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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Let's all give up our shitty characters and start playing Ryu or Boxer. No more tears!

The GP gap is fucking huge, and damn are some guys just playing all day long. Like, even longer than me. I've hopped on 3-4 times today and I kept running into the same people except they'd gone up 1-2,000GP during the hours I was gone. One guy was near 7,000 and he was still in G2. What does it take for G1? 10k? That's insane. Hopefully all these godlike players rank up overnight so I can go back to playing suckers my own level tomorrow!

Ran into this insane Honda who was doing like...j.HP, c.LP, HHS, c.LP, HHS, HK. Over and over again. I had no fucking clue he could do that. It was cruel.
God, I really hate Zangief.

He's like counter-intuitive to the basic rock/paper street fighter mentality.

I don't know to back dash on get up (to avoid his throws), or to crouch block through his lariat...god knows I won't try a reversal since the Lariat HAS FUCKING GOD PRIORITY (even a goddamn Ultra won't break through it).

It's actually kind of killing the fun. And I know I'm not the only one dealing with scrubby Giefs 24/7 on Championship mode. There is no problem with a character being high tier through a lot of effort and skill, but this fuckin Lariat (WIN Button) is pissing me off.
I'm really scared of the giefster too, but when I put myself in the players shoes and imagine how frustrating it must be when he fails at getting close to you and loses, I can imagine how frustrating that must be.

All it takes is one knockdown for you to start shitting yourself, though. :lol
I used to love Gief. I thought Gief players had to be super skilled cuz I could never pull off those 360 moves! But now I really hate Zangief. Someone on SRK said a Gief fight is similar to a boss battle in an old quarter munching beat 'em up. I think that's pretty apt. Online they're all so similar you may as well be playing the AI. They're less prevalent in G2 but there's still enough of them to annoy the hell outta me.
I play Gief (since alpha 2 :D ) alot. I can understand people being frustrated (lariat shenanigans). But do you know how it feels being zoned the fuck out by shotos? I wanna punch my joystick through my floor because I can't get in. Blanka is a tough one too, cause his moves are getting past the lariat.

That's the beauty of hit, Zangief changes the play styles up, which I don't think is a bad thing. People are mad because they have to play Gief different? Should all match ups be the same? I like variety (which everyone seems to crave in this thread), and gief brings this, you have to play different. I have to play Rose different, I have to play Rufus different. It's good.

And I will never drop gief cause he is good now, like I don't expect Sagat players to drop him because he is too good either. Play who you like. I like gief, because I like the game of trying to get in for big damage. I like Hugo, I like Birdie, it's all good.
ThatCrazyGuy said:
People are mad because they have to play Gief different? .

Are you reading other people's post at all? Because nobody is saying that. From an animation standpiont, from a balance risk/reward standpoint, many of Giefs moves don't have that set-up that other characters move do.

His Lariat has way too much priority and power and recover and everything, and all the player has to do is mash the three punch buttons. Big fuckin whoop.

And as for being zoned out -- one glowing hand and a well timed jump and you're in the lariat cheap zone.

Fact of the matter is 99% of the people here, everytime you see in the match vs. screen that the other playing is using Zangief, I promise you everyone goes "goddammit, fuckin-A."


Gief is a great character but he's still lower tier.
If you properly zone him, he has to take big guesses to get in.
Just read it and respond accordingly.
I learned to punish the lariat. If Gief is at midrange, I will headbutt with my Boxer. Or maybe time a straight dash in the end of the lariat. Also backjump.HP works sometimes while escaping. But yeah, if he gets close to me or gets a knockdown, it is sometimes though to get out.

KTallguy said:
Gief is a great character but he's still lower tier.
If you properly zone him, he has to take big guesses to get in.
Just read it and respond accordingly.
Actually he is not. At least according to the rankings. Although I totally agree with the zoning.
I play Gief and yeah he CAN be cheap but he's not without his weaknesses. Good shoto and Sagat players can own him. The lariat has very good priority, but there are ways around it. It certainly isn't the win button and skilled players know how to get around it.


