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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


The patch on 360 is a huge improvement to me:
better net connection: played with 2 2-bar players and it's like playing in arcade
blind char selection: it's a god given, though it should be there from the start


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
TurtleSnatcher said:
I'm having zero issues with online. I'm shocked so many have issues. If you are a 360 user try to clear the system cache
I think they have changed something deep. Before the patch I'd host a game v someone in gafchat and I'd have a flawless game and they'd have crippling lag. Maybe the patch tried to limit one-sided lag?


he's Virgin Tight™
Goddammit MicVlad damn awesome games :lol

They were definitely laggy, I am used to it these days since most people I play against are two bars in Championship :lol Damn GGs
Ploid 3.0 said:
Dang man. I'm not sure if I should even buy a stick now. I'd be messed up even more if a stick break on me.

I should just stick to the trusty sixaxis.

Well it might help to get a stick due to having facebuttons which lets you perform kara's, , pianos, and double taps. With regards to the joystick though, I still truly believe that the PS3 pad is the best option possible for inputs. I'm efficient with the stick but I still don't see any advantages it has over a pad. Namely, the stick is slower and requires more effort to use, not to mention that getting to neutral on a pad is much faster and easier than any stick.

With that being said, if you're set on getting a stick, wait for the Madcats FS SE's to get back in stock. Buy one at normal price and buy some Sanwa Buttons and a Sanwa stick. It'll come to about $110 total but you'll the best stick and parts possible at probably the cheapest price. Also it's really easy to mod!
MicVlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!!!!! (shakes fist)

I was just thinking I haven't played against him since the week or two after the game dropped, and right when I was about to hop off SF4 for some PSU, he kicks me an invite. Got smacked around for a good 12 fights by one crazy fireballin' Sim. Gets noticeably frustrated when he misses a cue, though. You're gonna burn yourself out man; take it easy. :)


Unconfirmed Member
Shadow780 said:
Anyone gets "lost connection to PSN network" message when entering network battles often now? I have to quit game and then re-enter a couple of times to fix it.
I'm getting this weirdness too - find it's still signed into PSN but can't fight without restarting.

Apart from some hiccups, I'm loving everything about championship mode. Wish they'd incorporate saving replays into regular local play though. Vs. and whatnot.


he's Virgin Tight™
LOL time:


Another guy after I beat him:


I reply Learn to Play.


Feels so goooood. On the verge of G2 =D


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Augemitbutter said:
same here, no problems. performance improved for me.

Not having problems with gameplay online. The matchmaking seems to be a lot worse though.

Usually vs McVlad I just stayed patient, waited for one thing, then punished it. You can't stuff all of Sim's options, you gotta fish for the one you expect, and try to defend against the rest.


augh for some reason my internet exploded.. i got disconnected earlier, thankfully not during a match, and now EVERYTHING is 1 red bar, including a connection with a friend I play with weekly and get 4 greens with.. nothing has changed on my router.. the internet just doesn't want me to get G2 =(


Man I feel so bad. After I got hit by Honda's ultra in the first round, I pretty much stayed back and fireballed all day with Gouken till I won. :(
At least the message was pretty friendly I got after that.

But man, normally I would say Honda is perfectly fine, but he needs "something" against fireballs.....

Blanka on the other end can lose 4 or 5 options against fireballs. -.-


just needs lobbies and the ability to save player matches to hdd's and this game is set :D

<3'ing championship mode though


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Won said:
Man I feel so bad. After I got hit by Honda's ultra in the first round, I pretty much stayed back and fireballed all day with Gouken till I won. :(
At least the message was pretty friendly I got after that.

But man, normally I would say Honda is perfectly fine, but he needs "something" against fireballs.....

Blanka on the other end can lose 4 or 5 options against fireballs. -.-

I still can't believe EX headbutt has no armor.
Yay! I won two G2 tournaments! I guess more players are getting to the 2000+ GP ranks, because this time I had some easy wins too. Right now I have about 2600 GP. How much does it take to get to the next Grade?

This Championship Mode is sick. Usually in ranked I would think "One more", but in this I always think "One more tournament" and that could mean 4 more matches right now.
Won said:
Man I feel so bad. After I got hit by Honda's ultra in the first round, I pretty much stayed back and fireballed all day with Gouken till I won. :(
At least the message was pretty friendly I got after that.

