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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

FindMyFarms said:
Do you really wanna use 2 bars on a reset though? You get free mixup after ex tatsu anyways and ambiguous crossup w/ air ex tatsu. Either way you prob know Ken better than I do.

Can't get online today :/ I'll be on tomorrow night to run a tourney match w/ Sanjay, don't know how long I'll be online though. I'm going through withdrawal here lol, it's been like 2 weeks since I've gotten some solid SF4 playtime.

Question about Tatsu: I get confused are what my option are when I block it. It seems on Ryu I get a free throw, but on Ken I do not. What kind of options do I have against each in that case?
Flek said:
fightpad broke :(
Mines on the verge of dying.

Hitting in any down direction feels mushy and I get no responsive click.. while going up does or left and right.. :lol

The thing last 300+ hours of game time so I'm actually satisfied and will use my warranty when it does die =]

RE: Ken Flowchart

zzz old.

EDIT: My problem with Vega is that if I FADC they seem to cross me up with that wall dive and then I'm Focus Attacking the wrong direction. I turn around and he sweeps me :(

Also EX Drill fucking breaks armor which bites and he cross up with that so often its retarded.
prodystopian said:
Question about Tatsu: I get confused are what my option are when I block it. It seems on Ryu I get a free throw, but on Ken I do not. What kind of options do I have against each in that case?

Ryu's you can punish. I THINK you can punish Ken's normal tatsu, but not sure (galactic?) Ken's ex tatsu however you can't punish, which is why it's so mean. It's all mind games after that one. Usually, I jump after a ex tatsu. Doing so keeps you safe from a throw, and if he goes for a block after ex tatsu to punish a baited reversal, then you have a nice jump in setup. If he goes for the dp though you'll eat it. 1/3 aint bad lol. IF he has ultra though, then usually I'll just block, as I'd rather get thrown.
Can't check gamefaqs since I'm at work but is there a good list of ways to counter ultras in the game. This might be a noobie request, but I would definitely appreciate having a big list (maybe made by gaf?!) that has a way to deal with all of the character's ultras and suggestions for not getting them triggered by players.
Cool to see some Vega discussion. He is my main and ive used him 97% of my matches played. I consider myself atleast decent with him if not good. I feel like I have a shot against any character except Honda though. I cannot figure that guy out.

Any suggestions?
KoruptData said:
Cool to see some Vega discussion. He is my main and ive used him 97% of my matches played. I consider myself atleast decent with him if not good. I feel like I have a shot against any character except Honda though. I cannot figure that guy out.

Any suggestions?

Even if it's discussion about how to take you down?!?! muahaha.

So tell me, what should I do to stay away from your ultra. Can you punish anything offensive or neutral on jump?
FindMyFarms said:
Ryu's you can punish. I THINK you can punish Ken's normal tatsu, but not sure (galactic?) Ken's ex tatsu however you can't punish, which is why it's so mean. It's all mind games after that one. Usually, I jump after a ex tatsu. Doing so keeps you safe from a throw, and if he goes for a block after ex tatsu to punish a baited reversal, then you have a nice jump in setup. If he goes for the dp though you'll eat it. 1/3 aint bad lol. IF he has ultra though, then usually I'll just block, as I'd rather get thrown.
What about backdash?
FindMyFarms said:
Ryu's you can punish. I THINK you can punish Ken's normal tatsu, but not sure (galactic?) Ken's ex tatsu however you can't punish, which is why it's so mean. It's all mind games after that one. Usually, I jump after a ex tatsu. Doing so keeps you safe from a throw, and if he goes for a block after ex tatsu to punish a baited reversal, then you have a nice jump in setup. If he goes for the dp though you'll eat it. 1/3 aint bad lol. IF he has ultra though, then usually I'll just block, as I'd rather get thrown.
You can punish it on block but if it hits it's safe like the EX.
TurtleSnatcher said:
EDIT: My problem with Vega is that if I FADC they seem to cross me up with that wall dive and then I'm Focus Attacking the wrong direction. I turn around and he sweeps me :(

Also EX Drill fucking breaks armor which bites and he cross up with that so often its retarded.