Valkyr Junkie said:
My gawd, I just saw Skeet Fighter :lol :lol :lol :lol


Me: "I should post the link in the Street Fighter IV thre...lolz, nevermind."

ThatCrazyGuy said:
That's the beauty of hit, Zangief changes the play styles up, which I don't think is a bad thing. People are mad because they have to play Gief different? Should all match ups be the same? I like variety (which everyone seems to crave in this thread), and gief brings this, you have to play different. I have to play Rose different, I have to play Rufus different. It's good.

I hate that bastard Gief too but this is very true. You have to play him differently. I've been playing Street Fighter since the Genesis days and I've always either been a shoto or Chun-Li. SFIV is the first game where I've consistently been a character that has some pretty unique abilities (El Fuerte). If he isn't, then he's unique to ME! :)

Eh...I butchered my segue: "playing against a different character" into "being a different character". Whatever. It's late.


Has anyone had any trouble with the game taking extra long to save on xbox360? I had this issue when I first got the game, but it went away; but after the update now it's back again. Saving after matches seems to take about 10-15 seconds.

Could it be a cache issue?


rise888 said:
Has anyone had any trouble with the game taking extra long to save on xbox360? I had this issue when I first got the game, but it went away; but after the update now it's back again. Saving after matches seems to take about 10-15 seconds.

Could it be a cache issue?

No more than 3 or 4 seconds for me. Before the update, it was pretty instant. Maybe I should clear my cache, too, and see if that's what's causing the problem.
ThatCrazyGuy said:
I play Gief (since alpha 2 :D ) alot. I can understand people being frustrated (lariat shenanigans). But do you know how it feels being zoned the fuck out by shotos?
We do. We hate shotos too! I hate everyone except the fat dudes and the ladies.

That's the beauty of hit, Zangief changes the play styles up, which I don't think is a bad thing. People are mad because they have to play Gief different?
Naw, that's not it. The thing is that almost every Gief match I play is exactly the same. It can be an interesting matchup occasionally but when I run into frequently it gets real boring real fast.

I don't have anything against Gief players. I wanted to be one! But there's only so many lariats I can take in a day.

rise888 said:
Has anyone had any trouble with the game taking extra long to save on xbox360? I had this issue when I first got the game, but it went away; but after the update now it's back again. Saving after matches seems to take about 10-15 seconds.

Could it be a cache issue?
It is. I had to clear the cache, delete the install, then reinstall to fix it. Clearing the cache alone may do it for you. It fixed my save problems and seemed to improve my network performance. I'm still having odd hiccups since the patch though. Lag and skips that I never really ran into before Friday. It's irritating.

Duke Togo

I had to chip damage a Gief to DEATH the other day...dude sat in the corner waiting for me to screw up to land a SPD. That probably wasn't the best strategy to use against M. Bison....or any other character for that matter. :lol
Good boxers, sagats, blankas punish my lariats hard. I just played a sagat a while back, couldn't get in at all (I do suck, hehe). Sagat ruins my day, everyday :D

Asking Gief not to lariat is like asking Sagat not to tiger knee. Why wouldn't I use a good move that is available to me? It's like saying shotos throw fireballs too much.

I do agree though, the lariat shouldn't hit the low moves it does though.

Just a little tidbit I learned (I think it's will always work) for you Gief players for mirror matches. EX powerbomb will eat up a lariat at point blank range.

O yea, my saving is taking longer too now since the update as well. Makes me sad, hehe.
I was actually going to ask if that's a common Gief strategy or if they only do it cuz I'm Cammy. I don't understand why Gief would be so reluctant to get in there and mix it up. He's got a ton of health and his attacks do huge damage. Why wait for the opponent to come to you?