But man, normally I would say Honda is perfectly fine, but he needs "something" against fireballs.....

Blanka on the other end can lose 4 or 5 options against fireballs. -.-

Honda needs better AA opitions, especially for bitches try to exploit his vulnrerability to cross-ups.

Everyone knows this and they cross up mad Honda left and right

in ST, his Jab Headbutt hit box would also connect from the back of the neck

in SF4 however this is not the case, Honda can be hit on the back of the neck during his Jab Headbutt

it's really retarded,


gutter_trash said:
Honda needs better AA opitions, especially for bitches try to exploit his vulnrerability to cross-ups.

Everyone knows this and they cross up mad Honda left and right

in ST, his Jab Headbutt hit box would also connect from the back of the neck

in SF4 however this is not the case, Honda can be hit on the back of the neck during his Jab Headbutt

it's really retarded,

I know I was disagreeing with you guys yesterday but I've started losing a lot more with Honda against characters with easy cross-ups. :lol

I've especially had trouble with Giefs whose FP splash crosses up so easily and has tons of options. I'll either block a string and eat a SPD, block a string and jump up to avoid a SPD and get lariat-ed, try and butt stomp to safety and eat a green hand.I'll occasionally be able time an EX butt stomp and get it to go the other direction and hit but that seems to be dependent more on their cross-up timing than my own timing. Ugh...

Sigh... Anyone got any advice? (BESIDES DROPPING HONDA) lol


Wanna know why Fuerte has one of the best Ultras? Because if you start it before realizing that you're going to miss, you can get away with it.

If you start the Ultra and they're close to you (but you know it's going to miss), pull it long and you'll have time to recover because your opponent will be too busy making sure they avoid it. And vice versa: if they're far from you and you know you're going to miss, keep it short.


yeah it is a bit frustrating people discounting your wins because you throw alot.

Its either i punish with a throw, or punish with an attack. However the attack will more than likely be beaten by a reversal SRK (due to button mashing) so i throw instead because its quicker and safer. It's not like im walking up to people trying to throw them (which they tend to try when i get a few successful throws in), I'm throwing based on your mistakes. Sorry if not running into your SRK like you want me to constitutes as "cheap".

sorry I had to rant but im really pissed off at how people can still talk shit when they originally win by bullshit tactics, and when their tactics get picked apart they just discount it and refuse to acknowledge you as the better player.


After a long drought I finally won a final again by switching from Honda back to Sim. How is it that Sim has better options out of cross-ups than Honda. (IMO of course) :lol


henhowc said:
I know I was disagreeing with you guys yesterday but I've started losing a lot more with Honda against characters with easy cross-ups. :lol

I've especially had trouble with Giefs whose FP splash crosses up so easily and has tons of options. I'll either block a string and eat a SPD, block a string and jump up to avoid a SPD and get lariat-ed, try and butt stomp to safety and eat a green hand.I'll occasionally be able time an EX butt stomp and get it to go the other direction and hit but that seems to be dependent more on their cross-up timing than my own timing. Ugh...

Sigh... Anyone got any advice? (BESIDES DROPPING HONDA) lol
Yeah, I've been having less trouble with fireballs lately. My real challenge these days is people who like to jump in and make me block a string, crossup and do another string, and occasionally toss in a throw when I'm least expecting it. I just have no idea what to do. Seems like they're able to do something else before I am. Sometimes after the block string, I'll be able to jump back and get them with an HK or HP while they're trying to cross me up, but it seems 50/50 as to whether they'll hit me or I'll hit them.
got three hatemail within 1 hour today, i think thats a new record. one calling me a cheap movespammer and newbie, the other called me a shithole. i dont remember the other, but it had "fuck" in it.

oh, and my PS3 + capcom decided to scrap about 300 GP from my account. i dont know whats up with that, but thanks.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Augemitbutter said:
oh, and my PS3 + capcom decided to scrap about 300 GP from my account. i dont know whats up with that, but thanks.
They're on to your cheating ways... Prepare to be ostracized!