Well you focus attack the hit then dash cancel to where he lands and punish. If you're focus attack comes out then that's not FADC lol. Also you want to wait until AFTER he jumps off the wall to start your FA, if you do it prematurely then ex drill will punish you.
FindMyFarms said:
Well you focus attack the hit then dash cancel to where he lands and punish. If you're focus attack comes out then that's not FADC lol. Also you want to wait until AFTER he jumps off the wall to start your FA, if you do it prematurely then ex drill will punish you.

Wrong use of words my bad.

What I'm saying is that if he crosses you up with his Dive..

IE: Lands behind you and attacks your back .. your focus attacking the wrong direction and you end up dashing to punish but he is on the backside of you and slides you and you are pwned :(
TurtleSnatcher said:
Wrong use of words my bad.

What I'm saying is that if he crosses you up with his Dive..

IE: Lands behind you and attacks your back .. your focus attacking the wrong direction and you end up dashing to punish but he is on the backside of you and slides you and you are pwned :(

Ohh ok I see what you're saying. When you Focus absorb his wall attack, you don't actually let your focus attack come out, you just absorb then dash cancel into him and punish.

Now, if he lands in front of you, you can let the focus attack go and get a crumple (this depends on you character though, sometimes Rog's whiffs) and then punish.
Is there a universal inside joke I'm missing with SFIV online? Every single time a player with no icon or title joins, said player will always pick Ryu. And then they also pretend that they're not going to pick him by moving their cursor around a tad longer... I don't get it.

Also: I wish replay saving wasn't so gosh darn restricted. Usually I have really close matches in the second match (not necessarily wins), and then the actual final is usually anti-climactic in comparison. Obviously wouldn't mind if you couldn't upload any matches if you didn't make it to the finals or didn't earn a specific amount of points, but it doesn't make any sense why Capcom limited this feature the way they did. Wonder if the developers will improve on it in the near future.

On a related note: made it to G2-E and my second or third tournament was... quite the odd one. I eventually won the entire thing, but only because every challenger chose Blanka! First time I ever had that happen (with any character I mean).

Rummy Bunnz said:
Oh man it was forever before I approved a replay upload because in every final I flubbed the spike FADC spike. So shameful. I still only hit it about 75% of the time, which is still a big improvement. I usually do the second spike too early. Still can't do spike FADC ultra in an actual match. I can do this shit with my eyes closed using Ryu! But everyone uses Ryu. He doesn't have buns. Screw him.
Oh, that reminds me: I spotted one of your replays in the leaderboards. All I can say is "lawl, you weren't kidding about your inputs".


Ryu question:

What's the friggin timing needed for his c. punch x3, c. medium kick combo? I only get the 3 combo hits from the punches but rarely can get the 4th combo hit with the c. medium kick.... :(

I can't seem to get this, which means I can't get off the c. punch x3, c. medium kick, hadouken
YakiSOBA said:
Ryu question:

What's the friggin timing needed for his c. punch x3, c. medium kick combo? I only get the 3 combo hits from the punches but rarely can get the 4th combo hit with the c. medium kick.... :(

I can't seem to get this, which means I can't get off the c. punch x3, c. medium kick, hadouken


but even before that method, any combo that involved c-mk --> fireball came out effortless for me. It was the one that required linking the fierce or med punch that gave me the most trouble.

qcf x2

_dementia said:
Not all of them.
I really appreciate good Ken players.

They need to update the Flowchart for G2 level Kens. Jab-->jab-->throw-->did it work?-->no-->j.HK-->sweep-->did it work?-->srk-->jab-->block-->oh shit what do I do now-->jab

I usually mess around in the first round of G2 matches since you can't lose points and I like to gauge my opponent. When I see the Flowchart 2.0 Ken, I stop messing around and go for the quick kill, it annoys me that much. It's almost as bad as the Zangief tactics.
MicVlaD said:
Oh, that reminds me: I spotted one of your replays in the leaderboards. All I can say is "lawl, you weren't kidding about your inputs".
I should have gone PS3 to hide my shame! I've just got enthusiasms, baby. Enthusiasms for the FIGHT.


my first hate mail! man, it took forever.

