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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


you indeed lose 5GP in G1 first round. happened to me the first game I played in G1 against... a blanka. no one else was online except for that guy so I was like YA my first G1 game. :*(

qcf x2

Lyte Edge said:
This guy had to have just been playing around. He didn't do random I don't think, but was moving the cursor all around the screen like mad on the select screen. He ended up with Sakura, and he went down really, really easily. I thought he was just messing with me in the first round and was going come back and demolish me, but that didn't happen.

Sounds like me, maybe it was me. I pick Sakura and sometimes I win, but sometimes I play depressed and get demolished because I can't get in close without eating major damage. She truly is a horrible choice with blind select, because in some matchups she just has no fuckin chance, at least when factoring in latency where starting a combo with low sk (her only reliable means of inflicting any type of damage) usually ends in you eating a COMBO BREAKER into EasyMode ultra juggle and then having to try and crawl back within range. I just pick her occasionally because I like her character but shit...she has to jump to gain ground against anyone competent enough to know how to destroy focus attacks, and jumping in this game obviously = death.

Edit: I had like 3 Finals the other day where the opponent QUIT on me right before they died. It's just so fair that I have to fight an extra opponent, and so smart of them to forfeit the 50 pts they woulda gained by accepting the loss.

Almost as bad as that IMO is the ones that I win against people who are seriously, seriously bad. I faced a 7,300 GP Ken in the final and I think I picked Sakura. I was like, hmmm okay, logically speaking I should lose this match since she's my tertiary character and this guy probably knows what he's doing...

First round I lost 2/3 of my life because he did some random reactions to my attacks. And then I realized *sigh* this guy doesn't block. So as he comes in for a patented jump kick-sweep I anti-air him, he jumps again and I anti-air him again. Then I jump kick, sweep, bait DP, repeat. No strategy involved. It was fucking terrible. This guy is eventually gonna get to G1 and he's got no type of strategy, I kept asking myself who the hell did this guy beat to get 40,000 pts and make the finals? It's just like the Sagat I fought the other day who didn't block, either. How bad can you possibly be that you don't even attempt to block? ffs, man. G2 has fallen off, I should've grinded this past weekend to hit G1 so I can get back to 3rd Strike.


Still haven’t won a G2 final (all four matches) with El Fuerte. So close but still no luck. I love playing with him, though. Does he have any good wake-up moves? I’m having trouble with some focus attacks on wake-up. Sometimes I’ll throw (but won’t always get it in in time) and other times I’ll just try to get away by jumping or doing a guacamole throw to escape on wake-up, but it would be nice to have a better attack.

My main is probably Blanka and one thing I like to do at the beginning of the match (I think I got the tip from catfish) is a lp blanka ball that lands right in front of the opponent for a throw. Mixing that in with the river run and a vertical roll is great for playing mind games.

Well with El Fuerte, most of you know that you can control the distance of the special move after the run. At the beginning of the match I like to do the same thing to get a throw off like I do with Blanka’s lp ball. If you’re on the left side, doing a fajita buster (while holding right on the stick/d-pad) right away (without even running) from the get-go gives you enough distance to connect for the throw. It happens so fast that many times the opponent’s instinct is just to hold back to block.

Not only switching up attacks (tostada press, fajita buster, etc.) on their wake-up but also mixing up the jump distance really throws the opponent for a loop sometimes. I’ll get punished at times for guessing wrong, but it’s fun when you’re on the other side correctly anticipating what they will do.


he's Virgin Tight™
Had a hot streak with Chun today. Destroyed everybody and won 3 consecutive finals. Best part? Beating a nearly 15,000GP Ryu player. I ripped him a new one. Also defeated two Blanka's, and scored my highest CP ever with 96K in G2.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
fatty said:
My main is probably Blanka and one thing I like to do at the beginning of the match (I think I got the tip from catfish) is a lp blanka ball that lands right in front of the opponent for a throw. Mixing that in with the river run and a vertical roll is great for playing mind games.

i love the start of the round with blanka, you have lp ball throw for people that don't move, river run to catch anyone that advances or up ball to get a jump back.

the only safe move in a blanka fight is to back dash immediately best i can figure it. lp ball beats hurricane kicks at the start as well. You can usually get a feeling from the opponent that they are going to jump immediately after the first round and make them eat fierce upball as well. Blanka is such a beast if you can make the opponent scared of him.