I dont think I'll play regular ranked anymore. The championship ranking is far better. I've been getting matched up with far better player in this mode.
Don't remember who said it before, but whoever mentioned Dhalsim's back mid-kick + Yoga Flame "shortcut" a week or two ago; still ain't working out for me. Been practicing this particular (and elusive) combo in Training Mode and so far I've been anything but succesfull in executing it consistently. Don't think I'll ever be able to pull it off whenever I want to with the analog stick, and my ordered TE stick still hasn't arrived... Fiddlesticks.

On the subject of Championship Mode: I hate how you can't increase the number of rounds for these matches. Been losing more than I should have due to the fact it's best out of 3 by default, so sometimes I wish I had more time to adapt to a peculiar style (for instance: either unusually limited or just plain awkward). Best out of 5 rounds or bust!




Zangief... what the fuck? I actually hadn't played a good one before, but that was just ridiculous. There was like no way to hit him. He just stood over me an lariated almost the entire time. If I tried to hit him out of the lariat, I got hit, even though I was clearly crouching under it. Then he'd occasionally do this thing where he'd jump in and do an attack, and be able to catch me with his fucking Ultra before I was able to move out of the blockstun.
MicVlaD said:
On the subject of Championship Mode: I hate how you can't increase the number of rounds for these matches. Been losing more than I should have due to the fact it's best out of 3 by default, so sometimes I wish I had more time to adapt to a peculiar style (for instance: either unusually limited or just plain awkward). Best out of 5 rounds or bust!
Agreed. 3R matches work against me for pretty much the same reason. I also like to change my tactics after losing a round or two, and I can only really get into stride in a 5R match.


KevinCow said:
Zangief... what the fuck? I actually hadn't played a good one before, but that was just ridiculous. There was like no way to hit him. He just stood over me an lariated almost the entire time. If I tried to hit him out of the lariat, I got hit, even though I was clearly crouching under it. Then he'd occasionally do this thing where he'd jump in and do an attack, and be able to catch me with his fucking Ultra before I was able to move out of the blockstun.

Zangief is awesome, isn't he? Learned today that Goukens ultra will only trade with his lariat. Understandable. Why should he be punished for throwing out random stuff?

MicVlaD said:
On the subject of Championship Mode: I hate how you can't increase the number of rounds for these matches. Been losing more than I should have due to the fact it's best out of 3 by default, so sometimes I wish I had more time to adapt to a peculiar style (for instance: either unusually limited or just plain awkward). Best out of 5 rounds or bust!

Just adapt faster, man!

I miss BO5. :/


KevinCow said:
Zangief... what the fuck? I actually hadn't played a good one before, but that was just ridiculous. There was like no way to hit him. He just stood over me an lariated almost the entire time. If I tried to hit him out of the lariat, I got hit, even though I was clearly crouching under it. Then he'd occasionally do this thing where he'd jump in and do an attack, and be able to catch me with his fucking Ultra before I was able to move out of the blockstun.

Playing as Bison I love players who spam the lariat, I spam the headstomp and smash them every time.


KevinCow said:
Zangief... what the fuck? I actually hadn't played a good one before, but that was just ridiculous. There was like no way to hit him. He just stood over me an lariated almost the entire time. If I tried to hit him out of the lariat, I got hit, even though I was clearly crouching under it. Then he'd occasionally do this thing where he'd jump in and do an attack, and be able to catch me with his fucking Ultra before I was able to move out of the blockstun.

Who are you using? Honda?

When I play Giefs I usually turtle and try and bait them to lariat and time a HP headbutt so that it connects right when the lariat animation ends. If I'm mid-range I'll poke with standing HK and if they try and jump hope that I have charge for a LP headbutt. At close range I'm dead against Zangief. I don't know what to do...I try and run away with HK buttstomp and turtle some more (hopefully I have the lead).

I never try and actually Ochio throw as SPD has way more priority. Whiffed Ochio from far away is good to build up meter for EX headbutt and buttstomp though.


KevinCow said:
Zangief... what the fuck? I actually hadn't played a good one before, but that was just ridiculous. There was like no way to hit him. He just stood over me an lariated almost the entire time. If I tried to hit him out of the lariat, I got hit, even though I was clearly crouching under it. Then he'd occasionally do this thing where he'd jump in and do an attack, and be able to catch me with his fucking Ultra before I was able to move out of the blockstun.

