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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Rice-Eater said:
I've had about 3 disconnects because of internet problems and now that I'm at 2% I've noticed that people are kicking me more often then before. Come the fuck on, it's fucking 2%. I could understand if it was 10 or 15, but doesn't 2 sound like it's a legit accident instead of me wanting to rage quit once every 50 tries? Man I can't wait for these 0% people to get there first disconnect so they can stop acting like they're the only innocent people out there.

I never kick anyone unless they have something like 8 or 10%..

I still have 0% and have had a good near 1000 matches in Champ Edition :eek:

Yay me?

(Wow airfare is cheap to Vegas ...)


I have 3% now thanks to this buggy mess of a patch. I haven't experienced getting kicked for it though. The only times i've been kicked was if it was 2 bars or less.

qcf x2

I beat Sagat with Dan in Championship Mode the other night. I'm getting bored of the lack of competition when I use Rose and frustrated at the lack of anti-scrub moves when I use Viper, so I picked up Sakura and Dan. They both suck, Dan definitely definitely sucks (check his attack data in training mode for laughs), but they're both fun to use, especially when you face scrubs.

I beat a flowchart Ken with Sakura by crouch blocking and hitting low FP whenever he jumped. Viper needs this move. And there's few things in the game more demoralizing than eating any of Sakura's long-winded combos involving her EX hurricane kick. :)
qcf x2 said:
I beat Sagat with Dan in Championship Mode the other night. I'm getting bored of the lack of competition when I use Rose and frustrated at the lack of anti-scrub moves when I use Viper, so I picked up Sakura and Dan. They both suck, Dan definitely definitely sucks (check his attack data in training mode for laughs), but they're both fun to use, especially when you face scrubs.

I beat a flowchart Ken with Sakura by crouch blocking and hitting low FP whenever he jumped. Viper needs this move. And there's few things in the game more demoralizing than eating any of Sakura's long-winded combos involving her EX hurricane kick. :)
Anytime I run into a Sakura I usually get thrashed.

The people who play her know what they are doing and usually thrash me with nonstop Hurricane Kick combos.. and keep the pressure on me with nonstop cr. k + LK Hurricane Kicks.

She is one char I'd love to learn but her X-Up sucks.. and against someone who can stuff her with DP on wakeup she kind of struggles.
qcf x2 said:
I beat Sagat with Dan in Championship Mode the other night. I'm getting bored of the lack of competition when I use Rose and frustrated at the lack of anti-scrub moves when I use Viper, so I picked up Sakura and Dan. They both suck, Dan definitely definitely sucks (check his attack data in training mode for laughs), but they're both fun to use, especially when you face scrubs.

I beat a flowchart Ken with Sakura by crouch blocking and hitting low FP whenever he jumped. Viper needs this move. And there's few things in the game more demoralizing than eating any of Sakura's long-winded combos involving her EX hurricane kick. :)

QCB + fp? Plus if it trades u can dash forward and do it again
FindMyFarms said:
We should have a worst GAF player tournament where if you win you're eliminated. Player that loses the most wins the prize! Take your play to win mentality and SHOVE it S-kill!

Hahaha. This I like.

I started dicking around with another character this weekend. I was a little fed up with Cammy. Seems like my strategies either completely destroy other players, or get me totally beat. So anywa, I messed around with Akuma. Holy shit! He has so many goddamn options available it's stick. I REALLY fucking hate all those damn fireball spammers because they are not flattering him at all. I especially enjoy his hyakkishuu and it's different varieties. Reminds me of Cammy's Hooligan Combo but with better options though slower with less priority as well :(. His combos are effing tight, too.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
blargh, facing bison is fast getting my most hated matchup as blanka. I think he beats out rog for frustration.



Bah, stupid Gen stopped my tournament winning streak. Hate that guy. -.-

qcf x2 said:
I beat Sagat with Dan in Championship Mode the other night. I'm getting bored of the lack of competition when I use Rose and frustrated at the lack of anti-scrub moves when I use Viper, so I picked up Sakura and Dan. They both suck, Dan definitely definitely sucks (check his attack data in training mode for laughs), but they're both fun to use, especially when you face scrubs.

But Sakura doesn't suck! She suffers a bit under the console characteritis, but thats it.
Why do people assume that low tier characters are automatically worthless?

It's very insulting to the players who dedicate much time to them.