Duke Togo

Rummy Bunnz said:
I was actually going to ask if that's a common Gief strategy or if they only do it cuz I'm Cammy. I don't understand why Gief would be so reluctant to get in there and mix it up. He's got a ton of health and his attacks do huge damage. Why wait for the opponent to come to you?
Most Gief players I've faced tend to mix it up....if you can get Bison in the corner, things will happen. This dude (and a couple others I've faced) was just content to sit in the corner crouched, with the occasional green fist of death. I was baffled.


johnFkennedy said:
Good shoto and Sagat players can own him.
Good shoto and Sagat players can own everyone, so that's not really a good argument. :p

I honestly don't really have much of an issue with Gief usually. I just had absolutely no idea how to handle that one I played earlier. Though the whole, "Jump in with an attack, then Ultra him during his block stun," thing was utter bullshit. He had a sliver of health left, I had almost half, and he won because of that.


Artwork from Jab Strong Fierce (Street Fighter Tribute Show) is up on their site. Pretty darn cool.

Rummy Bunnz said:
I was actually going to ask if that's a common Gief strategy or if they only do it cuz I'm Cammy. I don't understand why Gief would be so reluctant to get in there and mix it up. He's got a ton of health and his attacks do huge damage. Why wait for the opponent to come to you?
Saw some of your matches with Cammy.. You got the Spike FADC Spike thing down well at least.. I'm jealous :X

Ive decided to stick with Gen and Fuerte.. I'm around 1400 or 1500 GP now. Taking it slow..

The competition is brutal.. where the fuck were these people before.

Wish Run Stop Fierce for Fuerte was like possible on a controller.. I haven't even bothered to learn because i can't do it :(

Also anyone on XBL that wants to add me as a friend? I'm really waning to watch some replays of GAFers so I can learn.

My GT is MINI Pez so Add me!!! :D Or tell me yours and I will add you!


Yeah, these Champion matches are a lot tougher but much more satisfying win or lose. Haven't one won yet, but have gotten to the finals ... once. Okay, but still. Strangely satisfying even if the mechanics behind it seem wonky.
RevenantKioku said:
Yeah, these Champion matches are a lot tougher but much more satisfying win or lose. Haven't one won yet, but have gotten to the finals ... once. Okay, but still. Strangely satisfying even if the mechanics behind it seem wonky.
No wonder I havent seen a replay from you yet :lol
dont really have any problems with gief, i play ryu. HK him once his lariat is about to end will conect ach time, alway stand around half screen away, out of green hand range, and if they lariat a fire ball move in HK and retreat. Fake hdk's and then throw one when they are half way through lariat, will hit. If they get bored and jump in, Hp srk. Miss the SRK though, and your screwed. Now Sagat, i have no idea how to get into him. his fireballs are too fast, and his game against jump ins is very good. i finally bet a Sagat today in a final match and it was satisfying :)


TurtleSnatcher said:
No wonder I havent seen a replay from you yet :lol
I just won! But I see no option for saving the replay, what the shit.
My triumphant victory of Sakura over Dan deserves to be seen! :(


RevenantKioku said:
I just won! But I see no option for saving the replay, what the shit.
My triumphant victory of Sakura over Dan deserves to be seen! :(

Winning is not enough, you need to be in the top 4000 in CP collected or something. I have won maybe 10 tournaments, but only two let me upload the replay.


I managed to win a couple of tournaments and put up one replay vid. I think my ranking is like G3-B or G3-C. Half the people I fight online don't know what the hell to do against my Bison. The other half beat the shit out of me or we have a really close match.

Any other Bison (Dictator) players here? Got any tips?


Championship mode is the best thing that happened to Street Fighter IV.

This and Skeet Fighter!

"Yeah...me too. Oh, wait." :lol


Forgive me for asking, but is there a explanation somewhere as to how GP and CP work? >_> It's all so confusing.