"Just another rufus scrub spamming messiahs. gg"

naturally, I responded
"Whats a messiah? I just like the yellow kick."
YakiSOBA said:
hmmm! this looks promising... but to be honest i don't really understand what he means haha...

so I would go... 3x c. low punch, c. mk+lk, hadouken?

It's a kara input which means you kind of press them at the same time, "kind of" meaning you press lk 1/60th of a second after you press mk.

In the SF system this counts as mk being counted twice for an input, which means your pressing mk on back to back frames, i.e 2 frames

going from a cr. lp to cr. mk is a 1 frame link. Performing the kara method listed above allows you to have a 2 frame window, thus doubling your chances of landing the link.


Is that combo a trial mode challenge? It's been so long that I don't remember. Cuz if not, don't do it, it's worthless. It's ok for pressure as a block string, but not as a hit confirm. For hit confirming do cr. lk xx cr. lp xx cr. lp xx fp srk

qcf x2

MicVlaD said:
Is there a universal inside joke I'm missing with SFIV online? Every single time a player with no icon or title joins, said player will always pick Ryu. And then they also pretend that they're not going to pick him by moving their cursor around a tad longer... I don't get it.

Usually they pick Sagat for me. Doesn't bug me though, my icon is Cammy and I never use her. :lol

Last I checked I was like #75 on the CP board with a shitty replay up. But the good matches I've had didn't offer replays, which is too bad. And it's also too bad that I almost never see a good connection at the G2 level. Good thing it'll take awhile to reach G1...by then hopefully there'll be a stable group of regulars with decent connections. And hopefully by then I'll stop seeing the patented shoto jump kick-->sweep combo. Yuck. ggs, btw...my schedule is changing as of tomorrow so I'll be on earlier in the evening as well as earlier in the morning.


hmm! i see.. thanks farm.. yeah I'll incorporate c. lk, c. lp x2, fierce punch srk into my game instead of the other combo... just curious, what does hit confirm mean?

qcf x2

FmF, that fp srk leaves you vulnerable. 3x cr.Lp -->cr.Mk-->hadouken is pretty useful. It's not that hard to do, you just have to be smooth after the third cr.Lp. But it's very useful because even if they block, by the low mk and the hadouken you should have created a little space.
Cowie said:
my first hate mail! man, it took forever.

"Just another rufus scrub spamming messiahs. gg"

naturally, I responded
"Whats a messiah? I just like the yellow kick."
Got this from a Vega yesterday:


*fist bump*


I am Korean.
Best I ever got flamewise

counter picking bitch. go die in a fire u fucking cock eater

I beat him with Sim easy, (really didn't matter who he used since it was all about empty jump in to throw, then walk up and try to throw on wakeup) so I was just goofing around trying out other characters I kinda know. Apparently Suck Rose vs Suck Vega was the final straw.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
I get negative feedback instead of hate mail. I think my unsporting is like 48% or something.

I seem to be doing better in G2 then G3 for some reason. Then again, having opponent who know how to play the game makes playing easier, and being able to do Honda's supercancel on command today helped- if they guess I'm grabbing, and I go for that, over half damage even on Sagat.

Problem is playing as Honda without EX's for a round to get it, and winning that round vs a competent opponent. (You don't want to use it when the opponent has 20-25% life left, unless you're on pixels)

I tend to use undecided as my icon, and almost always pick Honda now. Occasional Chun or my imitation Saqs Rose, though those are mostly for friendly matches. I can so see Honda's limitations, though I know he can get around it though it's uphill, you just gotta think and not be afraid of risk. Honda and Gief should switch their HP- that's a balance tweak I'd do (minor but would balance both out)
qcf x2 said:
FmF, that fp srk leaves you vulnerable. 3x cr.Lp -->cr.Mk-->hadouken is pretty useful. It's not that hard to do, you just have to be smooth after the third cr.Lp. But it's very useful because even if they block, by the low mk and the hadouken you should have created a little space.

huh? how does it leave u vulnerable? That's the whole point of hit confirming it lol! it's one of ryu's most basic bnb's

Yakisoba - Hit confirming means landing an attack if you KNOW you're hitting someone. In the case of cr. lk xx cr lp xx cr lp, say you cross someone up w/ mk, you do the string and if their blocking you have enough time to do something else, if you know you've connected with one of the pokes (hence confirmed) you can fp srk them.

