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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

bumpkin said:
I'd agree with you except that it seems like GameStop gave priority to the people who reserved it online. They basically said "screw you" to those of us who physically went to the store and reserved one. That's what pissed me off.

You know, I was in the same camp; downright refused to play SF with a joystick, even back in the SNES/arcade days. But I made the conscious effort to learn to play on the stick and I can say that I'm probably on the same level I was with a d-pad now. Mind you I was never a "great" player, but I could put up a heck of a fight. :D

You don't know the story.. Initial half shipment came in the week before.. online shipments were sent out with the rest coming in later that week for stores so they would have it on time.. then Madcatz decided to finally notify everyone that they wouldn't have anything available.
I converted three friends of mine who were pad players to stick. It was awkward for them at first, but after some encouragement and coaching from me (I also let them borrow my hori sticks), they have never looked back. One of those friends can do FADC-->Ultra like hell now...and he thanked me helping him ditch the pad :)
C- Warrior said:
I really wish people would fuckin play as vega in a competitive environment before saying shit like "tiers don't matter, vega isn't really all that bad."

No mother fucker, he is bad. He can never really dish out a large damage at once. He can only chip chip chip away. However, in many instances he can be totally fucked, i.e -- a blocked wall attacked, catching me on the end of a backflip or roll, the shitty anti-air that he doesn't have, being thrown 24/7 because Vega's pokes are all slow, getting stuck in a corner. Oh wait, nevermind, I can jump off a wall and do an attack that does like 20 points of damage!!! Oh wait, shit nevermind -- since I blocked an attack, I lost my claw, now I just do 10 points of damage.

Vega is the only shitty character who gets SHITTIER during the match. That's a title not even Dan can house.

I'd say El Fuerte is Vegas Best Matchup. He owns him on the ground since he can flip out on wake up and Fuerte still has issues with him in the air even if jump back HK may be somewhat reliable.

The pokes and the back flip (I know lol) actually can stop Fuerte from his grabs and jumps.


Alright.. I'm locking my 2 Madcatz fight pads up tonight.. And not touching them. I'm going to force myself on the TE stick. I hate you all.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Shishka said:
I'll keep at it just because I'm terribly addicted to this game.

Chun Li is a LOT of fun, partly just because people aren't used to fighting her, and partly because she's so fragile that you have to be careful to avoid any punishment.

And when you send someone flying through the air with a combo or even just EX sbk, you can almost hear them recoil in horror. Played well, those massive legs of hers can really intimidate someone.

Fix leg spread.
TurtleSnatcher said:
I'd say El Fuerte is Vegas Best Matchup. He owns him on the ground since he can flip out on wake up and Fuerte still has issues with him in the air even if jump back HK may be somewhat reliable.

The pokes and the back flip (I know lol) actually can stop Fuerte from his grabs and jumps.


Alright.. I'm locking my 2 Madcatz fight pads up tonight.. And not touching them. I'm going to force myself on the TE stick. I hate you all.

Oh my god dude.

The next time you play a Vega player, instead of doing the same 'wake-up' retard tostada slam or whatever the fuck El fuerte players do, use gotta think.

simply dash forward, and throw Vega the next time a Vega player does those flips on wake-up.
TurtleSnatcher said:

Alright.. I'm locking my 2 Madcatz fight pads up tonight.. And not touching them. I'm going to force myself on the TE stick. I hate you all.

Let me tell you this -- I was never in the arcade scene, my parents wouldn't let me go to the arcades when I was a kid. so technically, I grew up with pads all my life -- when SF IV came out, I told myself I'll start anew with a stick. So I got an SE stick, and I didn't like it. I was 100% better on a pad. But a days practice became a week, and a week's practice became a month - and now, I can't dream of using anything other than stick. And not even that, I can now play as all characters, whereas with a pad I could only really stick to QCF type characters.

