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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
MIMIC said:
It's kinda hard playing a flowchart Ken now :lol You kinda have to guess whether or not they're still stupid enough to do FLAMING SHORYUKEN after every knockdown. I get the ones that do it 60% of the time. After I go in to throw, "D'OH! I could have punished that"

Mimic, send your SF4 disconnect pictures to the SF4 Bad Losers Wall of Shame blog. Help spread the word!

Flowchart Kens seem to be giving way to Flowchart Ryus now. I am getting more and more Ryu players doing the same dumb crap over and over again that I'm beginning to look forward to matches against Kens. :p The scrubs have finally caught onto Ryu being able to do his super/ultra off his DP, so it's easy enough to bait the bad players into trying to do DPs a bunch of times, then throwing them. After all this time, there are still so many players who seem to simply not be able to handle a player who doesn't jump in at them.


Lyte Edge said:
Mimic, send your SF4 disconnect pictures to the SF4 Bad Losers Wall of Shame blog. Help spread the word!


Flowchart Kens seem to be giving way to Flowchart Ryus now. I am getting more and more Ryu players doing the same dumb crap over and over again that I'm beginning to look forward to matches against Kens. :p The scrubs have finally caught onto Ryu being able to do his super/ultra off his DP, so it's easy enough to bait the bad players into trying to do DPs a bunch of times, then throwing them. After all this time, there are still so many players who seem to simply not be able to handle a player who doesn't jump in at them.

Yeah....every time I get hit by DP > Ultra, I just have to laugh at myself.
Teknopathetic said:
Seeing GalacticAE getting beaten like that makes me feel even worse. YOU'RE NOT REPPING HARD ENOUGH, GALACTIC.

lol I tried. I'm gonna win EVO for GAF.

FindMyBananas said:
Lagless play ftw.
Did u catch him in a random player match? He use dictator?

No I invited him to play. He's on my friends list. He just used Ken. Lots of c.mk too. Something I picked up. Sexy ass setups and mixups too.

I honestly couldn't get away with anything. He's like a machine. It was still fun though.
Damn, Alex Valle is Calipower? Then I feel pretty good about my skill level.

I wasn't BRUTALLY murdered by him, just beat soundly :lol, but actually, the match I had with him was stupid close. It was a while back too. Now I really wish I won that, just for bragging rights that I beat a mainstay tourney scener once :D

Also, FADCing is the gift that keeps on giving. Capcom needs to die for not allowing replays on any match. Had the comeback of a lifetime with Guile against a really good Sagat. It was on some DBZ shit.

And if you need practice against a specific character, choose the title of someone who the character you want to face matches up well with. After I set it to Cube Cammy and Blonde Arrow, 9 outta 10 of my opponents were Gief instead of the Ryu parade. I ackbar'd them with Guile every once in a while, but I fair a lot better vs. Gief now.

BTW, sorry Galactic for not answering your call, I was in a room already.

so I tried stick for about 2 hours.. then went back to controller.. I have no fucking will.. christ. Its so bad.

Anyways.. played a ton of player matches where I honestly go like 25-5 against people..

Then I got to Championship and get RAPED. I just don't get it =[

Anyways.. I got to a 90k+ final.. only to lose to a Ryu barely.. UGH. It was so demoralizing on how close I was. I kept getting runner ups tonight and only managed to squeek in like 100-130 GP out of like 20-25 matches.. ugh.

Arde.. Tried the cross up a bit.. Didnt really practice but used it in Championship mode hoping I knew just off hand. A few times it connected a few times i completely whiffed even when they weren't moving lol..

But man.. one match when I used it on a balrog.. the two fierce punches alone (Cross up and then hit) where awesome.. I dizzied him fast.

EDIT: I think I passed my 5000th match tonight.. or will early tomororw when I play.


I tried the RSF in a player again match and got two hits off :D It was against a really good Gen so I figured, "Why the hell not?" I think I lost anyway.

And I have to break myself from doing Guile's full sweep. Good players know that it's a completely punishable move (whereas it punishes the ignorance of n00bs). I've only faced a handful of people who know just when to counter the 2nd hit so I'm not really forced to break the habit.
MIMIC said:
I tried the RSF in a player again match and got two hits off :D It was against a really good Gen so I figured, "Why the hell not?" I think I lost anyway.

And I have to break myself from doing Guile's full sweep. Good players know that it's a completely punishable move (whereas it punishes the ignorance of n00bs). I've only faced a handful of people who know just when to counter the 2nd hit so I'm not really forced to break the habit.

