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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

So. Many. Blankas. And. Boxers. In Championship mode. My god. Someone sent me a message, apologizing for d/c'ing mid-match. Blew my mind. I've had the best luck alternating between Gen, Guile, and Dictator so far. I'll think I'll bench them today for some Abel, Rose, and Honda shenanigans. Managed to catch a replay on the leaderboards of PhatSaqs terrorizing with his Rose, as usual.


I'm liking this so far, been having a lot of variety in opponents too.
I think a lot of good players were waiting for this update since normal ranked is garbage and full of boosters. Been playing a lot of good opponents so far :]
hey when does sign-up for evo 09 start up. i checked the site and there doesn't seem to be pre-registration.

what about just being a spectator, is that taken care of at the gate, or do you have to pre-register to be a spectator.

i'll be competing, and a friend just wants to spectate, so how does that work


C- Warrior said:
No. But your disconnect percent is open for everyone to see, so you won't see rage quitters (I haven't).

Everything else, the options menu explains pretty well (replays, G system, CP system etc.)

i saw some peoble with 1% rage quitter etc


Stantron said:
Use LK instead of LP, EX Headbutt is pretty effective as a fast reversal, Ultra can go through projectile throwers mid range and catch people jumping in, jumping HP pwns, and best of all, he's built like a tank. He can take a lot of damage AND dole it out too.

I don't really care about not being able to store oicho. Remember, LP has best range, HP has best damage, EX has LP range, but under HP damage. Also, his overhead is cancel-able, so it can be effective in tricking block into oicho.

No complaints on the HHS though I see your point. And I fully agree about his useless st.HP as AA, and nerfed jab headbutt. Once someone starts to cross me up, I'm in serious trouble.
Not telling me anything new here.

The range on standing or crouching LK is terrible. Most opponents jab their way out of range of it on block. He shouldn't have to rely on EX moves for AA or reversals. The Ultra comes out way too slow, and good players generally stop the obvious jump-ins once the Ultra comes up.

Stored Oichos made it one of the best reversals in ST. When most good players see the overhead coming they just stuff it or dash backwards, because it's so slow they don't even need to block.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
at what grade do you start losing GP?

Because, eventually that grade will just become the bottom grade? There is literally no way to stay in the bottom grade.

Also, how do I upload vids?! I want to retain all my final wins so I can analyse em later, however it seems to randomly allow uploads and I always do it by accident. Is it somehow tied to CP? I haven't exactly figured out what CP is FOR yet. I know capcom says its MY FIIIIIGHT MONEEEY, but what does it net me? I know I get more if someone has more GP, but how does that transfer into anything if I win the final? Do I get more GP if I finish with more CP?

Also MicVlad I got your message... how do ya message me without being on my list?! I wasn't at the box when you sent it anyway. Available anytime for some dhalsim beatdown. i've played against him about 2 times ever, so would love to learn.

Also if anyone is a good bison player and wants to beat on a blanka I'm up for it. I have massive trouble with Rog, Bison and probably dhalsim.

GT: armedcatfish

However, I love this new system. It's not a REAL tournament, but at step 3 you get MUCH Better competition because those players also had to get 2 wins. It's far superior to the BP system and I don't think I'm going back, it's miles better.

i saw some peoble with 1% rage quitter etc

that could be legitimate connection crap outs. Just before the new download came out I was getting beat and just before my K.O my connection dropped. I felt SO WRONG even though it wasn't my fault.


catfish said:
at what grade do you start losing GP?

Because, eventually that grade will just become the bottom grade? There is literally no way to stay in the bottom grade.
You're supposed to start losing grades in G2 and higher I believe.

Also, how do I upload vids?! I want to retain all my final wins so I can analyse em later, however it seems to randomly allow uploads and I always do it by accident. Is it somehow tied to CP? I haven't exactly figured out what CP is FOR yet. I know capcom says its MY FIIIIIGHT MONEEEY, but what does it net me? I know I get more if someone has more GP, but how does that transfer into anything if I win the final? Do I get more GP if I finish with more CP?
You can only do this if you win the final match I believe. You do get more GP if you finish with more CP.
Good games MicVlad. You're the first Dhalsim player who actually tried to go head to head instead of jumping backwards. Although maybe that was little bit too aggressive? ;)

Sorry, I have to start doing some stuff so can't play more right now.