myDingling said:
15k GP

What I don't like is that if you're dedicated enough and play enough, you'll still reach G1 Advanced, no matter how scrubby you are. That's where I start to miss the BP system and how it took away points for losing (I know that happens in higher Championship modes but I think it should be implented sooner).
Let's see: G2-E is 2,000 CP requirement. G1-E is 15,000 CP requirement. So a diff of 13,000 CP.
If you were super scrubby (lost all matches), you would never leave G2-E.
If you only won 50% of your matches and never got higher than 1 win streak, it would take a whooping 5,200 matches to reach G1-E. Surely, by that time, other fellow dedicated scrubs would also be there, and you would have learned something from the constant pummeling. :p


Rice-Eater said:
I just performed my first successful DP>FADC>Ultra in a online match. I won the first round and was winning the 2nd, so I just thought "oh why not". So I went for a cross up and immediately into EX DP, I waited till after the 2nd hit so it would pop him in the air higher and I'd have more time to do my DF motions. And the extra time really helped since I could do slower and clean DF motions(on a DS3) rather then trying to desperately mash it. Anyways the Ultra ended the round and won me some points so I've finally found a way to add DP>FADC>Ultra into my game without hit confirm. Now I only require 3 EX bars and hope that most players such as myself won't be able to react accordingly to cross ups.

And I just blew another palm>FADC>ultra with Gouken. Probably the easiest in the game and I always mess it up. This time I did only one QCF. Well at least the fireball still hit my opponent. :(

I also accidently chose Fuerte (I avoid him at the moment, was just a reflex I guess) against someone with a mic.
Didn't understand what he was saying most of the time, but I clearly heard a "Oh no!" at the beginning and a "wtf did just happen" at the end. Now I know what my opponents are thinking! :lol
myDingling said:
Made it to G2-C last night, wooo! Pretty fun night full of good matches, some of which I should've won and some of which I got really lucky on. One thing did piss me off, though. I've pretty much got down most sagat strategies (jump back +kick, tigerx100/tiger, jump in, uppercut/etc.) but yesterday I got pretty fucking pissed playing a Sagat that pretty much only used tiger knee. Because of his size and range this pretty much meant all of my moves were fucked (I play cammy if you recall). Pretty much every move I have has some kind of horizontal motion involved and Sagat's TK pretty rips through anything coming on the X axis. And it fucking kills jump ins to...that shit's overpowered.

Any tips for Cammy matchup against a TK spamming Sagat?

Which knee was he using? I find a lot of Sagat's do the lk Tiger Knee (since it's safe on block) and follow with an Uppercut. Also, if you've got crazy timing, if you can get out a CSpike immediately after he starts the next knee, that should beat it since your invincibility frames start while he's is trying to knee you in the face.

Sometimes I just end up taking one knee to the face so I can have better wakeup options. Knee spam is a bitch.

And yes, Sagat can go to hell although, it's not like a mini-boss fight with him though (I'm looking at you Gief - feel like I'm playing DMC because I have to shoot so much shit at him), so I still find it fun. It's like fighting a Ryu on crack.


Could someone tell me how this thing works? Whenever I watch video's I see people using Dhalsim's knee as anti air but if I try it out I just get my ass kicked :(
Not to be rude by why are people bitching of the quality of opponents in G2.. Obviously the cruddy people would get to G2.. its not like there is some security guard that asks for credentials and skill level at the end of G3..

People it happened.. just beat them and go on with your life. I actually prefer crappy opponents.. makes my grind to G1 easier.. Unfortunately I get owned by scrubby opponents because I'm one of those.


cammy's backdash is one of the best in the game. no need to keep blocking/take a hit when you can dashback into neutral position.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
catfish said:
it was an easy mod yeah, need a phillips head screw driver, a very small flathead screwdriver (not critical) and that's about it.

The only problem I had was getting the quick connect things off the buttons, some of em are stuck pretty hard and I used the little screwdriver as a prying tool.

I'm in amsterdam, you can check em out if you near here.

Also, they are available now in netherlands. Next day available delivered to your door actually. Only the SE version. www.consoleshop.nl has them. They deliver on time as well.

Level 8 boss Good games man, my roomate came in and wanted to play so that's why I left. Wasn't doing the 'I won 54% of the games quick run away' tactic. :lol

Thanks man!