I need to do his RSF in a player match.. or try.. but then my hands arent in the right area cuz i hold my controller completely different when doing it in training.

I need to just practice Fierce Run Sweep

By the way.. I got this at work today.. Tekken 6 Wine!


<3 The Ultimate Nerd item. :lol
(That white box on the label is actually NamcoBandais logo.. my blackberry fails in pics.


TurtleSnatcher said:
But man.. one match when I used it on a balrog.. the two fierce punches alone (Cross up and then hit) where awesome.. I dizzied him fast.
Even if blocked, the close s.HP gives such a nice block stun that you can cancel the recovery into a run to a tortilla propeller or cross up splash attack to down them again.

It's hard for them to react unless they just start mashing SRKs. :lol

Fuerte players definitely need to do more cross up jumping fierces - let's teach those bloody jumping MK and SRK spamming shotos a taste of their own cross-ups.
Arde5643 said:
Even if blocked, the close s.HP gives such a nice block stun that you can cancel the recovery into a run to a tortilla propeller or cross up splash attack to down them again.

It's hard for them to react unless they just start mashing SRKs. :lol

Fuerte players definitely need to do more cross up jumping fierces - let's teach those bloody jumping MK and SRK spamming shotos a taste of their own cross-ups.
wont the 2nd fierce always hit though.. kinda like jumping off a wall and doing j. fp then fp when close?


TurtleSnatcher said:
wont the 2nd fierce always hit though.. kinda like jumping off a wall and doing j. fp then fp when close?
Just in case the jumping fierce is blocked.
Alternatively, you can also do a throw after a blocked jumping fierce since most people will be expecting to block the 2nd fierce.
Arde5643 said:
Just in case the jumping fierce is blocked.
Alternatively, you can also do a throw after a blocked jumping fierce since most people will be expecting to block the 2nd fierce.

Ahh good to note.

Hey FindMy - You doing EVO right?

Are you going to know for sure in the coming weeks? I'm gonna book everything by end of month so wasnt sure if you wanted to room.

Arde - Got any replays online? Or whats your GT if you are on XBox? I wana see your Fuerte =]
TurtleSnatcher said:
Ahh good to note.

Hey FindMy - You doing EVO right?

Are you going to know for sure in the coming weeks? I'm gonna book everything by end of month so wasnt sure if you wanted to room.

Arde - Got any replays online? Or whats your GT if you are on XBox? I wana see your Fuerte =]

I'll know by Monday, but right now it's slanted towards not going even though I really want to :/

edit - if you come to ranbats this friday(last one), u can catch Buktooth's fuerte, he has the best one in TX(and one of the best in US). He doesn't play online so this would be the only way to catch it.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Ahh good to note.

Hey FindMy - You doing EVO right?

Are you going to know for sure in the coming weeks? I'm gonna book everything by end of month so wasnt sure if you wanted to room.

Arde - Got any replays online? Or whats your GT if you are on XBox? I wana see your Fuerte =]
GT is mailArde - I used to have a replay of me doing some cross up jumping fierces on a Ryu on wake-up. I gotta stop doing the s.HP if I whiff the jumping HP though.

A lot of times shotos will be trying to SRK (or boxer will do headbutt) and they will whiff, but because I was still recovering from doing the whiffed s.HP, I missed my chance to punish or I will hit them with a s.HP while they're on air causing them to just jump back to the ground without me being able to do anything else.

I'm still experimenting with the j.HP myself. I like it though, it's like an awesome new trick for my Fuerte to use.

FindMyFarms said:
I'll know by Monday, but right now it's slanted towards not going even though I really want to :/

edit - if you come to ranbats this friday(last one), u can catch Buktooth's fuerte, he has the best one in TX(and one of the best in US). He doesn't play online so this would be the only way to catch it.
Hi Find, do you know if anyone takes footages of these ranbats at Texas?

Kai (best Fuerte in SoCal or entire Cali maybe) got 2nd at the most recent Arcade Infinity ranbat but I don't think they have any footage yet. :(
No one's ever recorded matches at our ranbats, I'll tell some peeps though and see if they're interested.