Also, here's a video showing the ridiculous inputs some people have lol!!

This is who you're playing
Mashing is totally the way to play. Who knows if your move is going to come out unless you mash its input 5 or 6 times first? Precision is for pussies.


FindMyFarms said:
CoD broken down

1st hit - high

2nd hit - P is overhead - will combo after first hit
K is low - will not combo

3rd hit - P is high grab with hit properties - combos after 2nd hit
K is low grab with it properties - doesn't combo

Really the only part you have to block high is 2nd hit P. Otherwise, everything can be blocked low. You might be catching people with the grab at the end because they're trying to jump away too late.

Careful about not doing the whole CoD string on block as 9 times out of 10 you'll be eating an ultra.
P on third hit can't be blocked low. Has to be blocked high. That kept getting me.

Essentially, you have to block high unless there's a brief pause, in which case he's pressing K and you have to block low.


Rummy Bunnz said:
Mashing is totally the way to play. Who knows if your move is going to come out unless you mash its input 5 or 6 times first? Precision is for pussies.

Hey, it works for me! Need to play a shoto to get something out of it though. Also just had decent success with mashing around while playing Fei. Awesome!
Can I just mention, again, how good the comp in G2 is? I've run into so many good players, back to back, very little flow chart (some of them have creeped up in there, I'm imagining by time alone).


KevinCow said:
Those are neat and all, but I'm kind of amazed that people would pay so much for them. I mean somebody paid $1700 for this?


So that's what RSF means.

Anyway, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible on a controller. I just went and tried it and in like ten minutes learned to do it twice with some consistency. And my speed was perfectly fine, it was just the timing that I was having trouble with.

Someone paid for all the ones that show the female street fighters. Especially panty shots and/or lots of skin.


he's Virgin Tight™
Jesus the Blankas online are getting to my nerves. I need tips. I can win a round but damn... so fucking hard. What's a good matchup against him?
The whole thing is confusing :(

Ill never be able to move that fast.. I've grown to not be precise in this game and its worked okay.. to suddenly be precise is going to be a bitch.

Like in Trials (Not sure if you guys do this)

But I flinch in real life and close my eyes halfway through inputs.. I never keep my eyes fully open.. Its like its pinching me because I'm hoping it works or some shit.. Its so bad. :lol

EDIT: I Should get Fierce Punch + Run + HK Slide down at least.. Better punisher then just throwing for a whiffed Shoryuken


needs to show more effort.
Relix said:
Jesus the Blankas online are getting to my nerves. I need tips. I can win a round but damn... so fucking hard. What's a good matchup against him?

Balrog: tough to jump in on, can punsih blanka balls even on hit, c.fp beats most of his pokes (timing depending...). But, if blanka gets in he can still cross you up like mad.

Bison: headstomp beats most of his moves, including electricity. Scissor kicks beats slide and is a safe move in general. Can teleport out of blanka's shenanegans, but a blanka that anticipates the teleport can still nail you. ex psycho crusher on wakeup seems to get him out of most anything though. Also jumping... fp? is incredibly difficult to deal with if the blanka doesn't abuse lk upball, which is not something most blanka players use by default.


wow ive never wanted to whip my controller at the television so hard ever.

championship mode really needs to change to 5 rounds, i keep losing in the most absolute BULLSHIT ways.
Level 8 Boss, some good games again. Again I'm sorry that I can't play with anyone else but Boxer. In the end it makes player matches much more boring.

