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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Digital Foundry
I can't find anyone online half the time.

I'm set to NAT 2, so the lobby should be functional. I'm hoping it's a server-side problem.


shintoki said:
Is there a trick to ultra's?

What exactly do you mean by this? If you're asking what I think you're asking, you can set PPP or KKK to one single button using the button configuration option.
MIMIC said:
I have a question for those of you who use Fuerte's RSF loop: do you a) hold LP before pressing HP or do you b) tap LP before you press HP?

a: HP+[qcf+LP] ~ hold LP > HP+[qcf+LP] ~ hold LP ~ ......
b: HP+[qcf+LP] ~ tap LP > HP+[qcf+LP] ~ tap LP ~ .....

(I hope my question isn't too confusing)....btw, I'm using the 360 controller

you have to press lp TWICE after the qcf as you can't neg edge the stop command

it looks like this (s. fp xx qcf lp xx lp) then repeat

You hit with a fp, cancel into qcf lp which starts the run, the next lp stops it then you hit st. fp to get your next hit in.


FindMyFarms said:
you have to press lp TWICE after the qcf as you can't neg edge the stop command

it looks like this (s. fp xx qcf lp xx lp) then repeat

You hit with a fp, cancel into qcf lp which starts the run, the next lp stops it then you hit st. fp to get your next hit in.

No, I meant what is everyone preference. I know how to do it but I was just wondering which method is easier.

I can pull off two hits easily (using the "hold" technique) but when I go for the third hit, I end up accidentally holding the LP (which starts the run) and then pressing HP which does his Fajita Buster. I was just wondering if I "tapped" everything, would that make it easier on my brain :)

You hit with a fp, cancel into qcf lp which starts the run, the next lp stops it then you hit st. fp to get your next hit in.

That's the LP I would hold for the first hit

You hit with a fp, cancel into qcf lp which starts the run, the next lp stops it then you hit st. fp to get your next hit in.

And that's the LP I would (accidentally) hold going into the third hit :)

ETA: Just for clarification, when I go for the 2nd hit, I hold LP while I press HP


LakeEarth said:
Quick question. I recently had a hard drive issue and I'm starting from scratch. But online I play Abel so it's no big deal. But if I haven't unlocked anyone, can my opponent still choose an unlockable character?
Gonna try again.
MIMIC said:
No, I meant what is everyone preference. I know how to do it but I was just wondering which method is easier.

I can pull off two hits easily (using the "hold" technique) but when I go for the third hit, I end up accidentally holding the LP (which starts the run) and then pressing HP which does his Fajita Buster. I was just wondering if I "tapped" everything, would that make it easier on my brain :)

That's the LP I would hold for the first hit

And that's the LP I would (accidentally) hold going into the third hit :)

ETA: Just for clarification, when I go for the 2nd hit, I hold LP while I press HP

Oh my bad, I thought the hold thing u were mentioning was u trying to neg edge it. I usually tap all 3 as I get a nice little rythm going. I also rely on the audio cue more than the visual.
Downloaded the championship mode for both consoles. The PS3 download is less painful, as you don't have to go into marketplace to do it.

I played a few games on championship. I won two tournaments/championships then lost to a Sagat. I'm not used to that matchup. I feel like I'm driving a car when I play with Ryu. I've dabbled with Bison a lil bit but am not ready to play ranked or championship with him.

Good luck with your tournament tomorrow Find.

And drops are still around folks. I had one person kick me on a three bar connection. And I had Gouken quit on me right before the match started. The joke is on him...as he probably would've won, since I'm not used to playing against the character.


Man I love this new mode. Finally able to do get a decent win streak going.

For the longest time I've only been able to get 6 ranked wins in a row. Even though I'm not really into achievements, for some reason I've been trying to hit that magic number of 10.

Picked Blanka and played championship mode and won 3 championships in a row, 9 wins. Going for my 10th and I get paired up against Bison, I'm terrible against the cold blooded Dictator. I was decimated the first round, but fought back and won the second. Third and he gets a pretty big lead but I keep fighting back, and managed to squeeze a victory with a fraction of life. Woohoo, give me my achievement!


I guess Championship Mode isn't considered ranked. Oh well, brought that win streak up to 13...so fun. I love catching people off guard with Blanka's river run sweep. Finally brought my winning percentage from 40% to 43%. :lol

Also went to the leaderboards and watched some replays. If you're on Live you should head over to the "Championship Points" board and watch x626x Bob's match (currently 6117 CP). Good match between Blanka and Sagat.


UC1 said:
This morning I think I must have quit from about 30 lobbies because they were 1 or 2 bars, back to player matches for me! :lol
Bars don't mean shit 90% of the time. I can go against someone with green bar and it lags and go against someone in the red and its fine.
akachan ningen said:
championship mode is basically another sort of ranked play isn't it? I don't find it very appealing.