As for Gief, Rose has a pretty good kind of "lunge" attack that cancels most Lariats, and I believe her Slide move also works wonders too.

It's so satisfying beating people with either Rose or Vega. A lot of people don't expect to, well, lost to them. =P


Honestly, I have played a few Roses and either I suck more than I thought or her throw is ridiculous. Half the match is getting thrown by her, and I have teched throws before in my life.


Stantron said:
Artwork from Jab Strong Fierce (Street Fighter Tribute Show) is up on their site. Pretty darn cool.

Those are neat and all, but I'm kind of amazed that people would pay so much for them. I mean somebody paid $1700 for this?


TurtleSnatcher said:
Wish Run Stop Fierce for Fuerte was like possible on a controller.. I haven't even bothered to learn because i can't do it :(
So that's what RSF means.

Anyway, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible on a controller. I just went and tried it and in like ten minutes learned to do it twice with some consistency. And my speed was perfectly fine, it was just the timing that I was having trouble with.


Oh, and I'm just going to flat out say it. Fuerte is the fucking worst to play against. You either win and it was an annoying fight or you lose and it was an annoying fight. There is no joy to be found in either case.


Nemesis556 said:
It's so satisfying beating people with either Rose or Vega. A lot of people don't expect to, well, lost to them. =P

Played godly Vega onn championship. First time I seen Vega's super live! :lol

It was a pleasure to loose! :D


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
GrayFoxPL said:
Played godly Vega onn championship. First time I seen Vega's super live! :lol

It was a pleasure to loose! :D
I've lost to a great Vega on Championship too, faced him twice actually! Might be the same dude since he Super'd me twice and I was more than happy to go down in flames. Dude was on top of that shit. managed to get two hits out of a barcelona dive and all kinds of funky shit!

I should send him a message...
Not many people use Vega's super simply due to the fact that his EX's are really good.

Actually, it's not so much that their really good -- it's more so that since Vega's move all lack any sense of priority and damage, that the EX versions of those moves makes them somewhat viable.


RevenantKioku said:
Oh, and I'm just going to flat out say it. Fuerte is the fucking worst to play against. You either win and it was an annoying fight or you lose and it was an annoying fight. There is no joy to be found in either case.

Which is why I picked Fuerte. :D He's really fun to play with and I'm just now learning how to bait people into countering his moves.

But yes...on the other side, Fuerte is like an annoying mosquito :lol
RevenantKioku said:
Oh, and I'm just going to flat out say it. Fuerte is the fucking worst to play against. You either win and it was an annoying fight or you lose and it was an annoying fight. There is no joy to be found in either case.
Fuerte rocks

RevenantKioku said:
Honestly, I have played a few Roses and either I suck more than I thought or her throw is ridiculous. Half the match is getting thrown by her, and I have teched throws before in my life.

She has one of the best throw ranges I think.. And its quick and she has a slide which gets her in position like a Sim.

Nemesis556 said:
Forgive me for asking, but is there a explanation somewhere as to how GP and CP work? >_> It's all so confusing.

As for Gief, Rose has a pretty good kind of "lunge" attack that cancels most Lariats, and I believe her Slide move also works wonders too.

It's so satisfying beating people with either Rose or Vega. A lot of people don't expect to, well, lost to them. =P

Yea I love beating people with Vega but its rare. His Super and Ultra suck so much.

You gotta be fast and risk with Vega.

As for CP and GP.

GP = Grade Points
Its pretty much your ranking point system. In G3, G2, and G1 you will never lose points. S class you will but no one is no where near that so it will be a while.

CP = Championship Points
Depending on how much GP your opponent has.. that is how much CP you will earn from the win.

So in Round 1 you beat a guy with 5 GP .. You will get 5 CP and go to Round 2.

Round 2 you beat someone with 10 GP who also has 15 CP.. You will get his 15 CP + I believe his 10 CP ontop of your 5 CP you just earned in the 1st round.

Round 3 - Blah blah.. same thing.

