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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

BigAT said:
Do any Blanka players have any advice on how to deal with Cammy? She's the one character I feel like I have no chance against.


Any Cammy players know how to deal with Blanka?! Grrrr...

Seriously, I have so much trouble with you. Can't have a close up game because of your electricity attack. It's really hard to tell if you're standing or crouching so hooligan combos are a total guessing game (throw or kick?!). Plus the massive arc hit bot on your normals totally dominate SAs and Hooligans. Do vertical balls have priority over canon spike? I always feel like they do. It's impossible to jump in or cross you up. Plus you have that little parry move with PPP. OH, and your sliding HK is ridiculous.

You've got it made, blanka player ;__;
My main is Ryu and has been for the past 15 years. He's a pretty well rounded character so a good choice for rushing or turtling I guess. Anyways the funny thing is that I use to turtle myself back in the old SNES days. But those days are long gone and I can't stand that strategy, especially for characters like Ken and Ryu. I'm not rush king, but I'm definitely coming forward or staying in my opponents face in every match. I guess that's why Zangief is my favorite opponent now, those Gief players must be surprised to see player not jump back more then once.

As for getting under there skin. I even fail at doing that. I'll lose my patients and go after my opponent. Man I wish I had poongko's skills so I can hunt down these turtles. I have to say one thing, the high percentage of turtles have made me spam throws and crossovers. I never use to use those 2 that often. But because I don't want to spend entire rounds chasing after my opponent, I try to pin them to a certain spot and keep them there.


MicVlaD said:
Happened to stumble upon Mr Wizard from Shoryuken.com yesterday in Championship Mode. He picked Rufus, and he (indirectly) taught me a valuable lesson: Rufus' Ultra on block is NOT punishable with Dhalsim's Ultra, as he EX Messiah Kick'd out of there right before it connected. Noticeably reduced my odds of winning the last round (score was 1 - 1) when that happened. :[ Good game though, didn't mind losing to him at all and I simultaneously learned something new anyways.

Wiz has an o-k Rufus. Doesn't fare very well in mirrors (which are generally retarded with Rufus anyway)
Rice, remember it's just a game. There's no disrespectful/respectful tactics. Anything goes.

With Ryu, you shouldn't have any problems closing space. Just don't jump in alot because the shotos have long hangtime on their jumps. So if a dude is turtling and you jump in, you are playing right into their hands and going to eat an easy AA attack.

Do what you gotta do to close the gap. FA dash in. Zone them and keep pushing them back into the corner, then you can really kick some ass.

Dunno if this has been posted. Curious to see reactions here. East Coast tournament finals : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS3sb96egQM&feature=PlayList&p=290385D62EEC4DD5&index=14

Share your thoughts and I'll share mine.
Faced a LOT of Akumas, Ryus and Kens today, but between them a surprising amount of Sakura and a couple Balrogs that gave me a lot of trouble

Any Blanka players with tips against Balrog?

As far as Cammy, She's very easily punishable, and all you need to really do is keep her at bay with electricity. I find that when I fight cammy a lot of my combos end in electricity because its harder for her to deal with.


So I just started using my new SE stick that just arrived today. ;__;

This is going to make my win ratio PLUMMET! I can pull of circular special moves fine, DP motion is about 70% but as part of a combo - no chance. I'm also having a HUGE problem with up/down charge moves - I seem to just stand up when I miss, not even jump. Maybe I need to make everything more pronounced? I know it's going to take some time to get used to it.


The Abominable Snowman said:
Any Blanka players with tips against Balrog?

I find that playing with the distance of your ball a lot can help confuse Balrog players and give you an advantage. Do MP ball and then try to do a throw if they're still blocking. Sometimes I can do LP ball and then go straight into electricity and they'll charge punch and get shocked. Just keep changing constantly and be unpredictable. You need to be more careful than usual because he can punish Blanka much easier than most characters.
I'm terrible with focus attacks though. I have tried using them in games against Akuma's and Sagat's that spam projectiles. My success rate with FADC a oncoming fireball is probably 1 out of every 3. Then I quickly ditch the strategy and just try to jump projectiles the rest of the match. I know I know, I should practice. I wish I had a friend over flinging fireballs at me just so I could do that instead of trying to do it online when all I care about it winning.
Rice-Eater said:
I'm terrible with focus attacks though. I have tried using them in games against Akuma's and Sagat's that spam projectiles. My success rate with FADC a oncoming fireball is probably 1 out of every 3. Then I quickly ditch the strategy and just try to jump projectiles the rest of the match. I know I know, I should practice. I wish I had a friend over flinging fireballs at me just so I could do that instead of trying to do it online when all I care about it winning.

training mode -> record action -> practice FADC -> profit


BigAT said:
Do any Blanka players have any advice on how to deal with Cammy? She's the one character I feel like I have no chance against.

