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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


myDingling said:
Ughh@Ryu's LP SRK trade into Ultra....NERF NOW PLZ.

I've had it done to me so often (and by some crappy ass people to). I'm convinced now of its n00bness :)

Oh, and I encountered a weird glitch in the game. I was Fuerte and did a running slide against a standing Sagat. I went right through him :lol Never happened before. I forgot to ask the guy if he saw it also. I'll ask him whenever I get back on.
weirdest glitch I've ever encountered was me doing an EX SBK with Chun right NEXT to the guy and have it completely whiff. It wasn't lag too cause I was playing with 5 green bars with a dude that lives like 10 minutes away from me. He didn't even have to block it or anything, it was like he wasn't even there.


BitchTits said:
Had a "WTF!" moment today too. On random I got Honda, vs Ryu. At one point I went in to do Oichi throw and Ryu does his Super, as the screen slows down, you could see Honda animation for Oichi had already started, the Super went straight through Honda and the throw connected! Was that another oddity of the game (or lag?) or is going through fireballs a common property of the Oichi throw?
Works on Dhalsim's Ultra too.


good credit (by proxy)
Rice-Eater said:
I think throws(command or regular) beat Super/Ultra projectiles. I've thrown a Ryu a couple of times who tried to use his Ultra on me. The first time I thought I was fucked until the fireball safely went through me as I grabbed the guy and slammed him.

But that's the only way I can land the Ultra in this game, in fact I won a Championship finals in G3 today because of that when I was losing against a Cammy in the final round. I was like "plz jump at me", he was like "sure", and then I was like "thank you, LP SRK>Ultra :D". I guess I should start working on my jumping MP>Ultra then :p

try this, this works for me sometimes. If you have the opponent in the corner and they're getting up, throw a slow fireball so hits them as they stand up, then immediately throw an ex fireball. A lot of times they'll try to jump but the ex fireball is too fast so they get hit, then as soon as you see the ex hit them quickly do the ultra.

if you have super meter full you can do a super instead, AND THEN an ultra immediately afterwords for megalomaniac damage, although the ultra only connects with like 3 hits, but whatever, if you hit them with that they can probably kiss the round goodbye, plus it looks cool.

also, to everyone else, it's n00by to do a predictable jump in on a ryu with ultra. I've been ultra'ed by abel and chun li a billion times for trying to throw a fireball at them on wake up, but i'm not calling those other players who took advantage of my weakness n00bs.


Mrs. Harvey
Shadow780 said:
Is it me or when ppl DC during championship mode the % counts for me as well?

I'm on 3% now when I didn't quit once.

Yep. Online play is still imperfect on all accounts.
Timedog said:
also, to everyone else, it's n00by to do a predictable jump in on a ryu with ultra. I've been ultra'ed by abel and chun li a billion times for trying to throw a fireball at them on wake up, but i'm not calling those other players who took advantage of my weakness n00bs.

Exactly, I want to smash my head into the wall every time I hand a round or the game away to wake up Ultra's that go through fireballs because I've also done it about a billions times. I think the one that pisses me off the most is Ken's Ultra. After a knockdown, I'll step back and throw a FB and he still hits me with his Ultra even though there is a gap big enough to fit like 2 more characters inbetween us. But anyways, the same logic applies.
GGs to Nintendo Punk (forgot your GAF tag).

On an unrelated note: kinda funny how I've had an (albeit low) amount of players ask me to "train" their Dhalsim ever since I started bothering with Championship Mode. Been getting a few random Friend Requests from previously total strangers due to this, even when the guy I just played against used a wholly different character before.

Today in particular I received such messages from three different people. I keep telling 'em I'd be a piss-poor so-called teacher (after a few follow-up matches since I'm polite like that!), since "my" style isn't exactly the best way to fight with Dhalsim. Blorl.

Dartastic said:
No, we've played once before a while ago. You completely demolished me. :lol
Oh, that must've been a really long time ago then! ;p

Arpharmd B said:
First time stick users: Playing with your stick planted on a hard surface, like a computer desk, does wonders. For me, I couldn't even use a stick until I did this. Once you do everything feels extremely natural and fluid.