I'm in Rotterdam, will check this out...
Yo Turtle, you heard about

>>Tekken in Texas<<

Right? It's in Dallas, also gonna have a SF4 tourney. EP (black dude at Buk's place, you might have seen him) is gonna be running it. Good event to go to!

Anyone else in Dallas on June 13th should come out, it'll be great fun.
Killa Sasa said:
Which knee was he using? I find a lot of Sagat's do the lk Tiger Knee (since it's safe on block) and follow with an Uppercut. Also, if you've got crazy timing, if you can get out a CSpike immediately after he starts the next knee, that should beat it since your invincibility frames start while he's is trying to knee you in the face.

Sometimes I just end up taking one knee to the face so I can have better wakeup options. Knee spam is a bitch.

And yes, Sagat can go to hell although, it's not like a mini-boss fight with him though (I'm looking at you Gief - feel like I'm playing DMC because I have to shoot so much shit at him), so I still find it fun. It's like fighting a Ryu on crack.

Ahh, I'm totally feeling this post. I think the guy was mixing up lk Tiger Knees with mk and shooting Tigers to zone me. I often do the take-a-hit-for-wakeup game as well which is kind of bullshit; no character should have sacrifice themselves to even have a chance, especially when it's one with low stamina.

Man, I just remembered how much I hate Sagat...I thought I had learned the match up well enough but even when you do all you can he can still fuck you up with minimal effort.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
qcf x2 said:
Sounds like me, maybe it was me. I pick Sakura and sometimes I win, but sometimes I play depressed and get demolished because I can't get in close without eating major damage. She truly is a horrible choice with blind select, because in some matchups she just has no fuckin chance, at least when factoring in latency where starting a combo with low sk (her only reliable means of inflicting any type of damage) usually ends in you eating a COMBO BREAKER into EasyMode ultra juggle and then having to try and crawl back within range. I just pick her occasionally because I like her character but shit...she has to jump to gain ground against anyone competent enough to know how to destroy focus attacks, and jumping in this game obviously = death.

Edit: I had like 3 Finals the other day where the opponent QUIT on me right before they died. It's just so fair that I have to fight an extra opponent, and so smart of them to forfeit the 50 pts they woulda gained by accepting the loss.

Almost as bad as that IMO is the ones that I win against people who are seriously, seriously bad. I faced a 7,300 GP Ken in the final and I think I picked Sakura. I was like, hmmm okay, logically speaking I should lose this match since she's my tertiary character and this guy probably knows what he's doing...

First round I lost 2/3 of my life because he did some random reactions to my attacks. And then I realized *sigh* this guy doesn't block. So as he comes in for a patented jump kick-sweep I anti-air him, he jumps again and I anti-air him again. Then I jump kick, sweep, bait DP, repeat. No strategy involved. It was fucking terrible. This guy is eventually gonna get to G1 and he's got no type of strategy, I kept asking myself who the hell did this guy beat to get 40,000 pts and make the finals? It's just like the Sagat I fought the other day who didn't block, either. How bad can you possibly be that you don't even attempt to block? ffs, man. G2 has fallen off, I should've grinded this past weekend to hit G1 so I can get back to 3rd Strike.

Is your gamertag "Eroticed?" That was the Sakura user's name.

I like playing against really good players, but sadly there's far more retards online than anything, especially in ranked. Might just go back to player matches. Only a little more than a month to go until Blaz Blue! :lol


myDingling said:
Ahh, I'm totally feeling this post. I think the guy was mixing up lk Tiger Knees with mk and shooting Tigers to zone me. I often do the take-a-hit-for-wakeup game as well which is kind of bullshit; no character should have sacrifice themselves to even have a chance, especially when it's one with low stamina.

Man, I just remembered how much I hate Sagat...I thought I had learned the match up well enough but even when you do all you can he can still fuck you up with minimal effort.

Sagat is annoying. My main is chun, so the low stamina thing can be brutal when getting hit with a sagat combo. I just wait patiently for an opening.
FindMyFarms said:
Yo Turtle, you heard about

>>Tekken in Texas<<

Right? It's in Dallas, also gonna have a SF4 tourney. EP (black dude at Buk's place, you might have seen him) is gonna be running it. Good event to go to!

Anyone else in Dallas on June 13th should come out, it'll be great fun.
My best friends birthday.. will try.. I hear SF4 starts at 2pm so I may make it.

qcf x2

Lyte Edge said:
Is your gamertag "Eroticed?" That was the Sakura user's name.