From here on out though, we're probably switching to biweekly tourneys instead of ranbats.

btw - this is Dallas, tx


So....ummm....I think I just played a pro :lol He was, hands down, the best player that I have ever played on this game. LA PandaExpress. Look him up. I think he did Gen's hard trial #5 on me @_@ (he definitely did #2 on me). And then continued to abuse me with some of Fei Long's trials. lol

It was kinda scary. Sometimes I would just watch him move and it was almost like he knew what I was gonna do before I ever did it.

But get this: the score was 7-3. :D

My only criticism of him is that it was almost like he didn't know how to throw. We never teched because I always managed to get him. It was kinda weird....for him to be so good and to never use such a basic move.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Yup, XBL was screwy as hell last night for me as well - Marketplace would simply not load for me as it took ages for me to use my free points to buy the all-in costume pack - and I mean LOTS of retries...

Avatars never loaded at times on the Dashboard last night for me too...

Never got the multiple copies of lobbies though as I only played against two or three opponents - first two left after I won, last one was an annoying turtler that would retreat to the corner in the beginning of every match, no matter who he picked - win or lose, I simply can't stand people that play like that.

Stopped after that to play Gears 2.

I gotta say though, at first I absolutely hated Blanka's alt costume, but just after using it once last night, I love it! Probably because I kinda hate how he looks in SFIV period - glad I went with the whole pack instead of just Balrog's like I wanted to at first, because I forgot how cool Dhalsim's alt looks as well - makes me wanna use him more even...

Glad I had those free MS points to buy them with...

catfish said:
also pulling out a coward crouch when RIGHT NEXT TO THE OPPONENT as blanka instead of ultra ftw is god damned frustrating.

Any other blanka players here? I'm noticing something weird. There is instances when you use ultra that it's impossible to pause the ultra on the ground. I lost a match vs Bison (my most hated matchup) because I ultra'd and the thing didn't pause on the ground.

I know I didn't mess the input and I've noticed it a few times actually. I think it occurs when you catch them with 2 hits before you hit the ground. Not sure how to reproduce it though, it's pretty annoying.

Yes, coward crouch, especially when they were WIDE open to eat your Ultra is frustrating as hell, I've been there a few times, and lost some rounds unnecessarily because of that too...

And yeah, not being able to hold Blanka's Ultra roll in place happens to me almost every time I time an opponent's jump-in into my Ultra and if it ends up into a sort of cross-up where the hits the top or back of the ball - luckily most of the time it'd land on him in the air giving him the damage that's usually dealt on the ground, even though you can't pause it anymore, but I've had a few annoying occasions where the opponent would get hit in a weird way and bounce behind me while I can't pause the roll and they get only the initial bounce damage...

So basically, all I know is that if the opponent isn't hit right, and you touch him on the way down instead of him landing on you, you can't roll in place anymore...


catfish said:
My character hate list for my blanka, in order of worst to best

Honda - wtf you can't get close to this guy, his headbutt is basically FREE, he bounces too far back to hit with anything.

Block then slide. Free hit, every time.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
razu said:
Block then slide. Free hit, every time.

wtf. can't believe I didn't try/think of that.

to training mode I go
probably should practice some headstomp evasion while there :lol
FindMyFarms said:
I'll know by Monday, but right now it's slanted towards not going even though I really want to :/

edit - if you come to ranbats this friday(last one), u can catch Buktooth's fuerte, he has the best one in TX(and one of the best in US). He doesn't play online so this would be the only way to catch it.

Oh come on.. It will be cheap!

Also when/where are ranbats? And will I be a minority there? (Not to sound racist but will I be like the only white/asian dude there that doesn't have a foul mouth) haha.. Sorry I'm a bit older then my actual age.. but I think it comes with the whole job/graduating blah. Seeing videos on the net has made me skeptical..
TurtleSnatcher said:
Oh come on.. It will be cheap!

Also when/where are ranbats? And will I be a minority there? (Not to sound racist but will I be like the only white/asian dude there that doesn't have a foul mouth) haha.. Sorry I'm a bit older then my actual age.. but I think it comes with the whole job/graduating blah. Seeing videos on the net has made me skeptical..

Other things are getting in the way of EVO, $$ isn't an issue. I'll give ya a heads up.

This Friday(around 10pmish) is going to be the last ranbat before switching to biweekly tourneys. They're located at Campbell's (aka Buktooth, top cvs2 player in the world) house here: click me it's the "house of goons"

And no, you won't be a minority there lol, this street fighter remember? Probably more asians than anything lol.Yuuki (Dallas' best third strike player and national yo-yo champion) is also asian/white, so u won't be the only half n half :p Dunno how "old" you are, but most people there are in their mid - late 20's w/ full time jobs. Unfortunately, I have full time job AND school, FML.