On my lap or soft surface, I randomly jump because I am unconscious of the stick position moving. Kind of like crappy dance mats, where they slip from your feet and before you know it you are jumping on the carpet.
I don't even know how to hold the stick / handle properly. Let alone that I can't move my fingers fast enough yet to consistently use grabs or Focus Attacks.

I feel so dumb.

Shadow780 said:
Is it me or when ppl DC during championship mode the % counts for me as well?

I'm on 3% now when I didn't quit once.
Might be you. Experienced a few ragequits, my Internet connection disappeared twice on a single day and my percentage is still at 0%.
Timedog said:
try this, this works for me sometimes. If you have the opponent in the corner and they're getting up, throw a slow fireball so hits them as they stand up, then immediately throw an ex fireball. A lot of times they'll try to jump but the ex fireball is too fast so they get hit, then as soon as you see the ex hit them quickly do the ultra.

if you have super meter full you can do a super instead, AND THEN an ultra immediately afterwords for megalomaniac damage, although the ultra only connects with like 3 hits, but whatever, if you hit them with that they can probably kiss the round goodbye, plus it looks cool.

also, to everyone else, it's n00by to do a predictable jump in on a ryu with ultra. I've been ultra'ed by abel and chun li a billion times for trying to throw a fireball at them on wake up, but i'm not calling those other players who took advantage of my weakness n00bs.

I don't know dude. For me it's not so much about the fact that LK SRK can combo into Ultra as much as it is hit trades that still confirm into ultra. Punishing a jump in or hadouken I understand, but when both chars hit I'd expect some kind of neutral position to be reached or at least not allow the hardest hitting move for a character to combo off of that.

And GG MicVlad. It's true what they say about your Dhalsim @_@ You play him much differently than anyone Ive ever seen. Any pointers for me you might have?
myDingling said:
I don't know dude. For me it's not so much about the fact that LK SRK can combo into Ultra as much as it is hit trades that still confirm into ultra. Punishing a jump in or hadouken I understand, but when both chars hit I'd expect some kind of neutral position to be reached or at least not allow the hardest hitting move for a character to combo off of that.

And GG MicVlad. It's true what they say about your Dhalsim @_@ You play him much differently than anyone Ive ever seen. Any pointers for me you might have?

Bingo. I never complain if they hit me cleanly. If it trades and I get an ultra, I bite my thumb at the screen. That's just shenanigans.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Threi said:
ah never saw this.

XBL: armedcatfish

I had a rage quitting guile in player matches as well. what a fucker. he destroyed my learner bison so I slapped him around with blanka. bye bye connection during a whiffed flash kick :/


Mrs. Harvey
What's the name of that JPN player that uses Akuma real good? He lost to that famous girl using Zangief. It begins with a T. Tokio, Tokito or something.


Kadey said:
Thanks. My latest win was like that match. :D
Don't know how many times I've lost trying to Ultra with Akuma for no good reason. I quit using him cause it's just too tempting to Raging Demon.


I forgot that I played against a really good Dhalsim the other day, and this happened:

Dhalsim's Super vs. Guile's EX Flash Kick: Guile wins

So I went into training mode and tried some stuff out

Dhalsim's Super vs. Guile's L/M/H Flash Kick: trades
Dhalsim's Super vs. Guile's Super: Guile wins
Dhalsim's Super vs. Guile's Ultra: Guile wins :D
Dhalsim's Ultra vs. Guile's (L/M/H/EX Flash Kick) or Super/Ultra: trades
Dhalsim's Ultra vs. Guile's EX Flash Kick > Super: Guile wins (found this out by accident :lol)


Mrs. Harvey
comrade said:
Don't know how many times I've lost trying to Ultra with Akuma for no good reason. I quit using him cause it's just too tempting to Raging Demon.

I wait for when they go for sweeps or after an FA crumble. There was a time when I combo into it in a corner but I don't remember what I actually did to do that. And yeah, I did my FAB after he tried doing that. It was funny.