Arde5643 said:
You can only do this if you win the final match I believe. You do get more GP if you finish with more CP.

I beat a couple of these today and they didn't give me the option to upload the replay, but yesterday I did have the option, so I guess it is only the top ranked 5000 =/
Rocky_Balboa - are you the Balrog that beat MicVlad a few times earlier? I just had my ass handed to me by his Dhalsim 5 times in a row haha. I REALLY need to learn to stop throws & those hilarious Dhalsim Ultra tactics!
Martial Loh said:
Rocky_Balboa - are you the Balrog that beat MicVlad a few times earlier? I just had my ass handed to me by his Dhalsim 5 times in a row haha. I REALLY need to learn to stop throws & those hilarious Dhalsim Ultra tactics!

If it was about 50 minutes ago, then yes. I'm a boxer! :D


Loving championship mode! Only won 1 championship so far, but go ahead and check it out since I uploaded my replay, I'm interested in what you guys think of my scrubby play hehe. Nikashi on XBL too, I beat a Sagat with my Gouken.


Ranked top 5000 + Finals match win only for replay? That sucks. Love the update as a whole, but seriously, replays in a fighting game are so good to have (properly, which means for every playable match) Its not like a 2 minute fight's keyframe information costs alot of HDD space... I still wanted that Youtube thing, but meh.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member

MicVlad :lol

I feel like blanka has the tools to take down sim, but your execution is just over the top. I MUST learn to escape your ultra/super traps. Anytime I see yoga fire I'm like, SHIT LOOKOUT.

you're amazing with throws as well. I realised at about round 5 that my way to escape throws is faulty, I was yelling at the screen 'he's gonna throw he's gonna throw' so I was mashing the throw myself, that brings out the electricity from blanka apparently. Started getting it a bit better further on.

Anyway, fun as hell games, I'll hit you up again after some tourney play once I gather my thoughts.

Ranked top 5000 + Finals match win only for replay? That sucks. Love the update as a whole, but seriously, replays in a fighting game are so good to have (properly, which means for every playable match) Its not like a 2 minute fight's keyframe information costs alot of HDD space... I still wanted that Youtube thing, but meh.

Can't understand why local save isn't an option for all matches.

however, this update rocks much harder than no update. people are playing again!
Augemitbutter said:
didnt i warn you? mine broke just after a few days. the part with the hole completely fell off for me. i got my money back, but had to pay to ship it back, which wasnt cheap.

but i got my TE now, so i dont care anymore for those cheapass pads =(

My Saturn pad has worked great with fighters for months. I've had it since last summer. I actually picked up the Madcatz Pad for my PS3 and I can't stand it. I find that my finger slips off the d-pad most of the time and I was getting ripped apart in Championship Mode so I went back to the Saturn Pad and I'm playing a lot better now.


Okay, I just tried the update myself, and erm... I'm sure people has already mentioned this a ton of times in the thread already, but you can't watch or save any match you've personally played in? You can only watch replays via the leaderboards? That is absolutely baffling.

The championship mode is a bit of a disappointment too. As far as I can tell, it's just like ranked matches except that if you win 2/3 times in a row, you fight against someone who also won 2/3 times in a row. It is probably better to play than ranked, but I was expecting something which was actually similar to an actual tournament system.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Sectus said:
The championship mode is a bit of a disappointment too. As far as I can tell, it's just like ranked matches except that if you win 2/3 times in a row, you fight against someone who also won 2/3 times in a row. It is probably better to play than ranked, but I was expecting something which was actually similar to an actual tournament system.

once you get to the higher grades it's 5 in a row to win the championship.
I have been getting more raped than ever, where the hell did these players come from?
It's also forcing me to find a new main to main :S

E.Honda has served me well but people who know how to exploit his weakness pwn the crap out of me.