His fast lariat counters low attacks. You have to wait until it is just about over and then just slide or something.


KevinCow said:
Yeah, I've been having less trouble with fireballs lately. My real challenge these days is people who like to jump in and make me block a string, crossup and do another string, and occasionally toss in a throw when I'm least expecting it. I just have no idea what to do. Seems like they're able to do something else before I am. Sometimes after the block string, I'll be able to jump back and get them with an HK or HP while they're trying to cross me up, but it seems 50/50 as to whether they'll hit me or I'll hit them.
It's pretty ridiculous and mainly because all of Honda's moves are slow to come out, which means they also suck as reversals. I can't count how many times I've had a "Reversal" pop up as I get stuffed again and again. Sometimes I can mash out a jab HHS as a reversal, but that leads to more jump-ins because it has shit range, does no damage and has crap priority.

The worst feeling is knowing exactly what the enemy is doing and not being able to stop it. With Honda that happens all the time. Maybe my memory is off, but the fireball recovery for most characters in SF4 is insanely quick.

Also, against Lariat crazy Zangiefs, the straight jump HP, standing HP, and diagonal jump HP are your best friends. Straight jump mainly to keep Zangief from getting too close and to beat off jump attacks. I try to bait the lariat with jab headbutts, then use either the standing HP or jump-in HP to beat it. If you're lucky, jump in with FP and mash out an EX HHS.

Of course if he gets close you're fucked. Between tick throws, his jump-in reach/priority, and his Ultra he can pick you apart quickly. Even if you leap over a green hand he can still grab you instantly. The SPD only takes 2 frames to come out, and the Double Germans take only 1. The Oicho takes 5 so...not much you can do there.

There's a lot more to it, but you can spend 60 seconds playing mind games, trading hits and getting some clean ones in to have it undone by a jump in, zero frame Ultra.


Zabka said:
It's pretty ridiculous and mainly because all of Honda's moves are slow to come out, which means they also suck as reversals. I can't count how many times I've had a "Reversal" pop up as I get stuffed again and again. Sometimes I can mash out a jab HHS as a reversal, but that leads to more jump-ins because it has shit range, does no damage and has crap priority.

The worst feeling is knowing exactly what the enemy is doing and not being able to stop it. With Honda that happens all the time. Maybe my memory is off, but the fireball recovery for most characters in SF4 is insanely quick.

Also, against Lariat crazy Zangiefs, the straight jump HP, standing HP, and diagonal jump HP are your best friends. Straight jump mainly to keep Zangief from getting too close and to beat off jump attacks. I try to bait the lariat with jab headbutts, then use either the standing HP or jump-in HP to beat it. If you're lucky, jump in with FP and mash out an EX HHS.

Of course if he gets close you're fucked. Between tick throws, his jump-in reach/priority, and his Ultra he can pick you apart quickly. Even if you leap over a green hand he can still grab you instantly. The SPD only takes 2 frames to come out, and the Double Germans take only 1. The Oicho takes 5 so...not much you can do there.

There's a lot more to it, but you can spend 60 seconds playing mind games, trading hits and getting some clean ones in to have it undone by a jump in, zero frame Ultra.

After playing against higher level opponents in CE, I think I concede to your argument about Honda not being great. That brings up a question...is he your main? If so...why? :lol


Whine Whine FADC Troll
You can have success with Honda, I got into the G2's maining him. Perfected a Dictator who had about 3600CP and 1300GP to cap it off, and won a bunch of bad matchups.

Honda's fun since he's a mindgame char not a combo monkey char.

Vs Gief, other things to use are low forward, and jumping jab/oichio- the frame advantage makes the oichio quicker there effectively.

I can now take a couple days off to wait for people to get into G2, took me about 1.5 hrs of playing to get that last 500GP. Got 150 in the last chunk, which I guess is the cap for G3.

The one thing I hate about Honda is how certain chars really shut down his options, like Boxer/Abel/Blanka/Guile/Ryu.

Rule I have which works well: beat spammy garbage with spammy garbage. Don't try to play people who aren't playing the game.


You don't give up on someone you love just because he's slow.