And I'm guessing replays stay on the leaderboards forever?
Timedog said:
try this, this works for me sometimes. If you have the opponent in the corner and they're getting up, throw a slow fireball so hits them as they stand up, then immediately throw an ex fireball. A lot of times they'll try to jump but the ex fireball is too fast so they get hit, then as soon as you see the ex hit them quickly do the ultra.

if you have super meter full you can do a super instead, AND THEN an ultra immediately afterwords for megalomaniac damage, although the ultra only connects with like 3 hits, but whatever, if you hit them with that they can probably kiss the round goodbye, plus it looks cool.

Super after EX hado connects, eh?


Kadey said:
I wait for when they go for sweeps or after an FA crumble. There was a time when I combo into it in a corner but I don't remember what I actually did to do that. And yeah, I did my FAB after he tried doing that. It was funny.

And I'm guessing replays stay on the leaderboards forever?
FA crumple is the only reliable way I could do it. I'd try to time jump-ins but it's hard with all the inputs.
Pop On Arrival said:
Super after EX hado connects, eh?
Ya, sick in training mode with infinite super meter. ;p
Pop On Arrival said:
Super after EX hado connects, eh?

I'm sure you meant Ultra but anyways, it only works when your opponent is right next to the wall and you're right next to him/her. So the opportunity doesn't happen often. As for the Ultra, it's cool to do but not worth it since the Ultra does so little damage. Only do it if your opponent has like 5% life left.
Rice-Eater said:
I'm sure you meant Ultra but anyways, it only works when your opponent is right next to the wall and you're right next to him/her. So the opportunity doesn't happen often. As for the Ultra, it's cool to do but not worth it since the Ultra does so little damage. Only do it if your opponent has like 5% life left.

Nope, I meant super. Since shit is impossible in an actual STREET FIGHT.
myDingling said:
Ughh@Ryu's LP SRK trade into Ultra....NERF NOW PLZ.

I use Ryu, and his ultra setup is usually what allows me to come back, as someone carelessly jumps when I have an ultra.

But I'm starting to not care for ultras anymore. It's kind of like the red turtle shell or whatever in Super Mario Kart (post OG version). The thing that irks me the most is how people will turtle once they get it or how far some will travel. There were some crazy ones in TS, where if you blocked a move, you could follow a super but there was a feasible distance. Chun-Li tries to bait a fireball and you can be ALL the way across the screen and she can still hit you with the ultra.

I'd prefer having supers like TS or ST. Just give me more, so I can use EX moves more often.

I'm still winless in G2. I can get to runnerups but never win. I was feeling good about myself when I went toward a championship. I beat a Blanka with 3000GP, then an Akuma with 14,000GP and a Guile with 4000GP. I ended up losing to a Claw.

The weird thing about this game is the cross ups. Like Claw's EX cross up, Blanka's roll or rainbow roll cross ups, etc.


Spiderjericho said:
Chun-Li tries to bait a fireball and you can be ALL the way across the screen and she can still hit you with the ultra.

The weird thing about this game is the cross ups. Like Claw's EX cross up, Blanka's roll or rainbow roll cross ups, etc.
Chun-Li can also punish all of Honda's flying headbutts on block with the Ultra, which pretty much shuts down using it at all once she hits half health. I'm still not digging the Ultra system because of the gulf between characters with lots of setups and characters like Guile and Vega.

Some characters have ridiculous crossups too. In Super Turbo I could sometimes walk under a crossup, causing it to whiff and then counter. In SF4, Ryu's got an invincible hitbox coming 6 inches out of his ass. Meanwhile, Honda's splash lasts <25% of the frames it did in previous games and the legs don't even hit.

Pop On Arrival said:
Nope, I meant super. Since shit is impossible in an actual STREET FIGHT.

I guess you're talking about training mode then. I wish I could trade the ultra bar for another super bar. I think Ryu has one of the best supers in the game, too bad I hardly ever use it because I'm always wasting the bar on EX moves and will settle for the ultra if my opponent can get me there.


Spiderjericho said:
I'm still winless in G2. I can get to runnerups but never win. I was feeling good about myself when I went toward a championship. I beat a Blanka with 3000GP, then an Akuma with 14,000GP and a Guile with 4000GP. I ended up losing to a Claw.
I had something like 6 runner ups before my first G2 win. I'm sitting at 3 wins and 7-8 runner ups now, but that first win seemingly took forever, especially when you factor in earlier losses.