Threi said:
wow ive never wanted to whip my controller at the television so hard ever.

championship mode really needs to change to 5 rounds, i keep losing in the most absolute BULLSHIT ways.
Same here.


slayn said:
Balrog: tough to jump in on, can punsih blanka balls even on hit, c.fp beats most of his pokes (timing depending...). But, if blanka gets in he can still cross you up like mad.

Bison: headstomp beats most of his moves, including electricity. Scissor kicks beats slide and is a safe move in general. Can teleport out of blanka's shenanegans, but a blanka that anticipates the teleport can still nail you. ex psycho crusher on wakeup seems to get him out of most anything though. Also jumping... fp? is incredibly difficult to deal with if the blanka doesn't abuse lk upball, which is not something most blanka players use by default.

Please stop giving away our secrets. Thx


I've started using Gen, and he's actually pretty decent. If I lose, it's always a close match. Someone sent me a message, insisting that Gen was cheap. :lol


:lol I just got the rhythm down for Fuerte's loop. That video taught me a very important thing: the rhythm is supposed to be RSF, RSF, RSF, and NOT FRSF, RSF, RSF, etc.

You start with a fierce punch and THEN get into the RSF rhythm, so it's F > RSF, RSF, RSF, etc. I was trying to incorporate the first fierce punch into the rhythm all this time.


he's Virgin Tight™
slayn said:
Balrog: tough to jump in on, can punsih blanka balls even on hit, c.fp beats most of his pokes (timing depending...). But, if blanka gets in he can still cross you up like mad.

Bison: headstomp beats most of his moves, including electricity. Scissor kicks beats slide and is a safe move in general. Can teleport out of blanka's shenanegans, but a blanka that anticipates the teleport can still nail you. ex psycho crusher on wakeup seems to get him out of most anything though. Also jumping... fp? is incredibly difficult to deal with if the blanka doesn't abuse lk upball, which is not something most blanka players use by default.

W00t thanks =P. Will practice.

@ Threi: The Balrog vs. Abel matches were damn fun. I had never played that matchup before so it was awesome for me :lol . Rose is a work in progress, and Vega... is well Vega. Also I should stop trying to air throw you with Chun, cost me that match. But hey, you are better here than in Smash!! :lol In all seriousness though, good games =). You aren't bad dude.
MIMIC said:
:lol I just got the rhythm down for Fuerte's loop. That video taught me a very important thing: the rhythm is supposed to be RSF, RSF, RSF, and NOT FRSF, RSF, RSF, etc.

You start with a fierce punch and THEN get into the RSF rhythm, so it's F > RSF, RSF, RSF, etc. I was trying to incorporate the first fierce punch into the rhythm all this time.

I hate you.


Relix said:
@ Threi: The Balrog vs. Abel matches were damn fun. I had never played that matchup before so it was awesome for me :lol . Rose is a work in progress, and Vega... is well Vega. Also I should stop trying to air throw you with Chun, cost me that match. But hey, you are better here than in Smash!! :lol In all seriousness though, good games =). You aren't bad dude.
Your Chun is freaking scary...Im pretty sure my bison won out of pure luck (and dropped link combos...i need to work on em D=)

Vega is just a terrible matchup for me, although i know the dive crosses up, i never actually block that way :lol

My abusing FA was what i developed on habit as a "flowchart boxer" defence, where they abuse the charge punches. Didn't work out too well for me :lol
MIMIC said:

Are you using a controller or a stick?
Controller at the moment.. Gonna make the move and actually use my TE stick tonight for once.. Gonna try not to ride the gate and learn how to use the stick correctly.

This will be tough.

Ill probably get frustrated after a few losses when someone taunts me and then I will fucking rage quit my stick and then move to the controller.. But I will try to resist.


good credit (by proxy)
weird random guys keep inviting me to player match, and then breathing heavily and letting me win every match. What the fuck? Is this people from GAF?
Timedog said:
weird random guys keep inviting me to player match, and then breathing heavily and letting me win every match. What the fuck? Is this people from GAF?

How do u know they're guys? That happens to me too but I tend to get a lot of hot horny chicks breathing into the mic. I dunno, there's just something about my Balrog that gets em going.
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