I've been practicing with other characters, but I don't use them in Ranked/Championship modes because they aren't up to that level of competition. It's a vicious cycle. If they put in separate BP/GP for each character I'd be using others a lot more.
Rocky_Balboa said:
Good games MicVlad. You're the first Dhalsim player who actually tried to go head to head instead of jumping backwards. Although maybe that was little bit too aggressive? ;)

Sorry, I have to start doing some stuff so can't play more right now.
There's no such thing as too much aggression for Dhalsim!

Though yeah, I was forced to tone it down due to the game (sadly) being very favorable to Barlog when it comes to priority, and even throw range. The speed of his poking alone is just nuts versus Dhalsim.

catfish said:

MicVlad :lol

I feel like blanka has the tools to take down sim, but your execution is just over the top. I MUST learn to escape your ultra/super traps. Anytime I see yoga fire I'm like, SHIT LOOKOUT.

you're amazing with throws as well. I realised at about round 5 that my way to escape throws is faulty, I was yelling at the screen 'he's gonna throw he's gonna throw' so I was mashing the throw myself, that brings out the electricity from blanka apparently. Started getting it a bit better further on.

Anyway, fun as hell games, I'll hit you up again after some tourney play once I gather my thoughts.
Actually, I think he might be one of Blanka's worst match-ups for a number of reasons (at least from my experience). The majority of Blanka's moves can be punished very easily by a more defensive Dhalsim... Standing fierce punch alone (which MIMIC can attest to) is a major obstacle for Blanka if used correctly for example, and if Dhalsim has full bars, then it's best to not use Blanka's Ultra / Super unless it's absolutely guaranteed it'll connect.

That said: Blanka's speed and general recovery should be decent to good tools against more prudent Dhalsims.

MIMIC said:
Yes he does....cuz I've done it. BOOYAH, MicVlad! ;)


Rocky_Balboa said:
MicVlad, good games man, although I little bit one-sided. 15 matches against the same haracter in a row is my limit :D.

I learned to time my jumpins better, but I need to practice my safe jump-in combo (jumpin-> few jabs -> EX-OH/throw/headbutt) some more.

Btw. maybe you should do a backdash sometimes when I jumpin on you during wakeup. Might work better than just blocking.
Headbutt will still hit on backdash, if that's what you meant.

But I'll see what I can do. I definitely need to get used to Barlog's priorities and work on my anti-air defence, 'cause that's the number one reason why fighting against those type of Barlogs is such an uphill battle for me personally.

LakeEarth said:
Great games with MicVlad. I'm glad to get a little revenge after our previous battle of 0-12. I dunno why but I was doing a really good job shutting down your teleports. And your throwing, which is usually a killer, was partially hurt by Abel's tornado throw which is immune to throws.

Good games.
I'll be honest: Abel makes me paranoid because he can be so tricky to get rid off once he "sticks" to you at close range, if you catch my drift. Also didn't help that my game plan is relatively limited against yours and that you found out how to block my offensive shit. :[

Level 8 Boss said:
Had some good games against Micvlad on Friday, he took it 4-3 before I had to dash out. Had one great moment when he Yoga Catasphrophed me, I somehow managed to avoid it, then Srk -> FADC -> Metsu, but instead of hitting 'Sim, it hit his ultra, he ended up just beating me that round.
Yeah, those two Ultra's cancelling each other out like that was awesome. Made me wish I bought myself a capture device already.

Relix said:
Goddammit MicVlad damn awesome games :lol

They were definitely laggy, I am used to it these days since most people I play against are two bars in Championship :lol Damn GGs
Too bad the latency wasn't a little bit better: both of us fell for the same tricks far too often thanks to the lag.

Attack You said:
MicVlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd!!!!! (shakes fist)

I was just thinking I haven't played against him since the week or two after the game dropped, and right when I was about to hop off SF4 for some PSU, he kicks me an invite. Got smacked around for a good 12 fights by one crazy fireballin' Sim. Gets noticeably frustrated when he misses a cue, though. You're gonna burn yourself out man; take it easy. :)
But I LIKE to scold myself at every missed opportunity!

arstal said:
Not having problems with gameplay online. The matchmaking seems to be a lot worse though.