I gotta find a new maiin that has fewer weaknesses
gutter_trash said:
I have been getting more raped than ever, where the hell did these players come from?
At this point, the only people still playing this game are those that play it all the time.

I remember in the first couple of weeks I got nothing but flowchart Kens, but now I'm getting good Kens consistently.
Threi said:
Championship mode has certainly put some fire back in the game...Its like when it first launched.

But how come I never find any Bisons to play against?

Also: lol @ my E-Honda match of ultimate sumo pride. A true fight to the death.

ggs turtlesnatcher and _dementia.
Threi.. Holy shit at our E Honda match.

Honda vs Honda

1st round - You Take
2nd round - I take
3rd round - DOUBLE KO!
4th Round - I'm down to no bar and I somehow pull an ultra on your headbutt.. then manage to button mash a Oicho to win it.. :lol

EDIT: Also championship mode is retarded.. I can win maybe one every 10 games? Its so fucking hard.. Ugh .. Good people need to get to G1 stat..


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Why is the disconnect only on Championship? (is it?) I played some Player matches last night and there weren't any 'disconnect' stuff there. :\

And how does the disconnect system work? I've seen people with 1% or 5% but does that calculate out of all their played games or just the ones post-patch? Since the disconnect is only present in the championship mode (haven't tried ranked yet, maybe it's there too) wouldn't it be out of those matches alone, thus post-patch? if so can't be calculating properly since nobody would have had time to play 100 matches and just drop one to get 1% or whatever.

Also, the game now seems to never want to drop players. I had a horribly laggy match were it froze for five seconds I was sure the game would drop, but it didn't. it lasted forever -_-

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
gutter_trash said:
I gotta find a new maiin that has fewer weaknesses


Tell me how to beat

2. bison
3. MicVlad dhalsim

and I'll be happy.

I haven't found Championship that hard... been playing all day and winning a decent amount of finals and making it to finals mostly. occasionally you get some FREAKS in there, I got murdered by a nasty akuma just now. ugh. I beat the shit out of so many kens and ryus along the way though.


Sectus said:
Okay, I just tried the update myself, and erm... I'm sure people has already mentioned this a ton of times in the thread already, but you can't watch or save any match you've personally played in? You can only watch replays via the leaderboards? That is absolutely baffling.
You can choose to upload a Championship match if you win it. You can only have one match uploaded at once. Then to save it, you have to go into the Leaderboard and download it.

It's insane.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Relix said:
Wow I am getting so many red bars...
but they are better now in my experience, I've started accepting 2 red bars and its fine. No idea what's up wit hthat.

EDIT disregard!
C- Warrior said:
360 price or ps3 price.

Also, should I even get one? I have a SE Fightstick modded with Sanwa parts and Seimetsu stick. So, technically -- I have a TE quality type stick.
It's the same price for both systems. I wouldn't bother buying the TE in your case. Only real difference is the Sanwa stick.

gutter_trash said:
I have been getting more raped than ever, where the hell did these players come from?
It's also forcing me to find a new main to main :S

E.Honda has served me well but people who know how to exploit his weakness pwn the crap out of me.

I gotta find a new maiin that has fewer weaknesses
Yeah, half the players I ran into knew to just sit across the screen and crouchblock against Cammy, and the rest seem totally shitty until they bust out some insane FADC > ultra combo with their Sagat to win the match. They were goldbricking! Boo! Every time those assholes are able to ultra after a move trades I hate myself for not going with Ryu from the start.


Have any issues with the SE stick been resolved by now, BTW? I'm picking one up as soon as they're in stock up here (They're heavily backordered)


he's Virgin Tight™
catfish said:
but they are better now in my experience, I've started accepting 2 red bars and its fine. No idea what's up wit hthat.

I followed your advice and got the laggiest match ever :lol

Also, I saw green bars among red ones =P. Felt like a bliss. So far enjoying, and this has gotten me back even harder to SF. Love playing different kind of people and new match ups. Learning a lot =D


everybest said:
Is setting KKK and PPP to one button frowned upon? Should I be learning how to do those moves by hitting the three keys?