In the end your total CP is the total GP of every player you played I believe + some more or some shit. It kind of goes like that.

Your total CP ranks you amongst others and determines if you can get a replay uploaded or not.

Your total GP ranks you into different classes.. like if you have 1000 GP you will be promoted to G3-A. G2-E is 2000 GP, G2-D is 4000 GP etc.

EDIT: Why are people saying Honda has no counter to crossups.. His EX Headbutt is pretty reliable against crossups. Ive seen some vids.. then again Im not completely educated but you can time it before they hit your neck or whatever and it hits pretty square on.

This guy does it alot.


Check the last round.. gets it like 3 or 4 times


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Brobzoid said:
I've lost to a great Vega on Championship too, faced him twice actually! Might be the same dude since he Super'd me twice and I was more than happy to go down in flames. Dude was on top of that shit. managed to get two hits out of a barcelona dive and all kinds of funky shit!

I should send him a message...

I fought a reasonable Vega on Rose. He kicked the shit out of me on the first round, tossing in a load of taunts the entire time, I was getting pretty angry. Then I kicked booty in rounds 2 and three. I so wanted to send that cocky motherfucker a message, but was the bigger person and took my points to lose them in the final.

Ho hum.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
McBradders said:
I fought a reasonable Vega on Rose. He kicked the shit out of me on the first round, tossing in a load of taunts the entire time, I was getting pretty angry. Then I kicked booty in rounds 2 and three. I so wanted to send that cocky motherfucker a message, but was the bigger person and took my points to lose them in the final.

Ho hum.
Ha! I taunt the shit out of anyone who lets me. All taunt. All the time!


Since the update, I've been using blind select a lot. It's nice when you go for it and your opponent does too, it's resulted in long strings of matches that are lots of fun and even handed, rather than getting kicked or dropped after 2 or 3.

I've had quite a few occasions where I get the opponents previously chosen character in the next match and vice versa though, I wonder how random it really is! :lol


A new addition to the list of characters I have no answer to - El Fuerte; I've played probably 2 in all my SF time, so am not clear on the match up, but faced an absolutely beastly one in Championship mode a night or 2 ago - he just tostada-pressed my head into the floor & I stood there & let him :/

No grist for the Shadaloo mill from that match :(


TurtleSnatcher said:
EDIT: Why are people saying Honda has no counter to crossups.. His EX Headbutt is pretty reliable against crossups. Ive seen some vids.. then again Im not completely educated but you can time it before they hit your neck or whatever and it hits pretty square on.

This guy does it alot.


Check the last round.. gets it like 3 or 4 times
On top of requiring meter, the timing for that is ridiculously small. Do it too early and you shoot across the screen, essentially wasting a block. Too late and you lose your charge.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I got taunted by a shitty ken in the middle of my shittyfuckstickcrapass Hori EX2 stick dying. I kept getting rainbow ball instead of EX ball through fireballs. Dude taunts me round one like he's the shit then the joystick gods blessed me for rounds 2 and 3.

Eat annoying blanka ultra for the lose, KEN. YOU DICK.

does anyone know which taunt is blankas butt scratch? I need that or the banana eating one (maybe that's a win) ALL THE TIME.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
McBradders said:
Heheh, I forget to, I don't usually mind it, but this guy was kicking my ass pretty solidly.
I'm trying to work it into my routine more. I usually FA-dash-taunt-FA-dash-etc when faced with fireball spammers. I had 70~% of my health on the line at one point and the dude couldn't help him self and tried to throw out a random super and got perfected!

:D Made my day for certain.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Brobzoid said:
I'm trying to work it into my routine more. I usually FA-dash-taunt-FA-dash-etc when faced with fireball spammers. I had 70~% of my health on the line at one point and the dude couldn't help him self and tried to throw out a random super and got perfected!

:D Made my day for certain.


I have enough issues simply playing at the moment...
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