Low tier takes alot more work, alot more dedication, but is far from crap as some of you make it out to be. Witness top vs. bottom tier play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMKiukJ6Rhg

Also, keep in mind that tier-wise, Ken Fuerte and Guile are not that far removed from Vega. Also keep in mind that at the level most of you are playing, tiers don't mean a damn thing.


Won said:
Bah, stupid Gen stopped my tournament winning streak. Hate that guy. -.-

But Sakura doesn't suck! She suffers a bit under the console characteritis, but thats it.

Gen and Sakura are my favorites followed closely by Gouken. Any good Sakura vids floating around? It's always such a struggle for me to win with her cuz she seems to be so weak, damage-wise. Using her against a Balrog is no fun. Or any of the "tank" characters really. It's like punching a giant sandbag over and over without any results. :-(


Works for Bungie
Hi, SFIVGAF! Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'll be honest: I'm fucking awful at this game. Having said that, I broke 2k CP last night, and have entered the G2 circuit.

The circuit of "Oh my god, what the fuck am I doing in this circuit I should be in G3."

I was playing Championship because, unliked Ranked, I don't match to a random KenSagatAkumaRyu every game. However, now it doesn't even matter. I hit G2-E last night and proceeded to be brutally murdered over, and over again. It's enough to make a guy want to take his Chun Li and go home.

I'm done blogging now. Just had to vent.
Arpharmd B said:
Why do people assume that low tier characters are automatically worthless?

It's very insulting to the players who dedicate much time to them.

Low tier takes alot more work, alot more dedication, but is far from crap as some of you make it out to be. Witness top vs. bottom tier play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMKiukJ6Rhg

Also, keep in mind that tier-wise, Ken Fuerte and Guile are not that far removed from Vega. Also keep in mind that at the level most of you are playing, tiers don't mean a damn thing.

LOL There's only like 2 vids of Vega beating Sagat. Every other Sagat/Vega match is a Sagat clinic.

Also, I think tiers are actually more applicable in SF4 to intermediate players than expert players. Take two guys that have spent 50 hours on Sagat and Vega, and I guarantee you the Sagat player wrecks shop. Whereas if you look at the upper echelon(Japan top 20) of players in SF4, tiers tend to be a little less relevant. Even then though, bottom tier characters like Claw, Guile, etc. are not present.

myDingling said:
I REALLY fucking hate all those damn fireball spammers because they are not flattering him at all.

ROFL, wait til you play a good Zangief :p
Mattlikewhoa said:
Well, I fired up my PS3 to play some SF4. Well I didn't get far because my game save was messed up...

Yeppers 25+ hours down the crapper...

I keep reading these lost save posts and thinking "Hmm, I don't think I'd mind if that happened to me..." Seriously, it's all about the skill you've acquired throught your time playing. I love that everything is transferable in your musscles and brain as opposed to on a savecard. Think of your lost save as a way to relearn all the chars as you unlock them again. It'd be kinda fun I imagine, hehe.

qcf x2

FindMyFarms said:
QCB + fp? Plus if it trades u can dash forward and do it again

Factoring in latency, the startup time for the FP knuckle makes it so that either you have to be psychic or buffering the move before they jump. If you try it anytime during their descent, you're screwing yourself. Even with a trade, you don't want to take any unnecessary damage with Viper as she takes too much to begin with. I treat the FP knuckle kinda like a glorified Soul Throw, since Rose has to be psychic with hers as well. And if you're in a pressured (corner) situation, Viper has no anti-air other than jumping.

But Sakura doesn't suck! She suffers a bit under the console characteritis, but thats it.

She doesn't suck on Dan's level, because he's the only one who is legitimately unreliable in advanced/competitive play. But she's low tier for a reason. Just like with Vega, all you need to do is learn her one or two most common tricks and you're at a huge advantage over her. Avoid the hurricane kick and all she's got on offense is an excellent focus attack and your generic throw. And a great wakeup move in the EX dragon punch.

I win with her often enough but I'm more concerned facing Fei Long online than Sakura and that says a lot.


catfish said:
blargh, facing bison is fast getting my most hated matchup as blanka. I think he beats out rog for frustration.