I did the smart thing, and forced myself to learn a stick the day the game came out, so the competition wasn't all that hard all the time online. But now, it's going to be more depressing. But stick with the stick. (lol, the pun). Play against people on player match and/or gaffers who aren't the greatest. Your stick handicap shoudl balance things out. But you NEED TO STICK WITH IT. Stop using a stick for the day, get all pissed off and switch back to a controller. That won't help you.


i got my TE stick about 3 weeks ago and forced myself to use it after some initial suckage. it eventually clicked somewhere along those 3 weeks. try and experiment with how you hold the stick, it took me about 3-4 different ways before I found the one I use now. I would avoid online, it's much more frustrating losing to another player than a CPU. experiment with different characters, not just the ones you normally use. I feel perfectly fine using the buttons now, don't have to think about the placement like I did when I first starting 'sticking'. i still struggle with some movements but I'm hopefull I'll get them down. this is my last week of the semester so I should have a good amount of time to practice starting next week.

and you use vega? charge characters are sooo much easier on the stick.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hai guise! I just started a stream on justin.tv where I'm currently(and probably mostly) stream me playing Street Fighter IV...I main with Cammy but also can play with Sakura and Ryu. It's my first week back after a few months off so I'm definitely scrub. I'll mostly be playing ranked unless I get some friendly challenges which I'm definitely up for. Anyway, here is the link...http://www.justin.tv/tashi23

Watch some sf4 and chat and maybe help a shitty sf4 player out lol
C- Warrior said:
Oh my god dude.

The next time you play a Vega player, instead of doing the same 'wake-up' retard tostada slam or whatever the fuck El fuerte players do, use gotta think.

simply dash forward, and throw Vega the next time a Vega player does those flips on wake-up.

I was dude.. I purposely did propellers because the recovery time of me landing when you flipped is actually faster then even a single flip when timed right and everytime I did it I was either teched your threw me.. Not sure if it was lag. But its really tough. Hell even on SRK the Vega forum says its a 7 to 3 matchup on the matchup thread in favor of Vega and I completly agree.
TurtleSnatcher said:
I was dude.. I purposely did propellers because the recovery time of me landing when you flipped is actually faster then even a single flip when timed right and everytime I did it I was either teched your threw me.. Not sure if it was lag. But its really tough. Hell even on SRK the Vega forum says its a 7 to 3 matchup on the matchup thread in favor of Vega and I completly agree.

The match up is like that because El Fuerte players don't adjust. They try to use the same concept that works with other match ups against Vega.

However, to defend against Vega, you do the same thing that dominates like the other characters. Only your offense has to change.

To defend against Vega, focus attack (dash) my wall attacks, or do an early timed back jump kick or heavy punch.

Get ready to block in other direction when I have an EX built.

And as for offense, stop fuckin running around like a goddamn jumping bean, and just use regular attacks and throws and pin me in a corner.

It's 7:3 match up because El Fuerte players are retarded and keep running all over the fuckin map waiting to press medium punch (aka their WIN button). That's what I (as a Vega player) WANT YOU TO DO.


Tashi0106 said:
Hai guise! I just started a stream on justin.tv where I'm currently(and probably mostly) stream me playing Street Fighter IV...I main with Cammy but also can play with Sakura and Ryu. It's my first week back after a few months off so I'm definitely scrub. I'll mostly be playing ranked unless I get some friendly challenges which I'm definitely up for. Anyway, here is the link...http://www.justin.tv/tashi23

Watch some sf4 and chat and maybe help a shitty sf4 player out lol

u got pwned by the scrubiest ryu player ever. use your ultra on whiffed dragon punches. that's all he did on wakeup, bait it out and punish him.
C- Warrior said:
The match up is like that because El Fuerte players don't adjust. They try to use the same concept that works with other match ups against Vega.

However, to defend against Vega, you do the same thing that dominates like the other characters. Only your offense has to change.

To defend against Vega, focus attack (dash) my wall attacks, or do an early timed back jump kick or heavy punch.

Get ready to block in other direction when I have an EX built.

And as for offense, stop fuckin running around like a goddamn jumping bean, and just use regular attacks and throws and pin me in a corner.

It's 7:3 match up because El Fuerte players are retarded and keep running all over the fuckin map waiting to press medium punch (aka their WIN button). That's what I (as a Vega player) WANT YOU TO DO.