Have you played against Balrog yet? :)

ETA: Nevermind, I see you know the match-up. =p Out of all of the Balrogs I faced while playing with Blanka, I think I won maybe 3 matches. I'm couldn't break the habit of whiffing the ball. And when I do, I just feel useless.

And I realized why it's so hard for me to block cross-ups: on the 360 dpad, sometimes when I mean to hold forward or back, my character is still crouching. I guess I just have to commit more to the button presses (while trying not not to accidentally jump, either).
Caj814 said:

Someone needs to caption this



Even though I'm a pretty shitty player, there's something so addictive about this damn game that makes you keep going back thinking you can do better. Yesterday I had one of those 1 out of a 100 match moments. I was playing a pretty slick rufus in the 5k or 6k GP range. I could tell from the get go this guy wasn't messing around. But somehow everything clicked for me and I was able to juggle into ultra with cammy off of a hooligan's combo. I'm not a very good storyteller, but I felt pretty fucking great afterwards and it's moments like those that keep me coming back.

Just had to share.

Also, yesterday I finally sat down and forced myself to learn some FADC combos. I can get fadc+ultra down pretty solid but I'm having trouble with C.Spike xx FADC + C.Spike. I can get as far as the dash but my brain just breaks at that point and I always forget to put the motions in fast enough for the second C.Spike. I have a muuuuch higher appreciation for people pulling those off like nothing in the replay vids now.
myDingling said:
Even though I'm a pretty shitty player, there's something so addictive about this damn game that makes you keep going back thinking you can do better. Yesterday I had one of those 1 out of a 100 match moments. I was playing a pretty slick rufus in the 5k or 6k GP range. I could tell from the get go this guy wasn't messing around. But somehow everything clicked for me and I was able to juggle into ultra with cammy off of a hooligan's combo. I'm not a very good storyteller, but I felt pretty fucking great afterwards and it's moments like those that keep me coming back.

Just had to share.

Also, yesterday I finally sat down and forced myself to learn some FADC combos. I can get fadc+ultra down pretty solid but I'm having trouble with C.Spike xx FADC + C.Spike. I can get as far as the dash but my brain just breaks at that point and I always forget to put the motions in fast enough for the second C.Spike. I have a muuuuch higher appreciation for people pulling those off like nothing in the replay vids now.

Just take your time on that one. They actually have to fall down quite a bit before you land the 2nd c.spike, so there's no need to rush the input.
myDingling said:
Even though I'm a pretty shitty player, there's something so addictive about this damn game that makes you keep going back thinking you can do better. Yesterday I had one of those 1 out of a 100 match moments. I was playing a pretty slick rufus in the 5k or 6k GP range. I could tell from the get go this guy wasn't messing around. But somehow everything clicked for me and I was able to juggle into ultra with cammy off of a hooligan's combo. I'm not a very good storyteller, but I felt pretty fucking great afterwards and it's moments like those that keep me coming back.

Just had to share.

Also, yesterday I finally sat down and forced myself to learn some FADC combos. I can get fadc+ultra down pretty solid but I'm having trouble with C.Spike xx FADC + C.Spike. I can get as far as the dash but my brain just breaks at that point and I always forget to put the motions in fast enough for the second C.Spike. I have a muuuuch higher appreciation for people pulling those off like nothing in the replay vids now.
Its all muscle memory.

I've gotten really good at L2 FA's on a guy waking up then going straight into a super or ultra.. Catches people off guard like crazy.. Or L2 FA then dash forward if they block into throw..

Its weird.. I never play Ryu.. NEVER

But I went into training with him like a month and a half ago and was able to do his Dragon Punch FADC Ultra maybe once every 15 tries. 50% of those successful attempts would still be bad since the Ultra would only hit once because I did it too fast.

Been playing more and more not with Ryu though over the next month and a half and just the other day I went back into training with him just to see.. and I was able to pull off the Dragon Punch FADC into Ultra 7 out of 10 times. It was pretty awesome. And every single one hit fully .. I never did it too early.

Just takes time and you will get the hang of it. I can't do his hard trials though.. I can't get the whole "jump in HK" then "Standing FP" then "Dragon Punch" then "FADC Ultra" thats so hard... Because I always spam the Dragon Punch and he does the super instead lol.