Focus attack that shit. That's one of the moves that scares me the least of his. I hate Vega's air shenanigans, as I constantly get crossed up, or I wound up getting thrown when I try to focus attack. Or, I try and SRK and get slashed. It blows. But Bison doesn't have any of that BS, so just absorb the hit and look for ways to punish. What character do you use?
Rice-Eater said:
I've had about 3 disconnects because of internet problems and now that I'm at 2% I've noticed that people are kicking me more often then before. Come the fuck on, it's fucking 2%. I could understand if it was 10 or 15, but doesn't 2 sound like it's a legit accident instead of me wanting to rage quit once every 50 tries? Man I can't wait for these 0% people to get there first disconnect so they can stop acting like they're the only innocent people out there.

I've had legitimate DCs. I'm still at 0%. One of them was when I was losing, so I messaged the guy to see what was up and it was fine. The other was during a first round. Guy messaged me and that was sorted out. So after 2 DCs, I'm still at 0%.

If someone a 2%+ DC percentage and they've been playing a decent amount, they've probably ragequit enough times for me to not even bother.
Just now I got to G1-E. Not many players there, but I'm taking a break (from the console version) anyway so it doesn't matter. Hopefully in the of the summer there are a lot more active player in G1. Otherwise I will get my ass kicked constantly. Especially how I've been playing lately.


Shishka said:
Hi, SFIVGAF! Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'll be honest: I'm fucking awful at this game. Having said that, I broke 2k CP last night, and have entered the G2 circuit.

The circuit of "Oh my god, what the fuck am I doing in this circuit I should be in G3."

I was playing Championship because, unliked Ranked, I don't match to a random KenSagatAkumaRyu every game. However, now it doesn't even matter. I hit G2-E last night and proceeded to be brutally murdered over, and over again. It's enough to make a guy want to take his Chun Li and go home.

I'm done blogging now. Just had to vent.

I can't wait to enter G2. I've been spending more time being an achievement whore (finally got that 1000 :D) and now I can play more championship. I've won 4 finals and had 2 runner-ups so far. IIRC, I'm still in G3-B cuz I haven't played that often.
FindMyFarms said:
LOL There's only like 2 vids of Vega beating Sagat. Every other Sagat/Vega match is a Sagat clinic.

Also, I think tiers are actually more applicable in SF4 to intermediate players than expert players. Take two guys that have spent 50 hours on Sagat and Vega, and I guarantee you the Sagat player wrecks shop. Whereas if you look at the upper echelon(Japan top 20) of players in SF4, tiers tend to be a little less relevant. Even then though, bottom tier characters like Claw, Guile, etc. are not present.

That's a really good point, but I'm just trying to point out that bottom tier shouldn't be dismissed just because they are not as good as the rest of the cast. Some people enjoy the challenge and invest hardcore amounts of time learning these characters, simple blanket statements like "Vega Sucks LoLZ" and whatnot are disrespectful and misguided.

For example I piloted Q to many a victories in the old 3rd Strike days, commanding much respect and I had alot of fun doing it. 3rd Strike is a hell of a lot less balanced than 4, yet it is not uncommon to see Q, Hugo, or Necro players placing high back in the day.

The point of that video was to show that it is possible to get good results with Claw. Subsequently, I would care to wager that Claw player would wipe the floor with 90% of Live and PSN. But, if he's that good I guess he should have invested time in Sagat, right? Then he'd be the best ever, right? Now you understand my argument.
thirtytwoutside said:
I've had legitimate DCs. I'm still at 0%. One of them was when I was losing, so I messaged the guy to see what was up and it was fine. The other was during a first round. Guy messaged me and that was sorted out. So after 2 DCs, I'm still at 0%.

If someone a 2%+ DC percentage and they've been playing a decent amount, they've probably ragequit enough times for me to not even bother.

I don't know if it's actually counted as a percentage though. I've easily played more than 500 championship matches, and in the two times that I've LOST CONNECTION TO PLAYSTATION NETWORK through no fault of my own or my internet connection (PSN still stays signed in - Go to hell capcom), my DC ratio is at a generous 2% :/ . It should be zero, or hell, even one.


So I just got back to this after a two months' break and am trying to get my Ryu up to speed. My only problem is I don't know when to use his Ultra. For example, my friend used Akuma and does a Raging Demon across the screen. I jumped behind him and release my Ultra and he had sufficient time to recover and block it. WTF.