Basically. I could care less about the easter egg hunt. But it does present nice matches.

I really wish they would've put in a three or four player lobby. Capcom, please release another update.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
akachan ningen said:
championship mode is basically another sort of ranked play isn't it? I don't find it very appealing.
yep. The worst part is that when you create a (championship) game and do a fight you are kicked out to the Network play menu afterward, and you have to go through the menus again to create the next game and so and so on... Why couldn't it just kick you back in an empty lobby?

A minor thing to take issue with, but it's terribly annoying over longer periods of play and it's one of those things I would image they should have picked up on when they were testing the damn thing.



So I randomly check out the XBLM and see the new add-on that I had no idea was even coming. I'm thinking "where the fuck is this on PS3!?" then realized it's a patch. :lol
henhowc said:
If you want ST Honda go play ST. SF4 Honda is balanced against SF4 characters.
nah, SF4 Honda sucks ass

akachan ningen said:
championship mode is basically another sort of ranked play isn't it? I don't find it very appealing.
I agree totally with you.
To me it's a variation of Ranked with different spin on BPs with ? selection .. but it's still about BP whoring in the end


Junior Member
Why is it that DOA4 a freakin launch game will let you record every single match but SF4 won't? WTF is going through Capcom's head?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
nah, SF4 Honda sucks ass

I agree totally with you.
To me it's a variation of Ranked with different spin on BPs with ? selection .. but it's still about BP whoring in the end

Yeah, he sucks ass, but he's my best character for some reason- or I use Rose who is worse.

Why is it the chars I'm best with almost always end up low tier or worse this gen?


hyperbolically metafictive
haven't really played in the last couple weeks, and i'm absurdly rusty. not really seeing the point of championship mode, but i guess it's a form of ranked match where there's no incentive to ragequit. that's something. will still be spending most of my time in player matches i think


Zabka said:
You know what, you're right. Besides the slowest jabs in the game, the slowest reversals, a near useless ultra, the worst crossup game, terrible air priority, no juggling ability, can't store oicho motions, can't use HP for AA, terrible range/priority on the hundred hand slaps, a tiny hitbox with bad priority on the sumo splash, and a nerfed jab headbutt, he's just great.

All of those things are worse than they were in ST, not even counting HD Remix, but they gave him an overhead that takes half a second to come out so it's ok.
Use LK instead of LP, EX Headbutt is pretty effective as a fast reversal, Ultra can go through projectile throwers mid range and catch people jumping in, jumping HP pwns, and best of all, he's built like a tank. He can take a lot of damage AND dole it out too.

I don't really care about not being able to store oicho. Remember, LP has best range, HP has best damage, EX has LP range, but under HP damage. Also, his overhead is cancel-able, so it can be effective in tricking block into oicho.

No complaints on the HHS though I see your point. And I fully agree about his useless st.HP as AA, and nerfed jab headbutt. Once someone starts to cross me up, I'm in serious trouble.
Ran into Saqs! And lost. I was intimidated! He was the first "low tier" character I'd seen in forever. It's been all Ryu/Sagat/Balrog/Blanka/Bison/Akuma/Gief. SO MANY GIEFS. A non-stop parade of BLANDNESS.

Oh shit I played Zabka twice too. And I lost! But I was happy cuz it was against Honda!

Right now I think Championship Mode sucks and is an overly complicated solution to a problem that was easily fixed. Just had to penalize droppers in ranked, change how the save data's handled, and that's that. I think everyone would have preferred lobbies or actual tournaments to this.

And the patch has totally wrecked the game's performance for me. Saving takes forever and clearing the cache did not fix it. The game's far laggier than it was before and the ping indicators are useless. I'm getting input lag and stuttering in 4 and 5 bar matches, and I am pretty sure it's not my 360 cuz I've messaged a few opponents post-match and they said it was on their end, too. I've had connection problems before but nothing like this. I feel like I'm fighting in molasses during many fights. Though I did do a few player matches that went smoothly. Maybe it's a problem with championship? I see a few similar complaints over on SRK...is anyone else having these problems with the 360 version?

Ugh. I dunno. I'm cranky now. Maybe it'll all be better in the morning.
The set up like this is fine. The problem with having a traditional tournament match-making is that it would take years for 16 players to fill it up. Eventually people wouldn't bother and go back to rank/player.



What is the standard MSRP price for the TE fightsticks from madcatz?
everybest said:
Is setting KKK and PPP to one button frowned upon? Should I be learning how to do those moves by hitting the three keys?

I had the macro debate before. It's fine and allowed in tournaments (as long as their not using arcade units) and if some dude gives you shit, tell him it's a fuckin video game.
I think you're better off learning to do everything without macros. Doing all that FADC shit used to kill me but after practice it's easier than binding it to another button.

C- Warrior said:
What is the standard MSRP price for the TE fightsticks from madcatz?
$150. You can use Gamestop's store locator to see if any local ones have them in stock now. It's a long shot but I used it to find a PS3 stick today.