On controllers, it should be ENFORCED :) I've never played using a stick.

C- Warrior said:
No. But your disconnect percent is open for everyone to see, so you won't see rage quitters (I haven't).

Everything else, the options menu explains pretty well (replays, G system, CP system etc.)

I saw someone with 1%

Me: *sets icon to crying, then leaves the lobby"

Ragequitters must be ostracized!

catfish said:

MicVlad :lol

I feel like blanka has the tools to take down sim, but your execution is just over the top. I MUST learn to escape your ultra/super traps. Anytime I see yoga fire I'm like, SHIT LOOKOUT.

Yes he does....cuz I've done it. BOOYAH, MicVlad! ;)


Hmmm...another thing strat I learned about Fuerte just from watching some really good people play him: whiffing a wall jump (making it short) to bait a counter-hit.


Picked this up today, I haven't played a fighting game in years so i'm abit useless, can't seem to get the combos to work during a match unless its by mashing the buttons, i can do it fine in training though. Played 5 matches online so far and i'm yet to win a round.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Threi.. Holy shit at our E Honda match.

Honda vs Honda

1st round - You Take
2nd round - I take
3rd round - DOUBLE KO!
4th Round - I'm down to no bar and I somehow pull an ultra on your headbutt.. then manage to button mash a Oicho to win it.. :lol
yeah that match was amazing :lol

I still am a bitch when it comes to gen's crossup though :(

For Championship mode I am seeing a disturbing trend, which is more blankas. I swear to god Bison and Blanka are designed to be mortal enemies of each other :lol

Also: How as a bison do you properly fight cammy? Her Cannon Spikes are so safe because she bounces so far back on block that you can't punish it at all :/


Augemitbutter said:
so many different characters in championship.

very refreshing. the best time to play SF IV is now.

Still mostly the BoxerBisonSagatZangiefRyuBlanka six pack......


Ploid 3.0 said:
I no longer recommend the saturn pad. Mine just broke while doing simple commands. They should sell some that are made of steel. It's clearly not made for fighters. Hope this superglue hold it up. I'll have to treat it like a baby now until I can find a new d pad part.
Ah, sorry to hear that! It doesn't pay to buy knock-offs.

I'm completely satisfied with playing SF4 on my S-Type Xbox pad.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Rocky_Balboa said:
If by many you mean Sagat, Ryu and Blanka, then yes. :lol

I don't see blanka that much (but I am him)

see a SHIIIIT load of ryus though. not too many kens. ryu is funny. they always make like they are moving somewhere else on the board, even though I picked already.

I fucking hate sagat. hate hate


The CP jump when you hit G2 is crazy. You go from winning maybe a few thousand CP during a championship (at best - a few hundred would be more likely) and then at G2 there's an absolute minimum of 30,000 CP for the winner. When people get up to SG or whatever the top group is, CP totals might look more like arcade mode high scores.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Kandrick said:
Boxer, Sagat, Ryu is mostly what i end up agaisnt 99% of the time. Wonder what happened to Kens. :lol
They saw the tier lists and switched to Sagat/Ryu.

I've faced like three Vegas though! Pretty awesome. One of 'em was amazing too, tore me the fuck up.


When I run into a Blanka, I lose everytime. I played 20 games today, lost about 7 of them, 5 of them Blankas. I faced 5 Blankas. And Abel is supposed to have advantage over him!


Nooooooo!!!!!. I played street fighter from like 9pm to 3am last night. Woke up this morning and had three red rings... This is going to be my third replacement since 2005. The sad thing is im hooked. Live is too good to give it up. I think I'm going to save up for an Elite.


LakeEarth said:
When I run into a Blanka, I lose everytime. I played 20 games today, lost about 7 of them, 5 of them Blankas. I faced 5 Blankas. And Abel is supposed to have advantage over him!
I thought you were the Third Strike champion on NeoGAF! What happened?

I also hate Blanka with a burning passion; his Ultra does ridiculous chip damage.
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