Also, what's the best way to defend against a Raging Demon? Sometimes, I jump at the wrong time and the moment I land, I get hit with it. Other times, he would throw a fireball at me and I would jump straight up to avoid it. As soon as I do that, the Raging Demon comes out and catches me all the way from the other side of the screen.


I've been playing this a lot again recently. What a great game. I haven't been playing online that much because I lost the interest to do so.
The 2 player matches I've been having with friends are awesome though. This game is going to have some serious longevity for me!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Shishka said:
Hi, SFIVGAF! Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'll be honest: I'm fucking awful at this game. Having said that, I broke 2k CP last night, and have entered the G2 circuit.

The circuit of "Oh my god, what the fuck am I doing in this circuit I should be in G3."

I was playing Championship because, unliked Ranked, I don't match to a random KenSagatAkumaRyu every game. However, now it doesn't even matter. I hit G2-E last night and proceeded to be brutally murdered over, and over again. It's enough to make a guy want to take his Chun Li and go home.

I'm done blogging now. Just had to vent.

Man, makes me wanna go play Championship Mode right now...

I'm undefeated in it right now, but that's only because I won my first Championship, checked out my replay, played a few more, then stopped when every player that showed up in the search had one red bar from Japan...

Chun Li player? Haven't seen too many of them, you should stick with her because she's pretty solid and I'd bet that not to many know how to fight a Chun Li either...


Skilotonn said:
Chun Li player? Haven't seen too many of them, you should stick with her because she's pretty solid and I'd bet that not to many know how to fight a Chun Li either...
Chun Li huh?

Fireball, poke, poke, FA, poke.
Got EX meter? poke, poke, EX kicks.
Got EX meter and ultra? poke, poke, EX Kicks, ultra.


i can usually come up with an approach against overpowered characters, but sagat in this game rules at every range, has the best fireballs, nutty braindead priority shit and a combo that allows for huge comebacks. why use anyone else?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
ElyrionX said:
Also, what's the best way to defend against a Raging Demon?

just hold up.

it's almost difficult TO get hit by that thing. If it hits you it's bye bye 60% of your bar or so, but it almost never connects. I've seen that thing push me across the stage a little bit and i still jump it after. It has fast recovery when he misses, but that's because it sucks so bad. I don't know if it's possible to connect that thing at all. It's about as useful as guiles ultra.
catfish said:
just hold up.

it's almost difficult TO get hit by that thing. If it hits you it's bye bye 60% of your bar or so, but it almost never connects. I've seen that thing push me across the stage a little bit and i still jump it after. It has fast recovery when he misses, but that's because it sucks so bad. I don't know if it's possible to connect that thing at all. It's about as useful as guiles ultra.

I'm not an Akuma player but I've definitely seen people connect it in interesting ways. I believe you can combo into it and I've often fell for them righter after I gett knocked down. By the time you recover and get up it's too late too jump since he's pushed you all the way to the screen.

That's how I remember it at least. More light on the situation would be appreciated from Akuma players.


Wow. I shouldn't ever dive into Championship unless my mind is totally clear (I woke up a few minutes before my other post on this page). I faced some shitty Ryus....and lost to all of them in the 1st round. I was Guile and did a wake-up Ultra FROM ACROSS THE SCREEN :lol Good God, I couldn't believe I did that.

Soon after those pathetic losses, I went into a player match and faced a Ryu (rolleyes) and destroyed him. Then I went back into Championship and faced another Ryu (ROLLEYES) and finally got past the first round.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Wooo, my SE stick is ordered and on the way :D

No more spending half of my time playing Viper cussing at myself because I accidentally did a vertical high jump or tried to do something else that didn't come out (hopefully).


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Arde5643 said:
Chun Li huh?

Fireball, poke, poke, FA, poke.
Got EX meter? poke, poke, EX kicks.
Got EX meter and ultra? poke, poke, EX Kicks, ultra.


Ah yeah, forgot about that song! :lol
ElyrionX said:
So I just got back to this after a two months' break and am trying to get my Ryu up to speed. My only problem is I don't know when to use his Ultra. For example, my friend used Akuma and does a Raging Demon across the screen. I jumped behind him and release my Ultra and he had sufficient time to recover and block it. WTF.

I don't play as Ryu, but I've been hit by an AA Dragon Punch into Ultra quite a number of times.


thirtytwoutside said:
I don't play as Ryu, but I've been hit by an AA Dragon Punch into Ultra quite a number of times.

