fours can have stuttering, should I just play fives? I hardly ever see fives, just like I never saw fours unless I was playing with someone nordic. Shit, I had some fantastic ones from the gafchat before the patch.

I just don't know how laggy something will be anymore :(
Rummy Bunnz said:
I had a few 4 bar matches that were stuttering all over the place.

Brobzoid said:
But they messed up all my built up reference history by bumping the connection rating. Before a three was near lagless connection, now it's usually messy. And even fours can have stuttering, should I just play fives? I hardly ever see fives, just like I never saw fours unless I was playing with someone nordic. Shit, I had some fantastic ones from the gafchat before the patch.

I just don't know how laggy something will be anymore :(

Aaaah fuck!

Pretty much 3 bar used to be perfect for me. Living in AK, it's hard as balls to actually find a decent ping =(


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
oh shit. Either my internet just took a dump on itself or something serverside got messed up to shit: I can't for the life of me get anything better than a two now and linking a overhead into a ch.mp seems godlike. :lol

Poke session!
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