Fuerte's regular attacks are horrid shit minus RSF (which is so hard to do) and LP and F+MK (his overhead) His jumping Fierce stuff is good.. Ill just have to be more patient like you say...

! :(

dralla said:
i got my TE stick about 3 weeks ago and forced myself to use it after some initial suckage. it eventually clicked somewhere along those 3 weeks. try and experiment with how you hold the stick, it took me about 3-4 different ways before I found the one I use now. I would avoid online, it's much more frustrating losing to another player than a CPU. experiment with different characters, not just the ones you normally use. I feel perfectly fine using the buttons now, don't have to think about the placement like I did when I first starting 'sticking'. i still struggle with some movements but I'm hopefull I'll get them down. this is my last week of the semester so I should have a good amount of time to practice starting next week.

and you use vega? charge characters are sooo much easier on the stick.

I use Fuerte.. though I agree with Vega I am a god with a stick.


C- Warrior said:
Oh my god dude.

The next time you play a Vega player, instead of doing the same 'wake-up' retard tostada slam or whatever the fuck El fuerte players do, use gotta think.

simply dash forward, and throw Vega the next time a Vega player does those flips on wake-up.
Easiest thing to do is probably just do a meaty slide, meaty cross-up jumping fierce, meaty f.MK as Fuerte.
All three options gives frame advantages on block.
On whiff, Fuerte has enough time to backdash, block, or do a throw attempt.
On hit, well, Vega should be knocked down again to get all of this to start over again.

That already destroys all of Vega's options on wake-up.

Vega's only win in this whole thing is his pokes beat everything Fuerte has clean. Fuerte's advantage is that Vega couldn't do shit on wake-up.

I hope for the next iteration, they'll at least give Vega invincibility on start-up with EX Scarlet Terror or EX Wall-jump. The poor guy badly needs one to escape from corners and wake-ups.



After losing 5 straight 1st rounds, I have to wade through a turtling Sagat in the first round, and somehow managed to beat him (win or lose, that fucker was getting some hate mail). Then I had to beat a fireball spamming Gouken that threw me up in the air and Ultraed me....TWICE.

I wonder who I'll see in the final. A "I can only do cross-ups" Ryu, no doubt.



Arde5643 said:
Start doing your own jumping fierce cross-ups as Fuerte to cross-up spamming Ryus. :D

I've been playing as Guile in Championship so far. I saw your post about the Fuerte a little while and I've been anxious to try that out.

I'm a retard when it comes to cross-ups, though. I rarely do them and I rarely block them -_-
Arpharmd B said:
That's a really good point, but I'm just trying to point out that bottom tier shouldn't be dismissed just because they are not as good as the rest of the cast. Some people enjoy the challenge and invest hardcore amounts of time learning these characters, simple blanket statements like "Vega Sucks LoLZ" and whatnot are disrespectful and misguided.

For example I piloted Q to many a victories in the old 3rd Strike days, commanding much respect and I had alot of fun doing it. 3rd Strike is a hell of a lot less balanced than 4, yet it is not uncommon to see Q, Hugo, or Necro players placing high back in the day.

The point of that video was to show that it is possible to get good results with Claw. Subsequently, I would care to wager that Claw player would wipe the floor with 90% of Live and PSN. But, if he's that good I guess he should have invested time in Sagat, right? Then he'd be the best ever, right? Now you understand my argument.

First off, this is GAF, you might be taking this a little too seriously if "LAWLZ VEGA'S TRASH" makes you feel disrespected.

Also, it may be possible to get good results w/ claw, but it's only going to happen against people you're A LOT BETTER THAN. There's a reason not a single tourney has been won with Vega, and NONE of the SBO qualifiers use him, and that's because he SSSUUCCCCKKSSS. I've TALKED to top vega players and even they agree. Ask any TOP vega player if Vega needs major buffs, I guarantee they'll say yes, and them saying so acknowledges how bad he is.

Also beating 90% of PSN players means nothing seeing as top players don't even play on it. Hell, the one night I played tourney mode on a friends PS3 (this was when ever1 was still in g2) I ran into 4 of the top 10 players on leader boards and demolished them. Am I a top player? hellllll no.