Yeah but that takes an FADC out of the DP which I've yet to learn. I'm not even sure whether learning it is within my skill limits since I suck bad at fighting games due to my poor reflexes.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
My character hate list for my blanka, in order of worst to best

Honda - wtf you can't get close to this guy, his headbutt is basically FREE, he bounces too far back to hit with anything.

Balrog. - asshole

Bison - always smarter than me

Sagat - I just hate sagat

the rest is good. My favourite fight is vs Zangief. I hate that asshole with a passion, but it's a fun fight, really nervous the whole time cause one screw up and he will piledriver you to death.

Wooo, my SE stick is ordered and on the way

Good for you! I been playing on my 2 new ones. They are great. Still waiting on the sanwa parts to mod it, but the stock stuff when new seems to do the job. no faults yet.

Yeah but that takes an FADC out of the DP which I've yet to learn. I'm not even sure whether learning it is within my skill limits since I suck bad at fighting games due to my poor reflexes.

nope with the lp dragon punch, if you connect it right, if the player is almost above you, or if it trades you can get the ultra off with no FADC.

You can also time the ultra when somebody jumps in to kick you, you can hit them with it. Thats how I first started connecting it in games. then with dragon punches. I couldn't figure out FADC -> Ultra very well in trainings though and switched to a charge character.


ElyrionX said:
Yeah but that takes an FADC out of the DP which I've yet to learn. I'm not even sure whether learning it is within my skill limits since I suck bad at fighting games due to my poor reflexes.
Actually, A jab shoryuken will also let you land the ultra if used as anti-air (it's pretty easy to do), even without the FADC. Probably the easiest way for Ryu to land his ultra. Just jab shoryuken when your opponent is in the air, and then throw out the ultra as soon as you hit the ground. Easy as pie.

You can also land it with ex-hado, or ex-tatsu if they're in the corner, or to punish fireballs if you're close enough (no more than a half screen away, probably closer).

What the fuck is this shit Capcom (or Microsoft)? Fix it goddammit!


^ I had the same thing happen today too. At one point it was coming up with no matches at all on anything (ranked/player/champ) - I thought 'wow, it's too early for everyone to have deserted it surely!'

After I joined a Championship lobby and the host had a 17% disconnect rate, largest I've seen, I was out of there straight away! :lol


Rocky_Balboa said:

What the fuck is this shit Capcom (or Microsoft)? Fix it goddammit!

Just wanted to post a pic! Was wondering why no one joined my games. Lost completely the connection earlier too.
Aaaand it swallowed my latest replay. Watched a Zangief mirror match instead. I will never do that again.....


Works for Bungie
Skilotonn said:
Chun Li player? Haven't seen too many of them, you should stick with her because she's pretty solid and I'd bet that not to many know how to fight a Chun Li either...

I'll keep at it just because I'm terribly addicted to this game.

Chun Li is a LOT of fun, partly just because people aren't used to fighting her, and partly because she's so fragile that you have to be careful to avoid any punishment.

And when you send someone flying through the air with a combo or even just EX sbk, you can almost hear them recoil in horror. Played well, those massive legs of hers can really intimidate someone.


Anyone else have this glitch?
The replays on the leaderboard have the character icon highlighted in yellow for the player that won the match. However, all of the replays that I save to my HDD always have player one highlighted no matter who actually won the match. Kind of annoying.


thirtytwoutside said:
I've had legitimate DCs. I'm still at 0%. One of them was when I was losing, so I messaged the guy to see what was up and it was fine. The other was during a first round. Guy messaged me and that was sorted out. So after 2 DCs, I'm still at 0%.

If someone a 2%+ DC percentage and they've been playing a decent amount, they've probably ragequit enough times for me to not even bother.

As I said, i have 3% through no fault of my own and have never ragequitted even once in the 160 hours i've played SF4. I've also played against people with 5% that lost gracefully after a thrashing. You really shouldn't factor in % in the decision to play the match until it gets closer to 10% and up.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Shishka said:
I'll keep at it just because I'm terribly addicted to this game.

Chun Li is a LOT of fun, partly just because people aren't used to fighting her, and partly because she's so fragile that you have to be careful to avoid any punishment.

And when you send someone flying through the air with a combo or even just EX sbk, you can almost hear them recoil in horror. Played well, those massive legs of hers can really intimidate someone.