Last thing to keep in mind is that while there's a RanBat going on, it's still largely casual play (sf4 mainly,cvs2,tekken5dr,soulcali4,etc.) You should come out, it's a lot of fun.

ps - make sure to bring your own pad
FindMyFarms said:
Other things are getting in the way of EVO, $$ isn't an issue. I'll give ya a heads up.

This Friday(around 10pmish) is going to be the last ranbat before switching to biweekly tourneys. They're located at Campbell's (aka Buktooth, top cvs2 player in the world) house here: click me it's the "house of goons"

And no, you won't be a minority there lol, this street fighter remember? Probably more asians than anything lol.Yuuki (Dallas' best third strike player and national yo-yo champion) is also asian/white, so u won't be the only half n half :p Dunno how "old" you are, but most people there are in their mid - late 20's w/ full time jobs. Unfortunately, I have full time job AND school, FML.

Last thing to keep in mind is that while there's a RanBat going on, it's still largely casual play (sf4 mainly,cvs2,tekken5dr,soulcali4,etc.) You should come out, it's a lot of fun.

ps - make sure to bring your own pad

I may do this then.

I may trade cell phone # etc with you prior.
What a strange night yesterday: got to the finals arounds 80% of the time I played but had a 0% win rate on the tourneys. Demoralizing...but at least my win percentage went up.

I hear all this local talk so it makes me wonder...any GAF sf4 players in socal ever want to meet up and play? Seems like all the person-to-person playing is only between pros down here @_@

Nose Master

Finally bought a second fight pad. $60 w/ free shipping. I can't exactly have people over to play SF if one of them has to use the gimpy standard 360 pad :mad:


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
Small small world. Was this at Denjin?

Yeah... I forget what he entered, I guess 3s? He probably dosent remember me- I was a bit timid in unfamiliar (enemy) territory. :lol

I was playing online against someone and someone interrupted my match so I had to play them. ......Good job really since I was getting my arsed kicked, but still, that shouldn't happen.


Feral Youth said:

I was playing online against someone and someone interrupted my match so I had to play them. ......Good job really since I was getting my arsed kicked, but still, that shouldn't happen.
lol thats funny


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So is anyone else having issues with matchmaking on the PS3 version ?
I cant find player or ranked matchs (No custom,no quick,no championship)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wtf how many CP do you need to upload a replay. I had ~60k and some HARD matches and had really good final against an E Honda which I BARELY won. I wanted to retain that replay to watch again :(

It really sucks that you can't save your replays locally from any match you want, what an oversight.

also :lol el fuerte is garbage. I got a guy that was pulling that RSF on me, throwing me all over the place and generally schooling me. Then he wall jumps at me, I hit him with blanka ultra as he lands and then hit him maybe 3 more times for the win. Both rounds :lol
catfish said:
wtf how many CP do you need to upload a replay. I had ~60k and some HARD matches and had really good final against an E Honda which I BARELY won. I wanted to retain that replay to watch again :(

It really sucks that you can't save your replays locally from any match you want, what an oversight.

also :lol el fuerte is garbage. I got a guy that was pulling that RSF on me, throwing me all over the place and generally schooling me. Then he wall jumps at me, I hit him with blanka ultra as he lands and then hit him maybe 3 more times for the win. Both rounds :lol
More like Blankas Ultra is retarded in dmg. Its the highest dmg ultra in the game.

Blanka is probably the easiest char in the game to use as well.

Ball Ball Ball.. Cross up.. Electricity Ultra... blah blah.


Fersis said:
So is anyone else having issues with matchmaking on the PS3 version ?
I cant find player or ranked matchs (No custom,no quick,no championship)

This has been the case for the last couple of days. I don't know what it is, but I have huge regrets going from the 360 to PS3 version. Meh.


Note to potential employers: mainlines heroin
Does anyone know of a very good arcade stick that is inexpensive. I hate the 360 analog I'm not consistent on my moves with it. I have an x-arcade stick but they don't make adaptors for the 360 which is a shame. If anyone has any suggestions I would be thankful.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
TurtleSnatcher said:
More like Blankas Ultra is retarded in dmg. Its the highest dmg ultra in the game.

Blanka is probably the easiest char in the game to use as well.