Usually vs McVlad I just stayed patient, waited for one thing, then punished it. You can't stuff all of Sim's options, you gotta fish for the one you expect, and try to defend against the rest.
To be fair: I think we only played once when the game "just" came out, and we had to compensate for the input lag to boot. Had trouble getting out of Ochio tick throws due to this (which you noted in an XBL message IIRC), among other things. I will admit however that I've lost (numerous times at that) to relatively simple and basic strategies before.

Shame we don't have a better latency condition by the way: I like playing against Honda and I'd like to see how I'd fare now that I've had more time to refine my style (you too I bet).

Won said:
Just adapt faster, man!
I'm stubborn.



he's Virgin Tight™
@ Vlad: I've gotten a bit used to the lag, but sometimes it just throws me off a bit. It's playable, but definitely not at a point where we can unleash 100% =O! Maybe someday in a tournament... or when we both get T3s :lol

On the other hand, I am managing Boxers so good now that I just want them to come. Played this 1968GP guy on a final, he had Balrog's Icon and top title. I had practiced my new found abilities against Boxer so this would be a real test to me. And it was. But at the end I came out victorious and he didn't get to G2 :D

I stopped at like 1900 though, wanted to play other games like RE5 and COD WAW. Really, SF4 just takes so much time of my life its not funny. Between business, studies, and gaming so far its like Business, Gaming and then studies. And gaming is there definitely thanks to SF4. I am gonna be hitting a big tourney here in PR this coming weekend I think, I am prepared to win but need to get better against certain opponents.

Oh, and a Gen perfected me =(. As I sidenote, I've gotten so many perfects in Championship. Last night I perfected on the last round a Sagat, then faced a Rose and I scored two perfects in the same round. 3 perfects in a row including a perfect match. Felt so good.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'm a newbie to the fighting game community, but what I can already appreciate is the delicious DRAMA. Anybody keeping up with the AlphaISM radio show news? From the limited reading I've done about it, it seems like the host got a lot of criticism for his long, unstructured radio shows and decided he wanted to quit and hand over the show to somebody else. Then he put up a post this weekend saying that he's selling his site (streetfighter4.us). Seems kind of a knee jerk reaction, unless I'm missing some other pieces to the story.
hey Astral, what do you do when people abuse their cross-ups against Honda?

I try to dash out, sumo smash or do a sacrificial jump to just eat a jumping attack but not the rest.

Blanka crossing me up is one of the hardest, what do you suggest?

if anyone wants to see a spammy match, watch my Honda against a Blanka on the replays...
round 3 will have you LOLing at the spam solution to get the win in this match hahahaha



Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
hey Astral, what do you do when people abuse their cross-ups against Honda?

I try to dash out, sumo smash or do a sacrificial jump to just eat a jumping attack but not the rest.

Blanka crossing me up is one of the hardest, what do you suggest?

if anyone wants to see a spammy match, watch my Honda against a Blanka on the replays...
round 3 will have you LOLing at the spam solution to get the win in this match hahahaha


That's what I do, though I just block plenty and hope I guess right, or backdash.

I really hate fighting Blanka so much with Honda. Only Balrog is more annoying. (Balrog to me is easy-mode SF4, even Sagat takes more effort)


needs to show more effort.
gutter_trash said:
hey Astral, what do you do when people abuse their cross-ups against Honda?

I try to dash out, sumo smash or do a sacrificial jump to just eat a jumping attack but not the rest.

Blanka crossing me up is one of the hardest, what do you suggest?

if anyone wants to see a spammy match, watch my Honda against a Blanka on the replays...
round 3 will have you LOLing at the spam solution to get the win in this match hahahaha

others have had tremendous success against me using ex-headbutt as a reversal wakeup.


SnowWolf said:
I'm a newbie to the fighting game community, but what I can already appreciate is the delicious DRAMA. Anybody keeping up with the AlphaISM radio show news? From the limited reading I've done about it, it seems like the host got a lot of criticism for his long, unstructured radio shows and decided he wanted to quit and hand over the show to somebody else. Then he put up a post this weekend saying that he's selling his site (streetfighter4.us). Seems kind of a knee jerk reaction, unless I'm missing some other pieces to the story.

They should just fix their audio problems and then the compaints will go away. Personally I don't mind the length of the show, one episode I remember went for over 7 hours and had tonnes of random people on it, you're not forced to listen to it all in one go =P
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