I wish the challenges didn't give full super/ultra .. only the bars you needed.


Oh and I can't do Ryu's thing in a match either.. That will probably be another 6 months :lol

qcf x2

Rice-Eater said:
My main is Ryu and has been for the past 15 years. He's a pretty well rounded character so a good choice for rushing or turtling I guess. Anyways the funny thing is that I use to turtle myself back in the old SNES days. But those days are long gone and I can't stand that strategy, especially for characters like Ken and Ryu. I'm not rush king, but I'm definitely coming forward or staying in my opponents face in every match. I guess that's why Zangief is my favorite opponent now, those Gief players must be surprised to see player not jump back more then once.

And that is exactly why I turtle/run the entire match depending on who I use, because Capcom made it so that shitty little tactics like jump kick sweep are devastatingly dangerous to attempt to counter online. If I could see who my opponent picks I'd counterpick Sakura for every Ryu I face and just squat and hit FP until they decide they're ready to show some intelligence and formulate a legitimate gameplan as opposed to polishing their laminated flowchart. Kudos to Capcom for making him(and to a lesser extent Zang and Sagat) so EasyMode in this game.

That and stupid hitboxes (hello Balrog, Honda and Blanka)...first effort, that's what I keep telling myself. The game is fun but I don't even wanna play a shoto if he's just gonna scrub it out. Even with an easy victory I feel heated. This is supposed to be chess, not checkers! Show me something different, I've played a million Ryus and there was little to no difference between them. I may have played 3 or 4 that genuinely impressed me since I bought SF4. That's sad.

@MicVlad- I personally hate the inconsistency of jabs. If I jab and I hear the jab but I get thrown, there's something slightly off there. I don't like how massive combos can start with a jab, though. ffs Ken can give you a half-stun just from jab-->ex hurricane.
somebody was talking about infuriating losses earlier.

i think the most infuriating is to lose to some assload of lag, thats pissing me off like nothing else. its the worst with zangief, blanka and srk spamming ryu&ken. zangiefs lariat-range doubles and his air-attacks trade hits with you every fucking time, good game. blanka sucks too since you cant approach him and block his ball-attacks on reaction anymore. ryu and ken..... its simply embarrassing.

its not a constant phenomena, but its almost enough to ruin the game for me. i hope KoF XII will handle this better.

oh, and i made it to G1 before going offline. made a custom search and found one whooping player!
qcf x2 said:
And that is exactly why I turtle/run the entire match depending on who I use, because Capcom made it so that shitty little tactics like jump kick sweep are devastatingly dangerous to attempt to counter online. If I could see who my opponent picks I'd counterpick Sakura for every Ryu I face and just squat and hit FP until they decide they're ready to show some intelligence and formulate a legitimate gameplan as opposed to polishing their laminated flowchart. Kudos to Capcom for making him(and to a lesser extent Zang and Sagat) so EasyMode in this game.

I'm fine with jump kick sweep not working, what I can't stand is excessive backwards jumping. It's like the foward button doesn't work among 80% of those who have purchased SF4. My favorite matches are chess matches where me and the other guy stay in each others face and try to avoid jumping at each other unless we see a fireball coming. But instead I'm treated to one marathon after another. And if I have to chase your ass from one end of the screen to another I'll use some of the so called cheap tactics(throws/crossovers) as much as I can to win.

Augemitbutter said:
somebody was talking about infuriating losses earlier.

i think the most infuriating is to lose to some assload of lag, thats pissing me off like nothing else. its the worst with zangief, blanka and srk spamming ryu&ken. zangiefs lariat-range doubles and his air-attacks trade hits with you every fucking time, good game. blanka sucks too since you cant approach him and block his ball-attacks on reaction anymore. ryu and ken..... its simply embarrassing.

That would be me, I don't think anything is more infuriating then bad execution. I've lost several matches where me and the other guy are almost dead. I knocked a guy down, he has like 2% life left and I have one EX bar. I throw the EX fireball too early and miss, he then gets the opportunity to beat me and he does. And there are other examples such as missing the Ultra after a LP Shoryuken and more stuff like that. Lag sucks, but it's not your fault. Bad execution is your fault and that's why I find it more infuriating.


Well, if anyone wants to play a total non-turtler shoot me an invite on Live: illegalwiretap. I'm way more careful than I used to be, especially now using Gen but I never make people chase me. Gonna try to be on later tonight...
Caj814 said:
I make one post about SF4 on my facebook and all of a sudden this keeps popping up :lol


EraldoCoil said:
man i'm gone for like a week and a half due to finals and when i get back GAFchat is dead :(

super sad face.....