Game somehow does feel a bit laggier now. Could be just in my head, but it definitely seems that way. Simple timing seems a little harder in low bar matches

Disconnect Percentage + Blind select = FUCK YEAH. No disconnects so far and nobody taking ages to choose a character. Although blind select just delays me from seeing the inevitable Blanka/Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Balrog. Seriously, I fight no one but these idiots. I'd love specialized tournaments, i.e. a Shoto Free Tournament, Brawler Only, etc. Just to get more specialized matches when you want to. Or fuck, even Character Specific modes where I only fight Dhalsms, C Vipers, Rufus's, etc. I know those players are out there, I just never see them.

The only immediate fix I'd like is being able to filter out low bar matches from poppin up. 1 bar matches are basically unplayable for me, and I exit immediately. Why not force a stability check before even pulling me out of arcade mode.
Future said:
The only immediate fix I'd like is being able to filter out low bar matches from poppin up. 1 bar matches are basically unplayable for me, and I exit immediately. Why not force a stability check before even pulling me out of arcade mode.

Agree. Also the option to save every replay, blind picking in other online modes too. Better search options wouldn't hurt either.
the new patch improved perfomance overall for me on PSN. either my glorious euro-connection is superior, or some of you might want to change your isp. had only one laggy match on three bars yesterday and the rest was pretty much flawless.

the new CP mode gave me alot more incentive to play this game. you meet lots of better players all around, which i appreciate. no disconnets so far and damn, it feels so good to win your tournaments! i dont see any room for bitching on my side :lol
Augemitbutter said:
the new CP mode gave me alot more incentive to play this game. you meet lots of better players all around, which i appreciate. no disconnets so far and damn, it feels so good to win your tournaments! i dont see any room for bitching on my side :lol

Same here about CP mode. Also you still get a little bit points even if you lose the final.

Ploid 3.0

I no longer recommend the saturn pad. Mine just broke while doing simple commands. They should sell some that are made of steel. It's clearly not made for fighters. Hope this superglue hold it up. I'll have to treat it like a baby now until I can find a new d pad part.


I used the CP mode to practice Rufus. I didn't care about losing, and I'm sure I helped some people out. Now I'll probably have to go back to sixaxis and blanka.
didnt i warn you? mine broke just after a few days. the part with the hole completely fell off for me. i got my money back, but had to pay to ship it back, which wasnt cheap.

but i got my TE now, so i dont care anymore for those cheapass pads =(
Rummy Bunnz said:
I think you're better off learning to do everything without macros. Doing all that FADC shit used to kill me but after practice it's easier than binding it to another button.

$150. You can use Gamestop's store locator to see if any local ones have them in stock now. It's a long shot but I used it to find a PS3 stick today.

360 price or ps3 price.

Also, should I even get one? I have a SE Fightstick modded with Sanwa parts and Seimetsu stick. So, technically -- I have a TE quality type stick.
Dabanton said:
Just DL'ed the update was reading the Championship blurb in the options menu. Do people get point punished for disconnecting now?

No. But your disconnect percent is open for everyone to see, so you won't see rage quitters (I haven't).

Everything else, the options menu explains pretty well (replays, G system, CP system etc.)

Ploid 3.0

Augemitbutter said:
didnt i warn you? mine broke just after a few days. the part with the hole completely fell off for me. i got my money back, but had to pay to ship it back, which wasnt cheap.

but i got my TE now, so i dont care anymore for those cheapass pads =(

lol man this sucks. I guess I'll save up for a arcade pad... Crap! (searches for a metal Saturn dpad part)


Oh god, this championship mode is too freaking addictive!! I can't stop playing for the last 5 hours. :D

The incentive of trying to win 3 consecutive matches is just too tempting. The variety of characters in the match-ups aren't too bad as well.

Definitely like the blind select and the replay option is also helpful to see your weaknesses and errors while playing. Matches so far aren't laggy so good job, Capcom!

For the next update (if there's any), I want Capcom to enable players to be able to save replay of any matches into their local storage without having to upload it first. This would make it so much easier for people to upload it into youtube for advice or just to show awesome fights.

EDIT: The whole disconnect thing is also pretty cool - fuck you in the arse, ragequitters! I can see people who have the potential to ragequit now!!

Oh goodness, I gotta stop playing this game - it's gonna kill me someday. :lol
Rummy Bunnz said:
I think you're better off learning to do everything without macros. Doing all that FADC shit used to kill me but after practice it's easier than binding it to another button.

$150. You can use Gamestop's store locator to see if any local ones have them in stock now. It's a long shot but I used it to find a PS3 stick today.

360 or ps3
Now I'm pretty sure that they haven't done anything to the netcode. They just redefined the parameters for the bars. I've been getting more laggier matches with 3 bars and 4 bars than before. :(
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