Ball Ball Ball.. Cross up.. Electricity Ultra... blah blah.

nah, well, he's simple to pick up, but so are most of the characters. But he gets punished six ways from sunday for most of his shit. esp balls. His ultra is freaky damage though, and it's easy to connect as well. a lot of people forget about it.

Does anyone know of a very good arcade stick that is inexpensive. I hate the 360 analog I'm not consistent on my moves with it. I have an x-arcade stick but they don't make adaptors for the 360 which is a shame. If anyone has any suggestions I would be thankful.

Madcatz SE


the SE is great. I've ordered parts for mine from sanwa, but you don't have to do that. see how you like it then get them if you want a TE level stick.


TurtleSnatcher said:
More like Blankas Ultra is retarded in dmg. Its the highest dmg ultra in the game.

Blanka is probably the easiest char in the game to use as well.

Ball Ball Ball.. Cross up.. Electricity Ultra... blah blah.

it's easy to punish a blanka that doesn't know what he's doing though. especially the ones who abuse the amazon river run.


dabbled in the jelly
Is it just me or is the hardest computer difficulty easier than all previous SF games especially the final boss? This is the first SF game I was able to beat on the highest difficulty with every character in the game even the ones I suck with. It is hard to train when the AI is so damn horrible. Is there an unlockable expert difficulty setting?


Shaheed79 said:
Is it just me or is the hardest computer difficulty easier than all previous SF games especially the final boss? This is the first SF game I was able to beat on the highest difficulty with every character in the game even the ones I suck with. It is hard to train when the AI is so damn horrible. Is there an unlockable expert difficulty setting?

If you're trying to train by playing the AI you're doing it wrong. The only way you're going to get better is by playing real people.


dabbled in the jelly
henhowc said:
So what are your guys thoughts on what Justin Wong said about the Gamestop Tournament/ Exhibition:


"I'll be the Fatal1ty of console gaming." :lol
After watching a lot of his SF4 matches I can't make fun of him for EVO 2k4 anymore. I definitely think he has a damn good chance to win this years EVO. Daigo beat his Rufus but I suspected he treated it as an exhibition after watching his poor performance. He beat everyone but Daigo with freakin Rufus of all people. I think he will finally put the shame of Daigo's SF3 ownage behind him at EVO 2009.

Having said that he claims that he beat Daigo 10-4 in Japan which I believe him. However if that is true then Daigo would have fixed every hole in his game that let Justin beat him. Daigo is the type of fighter that is near impossible to beat the same way twice. I can guarantee Justin that Daigo will be GREATLY improved by the time EVO comes around.

Honestly I was impressed by both of them and how they took out Iyo's Dhaslim in that round robin. Justin's single-handedly got people to look at Rufus more seriously. I seriously can't throw any salt on his SF4 game.


dabbled in the jelly
henhowc said:
If you're trying to train by playing the AI you're doing it wrong. The only way you're going to get better is by playing real people.
I do both. My training with the AI is what helped me to beat my circle of friends 22 to 4 last week and I never use to be the Street Fighter guy in our circle. I would rather train with a great player but I don't have XBL so my options are limited. I just find the AI in SF4 unusually easy for a SF game especially Seth. Capcom use to program much better AI in their SF games.
I admire and respect Justin Wong's skills at SFIV, esp. the fact that he's such a beast with a lot of characters. But he seems to take this 'rivalry' really personally now. It feels like Rocky IV, Wong practicing like hell while staring at a picture of Daigo he posted on his mirror, lol. :lol

Daigo is a robot, so I really don't think he gives a shit. He doesn't have anything to prove to anyone anymore.


catfish said:
wtf. can't believe I didn't try/think of that.

I think I read about it here, a million or so posts ago...

Anyway, once you start using that "tactic" Honda fights go from your ass being broken every which way to a proper, enjoyable fight.


BotoxAgent said:
Daigo is a robot, so I really don't think he gives a shit. He doesn't have anything to prove to anyone anymore.

Daigo doesn't give a shit because he probably plays and beats Japanese players that are equal to or possibly better than Justin on a daily basis.

No one who knows anything about SF is doubting his skill. Its just that he comes off as a whiner when he loses. The type of player who is all "hype" (I hate that term haha) when he's winning (Raise the Rufus anyone?) but when he loses he sulks off the stage and makes complaints about why he lost. I could see why people are so down on the guy.

He sure wasn't complaining about the Rufus v. Ryu match-up when he beat Poongko
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