I like playing against really good players, but sadly there's far more retards online than anything, especially in ranked. Might just go back to player matches. Only a little more than a month to go until Blaz Blue! :lol

Nah, that's not me. But yeah, I usually go to Sakura when I'm bored of the non-block clones who do the exact same things the exact same way. Often I go in there and just like try stuff out, see if she has an elite counter or something, thinking she HAS to have some secrets that make her viable. And then I go to Player Matches. Thank goodness I have some quality opponents to PM with.

@Turtlesnatcher, I don't mind people not being good. You learn from having your patterns erased in front of your eyes. And I do love to help people out, I'm always sending encouraging messages, giving advice and not once have I sent an angry one (not even to droppers or people who send me hate mail). It's all about learning. But someone who simply does not block...who has reached G2...who just does jump kick sweep...that's different. They're not gaining anything from me, and I'm not gaining anything from playing them. I'm not saying they should die in a corner or even stop playing. I'm just saying that it upsets me (and it's much more depressing than it is vexing).


I am Korean.
coamithra said:
Could someone tell me how this thing works? Whenever I watch video's I see people using Dhalsim's knee as anti air but if I try it out I just get my ass kicked :(
The timing takes some practice. Too late, and you eat a ton of damage. I used to underestimate the knee's range which really hurt too. Pretty much just have to go into practice mode, or eat stuff til you get a better sense of the distance and timing.

Also, b+mp tends to work better against close jump ins etc. (Especially jokers that want to cross you up with an air hurricane kick.)
FindMyFarms said:
Dude bring your friend, it'll be the best present ever lol.
Yea.. my roommate gets enough of me playing SF4 on the main TV.. I think he doesnt want to see it in a diff enviroment other then EVO. He's coming to Vegas with me but I'm also going in early and staying later for a vacay.


Well, yeah, game over. :(

Reached G1 tonight. No going back now. Searching for games didn't return that much.

At least I was allowed to upload the replay of my last tournament. Probably the last one in a loooooooong time. :lol
got wrecked today in G1 in the first half of my playtime mostly. the 2nd round was glorious, revenge was mine :D but i really need more practice against turtle ryu/ken. all that light punch spamming is kind of wrong bundled with a turtle.

oh and still dont know whats wrong with some people (mostly in player match) lots of hatemail, whether you win or lose it doesnt matter. im not used to this kind of shit. wish you could block all incoming mail sometimes. it was fine few days ago, but today....ugh.


im starting to love fighting against boxers, as a sakura player her standing fp beats his dash punches save for the ex version :D , im sure they get surprised when we get into a standing punch contest
f0nz0 said:
im starting to love fighting against boxers, as a sakura player her standing fp beats his dash punches save for the ex version :D , im sure they get surprised when we get into a standing punch contest

PSN: GalacticAE

Let's do it.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Well, I'm getting used to stick, I think. The hardest thing for me atm is switching Gen's stances quickly in the middle of a combo or whatever, mostly because I decided to switch off the buttons for PPP/KKK. I figure that if I ever play the game in an arcade, not being used to actually having to press all 3 buttons at the same time will throw me off, so I decided to take off the training wheels.

Though, I went into training mode and turned on inputs, and it seems like just about every time I press KKK or PPP the game registers lk+mk or lp+mp, then it will register all 3 buttons at the same time. Is it possible that I'm just not pressing the buttons right or something, or is Madcatz a bunch of stupid fat jerks with their shitty SE button quality?


Second-rate Anihawk
Playing HD Remix 5 minutes after playing SF4 is funny. I keep on trying to LP+LK throw, focus attack and tech land stuff lol. Shame SF4 Honda isn't as awesome as his HDR counterpart. :p


GalacticAE said:
PSN: GalacticAE

Let's do it.

currently just on live, i got a ps3, but not gonna buy the game until i get my se and te sticks modded with cthulu, speaking of which.. anyone here got any easy to follow solderless tutorials to do so?? is it even possible to mod for ps3 compatitbility without soldering?

xbox: hershelito99

I'm in the same situation as you. I have yet to win a championship. I can get to finals, but always seem to crumble. I am pleased that I can beat 10000GP+ opponents, but I really need to step my game up.