Struggling with Abel didn't help, either...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Finally made it to G2 on 360 (got there on PS3 a week or two ago); had an interesting night. Amazingly, STUNNINGLY, I fought only *one* Flowchart Ken and then the rest were a bunch of awesome Blanka, Rose, Fei-Long, E. Honda, Gouken, and Guile players. No Ryu players, no Akumas, and no Sagats. Couldn't believe it! :lol

Earlier today, I also beat someone who then sent me a voice message! Been a while since I've gotten one of those. I'd like to see if I can find a way to record it and get it uploaded; it's definitely one for the Bad Loser Wall of Shame!

G3 is weird. I got my ass kicked badly by a 6000 GP player, then beat an 11,000 GP player. Got destroyed by a 7000 GP player, then managed to take down a 12,000 GP player. Since it's been a while since I've played people so much higher in ranking, maybe it's just one of those cases of them underestimating a lower-ranked player, or just not trying as hard, I dunno. Even came across a really good Dan player who beat me down, too bad he was being an ass, making snide comments and snickering into the mic. He sounded like Urkel though, so I ended up laughing way harder than he was!

This guy had to have just been playing around. He didn't do random I don't think, but was moving the cursor all around the screen like mad on the select screen. He ended up with Sakura, and he went down really, really easily. I thought he was just messing with me in the first round and was going come back and demolish me, but that didn't happen.

And this guy played an awesome Ryu; got right up in my face and poked like crazy, never letting up. I barely won and really enjoyed the match.

The sickest player I fought was an Abel user who stayed right on top of me; the way he was poking was so fast that I couldn't do much of anything when he pinned me in the corner. I was in awe, and glad I was at least able to beat him one round! :lol
GG's to Archie.

Sorry after the first match I had to unplug the stick.. No way I can go on my first day with a stick and play a GAFer and expect to win..

Oh and play people other then Bison and Honda in player matches.. Its player matches its just for fun..!!! I went around and chose a variety of characters.. even Sakura and shit who suck ass for me and you kept with your 2 damn best characters for over 20 matches! I got bored fast =[

Just some critiques

Your Honda is good.. I think you should be more aggressive though. You just seemed to turtle and jump back every single match. El Fuerte matchup vs Honda is so bad =[ Its one of his worst match ups.. But since you kept sitting back I was able to constantly pressure you with Gen and keep it up.

Bison is kind of the same way I'd say though you were going for cross ups. Just need to work on your links afterwards with scissors.

EDIT: (Also work on dashing in on FA's). Sometimes you would FA me.. it'd be blocked then you'd just stand there in your few seconds of frozeness.. I know you are trying to setup a charge so thats why you aren't dashing but remember you can set up an ultra with a dash. Just do charge back, forward, forward, back forward or its.. back, forward, back, forward forward.. I forget..

Man Claw is freaking fun. I barely play him since I played him during launch and only wall dived like crazy like a noob. But just playing him then tonight was hella fun. I stilll love his ultra even though it sucks and he can put a ton of pressure on people with jump ins and roll combos.

Anyways good games! It was a nice warmup because when I left I won 8 out of 9 or 10 championship mode games and got 2 championships really quickly!


So I played using the stick for about an hour today.. then played Archie for another hour with my pad. I should have rejected the game request to continue focusing on the stick but man I was whiffing moves and sucking today on the stick. I'm not like god awful bad where 90% of my moves whiff but a good 30-40% do. Charge characters though.. I rock with on a stick. Vega and his ultra and stuff I can whip out literally in .5 secs w/o even blinking or flinching.. but like all shoto type characters I'm spamming the shit out of the stick in the QCF directions to get the ultra out (And then I get Fuerte's EX Leg Throw and cuss up a storm :lol )

EDIT: Oh and did anyone notice? They added disconnect % to the ranked games.. I swear this wasn't on there when CE patch came out..