I'm tellin you man! If you prefer pad stick with it! Everyone saying that "stick is so much better" as if it's a fact are flat out wrong. There's probably TWO things that you can do better on a stick vs pad, Kara's and Piano inputs. If you find yourself using neither, I can't think of any reason to use a stick. SRK's are easier to do, "I can fadc like butter", etc. etc., all that stuff is just preference.

Remember, it's about what YOU like using. Stick vs Pad is preference and nothing else.


Hey, caught one of your matches on JustinTV. I think you were playing Blanka? If he uses ultra/super and you're at a distance, you can just bust out Cammy's ultra, you don't have to block Blanka's ultra first.


Arde5643 said:
I hope for the next iteration, they'll at least give Vega invincibility on start-up with EX Scarlet Terror or EX Wall-jump. The poor guy badly needs one to escape from corners and wake-ups.

For that he has his backflips! What more do you want than invincibility on a button press!

But seriously now....Vega's move set seems to be a complete mess. Was he always like that?


How is everyone's general PSN connection quality? Mine has been garbage for awhile now. I'm lucky to get two bars. Is it me, or is PSN kinda suck?
Threi said:
hmm hhs fadc into oichi...i should try that
I don't think it's worth spending 2 stocks of EX meter for that, especially when you can use em for EX-Headbutts instead on defense.

Having a Full Super Meter and doing a LP Headbutt Super Cancel into a MP Super puts a big WTF on their faces as the ultimate AA
Dr.Hadji said:
How is everyone's general PSN connection quality? Mine has been garbage for awhile now. I'm lucky to get two bars. Is it me, or is PSN kinda suck?

PSN was weird for me 2 hours ago. people had trouble connecting to my rooms and it was the same with me connecting. ping was fine on success though.


MIMIC said:
I've been playing as Guile in Championship so far. I saw your post about the Fuerte a little while and I've been anxious to try that out.
Some nice tricks and tips you can start using as Guile in Champ mode.

Fuson's Guile is just too dang good.

And another use of p-linking for Guile since you like to practice with combos, right?
It's about using b.HK -> cr.MP -> Sonic Boom -> backfist:
gilley said:
Actually, this video is really important. It opened up my eyes a bit about this theory I had back when I had my arcade SF4. Back then, I was practicing lvl2 FA > dash > b+rh > c.strong > SB > backfist all day cause the b+rh combos after a lvl2 FA are his most damaging combos he can do(without meter). It's really what you should be attempting to do after a FA, if it weren't for one thing....it's friggin hard! The 1 frame link from b+rh > c.strong is rough.

So anyways, when I was practicing those combos back in the day I noticed the b+rh > c.strong was easier to do sometimes than others. What I noticed was that the b+rh seemed to be hitting "later" in it's animation on the times the combo was easier. I theorized at this time that the b+rh might be hitting "meaty", which will make the next hit easier to connect.

It wasn't until I saw this video that I put 2 and 2 together. In that video, Guile does lvl2 FA > b+rh > s.fierce (close). If you look at the frame data b+rh is +4 on hit and s.fierce (close) has 5 frames of startup. This means under normal circumstances, Guile should not be able to combo these. Meaty attacks can allow for impossible combos sometimes, and this is one of those cases. That's what this Guile is doing in this video, he's making the b+rh hit meaty.

So, how do you get b+rh to hit meaty after a Lvl2 FA? Back when I had my arcade unit, I would get it to hit meaty just by mashing the hell out of my roundhouse button really fast after the dash-in. But as we have recently discovered, there's this new trick called p-link/kara linking. So I thought about trying this technique to get the b+rh to hit meaty....It works! After Guile dashes in after a lvl2/3 FA crumple, just tap b+roundhouse~forward right as Guile is coming out of his dash. This will insure that you get the b+rh the very first frame you come out of the dash. Getting that roundhouse input the instant you come out of dash is the key to getting b+rh to hit meaty and thus giving you +5 frame advantage after it. At this point it will make c.strong easy to combo. You wont even have to p-link/kara link this one if you don't want to.