I only play with Ryu, but I'm thinking of playing more with Dictator and trying out maybe Sagat or Rufus, as I feel like I can learn more but need some other character to use in case I get cold. And with Ryu, everyone is used to playing him.

And I don't think the competition in G2 is bad. I've run into all levels of competition. Most of them have been good.


good credit (by proxy)
does sagat have a slightly wonky wake up animation, like el fuerte?

I was in a finals and lost because I tried to throw this sagat and his jab beat my throw like 4 times, and he linked the jab into a combo. It was infuriating. Somehow I needed to time throws a bit earlier than it looked like I should have to time them, i guess, maybe?
Played some more tonight. I finally won a championship. Got my butt kicked some more. It's always a semi final or final. I'm running into Blankas, Chun Lis, Sagats, Ryus and an occasional Guile. I ran into a Cammy. He absolutely destroyed me. He did the TK downward kick. She seems like a character that can rack up quick damage through momentum and mistakes.


yeah cause sit around all day Honda didn't get 2nd at the US Nationals right..? oh wait, he did.

also - I'm pretty amazed at what a horrific match-up Honda vs Ken is.. or maybe it was just 3 bar madness


good credit (by proxy)
I ran into the same guy 3 finals in a row. Schqwick. Somehow he kept getting to the finals but i don't think he won a round against me. Just goes to show that I'm the best on the west coast maybe.


I love Fuerte and I'm OK with him but I'm SO much better as Guile. But Guile is so damn boring.




Uhg, I'm still having problems doing ultras on the stick. I seem fine in training mode, but in a heated match I'll try and pull an ultra off after Sakura's EX tatsu hits them up into the air... and I pretty much always botch it. I also randomly jump sometimes when I get a bit too excited. :lol

It gets better, right guys? Tell me it gets better. D:
MIMIC said:
I love Fuerte and I'm OK with him but I'm SO much better as Guile. But Guile is so damn boring.



Guile isn't about specials though..he's about those 1 frame links and awesome ass-kickery through use of his normals. The reverse flip kick move is the best looking move in the game; the hair keeps him in the air. SB and FK are at their prettiest when they end a combo. Nothing like a x-up to cr lk, cr lp, cr mp, "FLASH KICK!!".

I think Guile is the second most fun to play in the game, behind Cammy. She zips around while he just fights like he's in a bar fight.


Killa Sasa said:
Guile isn't about specials though..he's about those 1 frame links and awesome ass-kickery through use of his normals. The reverse flip kick move is the best looking move in the game; the hair keeps him in the air. SB and FK are at their prettiest when they end a combo. Nothing like a x-up to cr lk, cr lp, cr mp, "FLASH KICK!!".

I think Guile is the second most fun to play in the game, behind Cammy. She zips around while he just fights like he's in a bar fight.
I love Guile I just need to learn more of his links. The timing is tough. I love fighting Sagat's and Ryu's as Guile though. Really satisfying wins for me.
Okay I just got a new way to record some games and I wanted to see if you guys could give some feedback on how it looks. If it looks like ass then I will return it.

I unfortunately have to play in Standard Def if I want to record but oh well.. I guess its for those moments like recording replays or when I'm at a RanBat and stuff. I can technically record off screen like I have been doing but that just seems kinda meh since the camera has AV In but unfortunately can't read anything if its plugged in via composite or HDMI.

EDIT: I will post a new post with them.. they are uploading ever so slowly.
Killa Sasa said:
Guile isn't about specials though..he's about those 1 frame links and awesome ass-kickery through use of his normals. The reverse flip kick move is the best looking move in the game; the hair keeps him in the air. SB and FK are at their prettiest when they end a combo. Nothing like a x-up to cr lk, cr lp, cr mp, "FLASH KICK!!".

I think Guile is the second most fun to play in the game, behind Cammy. She zips around while he just fights like he's in a bar fight.
This. Guile is all about his normals, which is why I still consider him a decent character despite his flaws.
So apparently I'm not good at this game. After playing my tourney match on my friend's ps3, I went on to try championship mode and went around 0-9.

Props to you guys winning a lot of online games/tournaments.
FindMyFarms said:
So apparently I'm not good at this game. After playing my tourney match on my friend's ps3, I went on to try championship mode and went around 0-9.

Props to you guys winning a lot of online games/tournaments.

eh, it's just an off day, everyone has an off day. you beast with your rog
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