It would be awesome if the replay leaderboard had a sort by function so that you could find specific character match ups at specific ranks. I like sifting the board to find interesting matches, but it's kind of a chore to page through. Also, the fact that it bounces you to the top each time you finish viewing a replay is retarded. Add this feature, Capcom!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
TurtleSnatcher said:
but like all shoto type characters I'm spamming the shit out of the stick in the QCF directions to get the ultra out

go to training mode and pick ryu.

100 fireballs left
100 right
100 dp left
100 dp right.

boring, but necessary and probably the quickest way to get used to motions.

man, if all of us SF players went to an actual dojo, we could be REAL street fighters by now. haha.
Stantron said:
It would be awesome if the replay leaderboard had a sort by function so that you could find specific character match ups at specific ranks. I like sifting the board to find interesting matches, but it's kind of a chore to page through. Also, the fact that it bounces you to the top each time you finish viewing a replay is retarded. Add this feature, Capcom!

www.streetfighterdojo.com (just in case you haven't heard of it)

I swear those guys never update, though.
Rice-Eater said:
Someone explain this to me, but I just noticed it about a month ago and it still boggles me. For the first 2 months Honda was my worse match up, I think I had 9 wins out of 34 matches against Honda. And up to that point I remember only facing Seth twice, I won one and lost the other. Then one day I look at my statistical match ups again and I notice that Seth is my worse match up with me winning 41 in 125 tries. Where the hell did this come from?

I asked my cousin who sometimes will play ranked matches when I'm at work and he said he's not sure if he has faced Seth, but even if he did he didn't play him over 100 times in the short amount of time he does play. Is this probably just a mistake and has it happened to anyone else?

your losses vs seth in arcade mode got logged there also.
catfish said:
go to training mode and pick ryu.

100 fireballs left
100 right
100 dp left
100 dp right.

boring, but necessary and probably the quickest way to get used to motions.

man, if all of us SF players went to an actual dojo, we could be REAL street fighters by now. haha.

That sounds like a good idea.

Ill do that tomorrow just sit in training for 4 hour sstraight and do that.. I don't care. As long as I get the motions down.. at least it gives me a chance to also practice RSF if I want to switch to Fuerte.


Kind of like this? Watch around :30 into it



MicVlaD said:
I don't even know how to hold the stick / handle properly. Let alone that I can't move my fingers fast enough yet to consistently use grabs or Focus Attacks.

I feel so dumb.

Doing FAs and throws was probably the hardest part to learn on a stick. It is sooo easy with a controller.....

jdub03 said:
I havent read it all but he has pictures of how to hold the joystick. Might help.


I started out with a similar "holding" position, but somehow it didn't work out for me. Couldn't dash at all.
Tried out something more of the "wine glass" method and it worked out better for me. I mean it is essential the same thing, I just have more contact with the stick, which I apparently need.
Just throwing that out here.^^


Oichi said:
You mean Oicho. :D
Thank you! I wonder why I got confused. :lol

Since we've been listing them: One other thing that erks me is Dhalsim's Yoga blast not hitting standing tall opponents. I know it's an anti-air attack, but if you stand right next to Sagat and do it, the flame goes directly through his face!


TurtleSnatcher said:

Kind of like this? Watch around :30 into it


:lol :lol :lol

Just like that, only my Sagat didn't use a FA (that's a fuckin nice Fuerte in the vid, btw).

My matches tonight:

1. Played a Blanka I went 2-21 against :lol He plays almost like me (with the crazy cross-up/hop game). 80% of the matches were ridiculously close...that's probably why I played so many--I knew I could beat him but he always managed to get me with the rainbow cross-up or the EX rainbow. Everytime he did it, I tried to air throw it (I was Guile, btw). I never learned.

2. Won my first 3 matches as G3-A (had to destroy some lame ass turtles along the way). I still won't play anyone with a disconnection % higher than 0.

3. In a player match, I was Fuerte and faced a Guile (a scrubby one). He knew that Fuerte hates it when people don't stop jumping....and that's ALL he did (and threw in some button mashing LPs). So, I Tostada Pressed him about 9 times in a row. :lol

4. It's been about 2 months, but I got beat by a shitty ass Zangief. I fuckin KNEW he was going to quit after the 1st match (because it was really close) so I gave him the *Thumbs Up* icon as a way to say, "Good job, man! You're really good! Wanna play again?" But that asshole left. God I was pissed.
Hey, I noticed most people I talk to don't know about this, but there's a trick to DP'ing people that cross you up. This applies to anyone that has a move with an SRK motion.