Yup, which is why I love Honda so much too - the MAJOR Achilles heel to the Ryu/Ken flood online is that when people come across someone they don't know, they don't know what the hell to do against that character...

Check out the Shoryuken forum for Chun Li's dedicated forum (here) and check out her most-important moves, what do in certain situations, her good & bad matchups, etc - and you should be golden with a character most don't see every day...

And if you haven't been doing that yet, make sure to do a wake-up EX Spinning Bird kick on those waiting for you up close after you get knocked down...


Man, I feel so out of the loop/out of touch with SFIV. I was playing the game tons when it first came out using an SE fightstick I managed to score from MadCatz' web store. Then like a month later, I finally got my TE stick -- fucking GameStop -- and then RE5 came out. Since then, my poor beautiful TE has been basically collecting dust. This weekend I decided to make a conscious effort to play some SFIV, and man, I was rusty. It took me maybe 6 or 7 tries to beat Seth when I used to be able to beat him the first time. Did the Championship update also cheapen him up (more) or something? That fucker was on fire; doing that weird ass uppercut pile-driver throw, teleporting, doing it again when I got up, teleporting, doing it again, etc. etc. until I darn near wanted to throw my joystick! :lol
ElyrionX said:
So I just got back to this after a two months' break and am trying to get my Ryu up to speed. My only problem is I don't know when to use his Ultra. For example, my friend used Akuma and does a Raging Demon across the screen. I jumped behind him and release my Ultra and he had sufficient time to recover and block it. WTF.

Also, what's the best way to defend against a Raging Demon? Sometimes, I jump at the wrong time and the moment I land, I get hit with it. Other times, he would throw a fireball at me and I would jump straight up to avoid it. As soon as I do that, the Raging Demon comes out and catches me all the way from the other side of the screen.
Since you play Ryu.. Do a airborne hurricane kick.. Keeps you in the air longer or makes you travel farther.

Lost Fragment said:
Wooo, my SE stick is ordered and on the way :D

No more spending half of my time playing Viper cussing at myself because I accidentally did a vertical high jump or tried to do something else that didn't come out (hopefully).
You'd have it today if you just listened to me on Friday.. :\

ElyrionX said:
Yeah but that takes an FADC out of the DP which I've yet to learn. I'm not even sure whether learning it is within my skill limits since I suck bad at fighting games due to my poor reflexes.

When someone jumps in on you just do a LP dragon punch at the right time.. and you will either trade and not fall completely and recover as they are falling so you can pump out an ultra.. or you will hit them cleanly and as they are falling you can ultra and catch them before they fall.

bumpkin said:
Then like a month later, I finally got my TE stick -- fucking GameStop --

Um thats Madcatzs' fault not GameStop. They couldn't even meet the demand that they promised to the retailers.. Hence why Amazon and Best Buy and every other retailer in the world was screwed over.

Also screw everyone who can play on a stick.. I tried some more this weekend and it was like pulling teeth. My ultras now only come out 20% of the time as opposed to 97% of the time with a pad..

I think I just have pad engraved in my head and that will never change so I may just never bother learning how to play on a stick except charge chars which are so much easier on the stick.

I'm so stoked for EVO. Airfare is only $258ish round trip from DFW and I have a free ticket on my AAdvantage account since a shoot up at Game Informer was cancelled. So I'll just have to pay for hotel which will be about $400.00 by myself and I will be staying from Weds July 15th all the way through Tuesday July 21st. Not too shabby of a vacation :)

(Damn Rio charges an insane deposit though.. I will just bitch and moan and get it reduced to $100.. no way I'm spending crap on that over priced mini bar in the room and pr0n)

EDIT: If anyone wants to attend and room up with me for a few days that EVO is on then I'm up for it. I'll split the cost (obviously for only the days you are there.. not my full time I'm there :))

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
TurtleSnatcher said:
You'd have it today if you just listened to me on Friday.. :\

I kinda wasn't desperate enough to drive all the way to Shepherdsville to get a stick, especially since it rained cats and dogs all weekend.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Also screw everyone who can play on a stick.. I tried some more this weekend and it was like pulling teeth. My ultras now only come out 20% of the time as opposed to 97% of the time with a pad..

I know it's been said a million times before, but just keep using the stick. There becomes a point where it just begins to click, and you notice it, and it's a really good feeling. I don't know about you, but my hand just HURTS playing for a long time with a pad, but with a stick this doesn't happen. You just feel so free and relaxed.