This p-link/kara link thing really really helps Guile out alot! I'm loving it :woot:
FindMyFarms said:

I'm tellin you man! If you prefer pad stick with it! Everyone saying that "stick is so much better" as if it's a fact are flat out wrong. There's probably TWO things that you can do better on a stick vs pad, Kara's and Piano inputs. If you find yourself using neither, I can't think of any reason to use a stick. SRK's are easier to do, "I can fadc like butter", etc. etc., all that stuff is just preference.

Remember, it's about what YOU like using. Stick vs Pad is preference and nothing else.
damnit.. These type of comments make me not want to go to Stick now..

The thing though I hear is that RSF for Fuerte is immensely better on a stick and thats just something I need to push myself to use if I ever want to use him to his full potential.
Don't get me wrong, I still think it's important to know how to use a stick in case you ever go to an arcade or play at group session. But your main input of choice is still just your personal preference.

Also, RSF is just as easy to do on pad as it is on stick. I have no problem at all doing it on pad, and there was also that guy(in this thread) that posted youtube vids of him doin it on a xbox pad of all things.
FindMyFarms said:
Don't get me wrong, I still think it's important to know how to use a stick in case you ever go to an arcade or play at group session. But your main input of choice is still just your personal preference.

Also, RSF is just as easy to do on pad as it is on stick. I have no problem at all doing it on pad, and there was also that guy(in this thread) that posted youtube vids of him doin it on a xbox pad of all things.
I did El Fuertes Hard Trial on a pad but it took 12 hours of daily grinding to get just 3 hits which I can get maybe .5% of the time lol.

No way I can do that in a real match.

BTW - You doing EVO right FmF? You better say yes ! I need a roommate!


TurtleSnatcher said:
damnit.. These type of comments make me not want to go to Stick now..

The thing though I hear is that RSF for Fuerte is immensely better on a stick and thats just something I need to push myself to use if I ever want to use him to his full potential.

I would assume that the RSF IS much easier on a stick. Even on the 360 controller, the analog stick makes his RSF INCREDIBLY easy:

Using the dpad: I can consistently get 2 hits
Using the analog stick: I can consistently get 4 hits, and got my first 5 hit.
I wonder why a 'stick' can make things easier.. Its so odd..

Its not like I have issues running or something .. But I guess that may help and/or answer some of my issues.

I can get 2 hits on the pad pretty consistently.. just not 3.


343i Lead Esports Producer
dralla said:
u got pwned by the scrubiest ryu player ever. use your ultra on whiffed dragon punches. that's all he did on wakeup, bait it out and punish him.

I sometimes have trouble laying a hard beatdown on bad players. I know that I am better than them but I get caught up doing stupid shit.

I've got to figure out what moves are punishable for different players and whats the best combo to punish with Cammy. Usually I just go for the throw because it is the easiest to pull off and does a decent amount of damage.

I have to say though, with Cammy I have sooo much trouble with Vega players. I find myself unable to effectively attack them and also defend against them. I think I've got to up my offensive game. I usually play defensive and hope to punish but I don't know what moves are punishable against Vega.


something is really, really wrong with either XBL or SFIV. The online is atrocious right now, pretty much as bad (if not worse) than SSBB random matches.


And just like that, I got 5 easy RSF hits using the dpad and am now struggling to get 3 using the stick. Forget what I just said :lol

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I have no place to say whether or whether not he's that viable since I haven't played him that much, but the #2 CP match on Live now is from a Vega.

Threi said:
something is really, really wrong with either XBL or SFIV. The online is atrocious right now, pretty much as bad (if not worse) than SSBB random matches.

It's been weird for me too for the past few days.


Second-rate Anihawk
Threi said:
something is really, really wrong with either XBL or SFIV. The online is atrocious right now, pretty much as bad (if not worse) than SSBB random matches.
XBL has been REALLY wonky for me since Saturday.
MIMIC said:
Then I had to beat a fireball spamming Gouken that threw me up in the air and Ultraed me....TWICE.