Dragon Punching the Crossup

Ok, let's say you're on the right, and you're opponent is to the left of you. If you're opponent is attempting a crossup, when they jump over you, you hold LEFT before they cross your body, this should also cause your character to also move a little under their character. As they cross your body, you press DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD then P/K.

How this works
- Pressing left while facing your opponent counts as the forward input in the DP, since you're still facing them. When they cross you, pressing Down, down right, is still towards them, thus completing the DP motion.

Why it's useful First, it allows you to fire off an extremely fast DP. Next, moving under the person while they jump, will almost ALWAYS move you out of their attacks hit box and leave them completely open for a DP, which you can land into an ultra. For any character with a SRK type attack, this is one of the best ways to shut down crossups.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
FindMyFarms said:
Hey, I noticed most people I talk to don't know about this, but there's a trick to DP'ing people that cross you up. This applies to anyone that has a move with an SRK motion.

Dragon Punching the Crossup

Ok, let's say you're on the right, and you're opponent is to the left of you. If you're opponent is attempting a crossup, when they jump over you, you hold LEFT before they cross your body, this should also cause your character to also move a little under their character. As they cross your body, you press DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD then P/K.

How this works
- Pressing left while facing your opponent counts as the forward input in the DP, since you're still facing them. When they cross you, pressing Down, down right, is still towards them, thus completing the DP motion.

Why it's useful First, it allows you to fire off an extremely fast DP. Next, moving under the person while they jump, will almost ALWAYS move you out of their attacks hit box and leave them completely open for a DP, which you can land into an ultra. For any character with a SRK type attack, this is one of the best ways to shut down crossups.

well I for one am glad Sagat will have better defense now, since he was a little on the weak side against my awesome crossupskills


MIMIC said:
4. It's been about 2 months, but I got beat by a shitty ass Zangief. I fuckin KNEW he was going to quit after the 1st match (because it was really close) so I gave him the *Thumbs Up* icon as a way to say, "Good job, man! You're really good! Wanna play again?" But that asshole left. God I was pissed.
Hate that. I don't care who wins or loses so much, if it was a close game, it was a good one so let's go round again! One-win/lose quitters are pussies.
catfish said:
well I for one am glad Sagat will have better defense now, since he was a little on the weak side against my awesome crossupskills

Lol, this is actually an input method that's been in every SF after 2 I believe.


MIMIC said:
3. In a player match, I was Fuerte and faced a Guile (a scrubby one). He knew that Fuerte hates it when people don't stop jumping....and that's ALL he did (and threw in some button mashing LPs). So, I Tostada Pressed him about 9 times in a row. :lol

That's how you do it! Keep up the great work! :lol

But don't give him so much credit. I doubt he "knew" that jumping bit. It is just his playstyle.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
BitchTits said:
Hate that. I don't care who wins or loses so much, if it was a close game, it was a good one so let's go round again! One-win/lose quitters are pussies.

yeah don't get it either. If I get beat in player match, I want to keep playing the guy to improve. Quite often it goes though, you get beat down 2 times, learn the guys game and dominate forever after that.

Cowards run away!
Seriously considering switching to Sagat as my main now. Fuck Chun li and her useless Ultra.

clk -> clp -> fierce tiger uppercut -> cancel -> ultra is ridiculously easy. Beats the shit of me trying to pressure my enemy into a corner just to have a shot at landing my ultra, and it's also freakin' dumb that the stronger part of her ultra combo completely whiffs on certain characters. SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKSS

(and no, I haven't been losing, I've just been getting better with Sagat recently)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I'm getting better at headbutt to ultra on Balrog, landed that bad boy TWICE during competitive matches yesterday which thrilled me to no end.

I just need to work it in to my jab chains to maximise awesomeness and wow the people I occasionally beast.

Also fuck Sagat's Ultra.

That is all.
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