TurtleSnatcher said:
(Damn Rio charges an insane deposit though.. I will just bitch and moan and get it reduced to $100.. no way I'm spending crap on that over priced mini bar in the room and pr0n)

Gold Coast is literally right next door and a five minute walk. You can get a room there for around $50 a night, or less usually. The upgraded rooms are actually quite nice, and will run you like $10 more a night I think. Worth it. If you want fancy, the Palms is across the street, about a 7 min walk. The basic mexican place in there is awesome if you are craving a kickass carne asada burrito smothered in cheese and sauces.
Philthy said:
I know it's been said a million times before, but just keep using the stick. There becomes a point where it just begins to click, and you notice it, and it's a really good feeling. I don't know about you, but my hand just HURTS playing for a long time with a pad, but with a stick this doesn't happen. You just feel so free and relaxed.

Gold Coast is literally right next door and a five minute walk. You can get a room there for around $50 a night, or less usually. The upgraded rooms are actually quite nice, and will run you like $10 more a night I think. Worth it.

Hah I'm the opposite.. pad doesn't hurt.. maybe did for the first week or so.. but the stick hurts my wrist =[

Ill keep putting a few hours here and there but for Champ mode I usually stick to my pad or else I'd never win.

I may actually just stop playing Champ mode until the skill balances out.. I clearly should be in the G3 category not G2.. :( I freaking suck in this game.

Gold Coast is literally right next door and a five minute walk. You can get a room there for around $50 a night, or less usually. The upgraded rooms are actually quite nice, and will run you like $10 more a night I think. Worth it.

The rates for EVO at the Rio are good though.

$49.00 for Weds, Thurs, Sunday, Monday nights.. and then $89.00 for Friday and Saturday..

Not too shabby honestly.

I'll be there Weds, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night. Not to mention Rio shuttles to the Strip.

EDIT: I'm also really just use to staying in a MGM casino as well. I've stayed at Mandalay twice, and loved it. Never been to the Rio so this will be new. I stay away from the other side of the strip where english is a second language (ie: Circus Circus, Stratosphere etc).


TurtleSnatcher said:
Um thats Madcatzs' fault not GameStop. They couldn't even meet the demand that they promised to the retailers.. Hence why Amazon and Best Buy and every other retailer in the world was screwed over.
I'd agree with you except that it seems like GameStop gave priority to the people who reserved it online. They basically said "screw you" to those of us who physically went to the store and reserved one. That's what pissed me off.

TurtleSnatcher said:
Also screw everyone who can play on a stick.. I tried some more this weekend and it was like pulling teeth. My ultras now only come out 20% of the time as opposed to 97% of the time with a pad..
You know, I was in the same camp; downright refused to play SF with a joystick, even back in the SNES/arcade days. But I made the conscious effort to learn to play on the stick and I can say that I'm probably on the same level I was with a d-pad now. Mind you I was never a "great" player, but I could put up a heck of a fight. :D
FindMyFarms said:
LOL There's only like 2 vids of Vega beating Sagat. Every other Sagat/Vega match is a Sagat clinic.

Also, I think tiers are actually more applicable in SF4 to intermediate players than expert players. Take two guys that have spent 50 hours on Sagat and Vega, and I guarantee you the Sagat player wrecks shop. Whereas if you look at the upper echelon(Japan top 20) of players in SF4, tiers tend to be a little less relevant. Even then though, bottom tier characters like Claw, Guile, etc. are not present.

ROFL, wait til you play a good Zangief :p

I really wish people would fuckin play as vega in a competitive environment before saying shit like "tiers don't matter, vega isn't really all that bad."

No mother fucker, he is bad. He can never really dish out a large damage at once. He can only chip chip chip away. However, in many instances he can be totally fucked, i.e -- a blocked wall attacked, catching me on the end of a backflip or roll, the shitty anti-air that he doesn't have, being thrown 24/7 because Vega's pokes are all slow, getting stuck in a corner. Oh wait, nevermind, I can jump off a wall and do an attack that does like 20 points of damage!!! Oh wait, shit nevermind -- since I blocked an attack, I lost my claw, now I just do 10 points of damage.

Vega is the only shitty character who gets SHITTIER during the match. That's a title not even Dan can house.
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