What have I done! I have failed u GaF

Rice-Eater said:
I'll use some of the so called cheap tactics(throws/crossovers) as much as I can to win.

What, how could you be so cheap!


good credit (by proxy)
I'm thinking about getting a TE stick Hori. then you motherfuckers are going to pay even dearlier. I've been ready to explode like mt. st. helens since the evening of may 27 and 28.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
650 pages... the fuck. Also, I started playing SFIV a little bit more and haven't been getting my ever loving ass beat down. I lost my already shitty skills. :(

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I can't get the whole "jump in HK" then "Standing FP" then "Dragon Punch" then "FADC Ultra" thats so hard...

hmm that's the trial I'm going for now with Ryu as well.

Tricky stuff. I don't know whether to cancel the FA forward or backward. Backwards 'feels' easier to me and sometimes work, but i'm too slow on the ultra just now and usually get the double fireball coming out.

trials are fucking nightmare, I'm a dirty turbo abusing whore in those things, fuck actually learning the timing on most of them. Got Bisons completely finished yesterday, my first one! next up fuerte I think.

I might start learning fuerte actually. He's crap, but yet so awesome. i feel like people get wise to his run shenanigans quickly. but he feels more fun than bison. I main blanka and I'm trying to learn bison, but bison feels like I'm stuck in down back permanently and i eat a lot of shit for it.

650 pages... the fuck. Also, I started playing SFIV a little bit more and haven't been getting my ever loving ass beat down. I lost my already shitty skills. :(

It's that good.


Good games, Mimic - keep being aggressive with Guile although obviously be careful not to get sloppy. Gen punished you a couple of times when you got sloppy. :p

My Gen had to bail the fuck out a couple of times because your Guile was being too aggressive.
I think Guile has a cross-up attack, right? You should bust that out once in a while since an aggresive in your face Guile can be quite demoralizing.

I also need to FA your cr.RH since I let it go unpunished too many times. :lol

Your Fuerte also should start using the wonderfully awesome cross-up jumping fierce. Once I got Guile with the cross up jumping fierce, he was having so much trouble trying to get away.


Arde5643 said:
Good games, Mimic - keep being aggressive with Guile although obviously be careful not to get sloppy. Gen punished you a couple of times when you got sloppy. :p

My Gen had to bail the fuck out a couple of times because your Guile was being too aggressive.
I think Guile has a cross-up attack, right? You should bust that out once in a while since an aggresive in your face Guile can be quite demoralizing.

I also need to FA your cr.RH since I let it go unpunished too many times. :lol

Your Fuerte also should start using the wonderfully awesome cross-up jumping fierce. Once I got Guile with the cross up jumping fierce, he was having so much trouble trying to get away.

Were you mailrade? I played a couple GAFers that were Gen AND Fuerte :lol

And yeah, I'm trying to be more aggressive with my Guile (some guy who called me a turtle hurt my feelings ;_;). As for Fuerte, eh....I can improve VASTLY with him. But every time I learn something new (like the cross-up jumping fierce), I completely forget about it and just wing it. :)

ETA: Finally G3-A (still playing more player matches than championship, tho :lol) I lost to some hardcore scrubs along the way...and out of 3 finals, only won 1....against a wake-up Ultra forward-kicking Ken. :-/


MIMIC said:
Were you mailrade? I played a couple GAFers that were Gen AND Fuerte :lol

And yeah, I'm trying to be more aggressive with my Guile (some guy who called me a turtle hurt my feelings ;_;). As for Fuerte, eh....I can improve VASTLY with him. But every time I learn something new (like the cross-up jumping fierce), I completely forget about it and just wing it. :)
I think the other Gen and Fuerte is Turtlesnatcher. The jerk likes to copy the characters that I play for some reason. :p


Arde5643 said:
I think the other Gen and Fuerte is Turtlesnatcher. The jerk likes to copy the characters that I play for some reason. :p

It's nice to get away from the Ryus/Kens/Zangiefs/Sagats for a while :)

ETA: Can't remember if it was you or Turtlesnatcher, but everytime I tried to cross-up Fuerte with Guile, I got thrown. So I just stopped trying :-/
Pop On Arrival said:
first time I've heard cross ups are cheap.


It's about honor. Back in the day when you played in the arcade, doin stuff like that and tick throwing was enough to start a fight. There was actually this one time someone got shot over tick throws, and he was warned too. It's easier to do this stuff online since you don't have to see the other person's face, but that's called having no shame. Play the game right.