I wonder if that was me... I haven't seen a single other Gouken, of course it's basic Gouken strategy to fireball spam, and throw->Ultra. So it could be anyone.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Fuerte's regular attacks are horrid shit minus RSF (which is so hard to do) and LP and F+MK (his overhead) His jumping Fierce stuff is good.. Ill just have to be more patient like you say...

! :(

I use Fuerte.. though I agree with Vega I am a god with a stick.

This is true. Fuerte's attacks don't do that much damage. But Vega's don't either, so you're not particulary at a disadvantage. But the worst thing to do is use Fuerte's specials and runs, that leaves you open for my off the wall attacks. It's better to just use regular rush down moves.
C- Warrior said:
This is true. Fuerte's attacks don't do that much damage. But Vega's don't either, so you're not particulary at a disadvantage. But the worst thing to do is use Fuerte's specials and runs, that leaves you open for my off the wall attacks. It's better to just use regular rush down moves.
To say that Vegas are equivalent in crappiness to Fuertes is beyond me..

Have you ever used Fuerte? His fierces are so slow compared to Vega where his Standing RH is actually reliable along with his sweep while Fuertes aren't at point blank

His D. FP is okay.. and his LP and F. MK and Cr. MK .. rest I might as well gouge my eyes out and let you win :p



I'm going to send this person a link to this pic



That's the LAST fucking time I play anyone with a Disconnection % higher than ZERO


I am Korean.
Archie said:
XBL has been REALLY wonky for me since Saturday.
It's wierd for me. It's like the bars are flipped. 2 bars is playable. 4 bars crashes as soon as the "Round 1 Fight!" text starts to fade.


all of these rope-based alts are throwing me off! what happened to preserving silhouettes?:lol

xbl connectivity has been subtly off, my friends noticed on their end too but it hasn't been brought up on gaf. couldn't get matches on saturday night and when I did, it was the same 2-3 guys.


I was taunted TWICE while on the brink of death. Then suddenly, my opponent was eating Guile's Ultra.

God, taunts are so annoying.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Ryu is amaaazingly prevalent in G2 now.

I made it to the final last night and the matches went

1. Ryu
2. Ryu
3. Ryu
4. Really good ryu that whopped my ass.

also pulling out a coward crouch when RIGHT NEXT TO THE OPPONENT as blanka instead of ultra ftw is god damned frustrating.

Any other blanka players here? I'm noticing something weird. There is instances when you use ultra that it's impossible to pause the ultra on the ground. I lost a match vs Bison (my most hated matchup) because I ultra'd and the thing didn't pause on the ground.

I know I didn't mess the input and I've noticed it a few times actually. I think it occurs when you catch them with 2 hits before you hit the ground. Not sure how to reproduce it though, it's pretty annoying.

Gief is now my favourite fight. It makes me soooo nervous, but I love baiting his lariat for a free sweep or ball. That green hand actually freaks me out as well. I get in races doing blankas hop backwards while gief chases me across the stage with that thing. Ball beats it as well :D

Also, played a dan in championship mode, he appeared completely uninterested in winning and only wanted to fill his super bar to do the super taunt. :lol I let him then ultra-ed him after the silly butt poke/thumbs up.


It's kinda hard playing a flowchart Ken now :lol You kinda have to guess whether or not they're still stupid enough to do FLAMING SHORYUKEN after every knockdown. I get the ones that do it 60% of the time. After I go in to throw, "D'OH! I could have punished that"

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
constantly back jumping sagat.

bastards. Makes my brain spaz out and go into hyper aggressive mode which results in eating jumping Hi kick crouching lowkick tigeruppercut over and over again at minimum.


MIMIC said:
It's kinda hard playing a flowchart Ken now :lol You kinda have to guess whether or not they're still stupid enough to do FLAMING SHORYUKEN after every knockdown. I get the ones that do it 60% of the time. After I go in to throw, "D'OH! I could have punished that"

Yep. Last few games I've been caught by wake-up ultras I shouldn't have been hit by if I was paying attention. Got tiger uppercutted several times on wake-up too. :lol

Sometimes I think people deliberately be stupid like that just to mess with you. :lol
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