FindMyFarms said:
It's about honor. Back in the day when you played in the arcade, doin stuff like that and tick throwing was enough to start a fight. There was actually this one time someone got shot over tick throws, and he was warned too. It's easier to do this stuff online since you don't have to see the other person's face, but that's called having no shame. Play the game right.

Winning is playing the game right. Shooting someone over a video game is psychopathic.
Yeah basically I'm not saying they are cheap, just acknowledging that a lot of people consider it(throws, cross up) cheap. It's my way of trying to piss off other people for pissing me off for running the entire match. I think many people in this thread have posted how they've received hate mail due to using these tactics. So you can see that there is a generally dislike for this strategy like it's breaking some kind of unwritten code. Hell, when it happens to me I call them cheaters to(just talking to myself) :lol


I don't get mad at the person for doing a cross up; I get mad at myself for not blocking it :lol The more you get crossed up, the better you become (if you're actually learning from your mistakes, of course).


seriously, i am considering selling my copy.
i have bad temper, i have destroyed two dual shock 3s in frustration. i never send hate mail though.
PS: I only use bison, there are some mother fuckers in the game bison has to work hard to win.


seriously, i am considering selling my copy.
i have bad temper, i have destroyed two dual shock 3s in frustration. i never send hate mail though.
PS: I only use bison, there are some mother fuckers in the game bison has to work hard to win.
pls don't start using Guile/Claw/Fuerte/Fei Long/Sakura/Rose/Cammy - kthxbye.
Good games MIMIC.

I was the one that used Fuerte, Gen, Honda, Vega. MINI Pez is my Tag.

Obviously Fuerte is my main. Gen is my secondary.. Honda and Vega are kinda like fun off characters. Oh and I played your Fuerte with my Ryu who I never use lol.. (I won too!) Just shows how DP is retarded!

I crossed you up nonstop with Gen and Ryu.. I was being a bitch. =p

My Fuerte used FP cross up on your guide then canceled into run a few times. I think I got you dizzy off of it one round.

Good games I'm shocked my Vega got 2 rounds out of your Guile!

I finally got to G2-B tonight. The last 290 or so points were brutal. What is with no one playing shoto characters anymore? Its pissing me off.. I finally have an awesome cross up and these fuckers disappear? I now only find Seths, Blankas, Hondas, Bisons and an occasional Abel. I fought more of those then shotos tonight.

Though I played against a Ryu that schooled me the first round.. Then the second round I won pretty decisively and the 3rd round I dominated and perfected and dizzied him. He had gotten to the finals and this was a finals match and had more CP then I did in his tournament .. He must have felt so demoralized by then :( I was also able to use my cross up on some Fuerte's I fought tonight. It was awesome. Some guy had Fuerte Icon and Title and all and I perfected him one round.. :lol

Anyways broke my CP record barely tonight and got to upload a new replay. I keep getting low CP totals at the end of my tournaments .. :\

I uploaded the replay on YouTube.. I just ultra'd to win both rounds because he kept making unsafe jumps. I played horrible too.


(May still be uploading at time of this post)

bob_arctor said:
Well, if anyone wants to play a total non-turtler shoot me an invite on Live: illegalwiretap. I'm way more careful than I used to be, especially now using Gen but I never make people chase me. Gonna try to be on later tonight...

Heh I've played you before w/o even realizing.

that's y i say this game is extremely unbalanced kthxbye

This game is the most balanced SF yet.. Its pretty close. Bison is actually a really good char too.. Yea every char has their flaws.. How bout you play against a Blanka with a Fuerte but in the end any char can win. A claw can beat a Sagat. It takes a shit ton more work but its possible. And with our skill on GAF (minus a few) the tiers won't matter much.


The balance is pretty good, save for the console characters and Claw/Guile, who feel super unfinished. Everyone else can hold their own. That's not to say that there aren't some pretty glaring advantages to the top tier, such as Rufus/Ryu/Sagat/Boxer being able to combo an ultra off of half of their movesets.
MGrant said:
The balance is pretty good, save for the console characters and Claw/Guile, who feel super unfinished. Everyone else can hold their own. That's not to say that there aren't some pretty glaring advantages to the top tier, such as Rufus/Ryu/Sagat/Boxer being able to combo an ultra off of half of their movesets.

Seth is a console char.. seems to be holding his own just fine. The console chars I think are fine minus maybe Rose and Sakura needing a bit of loving.
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